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This paper examines anomalies in the accounting procedures for the treatment of seigniorage on the Australian note and coin issue. It explains how the substitution of coins for notes leads to the unexpected result of reducing the budget deficit  相似文献   

This paper argues that modern systems of budgetary control are implicated in the exploitation and production of insecure forms of employment. The flexibility of direct labour is assumed at a very basic level in some of the core techniques of costing and budgetary control. Previous historical studies of the development of these forms of control, moreover, have shown that they were used to shift the costs of economic fluctuation from capital to labour as well as to encourage the efficient utilisation of human effort. In the light of these observations, it is to be expected that the use of budgetary targets which incorporate direct labour costs will: (1) be more prevalent where the workers are least able to resist the various forms of “flexibility”; and (2) encourage recourse to redundancies where the performance of business units within a company falls below expectation. The paper then tests these hypotheses against data from a recent survey of industrial relations practice in large UK companies. The results show, firstly, that there is a strong and positive association between the proportions of females and part-timers within the workforce and the use of unit labour costs and the direct labour cost/sales ratio as performance targets. Secondly, the use of return-on-investment (R.O.I.) targets is associated with the declaration of redundancies in business units which have failed to perform satisfactorily. For those to whom insecurity of employment constitutes a social problem rather than a managerial convenience to be celebrated as “flexibility”, these findings indicate that the accounting control systems typical of the modern company constitute part of the problem. The achievement of the long-standing trade union aim of security of income and employment will depend, in part, on changing these systems of control.  相似文献   

In late 19th century Britain it was widely accepted by leading authorities that «goodwill» was simply the purchase of sufficient expected «surplus profits» to persuade the owners of a business to part with its net assets and control, and that this expenditure should be capitalized and amortized against those surplus profits as they are realized. Although this method remains the conventional wisdom, and dominates current international regulation and practice, its conceptual foundation appears lost to modern scholars, for whom the «problem» of accounting for goodwill is «insoluble». In the first part of the paper the concepts of Marx's political economy are employed to elaborate the conventional method, which is argued to be necessary to allow the capital markets to observe the generation and realization of profit and the rate of return on capital. From this perspective, the heavily criticized decision of the UK authorities in SSAP22 to encourage the write-off of goodwill against capital is an anomaly requiring explanation. It is usually explained as either the ASC's acceptance of economic income accounting as the ideal for financial reporting, or its acquiescence to powerful managerial interests. In the second part, these explanations are criticized, and an alternative hypothesis advanced which is consistent with the limited evidence available. That, although the capital markets usually want purchased goodwill to be capitalized and amortized, in the peculiar circumstances of the UK, where unusually large portions of its manufacturing industry were closed or run down in the acquisitions and merger boom of the 1980's, writing-off purchased goodwill against capital was in the collective interest of investors because it helped to hide from public view the fact that dividends were being paid from capital.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to place a broad perspective on the problems of HRA by arguing that its objectives are wider than appear to have been admitted. Such is the importance of HRA for problems as disparate as economic efficiency, organisational effectiveness, and social effectiveness that it must become a subject in its own right with its own methodology and measurements. Many conceptual and measurement problems have not yet been adequately treated. The imediate objective of research should be a rigorous testing of the validity of the assumptions that have hitherto been relied on. Ce papier cherche à donner une vision globale des difficultés que rencontre la ‘Comptabilités des Ressources Humaines’, tout en désmontrant que les objectifs de celle-ci sont plus éstendus qu'on a voulu le reconnaftre. Face à des problèmes aussi divers que le rendement économique, l'harmonie des structures et le bien-être social, la ‘Comptabilités des Ressources Humaines’ prend une telle ampleur qu'elle ne peut que devenir une branche spéscifique revendiquant alors sa propre mésthodologie et ses unités de mesure. De nombreux problèmes concernant concepts et ésvaluations n'ont pas encore été traités de manière appropriée. Le premier objectif des recherches devrait consister en un examen profond de la validité des hypothèses sur lesquelles on s'est appuyées jusqu'ici. Dieser Beitrag versucht eine breite Perspektive auf die Probleme von Human Resource Accounting (HRA) zu werfen, indem behauptet wird, dass ihre Ziele weitreichender sind als scheinbar anerkannt worden ist. Die Wichtigkeit der HRA bezüglich Problemen, die so verschiedenartig wie ökonomische, organisatorische und soziale Leistungsfähigkeiten sind, spricht für die Entwicklung einer neuen, ganz selbstständigen Disziplin mit ihrer eigenen Methodik, Masse und Messungen. Viele begriffliche und Messungsprobleme sind noch nicht ausreichend behandelt worden. Das nächstliegende Forschungsziel solte eine strenge Prüfung der Gültigkeit der Annahmen sein, auf die man sich bisher verlassen hat.  相似文献   

近年来,一些上市公司利用长期投资进行资产交易获得高额投资收益仿佛已经成了习惯。一些不稳定的投资收益实际上是公司业绩的地雷,或许能支撑起公司暂时的繁荣,但却掩盖了公司经营与治理结构存在的问题,由此避免不了公司因投资收益剧减而业绩大滑坡的风险。因此,银行债权人应意识到,会计报表中的投资收益如果没有真实的业绩作背景,单凭利润表中的净利润说明不了任何问题。所以,本期我们将结合投资项目在会计报表中的披露,掌握投资项目对企业财务的影响。  相似文献   

随着传统金融领域反洗钱监管力度的加大,洗钱风险开始日趋转向特定非金融机构。作为特定非金融机构之一的会计师行业,其反洗钱工作日益受到关注。因此,如何有效防范会计师行业洗钱风险成为今后我国反洗钱工作的一个重点。为此,本文对FATF《会计师行业风险文本方法指引》进行了研究。  相似文献   

Public accountants have had a hard time deciding how to account for derivatives that are used to hedge risks, which in turn has given derivatives users and others a hard time. For about six years, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has struggled with several, often diametrically opposed procedures, ranging from showing all derivatives at “fair” values to deferring realized losses or gains on derivatives until related gains or losses on the hedged transactions have been realized (a practice known as “hedge accounting”). What is behind the FASB's inability to come up with a decisive and authoritative ruling? Although the politics of self-interest has fueled much of the debate, there is more to the problem than politics. The author argues that the underlying cause of the FASB's inability to reach a satisfactory and acceptable solution is not politics, but rather a flawed basic concept of how financial accounting should be done. In this article, the author recommends a procedure for derivatives accounting that was endorsed by the Financial Economists Roundtable in its 1995 “Statement on Accounting Disclosure about Financial Derivative Instruments.” The proposal, in brief, is this: Provided a company can satisfy its auditors that it is using derivatives primarily to hedge an offsetting price exposure, the firm should be given the option to use hedge accounting for that part of its derivatives position that is functioning as a hedge. All other investment or speculative uses of derivatives should be treated like other financial instruments and marked to market or fair value. Such a procedure, the author argues, is far more consistent than the FASB's recent proposals with fundamental principles of accounting that have been developed by accounting practitioners and scholars over several centuries.  相似文献   

This paper examines the challenge mounted against long established management accounting practices by Kaplan (1983) and Johnson and Kaplan (1987) from a public sector perspective. It seeks to determine the extent to which this challenge to the private sector - of a lack of innovation in management accounting practice in the face of a rapidly changing environment - holds true for public sector organisations. Furthermore, by drawing on substantive studies of management change in both the private sector and the public sector, this paper assesses (a) the tsunsfeubilitv of ideas and practices from the private to the: public sector (b) the need to study process of change and (c) the potential role of strategic management accounting as an innovative practice in addressing the agenda for change which confronts the public sector.  相似文献   

Development projects are a major means of enhancing the economic capacity of developing countries, and of channelling multilateral and bilateral funds to them. While many aspects of development projects are covered by extensive literatures, their accounts are not. The accounts and financial management of development projects have been the subject of extensive criticism. This paper reviews the special characteristics of development projects which give rise to problems and discusses ways of overcoming them.  相似文献   

The autonomous regions of Spain have responsibility for healthcare. The Galician Health Service aims to achieve a higher level of health for Galicians with an appropriate primary healthcare system. The law requires healthcare to be promoted within a system of participative management directed by an upper level of management. The healthcare system is changing, and the upper level managers are introducing new systems to improve the provision and administration of care. These changes will include the provision of accounting data in the normal course of managing.This paper is before a study of the changes. The paper provides the background to constructing a Framework and then constructs a Framework for our empirical work. It uses the constructs of information and influence with markers of the information areas and styles of influence in the form of an Information–Influence Matrix (Purdy, 1993b). It also uses personal construction (Kelly, 1955) to help create a dynamic approach to change and the use of accounting information. It finally provides a framework of our anticipations of what might happen to a Health Centre Manager and an Upper Manager.  相似文献   

This paper considers the problem of accounting for employee entitlements. Accrued entitlements to annual leave, sick leave and long service leave are evaluated by reference to the basic characteristics of an accounting liability and a case is presented for liability recognition in each instance. An empirical survey undertaken by the authors shows current practice in this area and indicates the need for improved financial reporting.  相似文献   

Accrual accounting is now being introduced in governmental organizations internationally. Some scholars have, however, questioned this development, implying that other accounting theories, like cameral accounting, should also be considered for use in these organizations. Since Norway is a country, which has not introduced accrual accounting in the governmental sector, the purpose of this paper is to study the evolution of governmental accounting in this country. Based on the Norwegian experiences, the paper aims to present some conclusions for the further international development of governmental accounting.  相似文献   

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