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Nokia E62     
诺基亚E62,智能手机的杰出典范,为时尚精英人士必备。特有1,600万色真彩、2.8英寸高分辨率大屏幕,带给您超强视觉享受,更支持多款通用办公软件、并具有出色的网页浏览体验及全拼音字母电脑键盘(QWERTY键盘),宽大的背光式按键更人性化、更易于输入。另外,诺基亚E62拥有三重锁定功能,令信息安全得以全面保障。选择诺基亚E62,无论生活工作,精彩随时收获。  相似文献   

马文 《大经贸》2001,(6):60-61
美国麻省理工学院经济学家赫斯特加入诺基亚公司董事会时,向公司首席执行官奥利拉问道:"你们成功的密码是什么?你肯定有拿手好戏。"诺基亚1998年超过摩托罗拉公司,成为领先全球的移动电话制造公司。1999年,该公司市场份额持续增长,达到27%,2000年增长至36%,按照国际品牌咨询公司估计,诺基亚的品牌价值排世界第11位。其2000年市值为2800亿美元,是欧洲大公司中最高的,虽然美国超级巨头微软、思科和英特尔仍遥遥领先,但是随着移动电话取代个人电脑成为信息时代不可缺少的用具,诺基亚可能会把那些巨头甩在一边。  相似文献   

<正> 北京街头,各种手机的广告牌比比皆是。广告上或熟悉或陌生的美女摆出各种各样的造型,企图吸引路人,告诉他们自己手里拿的手机是“最适合你的”。 结果很令美女们失望,消费者对她们的推荐并不怎么买账。多数路人对她们熟视无睹,因为很多人都已经拥有手机,有的甚至不止一部。  相似文献   

After years of waiting, the country fully ushered in the 3G era last month when China Unicorn became the last of the three carriers to launch the service on May 17. China Mobile, the world's largest mobile phone carrier in terms of the number of users, earlier this year received a license to deploy its 3G network based on TDSCDMA, a homegrown 3G standard. Its smaller rivals got licenses based on two other widely adopted standards - China Unicorn received one for the WCDMA, while China Telecom was issued one based on the CDMA2000 standard.  相似文献   

面对举步维艰的市场,移动电话生产品牌商诺基亚已做好进一步开拓市场的准备. 2001年初对世界电信业是一个乐观的开头:年初几个月的产出有上升迹象,而且利润可能上升20%甚至更多. 但是,移动电话市场正在接近饱和点,无论是摩托罗拉、西门子,还是诺基亚,均损失惨重.事实上,移动电话的增长已突然停滞,好像是一辆高速行驶的火车闯入了缓冲地带一般.另一个问题是基站的需求更为缓慢,象是树干里慢慢渗出的树脂一般.  相似文献   

大卖场发展所遇到的挑战 近几年来大型超市的发展在大卖场(Hypermarket)这一业态模式上一枝独秀,呈现出发展速度最快,市场份额增长最快,跨地区发展最快的特点。大卖场能够如此快速发展的原因:一是功能的综合化。即超级市场发展到大卖场这一形态时真正实现了“一次性购足”,大卖场功能的综合化打压了中小型超市;二是低价的竞争优势。  相似文献   

Selling and sales management by industrial distributors is an important area of industrial product and services marketing that has been almost completely ignored by academic researchers. This study attempts to close a few of the gaps. It provides a brief review of the distributor's characeeristics and his hostile marketing environment before a presentation of findings about dktributors' sales force evaluation, compensation and evaluation methods. Conclusions are offered and a plea for further research is made.  相似文献   

全球最大的手机制造商诺基亚在2008年获得了本刊“2008年金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜”——“领袖型企业奖”称号。诺基亚中国企业社会责任总监傅蕾在接受本刊专访时说,蜜蜂“超个体”的生存哲学给了诺基亚很多启示,经济发展方式的转变与“金蜜蜂企业”内涵相契合。  相似文献   


从交易成本视角入手并结合信息系统相关研究,文章分析了制造商IT资源对其合同治理手段的影响,以及对分销商渠道投机的抑制作用。经由实地收集的数据实证检验发现:第一,制造商的IT设备越先进,越有助于其与分销商制定更细致的一般合同条款与意外情况合同条款。第二,制造商IT人员提供的支持越多,则越有助于其与分销商制定更细致的一般合同条款与意外情况条款。第三,只有更细致的一般合同条款可以有效地抑制分销商投机,但更细致的意外情况条款则无助于降低分销商的投机。最后,根据上述研究结论,文章给出了企业怎样使用IT资源来提高渠道合同控制效率的相关建议。  相似文献   


Industrial distributors and manufacturers are constantly in search of methods to increase sales and market share. While e-commerce is not new, its adoption is growing and gaining a foothold in American business. Most attention in the e-commerce realm has been on business-to-consumer-type ventures (Amazon, eBay, etc.); however it is the purpose of this paper to examine how e-commerce is effecting business-to-business transactions, specifically in fields relating to industrial distributors and industrial manufacturers.  相似文献   

Taking into account customers’ rapport with a service staff and levels of service unfairness, this paper aims to examine the role of negative meta-perceptions in predicting customers’ intention to directly speak up to the service staff following an unfair service treatment. The results show that negative meta-perceptions mediate the indirect effect of levels of rapport and service unfairness on speaking up directly to the service staff. The study offers a new explanation on why customers are hesitant to confront the service staff directly owing to negative meta-perceptions that they develop during service encounters.  相似文献   

国光 《国际市场》2001,(10):16-17
今年上半年,东方国际集团上海市纺织品进出口有限公司传来喜讯,该公司"银河"牌棉涤纶的出口销售总额达到5000万美元,预计今年出口创汇可望达到一亿美元.而在三年之前"银河"牌棉涤纶的年出口总额却只有3000万美元,比1985年的1.3亿美元,减少了整整一个亿.是什么神奇的力量使"银河"牌棉涤纶的年出口量在短时间内出现强势反弹?为摸清原由,笔者采访了该公司常务副总经理瞿元庆.瞿总概要地介绍了"银河"牌棉涤纶在品牌培育、遭受侵权、打假护优、起死回生等方面的情况,笔者从中找到了答案.  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - This case study examines the relevance of taking social and political factors into consideration when a corporation is making a key business decision. In September...  相似文献   

The international trade with weapons and its effects on the Third World are rarely mentioned in papers on international trade. This is not really surprising, given the fact that military affairs are kept very secret. Of all social science data it is probably that of the military sector which is the most scarce and unreliable. Despite these difficulties the author of the following article describes some recent trends in the international trade in major weapons and analyses their negative effects on Third World countries.  相似文献   


This research has two objectives. The first is to develop a conceptual neural network for studying manufacturer-distributor cooperation in the new product development (NPD) process and to compare the neural network directly with the traditional multiple regression. The second objective is to examine the relative importance of the antecedents of manufacturer-distributor cooperation. Data from 295 U.S. manufacturing firms are used to test the neural models. The study demonstrates that neural network analysis is a good method predicting manufacturer-distributor cooperation in the NPD process. The results also show that the ranking of antecedents of manufacturer-distributor cooperation from most to least important is: relative dependence, shared values, communication, commitment, and trust. Implications for NPD managers are offered at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

The Hebei provincial government has grabbed the initiative to reform its steel industry to compete with the big boys, particularly Shanghai-based Baoshan Iron and Steel, or Baosteel. Hebei Iron & Steel Group, the holding company controlled by the provincial government, is believed to have asked its unlisted and listed subsidiaries to work out the details of a merger plan.  相似文献   

The paper examines the extent to which collaboration between large and small companies has been able to deal with the effects of discontinuous technological change. In applying an evolutionary perspective, the paper examines the process by which technological competencies and resources of large firms evolve and its effects on the characteristics of their collaboration with smaller companies. In focusing on the issue of complementary between local and international sourcing of capabilities and resources in the mobile telecommunication industry, it combines an empirical analysis of the structure of Finnish Science Parks with an examination of internationalisation strategies of large Finnish companies. The papershows that Nokia has increasingly become engaged in sourcing capabilities internationally, this might, however, pose some long-term problems for the local embeddedness of the company in Finland.  相似文献   


This work has focused on the potential sources of conflict which may arise within an industrial distribution channel. The following sections report the theoretical bases which are applicable to this area of study, as well as the results of an empirical research work conducted in companies belonging to the Spanish chemical sector. The aims of this work were to identify the sources of conflict perceived by the manufacturers and distributors of this industry, stating the existence of discrepancies in their respective perceptions and discovering the variables able to influence the intensity with which each of these potential conflicts appears (from the manufacturers' perspective).  相似文献   

With China's rapid growth cementing the country as a global economic powerhouse, the opening up of its banking industry has been watched with great concern from all over the world.[第一段]  相似文献   

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