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供应链管理是从战略的高度对供应链中的核心能力和资源进行集成,对物质流和信息流进行有效管理,使供应链以最低的成本持续可靠高效运行的管理模式。供应链管理强调的是把主要的精力放在企业(或非企业)的核心业务上,充分发挥其优势,非核心业务由合作企业完成。这样,在集中资源发展自身核心业务的同时,利用其他企业资源弥补自身不足,从而使自己整体运作达到最优。  相似文献   

绿色供应链中包括多个环节,在众多环节中,如何选择绿色供应链的战略合作伙伴,特别是对供应商的选择显得极为重要。笔者提出了绿色供应链环境下供应商选择的经济、成本、环境和战略性原则,通过建立评价指标体系、实地情况调研以及综合评级选择绿色供应商,并建立了绿色供应链管理下供应商管理机制,阐述了合作方法和生态型供应商绩效管理方法。  相似文献   

定单生产的供应链管理(BOSC)能够使企业具备对市场的快速反应能力和柔性,其目标是在整个供应链上用最短的提前期、最小的库存和最少的成本来满足单个顾客的需求。通过对BOSC与传统供应链管理进行比较,阐述了BOSC的战略制定、开发、具体操作等实施过程,并对运用过程中存在的问题和解决办法进行探讨。  相似文献   

后工业经济时代的今天,企业间在降低生产成本,改善产品品质和扩大销售方面的竞争已经发展到相当成熟的地步,企业在进一步挖掘自身资源利润增长共享来实现“双赢”,供应链管理就是在这样的背景下产生的一种新型的管理思想和方法。随着顾客需求的个性化,多样化和科学技术的飞速发展,产品的生命周期越来越短,更新换代的频率显著加快,时间管理在供应链管理中具有越来越重要的地位,如何通过时间压缩战略来更好地满足客户的需求,就成为供应链管理过程中的一个课题。  相似文献   

第四方物流对供应链的优化整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、供应链物流管理:第四方物流1.供应链物流管理权威物流学者鲍尔索克斯教授对物流思想的演变过程做了总结:20世纪50年代以前强调运输效率:20世纪50年代强调物流成本、客户服务:20世纪60年代强调综合外包:20世纪70年代强调运作整合、质量:20世纪80年代强调财务表现和运作优化;20世纪90年代强调客户关系和企业延伸;21世纪强调供应链整合  相似文献   

恽绵 《中国储运》2012,(6):65-65
目前的行业现状对企业来说,要降低直接成本非常难,只能谋求供应链的优化。提不出供应链的优化,即使今年的成本下降了,来年甲方又会压你的直接物流成本,所以做服务的压力永远存在,物流在这种完全竞争行业下,不可能有暴利的可能。  相似文献   

由于在供应链的信息传递过程中牛鞭效应的存在,导致供应链上的需求信息失真,从而产生库存积压、企业生产计划变化加剧、额外成本支出增加等问题.对此从技术层次上,通过建立战略合作伙伴关系,改变信息共享和库存管理方式,提出供应商管理库存的策略步骤,并对实施效益进行分析论述.  相似文献   

王佐 《中国储运》2004,(1):14-17
对战略本身的评价和调整只能在运营的过程中,通过一系列的监测、反馈、评价和闭环控制机制来实施。战略的要害就是运营、运营、再运营。本文将着重介绍ARC顾问公司关于供应链运营杰出战略的基本架构和供应链运营绩效诊断方法,以期给准备实施供应链管理战略的企业一个良好的运营参照系。  相似文献   

郭武 《中国储运》2012,(9):73-73
上海美特斯邦威服饰股份有限公司是一家国内知名的服装公司,主要研发、采购和营销自主创立的“Meters/bonwe”和“ME&CITY”两大品牌时尚休闲服饰。随着美特斯邦威业务的飞速发展,每天需要处理成百上千的库存单位,并要管理无数的款式、结构、客户标识甚至更多的数据。在这种复杂性极高的经营管理中,精确的预测、有效的管理以及高效灵活的物流配送系统就显得尤为重要,企业迫切需要引入能为服装整个供应链过程提供物流解决方案的物流供应商,以加快供应链反应速度、降低综合物流成本。  相似文献   

需求不确定下的物流服务供应链收益共享契约设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以功能型物流服务提供商和物流服务集成商为研究对象,在需求不确定性条件下,研究考虑可靠性的物流服务供应链能力协调和物流服务供应链收益共享契约问题.通过建立相关模型,计算得到系统达到协调状态时的最优物流服务订购量、收益系数和期望利润.通过仿真,分析可靠性和惩罚成本的变化对收益系数、服务订购量和期望利润的影响.  相似文献   

研究了供应链管理环境下新的库存策略。建立了基于VMI的有初始库存、允许库存短缺、缺货需补充、补充具有延时的供应链利润模型,并对该模型进行了供应链总的库存相关成本及供应商的库存相关成本分析。  相似文献   

Most supply chain models focus on two-stage chains in which vendors supply material to one customer. In this paper, we formulate a three-stage supply chain model where a firm can supply many customers. We deal with three inventory coordination mechanisms between chain members and solve a cost minimization model for each. We show that some of the coordination mechanisms can result in a significantly lower total cost than matching production and delivery along the chain. We provide some insights into when the added complexity of the second and third coordination mechanisms lead to significant cost reductions.  相似文献   

This research evaluates how vendor managed inventory (VMI) affects a supply channel. Specifically, VMI always leads to a higher buyer's profit, but supplier's profit varies. In the short-term, VMI is found to reduce total costs of the channel system, but under certain cost conditions between buyer and supplier, it could decrease the purchasing price and supplier's profit. In the long-run, it could more likely increase supplier's profit than in the short-run. Finally, VMI is an effective supply chain strategy that can realize many of the benefits obtainable only in a fully integrated supply chain.  相似文献   

In logistics networks involving one supply point (depot) and several geographically dispersed demand points (e.g., retail stores), delivery shortages will result if the design of delivery routes ignores random period-to-period fluctuations in customer demands. Delivery shortages may be costly enough for the depot to seek strategies to prevent them. A requirement for rational comparison of strategies is quantifying their effects on total supply chain costs. Accurate distance prediction models are developed to help satisfy this prerequisite for the transportation cost element. These models are integrated into a comparison of strategies on the basis of how these strategies affect inventory and transportation. The focus of findings from the comparison involves identifying the information cost thresholds for accepting/rejecting a demand-responsive strategy. The study's implications for choosing a strategy are presented. ©  相似文献   

面向电子供应链的企业物流信息系统的开发和建设,有助于实现企业、供应商、销售商之间的协调发展,减少库存,降低操作成本,缩短交易时间等。根据电子供应链的网络环境特点,在研究制造业企业物流一般流程的基础上,根据主、辅制造商物流流程,提出企业物流信息系统的参考模型结构设计。  相似文献   

This paper considers a supply chain that consists of a manufacturer and a supplier who faces disruption risks. We investigate the impact of decision sequence on the supplier’s endogenous reliability enhancement and the firms’ equilibrium pricing strategies. The supply chain reliability achieves a higher level under the supplier–leader game, but this does not always lead to a higher payoff for the supply chain. Each firm prefers to make the decision first, while any decision sequence can become dominant for the supply chain. We also show that the supply chain can achieve coordination via the revenue sharing contract.  相似文献   

Sustainable supply chain management has become an integral part of corporate strategy for virtually every industry. However, little is understood about the broader impacts of sustainability practices on the capacity of the supply chain to tolerate disruptions. This article aims to explore the sustainability–resilience relationship at the supply chain design level. A multi-objective optimization model featuring a sustainability performance scoring method and a stochastic fuzzy goal programming approach is developed that can be used to perform a dynamic sustainability tradeoff analysis and design a “resiliently sustainable” supply chain. Important managerial and practical insights are obtained from an empirical case study.  相似文献   

This paper identifies research opportunities which will enable the further integration of inland waterway transport in the intermodal supply chain. Intermodal transport may be interpreted as a chain of actors who supply a transport service. Inland navigation can play a crucial role in increasing supply chain service performance. A first group of research challenges lies in the evolving relationship between transport geography and logistics activities. The next set of research challenges has the objective to encourage efficient operations in IWT: development of a system wide model for IWT, integration of operational planning systems and analysis of bundling networks. A third group of research efforts is directed towards shippers and consignees who use the intermodal transport chain to send or receive their goods: further development of models that integrate intermodal transport decisions with supply chain decisions and creation of green supply chains. A fourth cluster of research challenges concerns the problem domain of external cost calculations. Finally detailed time series data on freight transport should be collected to support these future research tracks.  相似文献   

This paper introduces conceptual and mathematical models of the domestic grain supply chain incorporating trucking, elevator storage, and rail transportation. We compare conventional rail service supported by country elevators with shuttle service supported by terminal elevators across three critical transportation service dimensions: travel time, cost, and capacity. Even after taking into account trucking and elevator storage, the time and cost model results indicate that shuttle service transports grain faster and reduces logistical supply chain costs, respectively, relative to conventional service. The rail capacity model results demonstrate that shifting grain from conventional to shuttle service significantly increases rail capacity.  相似文献   

In this study, a mathematical model that integrates spatial and temporal dimensions is developed for strategic planning of future bioethanol supply chain systems. The planning objective is to minimize the cost of the entire supply chain of biofuel from biowaste feedstock fields to end users over the entire planning horizon, simultaneously satisfying demand, resource, and technology constraints. This model is used to evaluate the economic potential and infrastructure requirements for bioethanol production from eight waste biomass resources in California as a case study. It is found that, through careful supply chain design, biowaste-based ethanol production can be sustained at a compatible cost around $1.1 per gallon.  相似文献   

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