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Transboundary Marine Resources and Trading Neighbours   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of space in analyzing issues pertaining to renewable resources can hardly be overstated. Many such resources are mobile and spatially heterogeneous with respect to bio-economic variables, with important implications for both domestic management regimes and for international externalities and policy interactions. This paper uses a simple general-equilibrium framework to show that acknowledging the inter-jurisdictional mobility of a resource such as fish has the potential to alter or qualify some of the conservation and welfare results obtained in the canonical models. The previous literature on trade and renewable resources has focused on cases where national resource stocks are independent. Brander and Taylor (Can J Econ 30(3):526?C552, 1997a; Resour Energy Econ 19(4):267?C297, 1997b; J Int Econ, 1998a; Am Econ Rev, 1998b) find that trade leads to resource stock depletion for an open-access resource-exporting country, while the non-resource exporter is necessarily diversified. In contrast, we find that the country with a comparative advantage in the resource good may gain from a conservation standpoint, while its partner can specialize in the manufactured good and may incur conservation and even welfare losses from trade.  相似文献   

Do exports increase the firm's productivity causally? Focusing on the matched information of highly disaggregated transaction and firm‐level data from 2000 to 2006 in China, we construct a new measure of firm‐specific demand shock as an instrument for firm exports, based on the GDP growth rate of destination countries. We find that a one percentage point expansion in exports raises firm total factor productivity (estimated by the Olley–Pakes method) by approximately 0.224 percentage points on average. Moreover, we find that exports to high‐income countries, more processing exports and scope expansion about variety contribute to the learning effect.  相似文献   

The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was presented as the EU's strategic response in order to deal with the new situation following the enlargement of the European Union in 2004. According to the EU, these changing circumstances have led to new rationales: 1) coping with its new external borders and neighbours and 2), finding a solution for a further enlargement problem. Both rationales are drawn out of strategic interest avoiding potentially damaging consequences on stability and development. Moreover, new inducements for multilevel cooperation were seen as necessary in order to ‘include’ the neighbouring states and create a prosperous and stable ‘Ring of friends’. The ENP has the objective to contribute to internal transformation and to further the process of ‘Europeanisation’. Europeanisation is explained by the EU as a normative process of sharing European values made concrete through policies of conditionality and socialisation of neighbouring states. This process of expanding ‘Europeanisation’ beyond the EU borders is inspired by an ambiguous and conflicting geopolitics that the EU applies as a strategic instrument. Most notably, this is emphasised by the fact that the ENP on the one hand creates an image of an inferior neighbour that urgently needs to move towards European standards and on the other hand produces a speech politics of mutuality and dialogue.

Through the study of EU speeches, communications and documents, we will argue that the rationales behind the ENP suggest a closure of the European Union and allow for neo-colonial interpretations by which pre-defined policies are to be accepted and pre-defined European values are seen as superior to neighbouring local values. This development is both undesirable and harmful. Europe is increasingly re-created as a bounded political entity institutionalised through hierarchical treaties and acts with friends, special friends, and reluctant, unwilling neighbours. In doing so, the EU faces a significant chance of alienating its neighbours and damaging cultures and societies by asymmetrical imperial power-policies based on self-created values. Paradoxically then, ENP that was set up to create good neighbours, risks producing what it wishes to protect from, angry neighbours.  相似文献   

We study the long-run properties of a class of locally interactive learning systems. A finite set of players at fixed locations play a two-by-two symmetric normal form game with strategic complementarities, with one of their “neighbors” selected at random. Because of the endogenous nature of experimentation, or “noise,” the systems we study exhibit a high degree of path dependence. Different actions of a pure coordination game may survive in the long-run at different locations of the system. A reinterpretation of our results shows that the local nature of search may be a robust reason for price dispersion in a search model,Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: C72, D83.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to present a learning theory (constructivist theory) that supports and explains a lot of the requested changes in entrepreneurship education. It also explains how entrepreneurs learn and serves as a basis for designing entrepreneurship programs. If we look at the 'skills' and competencies of entrepreneurs from a constructivist's perspective we find most of them by observing children under the age of five or six: they are motivated to learn, they are interested in a variety of different topics, they ask excellent questions, they try many things to get insights, they are creative, they are impatient. In short, they create and govern their own learning process, which is open for any content, style, goal, experience, etc., and allows them to take every opportunity to answer the question in concern. In this sense it is similar to the entrepreneurial process where the entrepreneur tries everything and is ready to learn what is needed to be successful.  相似文献   

Processing export plays a significant role in international trade. In this paper, focusing on firm-level dynamics, we show that firms learn from their processing export experience to improve their subsequent ordinary export outcomes. Using transaction-level trade data and firm-level production data, we show that firms’ ordinary export performance, at both extensive and intensive margins, is enhanced by their own processing experience. Firms also export products with improved quality after engaging in processing exports of similar products. Furthermore, we investigate potential channels through which firms learn from processing experience. We find that firms potentially learn from processing experience to enhance production efficiency, to better understand how to improve product appeal to cater to specific markets, and to gain better and easier access to inputs. Moreover, we find that exporters benefit more from processing experience for larger markets with fiercer competition. Similarly, stronger learning effects are also observed when processing experience is associated with products that embody less diffused knowledge and are more differentiated. Also, firms learn more from processing experience when they are more actively engaged in processing imports. Lastly, we verify the economic significance and quantify the importance of these potential channels.  相似文献   

This paper considers a smooth and noisy version of the statistical prediction model studied in the herding/informational cascades literature and compares market and optimal learning. The latter is characterized by defining a decentralized welfare benchmark as the solution to an infinite horizonteamproblem. Market behavior involves herding, in the sense that agents put too little weight on their private information for any given precision of public information, and yields underinvestment in the production of public information. However, both market and optimal learning involveslowlearning. Examples of the model include learning by doing, reaching consensus, and consumer learning about quality.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: D82, D83.  相似文献   

从机会资源一体化视角探索创业情境下失败学习促进商业模式创新的途径。基于创业机会理论和资源依赖理论,引入创业动态能力作为中介机制,构建失败学习影响商业模式创新的“认知-能力-绩效”理论模型。通过对派尼尔环保探索性案例和201份经历过创业失败的创业者问卷进行统计分析,得出以下结论:失败学习显著促进商业模式创新;创业动态能力在失败学习与商业模式创新关系间发挥部分中介作用;环境动态性未调节创业动态能力与商业模式创新的关系。  相似文献   

潘洪 《经济研究导刊》2011,(22):323-325
近年来,随着语料库语言学的发展,词块的学习显得越来越重要。通过分析中国韩语教学中出现的问题,试将英语中词块教学法运用于韩语教学,并且试着提供几种有效地途径来解决这些问题,从而帮助学习者提高韩语能力,帮助教学者更加有效地教授韩语。  相似文献   

We study the perfect type-contingently public ex-post equilibrium (PTXE) of repeated games where players observe imperfect public signals of the actions played, and both the payoff functions and the map from actions to signal distributions depend on an unknown state. The PTXE payoffs when players are patient are determined by the solutions to a family of linear programming problems. Using this characterization, we develop conditions under which play can be as if the players have learned the state. We provide a sufficient condition for the folk theorem, and a characterization of the PTXE payoffs in games with a known monitoring structure.  相似文献   

利用287名有失败经历的新创企业创业者和创业团队成员的调研数据,借助统计分析工具,实证研究了新创企业的两类失败学习模式(探索模式和利用模式)对企业成长的影响,以及失败学习内容在其中的中介作用。研究结果表明:失败学习模式中的探索模式和利用模式都对新创企业成长产生正向影响;探索模式对失败学习内容及其各维度均有正向影响,而利用模式只对失败学习内容中的自我学习、商业学习和企业管理学习3个维度有正向影响;失败学习内容在利用模式与企业成长间起完全中介作用,在探索模式与企业成长关系间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

基于组织学习时空理论的空间维度,认为组织内部是组织学习的重要来源,探索了组织从内部学习的相关问题。建立了组织从内部学习的模型——包括从内部纵向学习和从内部横向学习两个方面,并提出命题。认为:组织从内部学习会产生不同的结论,获得独特的优势,加大学习资源的广度和深度;组织从内部学习的主要方法是知识资源的分享、交换和传播;采取半隔离化子群结构和适当程度的跨群连接两种机制可在更长的时间跨度上达到更佳的学习效果;组织从内部学习类似于某种社会化过程,受到知识资源特征、组织制度政策、个体及环境等的影响;组织从内部学习受到组织内社会网络特征的影响;自我反思、行动学习和情景规划是组织从内部学习的重要方式;要将组织从内部学习与组织从外部学习相结合。该理论模型为未来研究提供了方向。  相似文献   

基于组织学习时空理论的时间维度,提出组织从当前现状中学习的模型。该模型包括4个方面:"知",以组织面临的现状、机会和挑战为出发点,运用行动学习的方法,通过团队形式的讨论、反思和质疑、实践的循环,从当前现状中获得知识;"行",将学习到的知识运用于实践,改进自身方案和采取适当行动;知与行的转化,包含知与行的循环;从知和行两个维度评估学习的有效性。最后,总结了理论和实践贡献,并指出存在的不足和未来的改进方向。  相似文献   

基于组织学习时空理论的空间维度,提出了组织从外部学习的模型。研究内容包括两个方面:一方面,基于外部组织类型的视角,以企业为例,探讨了组织向外部不同类型组织的学习——具体包括组织向政府、供应商、顾客、竞争者和合作者的学习,组织在向外部不同类型组织的学习中获取知识的维度和方式,知识的整合以及从外部学习与从内部学习的结合;另一方面,基于组织嵌入网络的视角,进一步探讨了组织与外部其他组织建立的网络,网络连带的强度、网络密度和组织在网络中所处的位置对组织从外部学习的影响,网络结构的决定因素,以及组织在网络中的权力和地位。最后总结了理论和实践贡献,并指出了存在的不足和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

从经历中学习是组织学习的重要方面。从科学、严谨的研究范式出发,结合东方传统的阴阳哲学思想,基于时间维度提出了包含学习主体、经历样本、成功失败经历集、学习主体特征、知和行等要素的组织从过去经历中学习的模型,并对相关问题进行了探究。具体包括:学习主体从经历中学习的认知特性;不同类型经历对应的不同学习方法,成功经历和失败经历对学习效果的差异性影响,经历集影响知和行的7种自动的和有意的学习方式;知与行相互转化及其触发机制;客观世界从时间和空间两个维度客观展开的观点等。该系统模型为未来研究提供了理论框架和实证检验方向。  相似文献   

经济手段尤其是财税手段成为各国政府解决环境问题的重要工具,特别是在欧盟国家,环境税的应用最广,实施后的效果最好。在审视中国目前有关环境保护税费的基础上,参考借鉴欧盟的经验,构建中国的环保税体系,具有长远的意义。  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of simulation experiments performed on a suite of learning algorithms. We focus on games in network contexts. These are contexts in which (1) agents have very limited information about the game and (2) play can be extremely asynchronous. There are many proposed learning algorithms in the literature. We choose a small sampling of such algorithms and use numerical simulation to explore the nature of asymptotic play. In particular, we explore the extent to which the asymptotic play depends on three factors: limited information, asynchronous play, and the degree of responsiveness of the learning algorithm. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: C63, C72.  相似文献   

已有文献认为失败学习对企业绩效具有重要作用,但失败学习通过何种途径促进企业绩效提升的研究并不完善。基于失败学习理论,引入资源拼凑和机会识别作为中介变量,构建失败学习影响企业绩效的多路径模型,探索失败学习对企业绩效的驱动路径及内在机理。实证结果表明:失败学习对企业绩效具有显著积极作用,资源拼凑和机会识别分别在失败学习与企业绩效之间起中介作用,资源拼凑和机会识别在失败学习对企业绩效驱动过程中存在链式中介作用,战略柔性能够强化资源拼凑与企业绩效之间的关系,并正向调节资源拼凑的中介作用。研究结论拓展了失败学习对企业绩效的影响路径,对企业复苏和成长具有重要启示。  相似文献   

This paper examines public debt management during episodes of fiscal stabilization when long–term interest rates are generally higher than governments' expectations of future rates. We find that governments increase the share of fixed–rate long–term debt denominated in the domestic currency, the higher is the conditional volatility of short–term interest rates, the lower are long–term interest rates, and the stronger is the fall in long–term rates that follows the announcement of the stabilization program. This evidence suggests that governments tend to prefer long to short maturity debt because they are concerned about refinancing risk. However, when long–term rates are high relative to their expectations, they issue short maturity debt to minimize borrowing costs.
JEL classification : E 63; H 63  相似文献   

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