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对经典地租理论的分析范式进行拓展,揭示我国农地租约中价格的形成机理。研究表明:(1)经典地租理论忽视了中国特殊农情下“人—地”、“人—人”关系特征的影响;(2)从“人—地”关系角度看,我国农户对农地存在“客观生存依赖”与“主观情感依赖”的双重依赖关系,会引发交易中的禀赋效应,从而影响农地租金价格;(3)从中国乡土社会“人—人”差序化关系格局看,不同的关系强度暗含着不同的农地流转的事后监督成本,从而影响农地租金价格。可见,我国农地租约中的价格不仅取决于“地”本身,且取决于“人—地”以及“人—人”的关系特征。  相似文献   

长期且规范的合约安排是降低要素市场交易风险和保障参与者预期收益的重要基础,但农地租约却普遍存在缔约短期化问题。其中,农户的风险预期是影响其农地租约期限的重要因素,而风险预期既可能是源于缔约对象之间的信息不对称,也可能是合约本身的不完全。因此,文章重点考察农户风险规避对其农地租约期限的影响,并从信息不对称和合约不完全两个维度阐述农户农地流转中风险的形成及其影响。实证结果表明,农户对承租方了解越多,尤其是与亲友邻居更可能基于关系信任而形成短期租约,而租约中的违约惩罚条款则能够弱化机会主义行为,有助于激励农户选择长期租约。由此,进一步阐述了目前农户农地流转受到社会关系与市场影响,导致其缔约行为兼有差序格局与商业交往的双重特征。  相似文献   

地权稳定性与农业绩效、农户经营行为分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从地权稳定性、农地长期投资及农业绩效之间逻辑关系的文献综述出发,利用农地投资回收模型主要分析了农地地权期限对农户投资水平、农业技术选择、农地适度规模经营、农地流转的影响。基于效率与公平权衡中国农地所有制改革,当前最有效率的发展方向是进一步完善家庭承包制,推行使用权创新——土地承包权物权化。  相似文献   

中国农户消费转型升级引发各方关注,但鲜有从社会资本的视角探讨农地流转对农户消费的影响及其微观作用机理。文章在理论层面分析了农地流转通过影响农户生计资本变动和生计策略调整对农户消费的传导机制,并基于中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)三期面板数据,定量评估了农地流转对农户消费影响的社会资本效应。结果表明:(1)我国农户消费基尼系数总体呈缩窄趋势,但农地转出农户相比农地转入农户具有更高的人均消费支出及消费不均等程度;(2)农地流转能够影响农户关键自然资本改变和生计策略调整,从而显著提高农户消费水平,且参与农地流转农户相比未参与农地流转农户具有更高的消费动机;(3)社会资本在农户农地转入和转出过程中对农户消费存在微观中介效应,即社会资本越高的农户参与农地流转的概率越大,且能够通过提高农地转出户非农就业机会和扩大其多元化收入来源,间接提升农户消费水平。在精准扶贫和乡村振兴战略协同背景下,应积极有序推进农地适度规模经营,促进农地转出户非农就业,并强化农户社会资本建设,提高农户多元化收入,从而全面助推农村消费转型升级。  相似文献   

匡远配  彭云 《科学决策》2023,(9):124-137
农地流转与农业机械化是农业现代化的重要标志,探究农地流转对农业机械化水平的影响及其背后发挥调节效应的因素具有重要意义。基于中国大陆地区30个省(市)2005-2019年面板数据,构建动态面板模型,采用系统GMM方法实证检验了农地流转对农业机械化水平的影响。研究发现:农地流转有利于提高农业机械化水平,农户适度规模经营、农地抵押贷款与农作物种植结构在此过程中发挥正向调节效应,农户长期投资尚未表现出显著性影响。因此,需稳步推进农地集中流转、因地制宜选择农业机械化模式、优化农作物种植结构、深化农地金融改革和合理引导农户长期投资,从而实现农业适度规模经营,提高农业机械化水平。  相似文献   

农地产权认知状况与流转行为牵扯:湘省398户农户样本   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾福生 《改革》2012,(4):69-73
农地产权制度是农地流转的制度前提,但农户对产权的认知会影响其农地流转行为尚缺乏经验证据支持。利用湖南省的样本数据采用统计分析方法和Logit回归模型分析发现,现阶段农户对农地产权的认知较薄弱,产权制度对农地流转的实际影响与这种认知状况有关,在控制多种农户特征后发现产权认知度对农地流转有显著的积极影响。因此,需要通过明晰农地产权、加强立法保障、加大产权宣传、设立产权交易机构等措施推动农地流转。  相似文献   

张曦  张弢 《杭州研究》2009,(4):78-83
农地城市流转是城市化过程中普遍现象。目前,在城市化农地流转过程中,明显存在决策失衡、评估失准等问题。城市化农地流转法治化是城市化进程中农地流转治理法治化的必然要求,是保证农地流转各方利益的现实需要。城市化农地流转法治化有合法化和合理化两个方面的要求。本文重点分析了城市化农地流转与经济发展的关系,城市化农地流转问题法治化的动因,并提出了城市化农地流转法治化的路径。  相似文献   

程虹  陈川  李唐 《南方经济》2016,35(6):18-37
面对相同的宏观经济下行压力,在部分企业经营绩效受到较大冲击的同时,另一部分企业却能实现“逆势上扬”,基于内在质量能力差别的盈利模式差异是重要原因。运用2015年“中国企业-员工匹配调查”(CEES)数据,文章将2013-2014年全要素生产率增速低于地区GDP增长率的企业分类为“速度型盈利模式”,而将高于地区GDP增长率的企业分类为“质量型盈利模式”。通过构建涵盖质量投入和质量绩效的综合性质量能力指数,文章采用工具变量法(IV)、有限信息最大似然估计(LIML)和倾向得分匹配模型(PSM),对不同盈利模式企业应对宏观经济下行压力的差异性进行了基于自身质量能力的实证解释。结果表明,质量能力对于企业经营绩效具有显著的正向因果效应。  相似文献   

农地流转:失范与治理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王珍  林鸿  何格 《特区经济》2011,(2):174-175
农地流转有利于优化农地资源配置,促进农民增收和土地的可持续利用。本文在对我国当前农地流转失范的表现作了客观分析的基础上提出了规范农流转失范的原则,为加强农村土地流转的法制建设,切实减轻农民负担,从规范农地流转的程序及政府的干预行为、完善农地流转价格机制、农地流转后的用途管理等方面提出了治理农地流转失范提出了几点可供选择的建议。  相似文献   

农地流转对盘活农村经济,改变农业小农经营模式,形成适度规模经济,促进农民有效增收,推动农业现代化转型具有重要意义。土地确权对农户生产行为有着重要影响,尤其是对农户农地流转行为的影响。文章通过对相关文献进行梳理,分析了我国农地流转现状,农地确权对农地流转的影响,农地流转对农民增收的影响以及三者之间的关系并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

芬兰公有土地租赁制度的特点与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立彦  李银生 《改革与战略》2009,25(11):168-171
芬兰公有土地租赁制度具有立法完备、设定适宜的政策目标、实行年租金制度、租赁到期时对地上建筑物给予补偿和在公共部门内部实行内部地租等特点。文章认为,借鉴芬兰公有土地租赁制度的有益经验,我国国有土地有偿使用制度应在完善立法、合理设定国有土地有偿使用的政策目标、选择适宜的土地租赁形式、实行地上建筑物的补偿制度和加强对公共目的用地的成本管理等方面加以完善。  相似文献   

Abstract: While farmers today access land mainly through administrative‐based land distribution, transactions in rental markets are on the rise. Different rental contracts are informally arranged with varied land use and transfer rights and degree of enforcement. These contracts are often interlocked to overcome the problem of incomplete or missing non‐land factor markets. The empirical evidence is thin but shows mixed records on performance of rental markets. Transactions in rental markets provide an additional venue to access land, reduce disparity in distribution of area of land operated, correct imbalances in factor proportions at farm level, and partly substitute for missing or incomplete factor markets. However, rights to rental land are restricted and poorly enforced, and markets are localized and thinly traded. While participation in rental markets is potentially welfare improving, increasing scarcity of land and demands for higher rent, a fee for right to rent land, payment in cash, farming skills and experience, and proof of no‐default are tightening conditions to access to land, particularly to the young poor farmers. Public policy has an important role in formalizing and enhancing the development of rental markets through strengthening enforceable long‐term security of tenure, providing legal cover to rental contracts, allowing tradability of long‐term use rights through rental markets, and providing the institutional mechanism to enforce contracts and reduce the burden of self‐enforcement. These policy measures need to be nested within a broad framework of market development, and informed by policy research and experimentation.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of smallholders’ personality traits on their land rental market decisions. We develop a conceptual framework and show that these internal factors could affect smallholders’ land rental market participation beyond institutional and socio-demographic factors. Our empirical analysis is based on a survey of 2119 rural households collected in the North China Plain. We find that smallholders with a higher level of openness are more active in participating in the farmland rental market. Moreover, internal locus of control plays a significant role in explaining smallholders’ land renting behavior. We further show that need for achievement mediates the link between internal locus of control and smallholder’s intention to rent land, indicating that fostering a higher level of internal locus of control—and subsequently achievement desire—could play an important role in promoting smallholders’ land-renting behavior. More generally, our results imply that taking rural smallholders’ personality traits into account in designing land rental policies may increase the effectiveness of policies aimed at promoting land rental market participation among smallholders and incubating crop farm scale enlargement in rural China.  相似文献   

Policies aimed at strengthening tenure security through the elimination of land reallocations and provision of land certificates have been implemented with different degrees of success in rural China. In this study, we examine the impact of tenure security perceptions and trust on household decisions to rent in land in a region where tenure security is high and in a region where households face much lower land tenure security. Our regression results suggest that when land tenure is less secure, household perceptions of tenure security positively affect decisions to rent in additional land and the size of the rented land, whereas trust is important for the choice between oral and written contracts. When land tenure is relatively secure, household tenure security perceptions are less relevant, and trust becomes more important for land rental decisions. However, tenure security perceptions do seem to play a role in the choice between oral and written contracts in such high tenure security environments.  相似文献   

This paper theoretically and empirically investigates whether acquaintance networks influence the deviation of land rent from the reference point advanced by Hart and Moore. The coefficient of variance and the range of land rent are used to represent the degree of deviation from the reference point. Based on village‐level data from the 2015 China Household Finance Survey, the estimated results indicate that land rent between acquaintances is more likely to significantly deviate from the reference point. Although rental transactions are conducted between acquaintances, larger deviations from the reference are also associated with a longer time to close deals. Our analysis using household‐level data further supports our findings, indicating that land rental markets embedded in the acquaintance networks of rural China are in a transition period and have characteristics of both relational and market orientation. The policy makers should introduce more outer village lessees or other market ingredients to increase the voluntary marketization of land rentals inside acquaintance networks.  相似文献   

史常亮  栾江  朱俊峰 《南方经济》2017,36(10):36-58
文章基于全国8省农户微观调查数据,探讨了中国农村土地流转市场发育在优化耕地资源配置和提高农民收入方面的作用。实证结论表明,现行土地流转起到了改进耕地配置效率的作用,有助于那些具有较高农业生产能力水平但初始土地禀赋有限的农户获得更多的土地。对农户参与土地流转所可能获得收益大小的进一步估计显示,土地流转同时显著提高了农户家庭的收入水平,在平均意义下土地流转能使任意样本农户家庭和已流转土地农户家庭的总收入分别增加19%和26%左右。此外,文章分别从土地转入和土地转出,检验了土地流转增收效应的非对称性特征,发现在土地流转过程中,转入土地农户家庭的收入增长幅度要显著高于转出土地的农户家庭。  相似文献   

付莹 《特区经济》2014,(4):86-88
文章着重从深圳经济特区初创时期的土地租赁制度的成功实践着手,阐述了地租理论视野下"租赁土地"与"土地使用"的关系,在此基础上,分析了初创时期与"土地租赁"并存的几种土地开发模式之差别,并对土地资源短缺时期租赁制度的创新运用进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

赵光  杨舒  崔扬  贾磊  张壮 《科技和产业》2024,24(4):121-127
近年来各城市陆续大力开展站点周边的土地开发,其中保障性租赁住房作为一种新形式的站点上盖开发的形式,能够起到改善民生的作用。为探究保租房类型的交通导向发展(transit-oriented development, TOD)开发项目的具体实施情况,本文对天津市佟楼地区的“H+T”可负担性进行了研究。首先,从建设情况上对保租房类型的TOD项目和普通TOD项目进行了对比,其次,计算了佟楼保租房类型TOD的“H+T”可负担性大小,然后调研居民主观感受,分别建立结构方程模型和中介模型,分析了保租房类型TOD项目的居住满意度的影响因素;房租价格高低、“H+T”可负担性对居民满意度的影响机理。结果表明,房租价格通过“H+T”可负担性影响居住满意度这一中介效应值为0.348,直接效应为0.170。最后,给出保障房TOD建设与运营的相关建议。  相似文献   

Data on housing costs and rental markets for the early modern period are notoriously scarce. Using a new database of rent paid on 183 properties belonging to the Cathedral Chapter of Toledo between 1489 and 1600, we reconstruct housing costs for various social groups and trace the effect of exogenous shocks on the rental market using hedonic techniques. We document a well-functioning market that responded swiftly and predictably to exogenous shocks. We then explore the impact of adding rent to early modern price indices and estimates of living standards. Price indices show a moderate effect. The addition of rent reduces the gap between Toledo and two northern European locations by up to 9.5%.  相似文献   

王辉龙   《华东经济管理》2009,23(10):58-61
企业可以通过抽取“租”的方式把订单转给那些生产效率高于自己的生产者,“租”的存在和产业集群内在的联系网络,使订单总是可以传到那个效率最高的生产者手上,这提高了集群整体的生产绩效。地租作为“租”的最一般形式,对企业选址产生影响,较低的地租有利于集群形成,地租的变动促进了产业的梯度转移。  相似文献   

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