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Following the collapse of the CMEA, the foreign trade of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe declined drastically with dire consequences for output, incomes and employment in these countries. What options do the former CMEA members have for revitalizing their foreign trade? What impediments will have to be surmounted in each case?  相似文献   

The experiences of developing countries suggest that special economic zones (SEZs) might be appropriate instruments for accelerating the economic restructuring of Central and Eastern Europe. What functions could SEZs fulfil in the transformation process? What conditions must be met if they are to be successful?  相似文献   

China's new economic policy made headlines in December 1984 when a leading article in the People's Daily expressed the previously unthinkable opinion that the teachings of Marx and Engels could not be expected to solve all of China's present problems. What have been the main characteristics of the reform, which began five or six years ago, and how should its results so far be assessed? What are the prospects for the future?  相似文献   

The Kyoto Protocol on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions can finally come into force now that Russia has signed it. What has been the trend of emissions in the individual industrial countries in recent years? What options do the countries have? What EU strategy should be chosen for the coming negotiations on the climate regime after 2012?  相似文献   

Rasul Shams 《Intereconomics》1992,27(3):139-144
The drugs economy has now developed into a major factor in many developing countries. What effects on the economies of the countries concerned do drugs production and the drugs trade have? How should the prospects of success for substitution policies be judged? What strategy to curb the demand for drugs in the industrial countries might carry the promise of success?  相似文献   

In the past four or five years politicians in the industrialized countries and research workers as well have been making increasing use of the term “interdependence” as quintessential to the economic and political relations between the North and the South. What does this term mean? Can the extent and the effects of this interdependence be quantified?  相似文献   

The question whether European Monetary Union should include all the EC countries from the start or should initially be limited to a few core countries is again being discussed more intensely. What advantages would a small EMU have from an economic point of view? Which countries should be its founder members?  相似文献   

In view of high and rising jobless rates in the industrialized countries the solution of the unemployment problem becomes a cardinal question for politicians and economists. What factors have determined the unemployment trend since the 1960s and what conclusions can be drawn for employment policy?  相似文献   

The goal of phasing out, and ultimately eliminating, the differential treatment in trade presently accorded to developing countries was incorporated into the GATT during the Tokyo Round. What are the arguments in favour of this process of “graduation” and what would be its disadvantages? Which criteria should be applied to the selection of countries for graduation?  相似文献   

The almost total collapse of the old trade relationships with the other republics of the former Soviet Union has meant serious problems for the breakaway Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. What progress have these countries been able to make so far on their way towards a market economy? Are the problems likely to get worse before they get better?  相似文献   

Rainer Erbe 《Intereconomics》1982,17(3):125-132
Problems of indebtedness in developing countries are not isolated occurrences. The example of the Philippines, however, is for many reasons a most interesting one. On the one hand, borrowing already once culminated in a debt crisis at the end of the 60s. On the other, the Philippine foreign debt situation has deteriorated faster than that of other highly-indebted countries recently. This article sets out to analyse Philippine borrowing by using an econometric model against the background of the economic policies actually pursued. What are the prospects for the Philippines during the 80s?  相似文献   

Nick Butler 《Intereconomics》1982,17(5):211-216
In August the Soviet government agreed to the second one-year extension of the US-USSR grain agreement, which has regulated grain trade between the two countries since 1976. Although a net exporter of grain for the best part of this century, the USSR has become increasingly dependent on imports since the beginning of the seventies. What are the reasons for this? What should the US be looking for when a new, long-term agreement is negotiated?  相似文献   

The last decade has witnessed the emergence of a more global economy reflecting the continued rise in trade (especially of manufactures) as a proportion of output, a major shift of international specialisation, faster diffusion of technical progress and the globalisation of financial markets. What have been the effects of this process on developing countries?  相似文献   

A strong economic upturn has developed in Germany. But are there disparities between eastern and western Germany? What developments have there been in foreign trade and monetary policy? Are stimuli from fiscal policy to be expected? How good are the prospects for the year ahead?  相似文献   

Spain today faces simultaneously one of the world's largest immigrant populations and one of the highest unemployment rates. This difficult dilemma makes it a test case for how rich countries should deal with a surplus immigrant population. Do Spanish markets and policies make it more difficult to absorb immigrants? What policies could help? What are the consequences if the challenge is not faced successfully? This article focuses on the occupational segregation between Spanish and foreign workers. It explores whether observed characteristics (gender, age, and education) aggravate segregation, and suggests policies to promote inclusion of immigrants in developed countries. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The European Neighbourhood Policy aims at creating a ring of stable, friendly and democratic countries surrounding the European Union. While this aim is generally accepted across the Union, major differences persist as to how it should be achieved. Where does the ENP stand today? What is its profile, potential and perspective?  相似文献   

Japan is currently still characterized by a low degree of import integration in the field of finished products. What are the reasons behind this? What can be done to remove the existing trade imbalances vis-à-vis Western industrialized countries? What, on the other hand, can be learned from the Japanese?  相似文献   

The electorate has spoken — alea jacta est — re-electing President Nixon in an old-fashioned landslide for another four years’ term. What is to be expected in the internal and external economic sphere during 1973?  相似文献   

For a time in the mid-1970s, “Third World solidarity” was at its zenith and the prospect of a new international economic order appeared to be within reach. But by the Cancun Summit in 1981 the schism between the oil exporting developing countries and the non-oil exporting developing countries had become apparent. What are the determinants of relationships between these two groups of countries? What are the prospects for the second half of the 1980s?  相似文献   

Adjustment programmes promoted by the IMF and the World Bank have met with mixed success in recent years. What part has the interaction of interest groups in the countries concerned played in this connection? What lessons are to be learnt for future adjustment programmes?  相似文献   

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