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基于现有知识管理理论,以研发团队内部员工之间知识转移为研究重点,提出知识转移的因素模型.通过多家企业的问卷调查,采用结构方程(SEM)的分析方法,对该因素模型进行了验证和修订.揭示了知识接受方、知识提供方、人际关系、知识特征因素对知识转移绩效的影响以及其相互间的量化关系,为企业知识管理的实践提供理论支持.  相似文献   

虚拟科技因区作为一种新型的产学研合作网络组织形式备受关注.本文从知识网络这一视角出发,分析虚拟科技园区知识网络的构成要素和相互作用关系,构建了虚拟科技园区知识循环创造模型,提出虚拟科技园区建立学习型组织的发展模式,在构建学习型组织的过程中应充分考虑虚拟化运营中合作伙伴文化背景复杂、合作意图差异及缺乏足够的相互信任所引发的学习智障,建立科学健全的基于组织层面和网络层面的学习机制,并以云南省大学科技园为案例进行分析.  相似文献   

为了研究研发团队内部知识的交互对于创意产生的机理,通过构建概念模型,研究知识螺旋对研发团队创新创意产生的影响,并分析内部社会资本的调节效应。采用结构方程模型和分层线性分析,基于274份样本的实证研究表明:一方面,知识螺旋显著积极影响研发团队创新创意产生,并且知识表出化、知识结合化、知识内在化及知识社会化分别积极影响创新创意产生;另一方面,内部社会资本不同维度在知识螺旋与创新创意产生关系中的调节效应各不相同,结构社会资本的调节效应并不显著,而认知社会资本和关系社会资本显著正向调节知识螺旋对创新创意产生的影响。根据研究结果,提出促进研发团队创意产生的建议。  相似文献   

利用基于理论的实证分析方法构建集成创新中知识整合绩效影响因素概念模型并建立假设关系。开发Likert量表对企业进行调查获取相关数据,对筛选后的数据进行描述性统计分析;利用结构方程模型对假设进行检验,得到知识整合绩效影响因素的影响方向和影响程度。研究结果表明:创新知识特性对知识整合绩效有显著的负向影响且影响程度最大;组织结构、知识整合手段、组织学习和文化氛围对知识整合绩效有显著的正向影响,影响程度从大到小依次为组织学习、文化氛围、知识整合手段和组织结构。  相似文献   

基于竞争与合作关系的网络组织成员间知识溢出效应分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在分析网络组织成员间知识溢出效应及其影响因素的基础上,本文构造了基于成员关系的网络组织中知识共享的溢出模型,并分析了网络组织成员之间竞争与合作关系对成员之间知识共享中知识溢出效应影响的机理。在模型基础上进一步分析发现:在一个竞争与合作关系合理的网络组织中,知识溢出效应可以使得成员企业认识自身的知识状况,改变知识结构,并提高其知识竞争力。最后,为了强化网络组织成员之间的知识溢出效应并提高其知识共享效率,提出了几点管理建议。  相似文献   

This paper proposes that transfer of tacit knowledge is a factor that should be considered by research organizations when they consider technology transfer. It uses a study of spinoffs arising from research of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organization (CSIRO) to discuss the existing theories of establishment rationale, selection process and support mechanisms which are provided to spinoff firms. It suggests that there are three components to technology transfer and that one of these, the transfer of tacit knowledge, helps to increase survival of these firms. It presents a model which takes account of both institutional and company factors in spinoff establishment.  相似文献   

对离心泵运行中出现的由于流体冲击、气蚀、堵塞造成的流动不畅等导致的振动故障进行分析,采取措施进行消除,总结对此类故障的监测、诊断经验,说明状态监测的重要性。  相似文献   

Research Summary: This research contributes to alliance governance research by demonstrating how partners' administrative controls in nonequity collaborations regulate knowledge transfers across partners. These administrative controls can take the form of board‐like joint committees having explicitly delineated authority over certain alliance activities. We illuminate governing committees as an important, albeit neglected, instrument for administrative control in the governance of non‐equity alliances, and we demonstrate that these organizational mechanisms facilitate knowledge flows within the scope of an alliance. We also show that governing committees safeguard against misappropriation hazards, particularly when a partner possesses the incentive and ability to engage in such behavior. This study extends alliance governance research beyond the implications of the equity‐nonequity dichotomy to consider a wider and richer gamut of governance instruments available to address the challenges associated with knowledge transfers in alliances. Managerial Summary: Non‐equity alliances are important vehicles to collaborate with external partners, particularly in the biopharmaceutical industry and other high‐tech sectors. To guide these collaborations effectively, partners can use the contract to custom‐build jointly‐staffed managerial units with clearly demarcated decision‐making responsibilities. We demonstrate that these organizational mechanisms facilitate knowledge flows within the scope of an alliance. We also show that governing committees also safeguard against misappropriation hazards, particularly when a partner values a firm's knowledge highly, or it possesses the required ability to absorb and assimilate a firm's knowledge. Our results imply that contractually‐defined managerial interfaces provide a channel to regulate knowledge‐sharing in collaborative alliances.  相似文献   

本文通过对全国涉及生物药研究开发的25个省、市、自治区的研发产出数量指标(其中包括处于临床前评价阶段,临床评价阶段药物以及批准上市药品的数量)进行因子分析和聚类分析,得出我国各个省区生物药的研发创新竞争力的基本情况。总体来看,我国生物药的研发创新能力和当地的科技竞争力水平高度相关,基本符合生物药的研发创新规律,但要成为生物药强国,许多意识问题、配套问题、衔接问题及制度问题须认真解决。  相似文献   

This paper explains how research and development (R&D) collaborations impact process innovation; given the differences in innovation mechanisms, prior insights from studies of product innovation do not necessarily apply to process innovation. Extending the knowledge‐based view of the firm, this paper classifies four types of R&D collaborations—with universities, suppliers, competitors, and customers—in terms of two knowledge dimensions: position in the knowledge chain and contextual knowledge distance. Position in the knowledge chain is the position of the R&D collaboration partner in the knowledge chain of the industry—the input–output sequence of activities that result in the transformation of raw materials into products that are used by end customers. Based on this knowledge chain, this paper considers universities and suppliers as upstream R&D collaborators, and competitors and customers as downstream R&D collaborators. Contextual knowledge distance is the difference in industry‐related contexts of operation of the R&D collaboration partners and the firm. Based on this, this paper views R&D collaborators that are suppliers and competitors as having low contextual knowledge distance to the firm, and R&D collaborators that are customers and universities as having high contextual knowledge distance to the firm. Using this classification, this paper proposes a ranking of R&D collaborations in terms of their impact on process innovation: R&D collaborations with suppliers have the highest impact, followed by R&D collaborations with universities, then R&D collaborations with competitors, and finally R&D collaborations with customers. These arguments are tested on a four‐year panel of 781 manufacturing firms. The results of the analyses indicate that R&D collaborations with suppliers and universities appear to have a positive impact on process innovation, R&D collaborations with customers appear to have no impact, and R&D collaborations with competitors appear to have a negative impact. As a consequence, the main driver of the impact of R&D collaborations on process innovation appears to be position in the knowledge chain rather than contextual knowledge distance. These novel ideas and findings contribute to the literature on process innovation. Even though process innovation tends to be internal and tacit to the firm, it can still benefit from external R&D collaborations; this paper is the first to analyze this relationship and provide a theoretical framework for understanding why this would be the case. This study also has important managerial implications. It suggests that managers need to be careful in choosing the partners for their firms' R&D collaborations. Engaging in R&D collaborations with universities and suppliers appears to be helpful for process innovation, whereas conducting R&D collaborations with competitors may potentially harm process innovation.  相似文献   

针对基层采油队标准化知识普及教育面窄,标准的应用率不高和考核力度不够等问题所体现出的工程质量薄弱、生产管理基础不扎实、工作效率低的特点,提出了领导重视、积极参与是搞好标准化工作的关键;健全机构、运用标准是搞好标准化工作的基础;要把提高班站长的认识做为着眼点;把每个人的工作质量做为落脚点;把奖罚分明重在考核做为着力点,使标准化更好地发挥出经济效益.  相似文献   

知识经济背景下,外部知识网络成为企业提高创新力的重要渠道,产学研合作创新网络则是企业外部知识网络的重要组成部分.本文回顾了企业知识网络能力理论和相关文献,分析了其在产学研合作创新网络构建中的作用方式和提升途径,并用一个案例进行了说明.  相似文献   

知识经济条件下企业治理结构中权威关系的变化   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
企业内部权威关系的形成是由内部成员根据企业经营失败时可能受到的损失相对大小来决定。企业成员遭受的损失中包含沉淀成本。物质资本与人力资本的沉淀成本在不同的经济条件下是变化的。知识经济以前,由于人力资本的沉淀成本可以忽略,而物质资本的沉淀成本存在,企业的权威关系是物质资本所有者拥有权威。知识经济时代,由于人力资本的沉淀成本不可忽略及物质资本的沉淀成本的减少和转移,企业的权威关系则应该是人力资本所有者拥有权威。  相似文献   

在共惠互利的基础上,个人或组织为了获取外部知识提升自身竞争力,会选择与区域外的其他个人或组织进行创新合作,通过创新合作实现知识的流动,从而实现优势互补。文章选择1986~2014年期间我国在美国专利商标局(USPTO)中通过授权的专利数据,以发明人合作创新衡量知识流动,利用社会网络分析方法对我国省际间知识流动的发展演化进行分析,从网络结构等方面考察省际间知识流动的特征。研究结果表明,我国省际间知识流动范围逐渐扩大,知识流动强度逐渐加强;知识流动网络结构不合理,星型网络结构和强强联手态势不利于知识资源的合理配置;我国省际间知识流动空间分布不均匀,知识流动强度自东向西呈现递减的态势。  相似文献   

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