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这几年中国家电连锁业的发展速度令人惊愕,以至于业内人士用欧洲历史上的圈地运动”一词来形容.但问题恰恰出在这里。  相似文献   

郭俊红  郭芳 《经营者》2006,(16):26-37
国美——永乐慢慢落幕 一夜之间,中国家电连锁版图风云突变 是终点也是起点 中国家电连锁业迎来了寡头竞争时代 然而,这并不能让我们乐观 没有谁比连锁商更了解自身的价值 也没有谁比连锁商更了解自身的弱点 中国家电连锁商自出生起便带着强烈的攻击性[编者按]  相似文献   

做强做大是企业追求的目标。怎样才能做强做大?在2004中国企业500强发布会暨高层论坛上,众多企业家和经济专家就此发表了演讲。现编其中几位企业家的主要观点,供参考。  相似文献   

传统企业如何做强自己?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与新兴产业相比,我国的传统产业在未来的全球竞争中具有很大的比较优势. 做大、做强这个比较优势是变现"强国梦"的基础.  相似文献   

本文以国美为例对中国家电连锁零售企业的国内市场战略进行了简要的分析,并对国美的国际化趋势阐述了自己的看法。  相似文献   

张军 《英才》2010,(1):117-117
在并购日本零售商LAOX之后,苏宁电器并没有表现出对海外扩张的狂热。相反,苏宁电器股份有限公司董事长张近东关掉了LAOX的一些低效门店,着手对LAOX的整合工作。  相似文献   

<正>一我国经济结构、消费阶层、消费形态呈多元化共存发展态势(一)经济结构及变化我国计划经济时期是短缺经济。有效供给严重不足,国家只好实行凭票、凭证供应和计划价格,群众购物排长队的现象处处可见,只求买得到,没有对质量和价格挑剔的余地。这个时期,企业是生产导向观念,生产什么产品由国家指定或分配,企业只是为了完成生产计划和利润计划集中精力在提高生产效率、扩大生产规模、降低生产成本,获取高额利润  相似文献   

<正>过去三十年,中国为世界输出了廉价劳动力、廉价商品和种种质疑,是世界人口老大、发展速度老大、未来潜力老大;未来三十年,中国将成为世界经济老大,但要真正当好老大,真正实现国富民强、和谐发展,推动世界进步,赢得世界尊重,我们还必须向世界提升先进文化价值体系、创新的机制环境以及足够强大的世界级品牌!  相似文献   

李友 《潮商》2010,(3):78-79
正2010年中国进入了新的10年,中国经济处于后经济危机时代的调整期,转变中国的经济增长方式,核心是调整产业结构。要使产业结构进行升级,就必须提高我们中国经济发展的质量和效益。而企业界是提高中国经济发展的质量发展效益的核心,因此,从某种意义上讲,做强中国企业,就是做强中国经  相似文献   

随着改革的深化,尤其是随着兼并重组力度的加大和中央企业重组为80家至100家目标的逐步实现,国企的经营规模将进一步扩大、国企的竞争实力也将进一步增强.这是毫无疑问的.  相似文献   

房地产业的暴利正在吸引外来资本的“倾入”,伴随着中国大地上正在演绎的浩大的城市化潮流?一场盘旋在中国房地产市场上空,由人民币.美元,欧元、港元及其他货币积聚而成的“金钱雨”正在蓄势倾盆而下……  相似文献   

从辉煌到失落再到重新崛起,Sun经历了诸多的商业磨难。进入后创始人时代的Sun又能否保持其昔日的光芒呢?  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2019,43(2):32-36
  • ? Strong labour markets and rising wages in advanced economies stand in sharp contrast to recent declines in economists’ inflation forecasts and market expectations. In our view, though, these developments are not necessarily contradictory. Even if wage growth edges higher, we think demand factors will limit any pick‐up in prices. Instead, we expect firms’ margins will be squeezed.
  • ? Although the labour share has risen more sharply than we had expected over the past couple of years, we are sceptical that this will translate into substantially stronger underlying inflation. Not only has the rise been small, it has been employment rather than wages that has surprised to the upside. The strength of employment is probably more about firms’ production preferences than workers’ capitalising on a stronger negotiating position.
  • ? True, wages adjusted for productivity now look high by historical standards. But neither theory or empirical evidence suggests that this must inevitably lead to stronger CPI inflation in the short‐term. Our forecast for flat wage growth in 2019 and the absence of strong cost pressures elsewhere are also a comfort.
  • ? Inflation tends to be more responsive to demand indicators – and the recent GDP growth soft patch suggests any further pick‐up in underlying inflation pressures will be limited (see Chart below).
  • ? More generally, we think that the consensus view on inflation for the key advanced economies is high. Market‐based inflation expectations are typically lower than our own, which may reflect the perception that inflation risks are skewed to the downside. Positive economic surprises could lead downside risks to narrow, but ageing expansions and secular stagnation worries suggest this is unlikely, limiting any future pick‐up in bond yields.

The impact of rising energy prices on the locational pattern of industries is analyzed by a simple two-firm straight line location model. The concavity of average cost function of final consumer's good with respect to locational variables is proved for the case of linear homogeneous Cobb- Douglas production functions and this leads to the possible three cases of end-point location. The rise in energy prices induces ‘double location at the market’ or ‘double location at the port’ instead of separate location of two industries, i.e., intermediate good industry and consumer's good industry.  相似文献   

总体来看,虽然全国房地产开发投资增幅出现回落,但总体态势依旧向上;其他指标如施工和新开工面积、国房景气指数等均呈增长状态,房地产业的总体发展方向依旧向上。  相似文献   

坐落在亮马河畔的北京长城饭店,作为我国首家中外合资的五星级饭店,从1984年6月20日开业,至今已走过24年的发展历程.长城饭店以其特殊的历史地位,见证了改革开放30年来北京旅游事业从艰难中起步到昂首前行的历史足迹.  相似文献   

青岛“迈斯克”走“以纸代塑”、“以纸代砖”、“以纸代木”的环保包装之路,潜心钻研并开发出具有一定科技含量的纸蜂窝制品及FZF彩钢蜂窝纸夹心轻钢墙板,既满足了人们的绿色消费.利于企业的生存发展,又有利于生态环境的保护。  相似文献   

王颖 《英才》2007,(3):68-69
“LG电子将在其所有业务领域内成为收入、市场份额、收益率、增长率和股东收益率的全球前三强企业。”在今年初结束的美国拉斯维加斯2007CES展会上,LG电子新任副主席兼CEO南镛显得颇为自信。  相似文献   

This article examines the impact of EU Allowance (EUA) prices on core inflation in the Eurozone between 2005 and 2022. The empirical results suggest that a positive shock to the EUA price led to higher long-run inflation expectations and core inflation. This implies that the rise in EUA prices can be passed on to consumers and enterprises, leading to an increase in production costs and consumer prices. And, while a positive shock to EUA prices may promote investment in renewable energy in the short term, the impact is not statistically significant and does not last long. The results suggest considerable potential for European policymakers to re-examine policy mechanisms to accelerate renewable energy investment and maintain price stability in the medium term.  相似文献   

从今年开始,我国劳动力成本上升势头明显加快,笔者认为主要受3大因素的影响,即我国国情、当前物价水平的快速上升和新《劳动合同法》实施。劳动力成本快速上升给我国企业带来了巨大的压力,文章从4个方面提出了解决的办法。  相似文献   

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