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基于我国科创板设立这一重要事件,本文考察了科创板注册制改革对公司会计信息披露的影响。利用截至2020年底上市的科创板公司作为实验组样本,并通过倾向得分匹配方法构建控制组样本,本文研究发现,相较于其他板块公司,科创板公司IPO时应计盈余管理的程度更低,这一结果说明科创板注册制改革降低了公司盈余管理的动机。作用机制的检验表明,科创板注册制改革对企业盈余管理的影响在盈利水平更低、融资约束更大和科创板重点支持行业公司中更显著,而且,科创板公司IPO时面临更低的盈利压力。进一步分析显示,在地区市场化程度更高和高声誉会计师事务所审计的公司中,科创板注册制改革后IPO公司盈余管理程度下降得更明显。最后,我们的研究表明,科创板注册制改革不仅影响公司IPO过程中的盈余管理行为,也显著降低了公司IPO后一年的盈余管理水平。本文研究在丰富新股发行市场化改革和公司盈余管理文献的同时,从公司信息披露角度深化了对我国新股发行市场化改革的理解,并为进一步推进我国资本市场改革提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

审核问询是新股发行注册制信息披露的核心环节,IPO审核问询能否提升资本市场信息效率直接关系到资本市场注册制改革的成效。本文以科创板上市公司为样本,利用文本分析构建招股说明书信息披露质量评价指标,从信息流传递的角度验证IPO审核问询的中介效应能否通过招股说明书渗透并传递至新股定价,进而提升资本市场信息效率。研究结果表明,审核问询对招股说明书的信息披露质量改善有正面作用,且此部分信息蕴含可以使股价同步性降低的特质信息,即审核问询可以提高资本市场信息效率。进一步地,本文探讨了分析师的信息搜寻活动对资本市场信息效率的影响,研究发现,在新股上市初期,分析师关注以市场和行业信息为主,当其信息挖掘深度达到研报水准时,将包含更多的公司特质信息。  相似文献   

科创板实施注册制后,机构投资者占比增多,但IPO高抑价现象仍然突出。基于2019—2021年科创板公司数据,研究机构投资者异质性对科创板IPO抑价的影响。结论显示:在科创板初期,买方报价的非市场性和二级市场投资热情高涨,机构投资者持股未能缓解科创板IPO抑价,而机构投资者异质性对IPO抑价影响差异较大,除了受IPO定价效率有限和二级市场投资热情影响外,还受其投研能力、定价能力和机构资金用途要求等因素的影响;估值分歧强化了机构投资者持股对科创板IPO抑价的促进作用,但对不同机构投资者持股与IPO抑价之间的调节效应存在差异性,这应该与企业信息披露程度有关。建议从强化监管投资者询价行为、加强上市企业信息披露质量、规范IPO企业估值体系、合理提高机构投资者权益资金配置比重和提升投资者的投研能力等方面推进科创板IPO定价机制更趋向理性、合理。  相似文献   

科创板的“注册制”原则要求企业“以信息披露为核心”,为此,证监会和上交所针对科创板发布了一系列信息披露规章制度,在信息披露审核要求、信息披露内容等方面,形成了科创板差异化的会计信息披露制度体系。本文概括梳理了科创板现行信息披露制度特征,详细分析了科创板会计信息披露现状及现存问题,为提升科创板会计信息披露质量提出解决对策。  相似文献   

科创板作为试点推行注册制,在询价定价机制改革的基础上,又进行了“券商跟投”等制度创新。本文从投资银行声誉角度出发,研究了科创板的跟投制度对新股定价的影响。研究发现:(1)相比主板,科创板公司IPO抑价率显著更低,定价效率更高;(2)科创板公司中,投资银行的声誉降低了信息不对称程度,从而显著降低IPO抑价率;(3)在跟投的制度背景下,投资银行同时也是“投资者”,跟投比例越高,其抬高发行价的机会主义行为更少;(4)进一步,对于高跟投比例的科创板公司,投资银行声誉机制发挥的作用更大。本文的研究结果表明,在当前全面推行注册制的背景下,投资银行声誉机制和市场的健康运行相辅相成,应强化投资银行在IPO过程中的信息认证功能,并通过跟投制度形成对投资银行定价的市场约束。  相似文献   

于澜 《北方金融》2020,(2):26-31
证券发行注册制改革是资本市场市场化的有力举措。实践证明,证券监督管理机构实质审核代替投资者独立价值判断的核准制扭曲了市场竞争机制,发审效率低且质量差的同时,亦带来权力寻租和腐败等严重问题,由此以信息披露为核心的注册制是证券发行制度改革的方向。本文基于资本市场政府与市场关系的视角,以科创板注册制改革的有益经验为借鉴,从信息披露、事中与事后监管及退市制度等方面分析创业板注册制改革的核心机制,并针对其独特的市场定位,主张创业板注册制改革在借鉴科创板有利经验的同时亦要因板制宜,实行分层管理并完善借壳上市相关规则。  相似文献   

以2019年科创板试点注册制以来的A股首次公开发行(以下简称IPO)公司为研究样本,以首次公开发行抑价率(以下简称IPO抑价率)作为定价效率的代理变量,考察注册制对资本市场定价效率的影响。研究发现,相对于审核制,注册制能够降低IPO抑价率,提高资本市场定价效率;异质性分析结果显示,注册制在高信息不对称程度、低承销商声誉和低审计师声誉情形下发挥了更大的作用。这给我们的启示是应当坚定实施注册制的信心,进一步扩大资本市场供给,给二级市场投资者情绪降温,为全面推进注册制做好准备。  相似文献   

注册制改革强化了上市公司信息披露要求,突出了交易所问询在IPO前的信息核验作用。IPO抑价率是衡量资本市场定价效率的重要指标,其水平与变化体现了资本市场改革的成效。本文基于信息溢出视角,以2019—2021年沪深A股注册制IPO公司为样本,实证检验交易所问询对IPO抑价的影响。研究发现:第一,交易所增强对中介机构其他客户的IPO问询力度,能够显著降低目标企业的发行抑价,即交易所问询存在信息溢出效应。第二,交易所问询的信息溢出效应主要通过提高目标公司的被问询力度,达到降低目标企业IPO抑价的效果。第三,交易所问询信息的溢出效应存在异质性,在询价机构数量多、网上超额认购倍数高的公司中表现得更为明显。提高资本市场的信息披露质量,应推动中介机构完善质量控制体系建设,增强业界标杆的学习效应,形成与注册制改革相匹配的执业理念与执业能力;落实新证券法在IPO业务中对中介机构的职责要求,完善IPO配售制度,加强保荐机构加强报价的客观独立性;建立交易所问询跟踪机制,根据中介机构后续IPO信息质量的改进情况,强化对中介结构的激励约束,增强IPO问询在资本市场治理中的作用。  相似文献   

现有文献对分行业信息披露监管如何影响上市公司审计决策关注较少,本文利用分批次发布行业信息披露指引这一准自然实验,构建双重差分模型,从审计定价角度探究审计师对分行业信息披露监管的反应。研究发现:行业信息披露指引的发布显著提高了样本公司的审计费用,同时,机制检验表明,该监管政策增加了审计师的审计风险和审计投入,为“分行业信息披露监管→增加监管风险→提高审计定价”的作用路径提供了有力证据。进一步研究发现,企业的内部控制质量、产权性质、所处的制度环境及分析师关注在分行业信息披露监管对审计师的溢出效应中发挥了调节作用。  相似文献   

股票发行注册制在成熟市场取得了较好的效果,但能否适用于新兴市场存在不确定性。本文利用注册制首次在我国科创板试点实施的准自然实验,以2016—2020年进行首轮融资的7715个初创企业为样本,采用双重差分方法评估新股发行制度改革对初创科技型企业融资的溢出效应。研究发现:相对于核准制,注册制实施后初创科技型企业的融资金额增加,融资时间提前;注册制改革通过提高风险投资之间的竞争强度,促进初创科技型企业融资;企业的科技创新能力更强或者风险投资的相关投资经验更多时,注册制改革对初创科技型企业融资的影响更显著;注册制改革对初创科技型企业首轮融资的上述影响能够持续传导至后续轮次融资直至企业公开上市。本文结果表明:注册制改革能够显著增强资本市场对科技创新企业的金融支持功能。  相似文献   

This paper explores the effect of public information on analysts' information acquisition. By introducing the implementation of the Key Audit Matters (KAM) Disclosure Standards for China's firms cross-listed in Hong Kong in 2017, we present evidence that KAM disclosure reduces analysts' firm visits, which is an important channel of information acquisition. The effect is particularly pronounced for firms with audit partner rotation and low institutional ownership. KAM disclosure by industrial leaders has a spillover effect on analyst visits for peer firms. Disclosure also improves the frequency and quality of analysts' forecasts and firms' information environments, indicating that KAMs are informative and audit information is an important determinant of analysts' information acquisition. Our study reveals the real effect of KAM disclosure on analyst decisions, which may be of interest to regulators concerned with the mandatory disclosure of audit information and capital market efficiency.  相似文献   

We show that information complementarities play an important role in the spillover of transparency shocks. We exploit the revelation of financial misconduct by S&P 500 firms, and in a “Stacked Difference-in-Differences” design, find that the implied cost of capital increases for “close” industry peers of the fraudulent firms relative to “distant” industry peers. The spillover effect is particularly strong when the close peers and the fraudulent firm share common analyst coverage and common institutional ownership, which have been shown to be powerful proxies for fundamental linkages and information complementarities. We provide evidence that increase in the cost of capital of peer firms is due, at least in part, to “beta shocks.” Disclosure by close peers—especially those with co-coverage and co-ownership links—also increases following fraud revelation. Although disclosure remains high in the following years, the cost of equity starts to decrease.  相似文献   

政治联系对中国上市公司的R&D投资具有“挤出”效应吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文揭示了政治联系这一非正式的制度安排对中国上市公司R&D投资行为的影响。手工搜集了2004-2009年R&D与关键高管政治联系的经验数据,本文实证研究了政治联系是否对R&D具有"挤出"效应。结果表明,政治联系的公司投资于R&D的概率显著更小、R&D投资强度显著更低,即政治联系对R&D投资具有显著的挤出效应。进一步研究发现,相对于非国有上市公司与非高科技企业,政治联系对国有上市公司与高科技上市公司的R&D投资产生了显著的挤出效应。  相似文献   

We examine the peer effects in financial decisions of Chinese listed companies for the period of 1998–2016 as well as around Split Share Structure Reform (SSSR). Consistent with the information‐based theory of learning, Chinese firms do adjust their capital structure in response to the changes in their peers’ market leverage ratios. The industries that are more competitive, with more young firms, and high leverage volatility tend to exhibit stronger peer effects. Within industries, the firms with lower market share and profits, paying no dividends, and being financially constrained mimic their peers more strongly than their counterparts. The evidence around the SSSR reveals that firms tend to follow their industry peers and leaders more closely in making financial decisions after the reform. Finally, the mimicking behavior in financial decisions enhances firm value in the long run and this finding is more evident after the reform.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of peer performance on the asymmetric timeliness of earnings recognition. We find a positive relationship between peers' weak performance and timely bad news disclosure. Our results are robust to a variety of tests, including instrument variable approach, difference-in-differences analysis, alternative measures and subsample analysis. Consistent with the notion that weak peer performance increases investors' demand for information, the relationship is more profound for firms suffering from high information externality, with weak governance and high information asymmetry. Furthermore, we find that the relationship is difficult to reconcile with the explanation of managers' herding behaviour. In addition, we show that conservative accounting information disclosure due to weak peer performance alleviates managerial bad news hoarding and information asymmetry for underperforming firms, but distorts investment decisions for outperforming firms. We highlight the spillover effect of peer performance on conservative accounting information and the related heterogeneous outcomes.  相似文献   

Dual-listed firms simultaneously follow the relevant rules in their home country and in their cross-listed country. In contrast, other firms only listed in the cross-listed country are only subject to the local regulations. Previous literature has found evidence that cross-listing can improve firms’ information transparency because of more stringent listing rules in the cross-listed country. The existing research, however, has not paid enough attention to the potential influence of dual-listed firms and their home country institutional factors (e.g. unique disclosure policies) on other firms only listed in the cross-listed country (i.e. spillover effect). In the Hong Kong market, Chinese dual-listed firms are under the mandatory profit warning regulation of mainland China, but other firms listed only in Hong Kong only need to follow the voluntary disclosure rule of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Such a setting provides us with the opportunity to investigate a spillover effect, i.e. whether these Chinese dual-listed firms influence their peers only listed in Hong Kong to release profit warnings. We find that firms only listed in Hong Kong are more likely to issue profit warnings if their Chinese dual-listed peers have also issued warnings. We further find that this spillover effect increases with the market capitalization of Chinese dual-listed firms and increases with the market share of these firms before they dominate the industry. Lastly, due to an underlying duty to disclose material information in Hong Kong, the spillover effect is weaker for firms with large earnings surprises.  相似文献   

R&D的重要性及其信息披露方式的改进   总被引:69,自引:2,他引:69  
本文以在上海证交所上市的公司为研究对象 ,以 1995 - 1999年作为研究考察区间 ,考察了我国上市公司R&D信息披露现状及R&D信息披露对我国上市公司会计信息有用性的影响。研究结果表明 ,企业对R&D信息的不当披露是导致我国上市公司会计信息有用性逐年下降的重要因素之一。在借鉴国外对R&D信息披露规范的基础上 ,我们提出了改进我国上市公司R&D信息披露的建议  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of mandatory corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure on firms’ investment efficiency in China. Using the CSR regulation that mandates a group of listed firms to disclose stand‐alone CSR reports after 2008 as a natural experiment, we find that firms subject to the mandatory CSR regulation have decreased investment inefficiency subsequent to the mandate, especially in cases of overinvestment. This effect is more pronounced for firms with a control‐ownership wedge, state‐owned enterprises (SOEs), and firms having lower institutional ownership. Further analyses find that the reduction of overinvestment is much more significant in industries with high pollution and that the reduction in investment is not due to the CSR spending siphoning off capital used in other projects. We argue that mandatory corporate social responsibility disclosure improves monitoring over firms in China, especially when firms are characterised as having severe agency problems.  相似文献   

Following an exogenous regulation change in China, we examine the impact of company visit disclosures on the fairness of market information acquisition. Before July 2012, company visits to Chinese listed firms were vaguely disclosed in annual reports long after they were conducted. After that, they were disclosed in detail within two trading days of their completion. Market reactions around visits are much stronger and more predictive of firms' future earnings if visits occurred after July 2012 and, thus, were disclosed in a timelier and more detailed manner. The timely disclosure of visit details also improves the forecast accuracy of non-visiting analysts, reduces forecast dispersion among analysts, and weakens the relative information advantages of visiting analysts. Because of this, visits are more concentrated on firms with poorer information environments, larger sizes, and manufacturing firms after July 2012, i.e., firms offering visitors larger potential benefits. In summary, the timely disclosure of visit details improves the fairness of information acquisition and decreases information asymmetry while causing information chilling effects for firms that provide fewer potential benefits to visitors.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore intra-industry information transfer of quarterly earnings announcements for six major developed markets including the United States. Using an event study methodology, we find that the average cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) of peer firms exhibit a positive and significant relationship with the CARs of announcing firms in the same country and industry over the three-day window surrounding quarterly earnings announcements. During periods of high past market volatility, earnings announcements demonstrate magnified information spillover effects on peer firms. Also, our results suggest that announcing firms with larger market capitalization generate greater intra-industry information transfer.  相似文献   

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