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情商被认为是绩效的有效预测因子,已有文献主要集中于个体情商与绩效的关系研究,而对团队中两者间的中介变量的研究很少,而国内这一研究几乎是空白。通过对来自中国企业的594位团队领导者及其下属成员的问卷调查,试图探讨领导者个人情商与团队绩效之间的关系,尤其是研究团队情商在其中的中介作用。结构方程模型分析显示:领导者个人情商与团队绩效是正的相关关系,领导者情商通过团队情商对团队绩效有显著影响作用,高团队情商有助于团队绩效的提升。研究结果表明,团队领导者不仅要通过提高自身的情商来提高团队绩效,而且要培养团队管理和运用情感情绪资源的能力,创造共享的情绪规范来增强团队内部的信任、认同和沟通协作效能,从而提高团队绩效。  相似文献   

本文以信息技术业上市公司2011~2014年的数据为样本,运用逐步多元回归分析的方法,通过逐步引入高管团队特征变量、CEO变动变量、CEO变动变量与高管团队特征变量交互项对因变量研发投资及技术创新绩效影响进行了回归分析。结果表明:CEO变动对研发投资和技术创新绩效具有显著的正向相关关系;CEO变动可以部分调节高管团队特征对研发投资和技术创新绩效的影响;高管团队持股与年龄异质性与技术创新绩效显著正相关;两职合一与研发投资显著负相关;任期异质性和教育程度异质性与研发投资显著正相关。  相似文献   

胡海  徐荣玲 《工业技术经济》2017,36(11):118-125
本文通过问卷调查法获得372份有效问卷,运用带中介的调节模型探讨了职场友谊对研发团队创新绩效的影响机制。实证结果表明:(1)职场友谊对团队创新绩效是有正向的激励作用的,其中知识分享起中介作用;(2)职场友谊对团队创新绩效的作用同时受到员工知识分享意愿和知识分享能力的中介作用;(3)职位级别对职场友谊通过知识分享对团队创新绩效的影响起负向调节作用,即职位级别越高,友谊机会越小,通过员工友谊促进知识分享,进而提高团队创新绩效的效应越低。  相似文献   

根据情境强度理论,本研究探讨了中国情境下同事监督对团队绩效的直接影响,并分析了团队信任和努力的双重中介作用。采用来自我国东部的10家企业的69个工作团队共571份调查数据,其中包括主管和团队成员两个不同来源,应用中介检验方法,结果表明:同事监督会促进团队绩效;同事监督积极影响团队信任和努力;团队信任和努力同时在同事监督对团队绩效的影响中起到部分中介作用。本研究的发现有利于拓展同事监督在中国组织情境中的作用效果研究。  相似文献   

本文在构建“团队断裂带——交互记忆系统——团队绩效” 基本概念模型并提出研究假设后, 基于来自44个样本团队的255份问卷有效数据, 通过实证研究方法发现: (1) 社会分类断裂带对交互记忆系统与团队绩效均具有显著的负向影响; (2) 信息认知断裂带对交互记忆系统与团队绩效均具有显著的正向影响; (3) 交互记忆系统在两类断裂带与团队绩效的关系中均起到显著的中介效用。  相似文献   

在相关文献的基础上,探讨了创业团队异质性、组织气氛、创业绩效3者之间的关系,建立了创业团队异质性对创业绩效影响的概念模型,提出已有研究的局限及对未来研究的展望。  相似文献   

孙爱军 《工业技术经济》2009,28(8):107-108,112
虚拟R&D团队的研发过程是团队内部代表各学科成员间的一种知识转移共享的过程.依据虚拟R&D团队内涵及学科知识特征,揭示出虚拟R&D团队内部存在学科知识群相效应,探讨了虚拟R&D团队内部学科群相效应激励原则,以及将团队内部学科群相效应有效地变成团队任务目标整体推进的内核动力效应措施.  相似文献   

在当今时代, 团队创业逐渐取代个人创业, 创业效果得到不断提升。为促进团队创业的有效运作, 本文针对创业型领导对团队有效性的影响, 分析团队双元学习和团队创业激情在两者之间的作用机制, 在构建理论模型的基础上, 通过对107个创业团队领导者的调查和实证分析, 发现创业型领导对团队有效性有显著的正向影响, 团队双元学习和团队创业激情在两者间发挥重要的中介作用。研究不仅揭示了创业型领导在创业团队中的重要作用, 并且从行为和情感双重视角诠释了两者之间的作用机制。  相似文献   

创业团队行为的多维度构思研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献研究和实证研究,运用多层次团队理论,对创业团队多层次多维度的团队行为进行了研究,确定了4种多层次的创业团队互动行为,即团队成员交换行为(TMX)、领导成员交换行为(LMX)、变革领导行为(TLB)和魅力领导行为(CLB),并对这4种创业团队互动行为与创业绩效的关系进行了研究.  相似文献   

本文采用OLS 回归分析方法, 利用2017 年信息技术产业上市公司截面数据, 研究了资本结构与研发投入的关系以及高管团队异质性对二者关系的调节作用。 实证研究结果发现, 企业资本结构对研发投入具有显著抑制作用; 高管团队的性别结构会加重上述抑制作用; 高管团队的年龄结构、 任期差异将会显著缓解这种抑制作用; 而高管团队受教育程度对两者关系无影响。 基于上述研究结论, 本文提出了若干优化高管团队结构的建议。  相似文献   

Although team boundary spanning is conducive to achieving new product (NP) competitive advantage, these actions may not always deliver the expected performance. The current study makes an initial attempt to examine factors that undermine team boundary spanning positive effects on NP competitive advantage by proposing and testing a negative moderating effect of team social cohesion on the relationship between team boundary spanning and NP competitive advantage. Furthermore, the current study expects team social cohesion to have a stronger negative moderating effect on the relationship between team boundary spanning and NP competitive advantage when external task interdependence and project newness are high than when they are low. Data for this study come from 140 NPD projects developed and commercialized by Spanish manufacturing firms in high‐ and medium‐high‐technology sectors. The study’s results reveal a positive effect of team boundary spanning on NP competitive advantage. Furthermore, high levels of team social cohesion are shown to reduce the positive effect of team boundary spanning on NP competitive advantage. Finally, we found that project newness and external task interdependence accentuate the negative moderating effect of team social cohesion on the relationship between team boundary spanning and NP competitive advantage. The current study makes several contributions to the literature. First, findings from this study give us new insights into the significance of team boundary spanning to the success of NPs by revealing that boundary‐spanning activities are beneficial to achieving NP competitive advantage. Second, the study departs from existing research in that it exposes a dark side of team social cohesion for NPD teams engaged in boundary spanning activities. Last, the study expands extant research by proposing and demonstrating that project newness and external task interdependence bring about situations in which external groups present a threat to the collective identity of socially cohesive groups.  相似文献   

班组建设管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了班组建设在发电企业中的作用和实际意义,同时论述了班组建设的具体内容、方法,以及如何在班组建设中全面推行"6S"管理模式,具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

O'Brien JM 《Fortune》2008,157(11):112-6, 118, 120 passim

于戈 《中国纺织》2004,(9):136-138
Ford坚持"Gucci是超越文化与民族的"这一核心理念,为古驰创造了全球统一的形象.Ford于1996-97年推出了一系列以70年代为主题的设计,大获成功,一举挽救了岌岌可危的Gucci,令这个濒临破产的品牌成为世界时尚界的宠儿.Ford振兴Gucci的故事,一直是时尚界津津乐道的传奇,而Ford也总是在不断地制造着传奇.  相似文献   

Team reflexivity in innovative projects   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In this article, we provide a theoretical extension and empirical test of team reflexivity. Building on West's (1996) conceptual discussions of team reflexivity, we argue that in the context of teams with innovative projects (e.g. product development teams), team reflexivity will be positively related to team effectiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, we specify social skills and project management skills as important determinants of team reflexivity. Using data from 575 members, leaders, and team external managers referring to 145 software development teams, we find that team reflexivity is positively related to team effectiveness but not efficiency. Furthermore, both social skills and project management skills are positively related to team reflexivity. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

To foster their innovation teams’ adaptability, organizations are increasingly relying on agile teams. While research on the adoption of agile methods and practices has grown tremendously in the past decade, little is currently known about the human side of agile teams and how it contributes toward the emergence of adaptability. While the Agile Manifesto states that individuals and interactions are more important for agile product development than tools and processes, research on how these interactions unfold is still in its infancy. To shed light on the human side of adaptability, 44 semi-structured, in-depth interviews were conducted with team members and leaders from various teams at three organizations (i.e., two German and one multinational European firm). The inductive analysis identified empowerment as a focal human factor for adaptability emergence. A model of the continuous agile team innovation process is developed and uncovers the importance of dynamic empowerment states and their temporary equilibria for team adaptability. The underlying findings demonstrate that empowerment is not a static state, but rather emerges through the interactions between various actors. Specifically, the team and its leader engage in both empowerment-enhancing and empowerment-reducing activities. These activities are further influenced by the agile team’s immediate context: Two-fold customer influences, that is, supporting and hindering empowerment interactions, and the organizational environment, that is, undergoing an agile transformation and supportive top management behaviors, play an important role in affecting the empowerment dynamics that result in team adaptability. As such, this study contributes to the innovation and management literatures by revealing the dynamic role of the empowerment and adaptability constructs for agile innovation processes and the importance of various actors and the organizational environment for fostering adaptability. Practical insights are offered to management, teams, and team members on how to create conditions for empowerment dynamics and consequently adaptability to unfold.  相似文献   

众所周知 ,沙特阿拉伯是世界上最大的产油国之一 ,有着丰富的石油资源 ,其钻井市场也是世界上最规范化的市场之一 ,形成了一整套的安全体系和一整套的安全链。在钻井工作中 ,无论任何一项工作都有一套操作规程 ,都要求每位员工无条件的服从 ,从而保证了人身安全及设备安全。对人员的要求对安全的了解 :所有新到井场的员工都必须接受入场教育 ,详细了解学习井场的安全设施及安全制度 ,必须无条件地接受井场一系列的安全规定 ,具体内容有 :①逃生路线 ;②消防系统 ;③紧急信号 ;④通讯交流系统 ;⑤受伤报告程序 ;⑥吸烟区及无烟区。人员的培训…  相似文献   

A successful organization needs the right team. We explore the optimal mix of familiar workers (who we call incumbents) and less familiar workers (newcomers) when production is group-based. If incumbents have a lower marginal return of effort, they will have less incentive to invest relative to newcomers. This is true, even when incumbents produce more for any given level of effort. This creates a tradeoff: less familiar agents will invest more whereas a more familiar team is inherently more productive. In our setup, the non-investing principal (weakly) prefers less familiar agents than the team that maximizes second-best surplus. On the other hand (symmetric) agents prefer a more familiar teammate compared with the second-best option. These insights have implications for team composition, job rotation and worker tenure.  相似文献   

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