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This paper compares Joseph Schumpeter and Emil Lederer with respect to their visions concerning the notions of economic growth, technology and business cycles. Their theoretical investigations in a number of thematic areas seem to converge to similar views. More precisely, both Schumpeter and Lederer regard the capitalist economy as a dynamic system where the introduction of innovations is its distinctive characteristic. In such a system, static analysis based on the concept of equilibrium is useful as an expository device to describe the adjustment mechanisms of the economic system. They also paid attention to the emergence of large oligopolistic firms and considered this development as being interwoven with technological progress. Both economists used similar arguments to emphasize the link between economic development and technological change. In their analyses, Schumpeter and Lederer referred to psychological factors motivating the entrepreneur, in order to explain the forces that set in motion the process of innovation and thus economic development. The concept of technological unemployment is also described in a similar manner by both of them. Regarding the issue of business cycles, Schumpeter and Lederer considered them to be a result of endogenous processes within a capitalist economy. Lederer in his late works, argued in a way analogous to Schumpeter, that economic fluctuations are caused from the disruptions created by innovations, which are introduced discontinuously into the economic system. Conclusively, Schumpeter and Lederer delivered theses which are similar in scope and conclusions probably because they were developed in the same social, political, theoretical and ideological environment and were also well acquainted with each other’s ideas.  相似文献   

This paper compares Joseph Schumpeter and Emil Lederer with respect to their visions concerning the notions of economic growth, technology and business cycles. Their theoretical investigations in a number of thematic areas seem to converge to similar views. More precisely, both Schumpeter and Lederer regard the capitalist economy as a dynamic system where the introduction of innovations is its distinctive characteristic. In such a system, static analysis based on the concept of equilibrium is useful as an expository device to describe the adjustment mechanisms of the economic system. They also paid attention to the emergence of large oligopolistic firms and considered this development as being interwoven with technological progress. Both economists used similar arguments to emphasize the link between economic development and technological change. In their analyses, Schumpeter and Lederer referred to psychological factors motivating the entrepreneur, in order to explain the forces that set in motion the process of innovation and thus economic development. The concept of technological unemployment is also described in a similar manner by both of them. Regarding the issue of business cycles, Schumpeter and Lederer considered them to be a result of endogenous processes within a capitalist economy. Lederer in his late works, argued in a way analogous to Schumpeter, that economic fluctuations are caused from the disruptions created by innovations, which are introduced discontinuously into the economic system. Conclusively, Schumpeter and Lederer delivered theses which are similar in scope and conclusions probably because they were developed in the same social, political, theoretical and ideological environment and were also well acquainted with each other’s ideas.  相似文献   

技术资本是一种新型、独立的资本形态,是技术加速转化为生产力并创造更多价值的重要途径,对加快数字经济发展具有重要意义。在回顾国内外相关研究的基础上,首先拓展技术资本的概念内涵,明确其价值增值的目标属性;然后,运用知识图谱分析方法对技术资本研究的知识结构进行可视化分析,发现现有研究主要形成技术视角、资本视角和技术资本化过程的3种进路;随后,进一步构建一个整合式分析框架,从驱动因素、生成机制、作用机理和影响效果4个方面建立全局性视角,以把握技术资本研究情况;最后,从完善测量方法,探析技术资本与数字经济、数字技术关联等方面提出可行的研究方向。结论有助于阶段性厘清国内外技术资本研究进展,为未来更深入的分析提供参考。  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in the management of innovation is a practical and useful implementation of technology forecasting. This article proposes the concept of aniticpating the technological future, and that a structured approach to this concept could be an invaluable aid to technical decision-making. The notion of technological threat and opportunity assessment is presented as a useful framework for anticipating technological change. This notion is based on a dual approach.Firstly, a rapidly changing global technological landscape necessitates keeping track of technological developments. However, since we are dealing with innovation (rather than mere invention), the market implications are as important as the technological ones and have to be accounted for as such. Secondly, any organisation could be considered to be technology-based to some or other degree, implying that technologies have the ability to affect the bottom line of the organisation in some way. It is thus required to assess the business impact of such technologies, typically through a technology or innovation audit.Having assessed specific technological threats and opportunities facing the organisation, an innovation strategy needs to be developed in response to the identified threats and opportunities. Various possible offensive and/or defensive responses should be considered, culminating in the selection and implementation of an optimal strategy.  相似文献   

构建企业循环经济发展模式的对策思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
企业发展循环经济是落实科学发展观、实现经济增长方式根本性转变的重要途径。发展循环经济机制的构建是推动循环经济发展的必需条件。分析了企业发展循环经济的宏、微观机制的构建,探讨了企业发展循环经济的对策,进而提出了企业发展循环经济的机制与对策的基本框架。  相似文献   

杨巨 《经济评论》2012,(3):11-19
生产力概念的深化对于马克思主义的发展非常重要,考察初次收入分配与技术进步之间的关系是一个可行的切入点。在税收收入占比保持不变的情况下,劳动收入占比的下降意味着资本收入占比的上升。劳动收入占比的下降缩小了消费市场规模而抑制技术进步(消费效应),资本收入占比的提高使得企业技术投资面临更少的融资约束而促进技术进步(融资效应),初次收入分配与技术进步之间可能呈现出无关、线性或者倒U型关系,其具体关系要视消费效应和融资效应的相对强弱而定。基于中国省际面板数据的实证分析发现,中国初次收入分配与技术进步之间的关系呈现出倒U型关系,存在一个最有利于技术进步的初次收入分配格局,意味着当前需要同时保护劳动和资本的权利。  相似文献   

进入新发展阶段,中国科技发展呈现出“跟跑、并跑、领跑并存”的新特征,对科技非对称赶超提出了新要求。基于科技跨越式发展理论,对科技非对称赶超内涵进行阐释,论证其所包含的新逻辑和新机理。通过深入分析英美等发达国家的科技赶超历程,总结出其高度重视发展教育、长期推进基础研究、面向科技前沿等有益经验,客观论述其运作机制紊乱、未能持续推进、缺乏深入研究等深刻教训,并在此基础上反观中国新发展阶段的科技非对称赶超实际,提出把握战略机遇、有效集聚资源、优化人才培养、不断积累优势等政策建议。  相似文献   

All firms that depend on technology for their competitive positions recognise that keeping abreast of technology-driven business model evolution is of vital importance. However, previous studies cannot offer a concrete way of profiling trends owing to the lack of quantitative data and systematic processes. We propose a dynamic patent analysis that can identify complex relationships among business method patents and visualise trends in technology-driven business model evolution. At the heart of the suggested approach is morphological analysis (MA) for structuring different types of business models at a technological attribute level and modified formal concept analysis (FCA) for investigating technological changes in business models over time. A case study of business method patents concerning electronic shopping is presented to show the feasibility of the proposed approach. We believe our method can promote consensus-building on up-to-date trends in technology-driven business model evolution, serving as a starting point for a more general model.  相似文献   

提高高新技术企业技术创新能力的对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高新技术企业是属于知识聚集和技术密集的企业,提高企业自身技术创新能力是高新技术企业赢得竞争优势的关键,更是推动高新技术企业走向快速发展的必然途径。本文系统的分析了技术创新对高新技术企业的重要意义,从外部大环境和企业内部自身环境所存在的不足而导致高新技术企业技术创新过程所存在的问题进行了客观的分析,列举了外部环境和内部环境在高新技术企业中所出现的具体问题,同时针对不同的问题提出了相应的解决对策并作出了有益的探讨,为高新技术企业技术创新的研究提供一定的理论研究,为高新技术企业走向高级化发展提供了借鉴经验。  相似文献   

This article investigates Joseph Schumpeter's affinities with Thorstein Veblen with respect to technological change and determinism, the future of capitalism, individualism and institutions. From a methodological point of view, a common point in their analysis is their anti-teleological view regarding economics as a discipline. Also, in the Schumpeterian system, technology is the cornerstone of economic evolution and appears as the making of new combinations. In the Veblenian theoretical framework, the bearer of change is to be found, inter alia, in technology, just like in Schumpeter's works, although not without differences. They also share the opinion that technology revolutionises capitalism and has serious implications for its future as a system. Furthermore, regarding individualism, in his work Schumpeter stresses the importance of the social milieu on individual action, a fact which bears strong resemblance to the Veblenian notion of evolution as ‘depersonalized evolution’. In this sense, Schumpeter is very close to Veblen, although Schumpeter's approach could be classified in what is called institutionalist individualism, whereas Veblen could be classified as holist. Undoubtedly, the role of institutions is of great importance in both Schumpeter and Veblen. Ιnstitutions in the Schumpeterian schema play a central role closely related to the future of capitalism. Institutional and non-institutional factors enter into complex forms of interaction just like in Veblen's approach. There, institutions are part of the social milieu and their underlying framework, much wider than mere economic and social. Of course, the theoretical analyses of Schumpeter and Veblen are not devoid of differences springing mainly from their methodological approach such as the role of the individual in the capitalist process which is probably the most significant difference regarding the importance attributed to it in Schumpeter's early works. Also, the way technical change appears constitutes another difference. However, his views are quite close to Veblen's. After all, Schumpeter began to write in a social, political, theoretical and ideological environment at a time when evolutionary ideas dominated social thought.  相似文献   

发展物联网产业问题浅析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
物联网作为当前迅猛发展的新技术,已经成为当前的热点话题。物联网技术必将带来一场深刻的科技变革,带来人类科技文明的飞跃。但是,作为新兴的产业存在,发展物联网产业存在各个方面的问题。从物联网的概念和应用领域入手,认为发展物联网产业存在政策法规、技术方面以及商业模式方面的问题。借此分析,期望对物联网产业的发展产生借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This article argues that styles of innovation diffusion dynamics depend on both national and niche-specific factors and that their respective influence changes during the innovation diffusion process. Based on a review of approaches, dealing on the one hand with differences in national innovation and technology systems and on the other with process of niche formation and development, a theoretical synthesis and pattern of analysis is suggested for interpreting and comparing empirical findings from two different technology examples. The analysis of combined heat and power (CHP) in Germany, UK and the Netherlands, and of electric vehicles in Germany, Sweden and France allows us to identify different styles of innovation diffusion dynamics. These styles are determined by the relative importance of national and niche-specific factors in different phases of the process of technological change. Support in lent to the hypothesis that a style which combines impulses for innovation at both structural and niche is particularly conducive to radical change.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,国家在航空航天、通信计算机、智能制造、新材料等多个领域先后推出一系列重大科技项目,致力于突破关键技术、保障国防安全、推动社会经济发展。20世纪90年代末,我国将中高空长航时无人机研发作为重大战略性科技项目,在几乎一穷二白的困境下由高校牵头开展原型机自主研制并最终取得成功。以具有划时代意义的长鹰无人机研制历程为例,基于扎根理论归纳国家重大科技项目特征及科研组织模式,探讨模式中的关键组成要素及相互作用关系。结果发现,该模式以面向国家战略需求导向的大项目为牵引,在跨建制、跨单位、跨系统建成的国家队与产学研合作大平台的相互作用下,促成总体目标实现、人才队伍培养、产业发展带动等重大成果的正向激励反馈。在新时代背景下,该研究结论能为高校服务国家重大战略需求、更好地发挥科技创新生力军作用提供有价值的实践路径和管理经验。  相似文献   

Several researchers looking at the development of international export specialisation patterns have shown that there is a weak tendency for OECD countries to exhibit decreased levels of specialisation. This finding is in contrast to findings made by other authors, who found increasing technological specialisation. The first aim of this paper is to investigate whether these contradictory findings are due to a `real world' phenomenon, or whether the explanation is purely technical, by comparing the development of export specialisation to specialisation in terms of US patents, using the same methodology and level of aggregation. The second aim is to analyse the extent to which countries and sectors display stable specialisation patterns over time, also both in terms of exports and in terms of technology. The paper confirms that the OECD countries tend in general to become less specialised in terms of exports. The evidence is less conclusive with regard to technological specialisation, as the results are mixed in the sense that just about half of the countries tend to exhibit increased levels of specialisation, while the other half tend to exhibit lower levels of specialisation. In terms of country and sectoral stability of specialisation patterns, it can be concluded that both trade specialisation and technological specialisation patterns are path-dependent. In comparison, however, trade specialisation patterns are more stable than are technological specialisation patterns.  相似文献   

This article argues that styles of innovation diffusion dynamics depend on both national and niche-specific factors and that their respective influence changes during the innovation diffusion process. Based on a review of approaches, dealing on the one hand with differences in national innovation and technology systems and on the other with process of niche formation and development, a theoretical synthesis and pattern of analysis is suggested for interpreting and comparing empirical findings from two different technology examples. The analysis of combined heat and power (CHP) in Germany, UK and the Netherlands, and of electric vehicles in Germany, Sweden and France allows us to identify different styles of innovation diffusion dynamics. These styles are determined by the relative importance of national and niche-specific factors in different phases of the process of technological change. Support in lent to the hypothesis that a style which combines impulses for innovation at both structural and niche is particularly conducive to radical change.  相似文献   

在世界经济格局中,高新技术的发展已构成了一条色彩斑斓的风景线,经济与高新技术的互动关系亦表现出强烈的水涨船高特点。站在经济是高新技术成长最强大推动力的角度看,可以认为有四个发展要素是今天和下世纪初所独具的,它们将决定着高新技术的未来:第一,世界经济一体化的新形式——跨国集团以直接投资的方式进行的竞争对抗,使技术扩散具有新的特点;第二,当代经济已进入到知识和技术为基础的经济时代,但经济利益仍是驱动着知识与技术成为发展的决定性因素;第三,可持续发展这一新思维的提出,对高新技术的发展指明了方向;第四,经济体制的变革,新的调控市场经济体系的方法,为新技术发展奠定了坚实的基础,使技术创新具备了持久的活力。  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical framework to analyse intra-industry gaps in technology, and tests it with enterprise-level data from a developing country. Following neoclassical theory, the existence of inter-firm technological gaps is explained by factor market segmentation that determines different factor prices and therefore different firms' technological choices. However, intra-industry gaps in technology may also result from the nature of the process of technological development, and from the different level of investments in technological capabilities.The empirical analysis is based on a sample of 338 industrial enterprises from Chile, and shows that it is possible to define technological thresholds, characterised by significant shifts in technology, independently of factor market segmentation. The analysis focuses on five major sectors: food processing, textile and garments, woodworking, metalworking and paper. Firms with different levels of technological complexity coexist within the same industry, and differences in technology are discrete, with different clusters sharing similar characteristics within the same industry. These results also have important policy implications for industrial development, which are drawn in a final section.  相似文献   

为探究军民融合战略背景下,中国航空制造业如何借助全球创新网络实现自主技术创新和技术“引进来→走出去→走上去”的战略意图,从历史沿革角度回顾分析中国军民融合内涵和演变过程,总结航空制造业军民融合“军转民→寓军于民→军民一体化”发展战略范式,在此基础上,借助全球创新网络理论分析军民融合战略背景下技术创新的内外部驱动力。通过对中国大飞机项目的纵向案例分析,探索并提出通过地理、组织和知识边界拓展构建研发网络,是航空制造业实现技术创新追赶和能力提升的重要途径。同时,中国大飞机市场面临全球化背景下寡头竞争格局,在国际化进程中,应采用整合、并购和合作方式优化配置全球创新资源并坚持以自主创新为主、国际合作为辅的发展思路,建成和完善自主创新体系,突破欧美技术封锁,形成军民技术创新“双螺旋”协同发展格局,进而实现核心技术“走上去”的战略意图。  相似文献   

将绿色创新发展理念融入到工业企业技术活动中,已经成为突破环境和资源约束、推动工业可持续发展的关键。本文将能源消耗量、三废排放量等纳入研究框架,运用超效率网络SBM模型和Malmquist-Luenberger指数对中国各省份工业企业绿色技术创新效率进行测度与评价。结果表明:在2013—2018年间,工业企业绿色技术创新效率处于较低水平,省域间存在较大差异,但差异趋势逐渐缩小;我国工业企业绿色技术创新效率呈现出“东-中-西”依次递减的阶梯式空间分布格局,与东部地区工业企业绿色技术创新效率持上升的趋势相比,中西部效率水平不仅存在绝对水平明显偏低的特征,而且还表现出了增长幅度的差异;成果转化期的效率值低于科技研发的效率值,纯技术效率水平过低是造成两阶段效率不高的主要原因;我国Malmquist-Luenberger指数均大于1,整体发展态势良好,其中技术效率变化指数的增长主要依赖于纯技术效率变化指数。从三大地区层面来看,东部地区的ML(Malmquist-Luenberger)指数主要归结于技术进步(technological change,TC)指数的增长,而中西部地区的ML指数则主要依赖...  相似文献   

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