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This paper examines the potential effects of European Community (EC) integration. It develops a number of assumptions representing the EC directives, and introduces them in the INFORUM system of models, which links inter-industry dynamic macro-economic models of 10 countries. These assumptions include the deregulation of financial services, abolition of border controls, increased competition, economies of scale and opening up of government procurement. According to the system results, the European economies will experience higher economic growth and higher per capita income, with lower prices and higher labor productivity. It is expected that the rest of the world economies will not be affected significantly by the European integration. Finally, the integration process will generate diverse results across sectors in different countries. 相似文献
Koen Frenken 《Economic Systems Research》2002,14(4):345-361
The goal of this study is to develop a comprehensive indicator of integration among countries within a supranational system. Integration is not analysed in terms of the growth in interactions among countries, but in terms of the matrix distribution of interactions among countries. Integration can then be indicated in terms of interaction biases among countries measured by the difference between the observed matrix distribution and the hypothetical random distribution. The indicator is applied to data on research collaborations among European research institutions (1993-2000). Evidence is found that the European science system has indeed become more integrated. The higher level of integration has resulted exclusively from a more evenly distributed pattern of European collaborations, while the strong bias towards intra-national collaborations persisted. The results point to the persistence of national science systems. A future research agenda and science policy implications are discussed. 相似文献
Economic transition in Eastern Europe should generate market growth. In addition, current discussions on economic integration and the development of a free-trade area in Eastern Europe will improve market accessibility. These two forces will significantly affect the strategies by which external firms will choose to supply markets in Eastern Europe. This paper examines the ways in which supply strategy is likely to change. We show that both market growth and improved market accessibility will lead the external firms to switch from exporting to foreign direct investment. However, market growth is likely to lead to dispersed investment in the growing economies, whereas increased market accessibility, by establishing an integrated regional bloc in Eastern Europe, is more likely to lead to concentrated investment plus infra-regional exports to the remainder of the regional bloc. The switch from exporting to local production through foreign direct investment will favor consumers through lowered prices but will harm national producers by depressing profit margins. 相似文献
We apply the differences‐in‐differences method to study the effect of the European single market in 1993 and the euro in 1999 on the Feldstein–Horioka equation where countries outside the single market serve as a control group and those within as a treatment group. We find structural breaks that coincide with both events, in addition to the financial crisis in 2008. The results suggest that the correlation between investment and savings depends on institutions, exchange rate risk and credit risk. Furthermore, the pattern of capital flows within the single market leaves a significant part of the flows unexplained by fundamentals. 相似文献
周念利 《数量经济技术经济研究》2007,24(12):117-126
随着目前欧元区财政经济状况的整体恶化,稳定与增长的矛盾凸显,欧盟《稳定与增长公约》框架下的财政约束条款再度引发诸多争议。基于价格水平的财政理论(FTPL)视角,本文试图论证为实现欧元区物价稳定和欧元汇率稳定的双重目的,欧盟《稳定与增长公约》框架下的财政约束有其必要性。 相似文献
国际合作教育项目“融合”式课程教学模式 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文基于教学和管理实践以及对相关理论的研究,本着在国际合作教育项目中同时提高学生英语语言技能和专业技能的目的,分析了传统课程教学模式的中存在的问题,系统的提出并论述了国际合作教育项目中所谓"融合"式课程教学模式的含义与具体环节的实施,并分析了在实践中实施的效果及意义。 相似文献
随着高科技的迅猛发展和时代的进步,我们语文教育必须创新,需要做到信息技术与语文学科课程的有效整合,它的整合有着无法比拟的优势,它将文字、图片、动画、视频等有机统一起来,不受时间和空间的限制,有利于激发学生学习语文的兴趣,有利于帮助学生进行探索和发现,有利于建设开放而有活力的语文课程,有利于学生个性化学习。 相似文献
汽车发动机构造与维修课程、汽车底盘构造与维修课程和汽车电器构造与维修课程是中职学校汽车运用与维修专业中最主要的专业课程,在以前的教学安排中,通常采用将3门课程独立设置,理论教学和实习教学分开进行的传统教学方式。2010年广西机电工程学校为适应社会的发展,对汽车维修专业进行了教学方法的改革,实行了模块式一体化的教学方式,经过了一年多的教学探索与实践,收到了较好的教学效果。 相似文献
本文针对《VB程序设计》精品课程建设的需求,采用ASP,Dreamweaver和Fireworks等综合工具研发了《VB》精品课程资源集成平台,并提出了一些看法。 相似文献
汽车发动机构造与维修课程、汽车底盘构造与维修课程和汽车电器构造与维修课程是中职学校汽车运用与维修专业中最主要的专业课程,在以前的教学安排中,通常采用将3门课程独立设置,理论教学和实习教学分开进行的传统教学方式。2010年广西机电工程学校为适应社会的发展,对汽车维修专业进行了教学方法的改革,实行了模块式一体化的教学方式,经过了一年多的教学探索与实践,收到了较好的教学效果。 相似文献
经济一体化进程中的区域发展与政策模型 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
刘朝明 《数量经济技术经济研究》2002,19(11):77-80
经济一体化是现代经济发展的重要特征。经济一体化作为一种共同的政策,有国际区域经济一体化、国家一体化及其地方经济一体化的区别。本文从经济一体化进程中的地区发展差异入手,提出了消除地区差异的地区经济一体化(产业一体化、城乡一体化和市场一体化)政策模型。我国在加入WTO以后,只有首先实现地区经济一体化,才能到达国家一体化的转折期,并进而与国际区域经济一体化接轨。 相似文献
本文结合教学中的具体实例,分析了课堂教学和实训教学分开的弊端,指出了目前数控技术专业实行一体化教学的必要性和可行性,对本专业的《数控编程与加工技术》课理论实习一体化教学的重点环节作出了具体安排。同时,一体化教学提高了学生的学习兴趣和操作技能,加快了"双师型"建设,是目前职业学校教学改革的必然趋势。 相似文献
理实一体化教学法在数控编程与操作课程中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对数控编程与操作课程实施理实一体化教学的条件进行了分析,将滨州职业学院近几年对数控编程与操作课程进行理实一体化教学法的实践应用进行了介绍。 相似文献
信息技术为职中语文教学提供了良好的学习环境,使学生的主体地位得以真正确立,使自主学习、探究学习、协作学习得以真正实现,极大地激发了学生的学习动机,培养了创新精神和实践能力。信息技术与职中语文课程的整合是一个重要课题,应深入探究教学设计、教学策略,形成教学模式,应结合教学理论和实践,以推进语文教学的彻底变革。 相似文献
《航空发动机修理技术》是西安航空职业技术学院航空机电设备维修专业的一门专业核心课程,该课程的教学目的是让学生在熟悉了航空发动机原理与构造之后,掌握航空发动机大修必备的理论知识和基础技能。文章通过该一体化课程的开发与研究,将课程开发中的经验与成果与大家分享,以期提高整个航空类高职教学水平。 相似文献