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人民币升值的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据汇率决定的基本因素,中国国际收支持续顺差,持续高经济增长率,投资收益高,人民币应该升值;根据名义汇率与实际汇率的关系,由于中国物价持续上涨,人民币实际汇率升值;根据当前国内外经济环境,美国经济衰退,中国经济仍被看好,人民币存在升值的压力;根据日元升值的历史背景,人民币会升值。  相似文献   

王瑞 《现代企业》2004,(12):52-53
一、人民币预期升值外部压力与内部动因(一)人民币预期升值的外部压力:1、美元持续贬值是人民币外部升值压力的一大诱因。一是美元贬值导致了外资的大量外流,外资流入的减少将会严重的影响美国的投资信心,对美国经济的复苏是非常不利的。由于中国超过美国成为世界上最大的引资国,美国贸易逆差的降低需要外资的流入来弥补。因此,美国需要人民币升值。二是美元对日元、欧元的贬值,本是想通过贬值来改善自己的贸易状况,但因人民币实行的是“钉住美元汇率”,使美元贬值的积极作用没能全面发挥,只是极大的刺激了中国的出口。2002年美国的外贸逆差…  相似文献   

世界主要货币波动现状给我们的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年7月21日,我国宣布启动人民币汇率形成机制改革,不再盯住单一美元,参照一篮子货币实行有管理的浮动汇率制度。从此,人民币汇率走上了波动之路。2008年7月21日,人民币汇率从8.2765元/美元升值到了6.8271元/美元,3年对美元升值21%以上。直到如今,人民币升值问题仍然备受关注和引人热议。一方面,西方发达国家纷纷要求人民币继续升值;另一方面,我们国家也感到了人民币升值带来的压力。面对这种情况,我们有必要加强对我国人民币汇率波动问题研究,如近期怎样看待和应对人民不升值问题;远期如何看待和应对人民币实现可自由兑换之后的汇率波动问题。本文从汇率波动的角度,通过对美元、欧元、日元和英镑的汇率波动实证分析,得出了一些相关看法和启示。  相似文献   

2003年,美国财长斯诺访问中国,与中国当局讨论人民币是否升值问题,备受各界关切。人民币升值议题受到高度关注,主要外部压力来源有二:一是中国拥有大量国际收支顺差。二是人民币被严重低估,中国自1994年起便采取盯住美元的实质固定汇率政策,维持1美元对8.28人民币的汇率。根据美国经济学者的计量分析,人民币汇率被严重低估20%。人民币升值面对国际压力美国之所以施压人民币升值,是认为美元的贬值,将造成采用单一盯住美元固定汇率的人民币也出现贬值,这“极大地增强了中国企业的出口竞争力,刺激了中国产品的出口”,美国希望通过人民币升值,阻…  相似文献   

自央行2010年6月19日宣布重启汇改以来,人民币对美元持续升值.我国摩托车出口正受到前所未有的压力.本文将对我国摩托车出口现状、人民币升值对我国摩托车出口的影响及我国摩托车出口企业应对人民币升值的措施做出简要分析.  相似文献   

薛燕 《集团经济研究》2007,(36):463-464
一、中日两国货币升值背景分析 1、人民币升值情况 2005年7月21日,中国人民银行正式宣布开始实行以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度.如图1所示,汇改当天人民币对美元汇率上调2.1%,从此人民币汇率不再盯住单一美元,逐渐形成更富弹性的汇率机制;2006年5月15日,人民币对美元汇率中间价突破8:1,达到1美元兑7.9982元人民币:2007年7月3日,人民币对美元汇率中间价一举升破7.6:1关口,为7.5951元人民币对1美元:2007年7月21日,人民币对美元两年累计升值10%,如图2所示,2005年7月6日,日元兑人民币汇率中间价为100:7.5040,截至2007年8月21日,日元兑人民币为100:6.4262.  相似文献   

自2005年7月21日实行汇改以来,人民币相对美元已经升值了14%以上。人民币的持续走强,加上中国经济的强劲增长,使人民币的世界图景令国人期待。20年前,人民币在亚洲的地位不仅无法与日元相提并论,就连韩元也没有把人民币放在眼里。但20年后的今天,人民币已非吴下阿蒙,大有取代日元而成为亚洲主要货币之势。  相似文献   

当前人民币升值的原因探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着我国经济的快速增长、贸易顺差的持续扩大、外汇储备的不断增加,海外热钱对我国市场的不断涌入以及美元的贬值,使人民币呈持续升值状态,这将对我国的经济发展带来不利因素而产生负面影响。基于此,本文立足现实,针对当前人民币对美元汇率屡创新高从我国宏观经济状况及国际压力分析了导致人民币升值的原因,以期为化解或应对人民币继续升值而提供思路。  相似文献   

巴利亚是一位在美国做投资生意的犹太籍商人,他有天天看报纸的习惯。20世纪70年代的一天,他在报纸上读到这样一则新闻,说日本与美国之间的贸易存在着巨大顺差;两天后,他又在报纸上读到了美国总统发表的保护美元声明。他把两条新闻联系到一起,得出了一个结论:日元要升值。于是,他将手头所有的美元全换成了日元,还不惜借款,疯狂买进日元。就在美国总统发表声明的10天后,日元开始大幅度升值,升值前,一美元兑换360日元,升值后,一美元只能兑换308日元。也就  相似文献   

1、国际上对人民币汇率问题持续施压,人民币升值呈现政治化因素从世界各国经验来看,一个经济崛起的大国必然面临本币升值的压力。近年来在高顺差和外汇储备持续攀升的背景下,国际上对我国人民币汇率问题持续施压。特别是美国。2006年12月14日-15日两天,中美  相似文献   

韩民  赵杰 《价值工程》2010,29(22):25-28
贸易顺差会导致汇率升值,这是许多人从西方经济学理论中得到的认识。随着我国的外贸连年顺差、外汇储备不断扩大,大量的外贸顺差和外汇储备使得外汇市场上人民币升值压力很大,人民币汇率成为全球瞩目的焦点。近年来西方政界与学术界屡屡以中国贸易顺差为由要挟人民币升值。而实际是欧美人以所谓的"全球经济再平衡"为幌子想要中国通过让人民币进一步升值来为金融危机买更多单。然而人民币是否真正存在升值压力,我们通过实际测算一下来得出结论。本文依据利率平价理论,构造出一种估计货币汇率升值或贬值压力的方法,并运用升值压力指标对人民币对美元汇率变动进行了检验,得出人民币对美元确实存在升值压力。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2006,30(3):282-305
Since 2000 the Ukraine has followed a successful stabilization policy. Stabilizing the value of the hryvnia against the US dollar has been an important ingredient of this policy. However, the resulting unsterilized interventions fuel the domestic money supply and might lead to high levels of inflation later on. Therefore, some questioned the sustainability of the hryvnia peg. In a first step to more exchange rate flexibility, the Ukrainian monetary authorities implemented a one-shot revaluation of 5% against the dollar in April 2005. This paper estimates a small macro-economic model of the Ukrainian economy. Simulations of alternative exchange rate paths are undertaken and the resulting macro-economic adjustments compared to analyze the effects of different exchange rate strategies. These simulations suggest that in the current conditions allowing the exchange rate of the hryvnia to appreciate in an orderly manner might be a good alternative for a rigid peg to the dollar or irregular ad hoc exchange rate changes.  相似文献   

There is currently a clear divergence of policy between the United States, Japan and Germany. With the US in recession and concern growing over the severity of the slump, interest rates have been cut in a move to revive the economy. In contrast Japan and Germany are both experiencing strong growth and monetary policy remains tight to combat inflation. This divergence was seen most clearly when the Federal Reserve Board lowered its discount rate to 6 per cent on 1 February, the day after the Bundesbank had raised its Lombard rate to 9 per cent. With G7 increasingly concerned about domestic factors, less emphasis is placed upon stable exchange rates and as a result the dollar is at an all-time low. The last two G7 communiqués have stressed ‘stability oriented monetary policies’, an ambiguous phrase which fails to define ‘stability’ either in terms of exchange rates, inflation or growth. Thus both the German and Japanese policy of high interest rates to reduce inflation and low US interest rates aimed at stimulating the economy can be termed as ‘stability oriented’. This analysis focuses on these divergent policy responses in two alternative scenarios to the world forecast we presented last month. The first scenario considers what might happen if the Federal Reserve Board were to stimulate the US economy by further cuts in interest rates, whilst Japanese and German rates were unchanged in the face of inflationary pressures. This case may be relevant if the recent US loosening of monetary policy is not sufficient to encourage growth because of a ‘credit crunch’, so that a more expansionary policy is required by the Fed. As a consequence, policy diverges further and the dollar weakens. The second scenario focuses upon a reduction in inflationary pressures in Japan and Germany brought about by an oil price fall. In this case we assume that US policy is already loose enough to avoid a prolonged recession, but that German and Japanese monetary policy is relaxed as inflationary forces recede. In this case policies converge. Each scenario thus concentrates on one of !he two features which are causing the policy divergence amongst G3 countries: recession in the US, inflation in Germany and Japan.  相似文献   

本文分析了人民币汇率升值压力演进历程的三个阶段,并结合中国的贸易收支、国内外利差和中国的通货膨胀情况三类经济基本面因素研究了人民币升值压力的来源。分析发现近期人民币汇率已经不存在大幅低估甚至可能高估,无需一次性大幅升值。因此,中国必须认清升值压力的本质,继续坚持"自主性"掌控人民币汇率形成机制的改革路径,必要时可实施反制措施。  相似文献   

This paper takes a novel approach to detect the latent currency portfolio of Chinese foreign exchange reserves and the underlying portfolio management strategies during 2000 and 2007. Based on a portfolio accounting identity and the budget constraint of the Chinese central bank's holding of foreign assets, the monthly growth rate of reserves can be decomposed into monthly rate of return, valuation effects of exchange rates, and monthly net purchase rate. The valuation effect reveals the value share of each currency. Bayesian inference is adopted to estimate the state‐space model with a mixture of Gaussian distributions. The results show that China significantly and dramatically diversified its reserves out of the US dollar in 2002: both the euro's value and quantity shares increased from 5% to more than 20%. By the end of 2007, China held about (at most) 67.3% of its reserves in the US dollar, 22% in the euro, 2.5% in the Japanese yen, 4.7% in the Australian dollar, and 3.5% in the British pound. The average annual rate of return was about 3%. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

马歇尔-勒纳条件是探讨货币贬值改善贸易收支的规律,本文根据人民币实际有效汇率的特点,把它分解为美元有效汇率和人民币对美元汇率之积形式,在此基础之上,本文重新考察货币贬值改善贸易收支的条件,对传统的马歇尔-勒纳条件进行修正。从我们研究中可以看出美元实际有效汇率变化对马歇尔-勒纳条件修正的重要作用,这包括美元有效汇率对人民币汇率弹性和人民币在美元有效汇率中的权重的两种影响。另一方面,即使人民币实际有效汇率贬值存在“J”曲线效应,人民币对美元实际汇率贬值,“J”曲线是否存在还要依赖一定的条件。本文实证研究结果显示出口(或进口)与人民币对美元实际汇率、美元实际有效汇率指数和外国收入(或国内收入)之间存在着显著的协整关系,美元实际有效汇率和人民币对美元实际汇率也存在显著的协整关系。从弹性的变化来看,修正的马歇尔-勒纳条件成立,同时人民币对美元实际汇率贬值有利于改善贸易收支,美元实际有效汇率贬值会恶化中国贸易收支。而对“J”曲线效应的实证研究显示无论是人民币实际有效汇率,还是人民币对美元实际汇率贬值和美元实际有效汇率贬值,我国“J”曲线效应均不显著。  相似文献   

人民币国际化的思考与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了人民币国际化道路,指出人民币国际化应寻求独特发展之路,不能放弃人民币主权货币特征。系统论述并指出实现人民币国际化,需历经区域螺旋、功能螺旋的“双螺旋、三步走”上升发展路径和缓释限制人民币可兑换的“三三制”道路。另一方面,阐释了通过促进人民币为主导的亚洲货币联盟,推动人民币国际化的策略,并分析存在的困难。最后,阐明了人民币国际化面临的冲击和亟待解决的重要问题,指出人民币国际化必须解决海外人民币回流渠道、保持人民币信用和货币稳定,必须强化金融基础设施建设。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel approach to investigating the spillover effects of US economic policy uncertainty shocks on the global financial markets. Employing a factor-augmented vector autoregression (FAVAR), we model US economic policy uncertainty jointly with the latent factors extracted from equity prices, exchange rates, and commodity prices. We find that US economic policy uncertainty affects these factors significantly. A country-level analysis shows heterogeneous responses to an increase in US economic policy uncertainty. With regard to equities, US economic policy uncertainty adversely affects equity prices. However, its impact on the Chinese equity market is relatively small. As for foreign exchange markets, while many currencies depreciate in response to an increase in US economic policy uncertainty, the US dollar and the Japanese yen appreciate, reflecting their safe-haven status. The Chinese yuan, whose nominal exchange rate is closely linked to the US dollar, also appreciates in response to uncertainty shocks.  相似文献   

目前随着美元币值的变化,人民币对美元小幅贬值或升值,但人民币对非美元货币的贬值或升值则往往相反,这种变化使得我们对人民币币值的变化难以把握.本文研究人民币对美元和非美元汇率变动,并在此基础上研究人民币有效汇率指数变化;根据人民币有效汇率指数,构建人民币核心汇率指数并分析其变动及意义.本文认为,人民币汇率目标主要侧重于人民币对美元汇率,而人民币对非美元货币汇率波动有更大的弹性,因此,如果央行以人民币有效汇率为目标,则能够确定每天人民币对美元汇率的中间价,真正建立人民币参考一篮子货币的汇率目标.  相似文献   

Japan          下载免费PDF全文
《Economic Outlook》2016,40(1):42-43
After Q3 2015's eventual 0.3% quarterly growth rate, the economy appears to have maintained modest growth into Q4 according to the available monthly data. But a significant threat to the economy could arise from financial market volatility and consequent upward pressure on the yen. Since the US Federal Reserve raised interest rates on 16th December the yen has appreciated by 3% against the US dollar and by over 5% on a trade‐weighted basis.  相似文献   

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