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沈凡 《新金融》2012,(11):51-54
本文以银监会新发布的《商业银行资本管理办法》为切入点,从加权风险资产计量和管理角度分析了新办法给银行商业分支机构带来的冲击,重点讨论了内评法对商业银行分支机构经营策略的影响。在此基础上,对商业银行分支机构的应对策略进行了探索,探讨了对单个客户的定价策略、正确处理发展与管理关系、持续优化结构以及建立资本约束管理机制等问题。  相似文献   

2009年5月,银监会下发了《关于中小商业银行分支机构市场准人政策的调整意见(试行)》(简称《调整意见》)。该《调整意见》允许符合条件的中小商业银行在相关地域设置分支机构,设置分支机构不再受数量指标控制。同时放松对分支机构运营资金的要求……。分支机构设置的开禁,为国内中小商业银行的发展注人了活力。随之符合条件的中小城市商业银行开设异地分行的步伐明显加快,纷纷走出本地,走向全国,在异地设置分支机构。  相似文献   

商业银行资本监管已经成为近年来国内外金融监管部门监管的重中之重。针对当前商业银行资本监管,主要处于法人层面的实际状况。为探索分支机构资本监管的有效途径,山东省银监局、农行山东分行组成联合课题组,对农行山东分行及辖内个别分支机构经济资本管理情况展开调研。本文通过对经济资本管理发展的背景、历程、现状的描述,进而总结出当前经济资本管理及分支机构资本监管中存在的不足,并提出经济资本管理的合理化建议。  相似文献   

唐莎莎 《云南金融》2012,(1Z):81-81
从商业银行分支机构视角看,对经济资本管理的认识尚存在一定程度的不足。以厦门某分行为例,通过2009-2011年有关指标比较可以看出,通过实施经济资本管理,风险资产管理、经济资本回报均取得了明显的成效,这主要得益于找准经济资本管理在商业银行分支机构中加以应用的关键点,但商业银行分支机构层面的经济资本管理仍需完善。  相似文献   

从商业银行分支机构视角看,对经济资本管理的认识尚存在一定程度的不足。以厦门某分行为例,通过2009-2011年有关指标比较可以看出,通过实施经济资本管理,风险资产管理、经济资本回报均取得了明显的成效,这主要得益于找准经济资本管理在商业银行分支机构中加以应用的关键点,但商业银行分支机构层面的经济资本管理仍需完善。  相似文献   

自2009年银监会发文解禁中小商业银行的分支机构设立以来,国内符合条件的中小商业银行纷纷拓展异地市场。在此过程中,中小商业银行在拓展空间、扩张规模、增加活力的同时,也面临诸多挑战,尤其是在发展零售业务方面更是困难重重。本文分析了国内中小商业银行异地机构发展零售业务面临的困难与机遇,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

本文针对《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)给商业银行带来的机遇和挑战进行了较深入细致的分析。指出新《办法》在增设个人银行结算账户、异地开立银行结算账户、突出基本存款账户的统驭地位和取消开立一般存款账户的限制条件等方面发生了重大的修改和突破,为商业银行结算业务、个人理财业务和客户资源重新分配带来了新的发展空间。最后,提出商业银行必须重视异地开户、异地贷款等方面的风险管理,加强包括公私联动和跨区域分支机构之间联动的管理。  相似文献   

2007~2008年,是城商行设立异地分支机构的高峰年.面对曾经局限于一地发展的城商行纷纷走出去的局面,直接带来的问题就是:城商行如何适应"走出去"浪潮带来的冲击?下面本人结合威海商行异地分支机构的发展现状和管理特点,对城商行机构管理中普遍存在的问题以及解决对策谈一下个人意见.  相似文献   

王竹 《西南金融》2002,(6):18-20
本针对辖内商业银行分支机构中间业务发展过程中存在的收费制度不健全、准入程序不明确等诸多问题,进行了较为细致深入的分析。并从完善商业银行分支机构中间业务市场准入管理规程这一层面入手,提出了完善中间业务收费制度、简化审批环节、明确商业银行分支机构代理证券保险业务的准入管理程序、加强商业银行授权管理以及规范《金融机构营业许可证》业务范围等政策建议。  相似文献   

代理业务是商业银行中间业务的重要组成部分,中小商业银行在大力拓展本异地分支机构建设、开拓公司及个人贷款业务的同时,应制订代理业务发展规划和政策,积极拓展代理业务市场,增加商业银行低成本资金来源,以新的效益增长点增强同业竞争力和市场占有率。  相似文献   

邹新  马素红 《金融论坛》2004,9(3):46-51
我国国有商业银行在分支机构管理上存在着分支机构总量过于庞大、人员过多、布局缺乏地区定位以及管理链条较长等问题,导致的结果就是管理成本高、市场反应速度慢,这将不利于其在日益激烈的同业竞争中获胜.据此,结合我国区域经济发展的特征和金融资源的分布情况,参照国际商业银行分支机构管理的经验,作者提出了国有商业银行分支机构调整战略目标以及"一个重心,三条主线"的战略规划,"一个重心"主要是指以中心城市行为发展重心;"三条主线"包括纵向的组织结构扁平化、横向的网点区域布局调整以及按业务流程对组织架构进行整合.  相似文献   

县支行是我国中央银行最为基层的一级单位,也是各类信息系统的终端节点和神经末梢,科技管理工作与基层央行业务的顺利开展密切相关。本文分析了目前县支行科技管理工作中出现的新情况、新问题.提出了一种的新的工作模式——科技管理的集中化和标准化,解决目前县支行科技管理工作中的困境,以达到科技服务业务、科技引领创新的要求。  相似文献   

企业文化体现着一个企业的精神和气质,它既是滋养企业这棵大树的土壤,也是照亮企业前进航程的光芒。在中国工商银行浙江省分行营业部,企业文化已经渗透到全行经营管理的方方面面,发挥着“润物细无声”的重要作用,有力地促进了各项业务的发展。近日。本刊记者赶赴杭州。走访了营业部及其下属的朝晖支行、羊坝头支行和解放路支行,并就企业文化建设这一主题采访了浙江省分行副行长兼营业部总经理王百荣。  相似文献   

This study investigates the operating and profitability efficiency of 15 branches of UAE-based commercial bank utilising the data envelopment analysis method. The results indicate that efficiency levels among the various branches vary and that there is room for improvement. Profitability efficiency appears to be higher than operational efficiency. Regarding the financial ratios analysis, a consistent effect cannot be obtained and it cannot be determined which branch has an overall position in terms of higher performance. The historical analysis of the branch network performance indicates that management should consider major operational improvement efforts to reduce employees' expenses and other operating expenses combined with an increase in the total loans portfolio. Improvement in both interest and non-interest revenues is required to increase profitability efficiency of the whole branch network.  相似文献   

Measuring and evaluating the operating efficiency of bank branches requires analytic techniques that provide insights beyond those available from accounting ratio analysis. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), a mathematical programming technique, provides useful insights in locating inefficient branches by explicitly considering the mix of services provided and the resources used to provide these bank services. Bank management finds the DEA results provide meaningful insights not available from other techniques that focus on ways to improve productivity. The results suggests that DEA is a beneficial complement to other techniques for improving bank branch efficiency.  相似文献   

Margins in international banking have fallen dramatically during the last years. Therefore, banks face the pressing need to develop more suitable forms of organization and more efficient incentive schemes. In a principal agent framework this paper develops four fundamental rules. The marginal benefits from additional risk taking should be equal to its marginal cost. The top management should set position limits to the local branch managers. Competition across local branches should be used to improve incentives. If the local branch manager can engage in different activities, incentives should be balanced.  相似文献   

Despite significant technological innovation in retail banking services delivery, the number of US bank branches has grown steadily over time. Further, more and more of these branches are held by banks with large branch networks. This paper assesses the implications of these developments by examining measures of branch performance and asking how these measure vary across institutions with different branch network sizes. Our findings suggest that banks with mid-sized branch networks may be at a competitive disadvantage in branching activities. We find no systematic relationship between branch network size and overall institutional profitability, perhaps because banking organizations optimize the size of their branch network operations as part of an overall strategy involving both branch-based and non-branch-based activities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of cost efficiencies on efficient management of branch networks in the contemporary European commercial banking industry. The analysis, which could be generalised to other industries, indicates that larger banks are more likely to have heavily utilised branch networks than smaller banks and to exhibit fewer cost efficiencies from building more branches. The finding of this result within each country suggests the role of internal firm size regardless of competitive conditions. The similar cross‐country finding suggests the impact of factors such as market structure/concentration levels and type of non‐price competition. Larger banks can generate less income per unit asset deployed. Cross‐border efficiency might be improved by greater use of banks with under‐used networks by banks with over‐used networks.  相似文献   

黄立新 《金融论坛》2005,10(4):49-54
工商银行目前的组织架构分为总行、一级分行、二级分行、一级支行、二级支行(分理处、储蓄所)五个层次,每个层次在职能、资源(包括权力、信息等)、工作环境、运作方式等方面均有不同的性质和特点。本文引用母公司与子公司分层次战略管理原理,通过对某支行发展战略的实证研究,指出了一级支行以往经营管理中存在的脱离实际、盲目发展、短期行为等问题;论证了一级支行既要强化统一法人意识、严格执行上级行发展战略,又要适应外部发展环境、发挥自身竞争优势,实现可持续发展的战略管理思想;举证了一级支行实施战略管理的SWOT模型,对一级支行经营管理,提升核心竞争力具有现实意义。  相似文献   

Accounting based valuation models: what have we learned?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present survey article formed the basis of a presentation by G. Richardson to the 8 July 2003 plenary session of the Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference in Brisbane, Australia. The present article reconciles the historical and forecasting branches in the published accounting literature. Prior survey articles have primarily focused either on the historical branch or the forecasting branch. While these approaches have yielded useful insights, they do not attempt to synthesize the link between the two branches of the published literature. An obvious link between the two branches is that the Ohlson model begins with the Residual Income Model as an initial assumption. We believe that there are other links that need further emphasis. In the process, we also review the empirical issues and the evidence within these two branches. We know of no paper to date that has surveyed the empirical evidence on both the historical and forecasting branches of the published literature. In particular, we draw inferences on the following question: on balance, what have we learned from nearly a decade of research on accounting based valuation models and its applications?  相似文献   

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