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This paper presents an integrated model for evaluating purchasers' perceptions of science-based products. The model combines a new approach to benchmarking, known as technometrics, that provides a quantitative profile of a product's key attributes, with direct and indirect methods for measuring buyers' perceptions regarding the relative importance of product attributes as a source of value. A new measure for the demand orientation is proposed, which shows the extent to which a product's 'supply' of characteristics matches the 'demand' for them in the market place. The model is illustrated using several types of industrial pressure sensors. The paper also demonstrates how the integrated model may be made effective for quality function deployment (QFD) during the R&D phase.  相似文献   

Based on in-depth interviews with customers, this study explores the customers' view of relevant solution criteria in the capital goods industry. Our research examines (1) whether the initial four-process conceptualization of customer solutions also holds for this industry, or whether it has to be extended and (2) which criteria of the customer solution matter the most for each member of the buying center. This study reveals that customers purchasing solutions in the capital goods industry expect the provider to be excellent in terms of six customer/supplier relational processes, namely (1) customer requirements definition, (2) customization and integration of goods and/or services, (3) their deployment, (4) post-deployment support, (5) signaling activities, and (6) inter-process management. Moreover, we found that the relevance of these processes differs across the most important members of the buying center (users, buyers, and deciders) due to their specific organizational function.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the area of venture management from the viewpoint of a company which is interested in providing financial support for new areas of activity. It discusses the problems associated with entering new markets and argues that many investments have not been the success that was hoped for because insufficient profit margin was obtainable or built in at the outset. However, by far the most crucial criterion for a venture capitalist is the calibre of the people who are to manage the risk funds, and the motivation of the entrepreneur or team wishing to establish the new enterprise.  相似文献   

Although advanced services, or so called integrated solutions, have increasingly received attention in the literature, no coherent body of literature exists, and the relational dimensions and consequences of integrated solutions are not explored in detail. Based on the emerging literature, we develop a framework identifying four different categories of integrated solutions: rental, maintenance, operational and performance offerings. We also compare and contrast the service- and the goods-centered logics with the logic of integrated solutions, and thereby show how the reciprocal interdependencies increase between customers and suppliers. We explore these interdependencies further in three case studies of firms experimenting with integrated solutions, and identify dependencies related to process knowledge, process optimization, and process operations. The paper shows that rather than moving along a linear continuum from goods to services, firms developing integrated solutions need to balance elements of both goods- and service-logics, as well as manage the increased customer–supplier interdependencies that integrated solutions entail.  相似文献   

针对水利工程项目设计阶段普遍存在的问题,文中重点对设计合同管理、设计质量控制、投资目标控制、进度目标控制、设计文件管理等项目设计阶段质量管理内容,以及对推行设计招标制度、推广采用标准化设计、进行限额设计、加强设计人员培训等控制工程造价的措施进行了阐述.  相似文献   

浅谈水利基本建设项目的工程质量控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水利基本建设项目的质量控制体现在适用性、可靠性、经济性、美观与环境协调等多个方面,要通过正确的项目决策、合理的投资规模、择优选择设计单位、精心组织施工、强化项目管理对各个阶段的质量进行全过程、全方位控制,以确保基建项目的工程质量.  相似文献   

Open source software development has received considerable scholarly attention, much of which is based on the presumption that the 'open source model' holds some lessons of broader applicability. Nonetheless, our knowledge of its deployment outside the software industry is very limited. This paper focuses on the open source development of tangible objects, the so-called open design. We propose a generalised definition of open source development. Drawing on 27 exploratory interviews and six comparative case studies selected from a pool of more than 75 projects, we analyse the workings of open design. The analysis reveals that open design is already being implemented in a substantial variety of projects with different organisational and institutional structures.  相似文献   

This research explores the nature and causes of net entry of firms in three groups of Greek manufacturing industries–consumer, intermediate and capital goods. The research questions whether or not the determinants of net entry rates across sectors are different. Econometric analyses reveal that, indeed, there are significant differences in the determinants of net entry rates across industry groups, but also there is strong within-group correlation across sectors.  相似文献   

The management and controlling of the industrial project acquisition process, with its staged, funnel-like structure, has been neglected in empirical research so far—even though an effective acquisition process is crucial for economic success. In addition to profitability, the main goal of industrial companies is to implement a pipeline process that ensures that the pipeline is always filled with acquisition projects and results in a constant stream of orders over time. The projects considered are characterized by complexity, uniqueness, and discontinuity. Based on a large-scale survey among German industrial companies, we describe the industrial project acquisition process, where the projects mentioned above are sold on a non-continuous basis to industrial customers. We assess how the industrial project acquisition process is really structured, whether a sales funnel management is applicable and utilized by sales management to monitor and control this process, and whether a sophisticated sales funnel management contributes to enhanced economic success.  相似文献   

The main research objectives are to ascertain the state of the art of the postauditing practices of UK small/medium enterprises (SMEs) to fill a gap in the literature and to offer a sound empirical base for future discussion. We show that the reality of those that undertake postaudits differs from the perceptions of those that do not and may therefore present a learning opportunity. The level of importance of the three key objectives (control, learning, and evaluation) of a postaudit appears to be influenced by organizational structure. The reasons for not undertaking a postaudit and difficulties encountered are clearly evidenced.  相似文献   

While withstanding a highly competitive environment, an increasing number of firms have recognized that intangible assets rather than tangible ones are vital to achieving competitive advantages. Intellectual capital has replaced physical capital as the primary basis of value creation. Although the importance of intellectual capital in ensuring superior competitive advantages is well accepted, exactly how these two constructs are related has seldom been investigated, particularly for the high-technology industry. Taking a sample of 39 Taiwanese IC design companies, this study adopted data envelopment analysis and the Malmquist productivity index to evaluate the impact of intellectual capital on competitive advantage. The analytical results revealed that approximately one third of the companies sampled had excellent efficiency in intellectual capital management, while the others still had considerable room to improve their intellectual capital management. The results of this study provide a valuable reference for future studies in alternative contexts.  相似文献   

周立民 《水利技术监督》2003,11(4):32-33,59
水利工程基本建设最根本的着眼点是兴利除害,造福社会,保障社会稳定和经济发展,其建设质量关系到国民经济健康发展和人民生命财产安全。要求参与工程建设各单位都应牢记“百年人大计,质量第一,质量是生命,质量是灵魂,质量重于泰山”这一工程建设主题与主导思想。切实把工程质量当作首要工作任务来抓,要依法照章进行规范化、法制化、科学化质量控制与管理。1概述在当前国家大幅度增加水利工程基本建设投资,高标准建设大江、大河与湖泊和大中型城市防洪体系的形势下,严格工程质量监督管理,确保工程建设质量,显得特别重要与迫切。质量是安全、…  相似文献   

近年来职业健康、环境和安全问题越来越引起人们的重视,尤其是如何才能为建筑业从业人员提供健康环境安全保障,更成为建筑行业迫切需要解决的难题。文章提出了通过构建广义的HSE管理体系,包括完善的管理组织机构和对应的责任制度、广泛的监督机制和有效的激励制度的方式来保障建筑行业从业人员的健康、环境与安全。探讨了企业HSE管理流程,建议建立业主负主要责任的安全责任体制。  相似文献   

传统的煤炭企业物资管理主要以增加物资库存为代价,来确保矿井安全生产对物资的需求.减少因物资供应不及时所产生的缺货成本,但同时导致储备成本上升,影响煤炭企业的经济效益。因此加强物资储备管理、合理优化储备结构是煤炭企业物资供直工作的一项重要内容。  相似文献   

海外项目的人员管理工作主要包括人员配备、调动员工积极性、沟通管理以及对当地雇员的管理等方面。在人员配备方面,应在对项目本身进行准确定位的基础上合理设置岗位,然后选用、配置相应的人员。员工的积极性影响着项目的效率,项目经理应从员工本身的角度考虑,采取培训、奖励等措施调动员工积极性。作为项目经理,既要做好与员工的沟通,也要做好与公司上级管理部门的沟通,以促进对员工的管理。对当地雇员的管理是海外项目的人员管理重点,管理中应注意遵守劳动法及相关法律,严把当地雇员的招聘关和试用期,积极推动雇员当地化,按时发放工资,定期考核晋级,平等对待当地雇员以及加强与当地劳工部的联系。做好人员管理工作,项目在进展和效益等方面就会事半功倍。  相似文献   

油气长输管道项目涉及的用地类别广泛,用地性质多种多样,需要单独的用地管理。油气长输管道项目用地管理的最终目标是取得管道通过权,但是我国没有单独的管道通过权制度,造成长输管道项目用地的取得十分困难。文章立足于《土地管理法》、《物权法》和《石油天然气管道保护法》等现行法律法规,对油气长输管道项目用地管理的方法进行了总结,提出以设立管道通过权的方式来解决当前长输管道项目建设用地的难题,并指出:设立管道通过权对管道建设用地的取得与补偿、土地利用各方权利的平衡、管道的安全保护和管道廊道生态环境的保护等具有重要的现实意义;通过协商方式约定管道通过权及其补偿标准是比较可行的政策手段。  相似文献   

煤矿作为特殊行业,在过去的几十年里,无论是安全生产、经营管理、企业现代化等方面都建立了一整套的管理办法和制度,积累了较为丰富的管理经验。随着企业外部环境的不断变化,在新的形势、新的环境下,如何增强企业活力,提高企业管理水平,增强企业竞争力和适应现代企业制度发展要求,灵北矿结合自身生产工艺较为落后、生产能力弹性小、安全管理难度大等实际情  相似文献   

国有企业由于长期受计划经济体制的影响,管理方法落后,经营机制不灵活,国有煤炭企业尤其如此。在市场经济条件下国有煤炭企业如何走出困境?这是一个很值得不断探索和深入研究的课题。山东新汶矿业集团华丰煤矿在这方面走出了一条成功的路子,逐步探索形成了一套适合煤矿特点的管理新范式——煤矿全员岗位主体管理模式。  相似文献   

Our study of 267 U.S. firms shows that improved environmental risk management is associated with a lower cost of capital. Our findings provide an alternative perspective on the environmental‐economic performance relationship, which has been dominated by the view that improvements in economic performance stem from better resource utilization. Firms also benefit from improved environmental risk management through a reduction in their cost of equity capital, a shift from equity to debt financing, and higher tax benefits associated with the ability to add debt. These findings help build better theory regarding the outcomes of strategic improvements in environmental risk management. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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