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The objective of this analysis was to compare costs of paricalcitol or cinacalcet plus low dose vitamin D, and of phosphate binders, in patients in the IMPACT SHPT study; and to extrapolate those to estimate expected annual maintenance costs.


IMPACT SHPT was a 28-week, randomized, open-label trial. Subjects from 12 countries received intravenous (IV) or oral paricalcitol, or oral cinacalcet plus fixed IV doxercalciferol or oral alfacalcidol. The primary end-point was the proportion of subjects who achieved a mean intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) value of 150–300?pg/mL during weeks 21–28 (evaluation period). This study compares the costs of study drugs and phosphate binders among participants during the study and annualized. This analysis includes only those subjects that reached the evaluation period (134 in each group).


The mean total drug costs over the study period were €2606 (SD?=?€2000) in the paricalcitol group and €3034 (SD?=?€3006) in the cinacalcet group (difference €428, p?=?0.1712). The estimated annualized costs were €5387 (SD?=?€4139) in the paricalcitol group and €6870 (SD?=?€6256) in the cinacalcet group (difference €1492, p?=?0.0395). In addition, a significantly greater proportion (p?=?0.010) of subjects in the paricalcitol arm (56.0%) achieved an iPTH of 150–300?pg/mL during the evaluation period compared to the cinacalcet arm (38.2%).


This was a secondary analysis of the IMPACT SHPT study which was not designed or powered for costs as an outcome. The dosing of study drugs and phosphate binders in the IMPACT study may not reflect actual practice, and patients were followed for 28 weeks, while the treatment of SHPT is long-term.


Patients with SHPT requiring hemodialysis who were treated with a paricalcitol-based regimen for iPTH control had lower estimated annual drug costs compared to those treated with cinacalcet plus low-dose vitamin D.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to evaluate the cost effectiveness of paricalcitol injection compared with calcitriol injection when used to reduce parathyroid hormone levels in patients undergoing haemodialysis. A decision tree was developed to model the 1-year costs and outcomes of therapy for secondary hyperparathyroidism from a US government payer's perspective (2005 US$). Probabilities of hospitalisations and survival with paricalcitol and calcitriol were obtained from published observational studies.

When only drug costs and survival were considered, the incremental cost effectiveness of paricalcitol over calcitriol was $9,900 per life saved. When utilities were included, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio for paricalcitol compared with calcitriol was $13,200 per quality-adjusted life year. When both drug and hospitalisation costs were included in a cost analysis, paricalcitol treatment was cost saving compared with calcitriol, and when hospitalisation costs were included in both the cost-effectiveness analysis and cost-utility analysis paricalcitol demonstrated first-order dominance, cost savings and cost effectiveness.

This decision analysis demonstrated that paricalcitol injection is both cost effective and cost saving compared with calcitriol injection.  相似文献   

Aim: To estimate real-world cardiovascular disease (CVD) burden and value-based price range of evolocumab for a US-context, high-risk, secondary-prevention population.

Materials and methods: Burden of CVD was assessed using the UK-based Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) in order to capture complete CV burden including CV mortality. Patients on standard of care (SOC; high-intensity statins) in CPRD were selected based on eligibility criteria of FOURIER, a phase 3 CV outcomes trial of evolocumab, and categorized into four cohorts: high-risk prevalent atherosclerotic CVD (ASCVD) cohort (n?=?1448), acute coronary syndrome (ACS) (n?=?602), ischemic stroke (IS) (n?=?151), and heart failure (HF) (n?=?291) incident cohorts. The value-based price range for evolocumab was assessed using a previously published economic model. The model incorporated CPRD CV event rates and considered CV event reduction rate ratios per 1?mmol/L reduction in low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) from a meta-analysis of statin trials by the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists Collaboration (CTTC), i.e. CTTC relationship.

Results: Multiple-event rates of composite CV events (ACS, IS, or coronary revascularization) per 100 patient-years were 12.3 for the high-risk prevalent ASCVD cohort, and 25.7, 13.3, and 23.3, respectively, for incident ACS, IS, and HF cohorts. Approximately one-half (42%) of the high-risk ASCVD patients with a new CV event during follow-up had a subsequent CV event. Combining these real-world event rates and the CTTC relationship in the economic model, the value-based price range (credible interval) under a willingness-to-pay threshold of $150,000/quality-adjusted life-year gained for evolocumab was $11,990 ($9,341–$14,833) to $16,856 ($12,903–$20,678) in ASCVD patients with baseline LDL-C levels ≥70?mg/dL and ≥100?mg/dL, respectively.

Conclusion: Real-world CVD burden is substantial. Using the observed CVD burden in CPRD and the CTTC relationship, the cost-effectiveness analysis showed that, accounting for uncertainties, the expected value-based price for evolocumab is higher than its current annual cost, as long as the payer discount off list price is greater than 20%.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this analysis was to estimate the relative cost-effectiveness of Actikerall1 (5-FU-SA) vs cryotherapy in a secondary care setting in the UK, for lesion-directed treatment in patients with actinic keratoses (AK) of the face and scalp.

Methods: The model was a simple decision tree, with a 6-month time horizon. The perspective was that of the UK National Health Service (NHS). Modeled treatment effects included reported per-patient histological clearance and recurrence rates. Cost inputs comprised professional consultation time and cost of medication. Health-related utility estimation followed previously published methodology. Adverse events were not modeled. The key data and model structural assumptions followed expected UK practice. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess structural and parameter uncertainty.

Results: 5-FU-SA was found to be less costly (?£204) and more effective (+0.001 QALY) in base case and sensitivity analyses. In the probabilistic analysis there was 100% probability of being cost-effective over cryotherapy at £20,000 willingness to pay. Cost of professional time was a key driver of the model outcome. 5-FU-SA remained dominant across a range of scenario analyses, including exploration of assumptions around setting of care.

Limitations: The time horizon of the analysis was short and data were not extrapolated beyond the duration of the clinical trial; however, this approach is consistent with likely follow-up of an AK patient. The clinical outcomes observed in the trial were based on a large proportion of cryotherapy patients undergoing an additional cycle of treatment; this may not occur or be required in an experienced secondary care setting.

Conclusion: 5-FU-SA could be considered as a cost-effective choice for treatment of AK lesions of the face and scalp in secondary and mixed care settings in the UK. Use of 5-FU-SA in patients who would otherwise be managed with cryotherapy has the potential to result in cost savings.  相似文献   


Background and objectives:

Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) is a frequent complication of CKD with incidence, prevalence, and costs increasing worldwide. The objective of this analysis was to estimate therapy cost of SHPT in a sub-population of the FARO study.

Materials and Methods:

In the FARO study, an observational survey aimed to evaluate patterns of treatment in patients with SHPT who had undergone hemodialysis, pharmacological treatments and biochemical parameters evolution data were collected in four surveys. Patients maintaining the same treatment in all sessions were grouped by type of treatment and evaluated for costs from the Italian National Health Service perspective.


Four cohorts were identified: patients treated with oral (PO) calcitriol (n?=?182), intravenous (IV) calcitriol (n?=?34), IV paricalcitol (n?=?62), and IV paricalcitol?+?cinacalcet therapy (n?=?20); the cinacalcet monotherapy group was not analysed due to low number of patients (n?=?9). Parathyroid hormone (PTH) level at baseline and effectiveness of treatments in suppressing PTH level were assessed to test comparability among cohorts: calcitriol PO patients were significantly less severe than others (PTH level at baseline lower than 300?pg/ml; p?<?0.0001); calcitriol IV patients did not reach significant reduction in PTH level. Paricalcitol and paricalcitol?+?cinacalcet treatment groups results were comparable, while only the IV paricalcitol cohort’s PTH level, weekly dosage, and cost decreased significantly from the first to the fourth survey (p?=?0.020, p?=?0.012, and p?=?0.0124, respectively). Total costs per week of treatment (including calcium-based phosphate binder and sevelamer) were significantly lower in the paricalcitol vs paricalcitol?+?cinacalcet cohort (p?<?0.001). Major limitations of this study are related to the survey design: not controlled and lack of comparability between cohorts; however, reflective of true practice patterns.


The IV Paricalcitol cohort had significantly lower treatment costs compared with patients treated with paricalcitol?+?calcimemtics (p?<?0.001), without a significant difference in terms of baseline severity and PTH control.  相似文献   


Secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) is a major complication of end stage renal disease (ESRD). For the National Health Service (NHS) to make appropriate choices between medical and surgical management, it needs to understand the cost implications of each. A recent pilot study suggested that the current NHS healthcare resource group tariff for parathyroidectomy (PTX) (£2071 and £1859 in patients with and without complications, respectively) is not representative of the true costs of surgery in patients with SHPT.


This study aims to provide an estimate of healthcare resources used to manage patients and estimate the cost of PTX in a UK tertiary care centre.


Resource use was identified by combining data from the Proton renal database and routine hospital data for adults undergoing PTX for SHPT at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, from 2000–2008. Data were supplemented by a questionnaire, completed by clinicians in six centres across the UK. Costs were obtained from NHS reference costs, British National Formulary and published literature. Costs were applied for the pre-surgical, surgical, peri-surgical, and post-surgical periods so as to calculate the total cost associated with PTX.


One hundred and twenty-four patients (mean age?=?51.0 years) were identified in the database and 79 from the questionnaires. The main costs identified in the database were the surgical stay (mean?=?£4066, SD?=?£,130), the first month post-discharge (£465, SD?=?£176), and 3 months prior to surgery (£399, SD?=?£188); the average total cost was £4932 (SD?=?£4129). From the questionnaires the total cost was £5459 (SD?=?£943). It is possible that the study was limited due to missing data within the database, as well as the possibility of recall bias associated with the clinicians completing the questionnaires.


This analysis suggests that the costs associated with PTX in SHPT exceed the current NHS tariffs for PTX. The cost implications associated with PTX need to be considered in the context of clinical assessment and decision-making, but healthcare policy and planning may warrant review in the light of these results.  相似文献   

We demonstrate theoretically and illustrate the implications of assuming power utility when the true function is of the expo-power form. Empirical results can appear to be consistent with cumulative prospect theory when they are in fact generated from a Markowitz model.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine how overall cost of anticoagulation therapy for warfarin compares with that of Novel Oral Anticoagulants (NOACs). Also, to demonstrate a scientific, comprehensive, and an analytical approach to estimate direct costs involved in monitoring and management of anticoagulation therapy for outpatients in an academic primary care clinic setting, post-initiation of therapy.

Methods: A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted in conjunction with observations of patient care processes between August 2014 and January 2015. The study was conducted in an academic primary care outpatient setting at Mayo Clinic’s warfarin anticoagulation clinic, Rochester, MN. The anticoagulation clinic serves patients 18?years of age or older in Warfarin therapy management, for any indication, after referral from the patient’s primary care provider. The study included anticoagulation clinic enrollment data on a population of 5,526 patients. Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) technique was applied. Detailed process flow maps which showed process steps for all the anticoagulation program components and care continuum phases were created. Staff roles associated with each of the process steps were identified and displayed on the maps. Process times and costs were captured and analyzed. The main outcome was direct cost of monitoring and management of anticoagulation therapy, post-initiation of therapy.

Results: The cost of warfarin management for patients who display unstable International Normalized Ratio (INR) is more than three times those who display stable INR over time. (Comparator to distinguish stability: Frequency of point-of-care visits needed by patients.) For complex anticoagulation patients, total cost of medication and monitoring for warfarin anticoagulation therapy is similar to that for NOACs.

Conclusion: Despite warfarin being significantly less expensive to purchase than NOACs, overall warfarin management incurs higher costs due to laboratory monitoring and provider time than NOACs. NOAC treatment, therefore, may not be more expensive than warfarin therapy management for complex anticoagulation patients.  相似文献   

The modified logit model (Amemiya and Nold, 1975) is generalised to the case where the error term is autocorrelated. The asymptotic distribution (as n →∞ and T →∞) of a feasible GLS estimator of β is derived. Tests of linear restrictions on β and the significance of ρ are presented. The results of the applied work suggest that the factors which explain the pricing behaviour of manufacturing firms, as reported in the tendency survey conducted by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Westpac Banking Corporation, include historical inflation rates of up to 7 quarters and capacity utilisation. First version received: March 2001/Final version received: July 2002 RID="*" ID="*"  The first draft of this paper was written while the author was on study leave at the Department of Econometrics, University of Sydney, Australia.  相似文献   


Aims: Improvements in information technology have granted the recent development of rapid, cloud-enabled, onsite laboratory testing for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This study aims to quantify the value to payers of such technologies.

Materials and methods: To calculate the value of rapid, cloud-enabled, onsite laboratory testing to diagnose RA relative to traditional, centralized laboratory testing, an Excel-based decision tree model was created that simulated potential cost-savings to payers who cover routine evaluations of RA patients in the US. First, a conceptual framework was created to identify the value components of rapid, cloud-enabled onsite testing. Second, value associated with patient time savings, savings on visit fees, change in treatment costs, and QALY improvements was measured, leveraging existing literature and information from an observational study. Lastly, these value components were combined to estimate the total incremental value accruing to payers per patient-year relative to centralized laboratory testing.

Results: Rapid, cloud-enabled, onsite testing is estimated to save one office and 1.81 laboratory visits during the evaluation period for the average patient. Results from an observational study found that rapid, cloud-enabled testing increased the likelihood of completing diagnostic orders from 84.5% to 97%, resulting in an increased probability of early treatment (3.5 percentage points) with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs among patients eligible for treatment. The combined total value was $5,648 per evaluated patient-year. This value is primarily attributed to health benefits of early treatment ($5,048), fewer visit payments ($459), and patient time savings due to fewer office ($216) and laboratory visits ($255).

Limitations and conclusions: Data on the impact of rapid, cloud-enabled, onsite testing on patient health, care delivery, and clinical decision-making is scarce. More robust real-world data would confirm the validity of our model. Rapid, cloud-enabled, onsite testing has the potential to generate significant value to payers.  相似文献   



Procalcitonin (PCT) is a specific marker for differentiating bacterial from non-infective causes of inflammation. It can be used to guide initiation and duration of antibiotic therapy in intensive care unit (ICU) patients with suspected sepsis, and might reduce the duration of hospital stay. Limiting antibiotic treatment duration is highly important because antibiotic over-use may cause patient harm, prolonged hospital stay, and resistance development. Several systematic reviews show that a PCT algorithm for antibiotic discontinuation is safe, but upfront investment required for PCT remains an important barrier against implementation. The current study investigates to what extent this PCT algorithm is a cost-effective use of scarce healthcare resources in ICU patients with sepsis compared to current practice.  相似文献   

目的:探讨认知疗法在骨科慢性疼痛性疾病患者护理中的应用价值。方法选取广东省揭阳市惠来县人民医院骨科诊断为慢性疼痛性疾病的患者资料200例,将其采用随机数字表法分为两组,各100例,对照组患者给予骨科常规护理,观察组患者在其基础上加以认知疗法护理。比较两组患者治疗后的疼痛程度。结果观察组患者护理后疼痛率明显低于对照组;且观察组 SDS、SAS 评分下降水平也明显优于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(均 P<0.05)。结论对骨科慢性疼痛性疾病患者的护理中施以认知疗法,能有效缓解患者的疼痛和焦虑。  相似文献   

Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) causes a significant health and economic burden to the Dutch society. Dabigatran was proven to have at least similar efficacy and a similar or better safety profile when compared to vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) in preventing arterial thromboembolism in patients with AF.

Objective: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness and monetary benefit of dabigatran vs VKAs in Dutch patients with non-valvular AF. Value-based pricing considerations and corresponding negotiations on dabigatran will be explicitly considered.

Methods: The base case economic analysis was conducted from the societal perspective. Health effects and costs were analysed using a Markov model. The main model inputs were derived from the RE-LY trial and Dutch observational data. Univariate, probabilistic sensitivity, and various scenario analyses were performed.

Results: Dabigatran was cost saving compared to VKAs. A total of 4,552 QALYs were gained, and €13,892,288 was saved in a cohort of 10,000?AF patients. The economic value of dabigatran was strongly related to the costs of VKA control that are averted. Notably, dabigatran was cost saving compared to VKAs if annual costs of VKA control exceeded €159 per person, or dabigatran costs were below €2.81 per day.

Conclusion: Dabigatran was cost saving compared to VKAs for the prevention of atrial thromboembolism in patients with non-valvular AF in the Netherlands. This result appeared robust in the sensitivity analysis. Furthermore, volume based reduction of the price in the Netherlands will further increase the monetary benefits of dabigatran.  相似文献   

In this paper we use Turkish household labor force data to address a number of conceptual issues pertaining to the wage curve, an empirically derived negative relationship between the real wage level and the local unemployment rate. First, we show that in developing economies where labor markets are prone to high degree of segmentation by skill level, local unemployment rates disaggregated by education provide more accurate measures of the degree of group-specific wage competition and hence yield more robust results of the wage curve analyses. Second, we estimate the wage curve using various definitions of the unemployment rate, including discouraged and marginally attached workers, and the long-term unemployment rate to explore the most relevant measure of local labor market tension in the wage setting process. We find that broader definitions of unemployment serve as a more effective reference point in measuring wage flexibility for women, whose attachment to the labor market is substantially weak in the Turkish context; while for men the official and long-term unemployment rates perform well. Finally, using quantile regression we show that wage responsiveness to unemployment cannot be assumed to be constant along the wage distribution. In the Turkish case, we find a higher unemployment elasticity of wages around the median segment of wage distribution. This effect is more pronounced for women.  相似文献   

Economic activities, both on the macro and micro level, often entail wide-spread externalities. This in turn leads to disputes regarding the compensation levels to the various parties affected. We propose a method of deciding upon the distribution of the gains (costs) of cooperation in the presence of externalities when forming the grand coalition is efficient. We show that any sharing rule satisfying efficiency, linearity, dummy player and a strong symmetry axioms can be obtained through an average game. Adding an additional axiom, we identify one unique rule satisfying these properties.  相似文献   

Background: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is an orphan disease that primarily affects the elderly. The majority of symptomatic patients eligible for frontline treatment are unfit for fludarabine based chemoimmunotherapy. Historical treatment includes chlorambucil (Chl), bendamustine/rituximab (BR), and chlorambucil/rituximab/ChlR combination. Clinical guidelines now recommend the use of novel agents, such as ibrutinib (Ibr), in both frontline and relapse settings and other novel agents, such as idelalisib (with rituximab), in relapse settings. Despite compelling clinical results for novel agents, follow-up in clinical trials is relatively short and, thus, the comparative long-term benefits are still unknown.

Materials and methods: The authors developed a simulation model to generate treatment specific lifetime estimates of Overall Survival (OS) and Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) for treatment with BR, Chl, ChlR, and Ibr. Two potential clinical scenarios were modelled: with and without novel agents for treating CLL. The model was based on health states relating to first- and second-line progression-free survival (PFS), post-progression survival, and death.

Results: Where novel agents were assumed unavailable, mean OS ranged from 5.4–8.5 years and QALYs from 3.5–6.1. Where novel agents were available, the mean OS increased to 10.0 years, with a corresponding increase in QALYs to 7.6. Frontline Ibr use followed by Physician’s Choice, including novel agents at relapse, resulted in projected increase in OS of between 18% (1.5 years) and 85% (4.6 years), corresponding to a 25–117% increase in QALYs, compared with currently available traditional therapies.

Limitations: The limitations of this analysis include immature OS data and the assumption of equivalent efficacy across all novel agents in terms of their impact on PFS and OS.

Conclusions: The use of novel agents is predicted to yield substantive gains in predicted lifetime OS and QALY improvements compared to traditional therapies in CLL patients who are ineligible for fludarabine-based chemoimmunotherapy.  相似文献   


Traditional pathology techniques alone can be insufficient to reliably distinguish between malignant melanoma, dysplastic nevi, and benign nevi in biopsies of suspicious pigmented lesions. Numerous studies have shown high rates of ambiguity when assessing such samples. A novel gene expression assay has been developed to objectively differentiate malignant melanoma from benign nevi.


The purpose of this study was to quantify the economic impact of the gene expression assay on a US commercial health plan.


The clinical paradigm of care was modeled for a hypothetical cohort of patients with suspicious pigmented lesions that are difficult-to-diagnose. Costs were assigned to each unit of care provided based on 2013 Medicare fee-for-service rates. Patients were followed for 10 years and were modeled to progress according to the natural history of their disease. The total cost of care was calculated for two scenarios: a Reference Scenario, representing current clinical practice, and a Test Scenario, in which each lesion was tested with the gene expression assay and diagnosed. Total cost of care was compared between the two scenarios to determine overall budget impact. Sensitivity analyses were performed to test the robustness of the model.


The gene expression assay reduces costs by $1268 per patient tested over 10 years, a decrease of 8.3%, after accounting for the cost of the assay. For a health plan with 10 million members, this would translate to over $8 million in savings. The largest portion of this saving comes from reducing the number of missed melanomas, which would otherwise progress to advanced disease. In sensitivity analyses, no single model input changed within a reasonable range of values caused the model to show that the assay was not cost-saving.


In addition to improving the diagnosis of melanoma, this gene expression assay would likely reduce costs for health plans that choose to cover it.  相似文献   

Introduction Mitral regurgitation is a heart condition resulting from blood flowing from the left ventricle towards the left atrium, increasing the risk of heart failure and mortality. While surgery can greatly reduce these risks, some patients are not eligible, resulting in medication being their only therapeutic alternative. The MitraClip (Abbot Vascular) is a medical device that is percutaneously implanted and designed to eliminate leaking of the mitral valve.

Methods The efficacy of the MitraClip strategy vs medical management was assessed using a 4-state Markov model based on the mitral regurgitation grade (mitral regurgitation grade 0, I/II, and III/IV, and death). At each 1-month cycle, patients were or were not hospitalized. The model analyzed a fictional population of 1000 patients over a 5-year period from a national Health Insurance perspective. The primary end-point was the number of deaths avoided. Data from the EVEREST II High Risk Study patients were used along with a literature review.

Results At 5 years, among the 1000 patients, 276 deaths were found to be avoidable with the MitraClip strategy. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was €93,363 per death avoided. The annual ICER was calculated to take into consideration excess costs resulting from the MitraClip over the first year (€29,984 vs €8557 for the reference strategy) and the reduction of costs in following years (€3122 for MitraClip vs €8557 for reference strategy). Thus, the mean ICER was calculated to be €20,720 per death avoided.

Conclusion The MitraClip is a novel alternative therapy for mitral insufficiency in patients ineligible for surgery that may offer a medico-economic advantage.  相似文献   

Aims: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (e.g. ulcerative colitis [UC] and Crohn’s disease [CD]) severely impacts patient quality-of-life. Moderate-to-severe disease is often treated with biologics requiring infusion therapy, adding incremental costs beyond drug costs. This study evaluates US hospital-based infusion services costs for treatment of UC or CD patients receiving infliximab or vedolizumab therapy.

Materials and methods: A model was developed, estimating annual costs of providing monitored infusions using an activity-based costing framework approach. Multiple sources (published literature, treatment product inserts) informed base-case model input estimates.

Results: The total modeled per patient infusion therapy costs in Year 1 with infliximab and vedolizumab was $38,782 and $41,320, respectively, and Year 2+, $49,897 and $36,197, respectively. Drug acquisition cost was the largest total costs driver (90–93%), followed by costs associated with hospital-based infusion provision: labor (53–56%, non-drug costs), allocated overhead (23%, non-drug costs), non-labor (23%, non-drug costs), and laboratory (7–10%, non-drug costs).

Limitations: Limitations included reliance on published estimates, base-case cost estimates infusion drug, and supplies, not accounting for volume pricing, assumption of a small hospital infusion center, and that, given the model adopts the hospital perspective, costs to the patient were not included in infusion administration cost base-case estimates.

Conclusions: This model is an early step towards a framework to fully analyze infusion therapies’ associated costs. Given the lack of published data, it would be beneficial for hospital administrators to assess total costs and trade-offs with alternative means of providing biologic therapies. This analysis highlights the value to hospital administrators of assessing cost associated with infusion patient mix to make more informed resource allocation decisions. As the landscape for reimbursement changes, tools for evaluating the costs of infusion therapy may help hospital administrators make informed choices and weigh trade-offs associated with providing infusion services for IBD patients.  相似文献   



Biologic therapy has been shown to be effective in achieving and maintaining remission in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, their impact on healthcare resource utilization is not well understood. This study explored the impact of biologic use on IBD-related hospital admissions and emergency room visits and healthcare expenditures.


This study used a retrospective cohort design to analyze data from the MarketScan Commercial and Medicare databases (Truven Health Analytics Inc.) for the years 2006–2010. Patients were identified using ICD-9 diagnosis codes for IBD and age 18 or older at time of initial diagnosis. Linear models were used to predict the probability of an IBD-related hospitalization or ER visit and healthcare expenditures with binary variables indicating use of biologics in the current year and in the previous 2 years, as well as patient- and area-level control variables.


Patients using biologics in the current year were 14.1–17.6% more likely to be hospitalized for IBD. However, biologic use in the previous year was associated with a 3.8–5.6% reduction in hospitalizations, and biologic use 2 years prior was associated with a 1–2.8% reduction in hospitalizations in the current year. Similar results are found for ER visits. All indicators for biologic use were associated with increased expenditures.


There was a negative association between lagged use of biologics and the proportion of patients with IBD-related hospitalizations and ER visits. This finding may suggest that increased use of biologics over time is associated with a decrease in IBD-related healthcare utilization.  相似文献   

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