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Ancillary benefits of greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation refer to benefits from GHG mitigation in addition to lowered adverse impacts of global climate change. A major ancillary benefit of GHG mitigation is reduced local air toxins, which improves health. The purpose of the study is not to determine whether ancillary benefits of GHG mitigation can or cannot justify GHG mitigation. Rather, we discuss how an important benefit of addressing GHG emission — the local health effects — should and can be incorporated using the approaches put forth. A CGE model is used for simulating a carbon tax policy. A health effects submodel takes the local air emissions output from the CGE model and assesses the implications for ambient air concentration, health, and labor supply. Labor and medical expenditure changes are fed back into the economy. Applying this approach to Thailand, when health feedback is included we find that: (1) negative impact on GDP under a carbon tax drops by 45%, and (2) welfare improves for households and cleaner producers.  相似文献   

In recent years many universities have commissioned studies of the effects of their institutions on their local economies. Typically, these impact studies have concentrated on the demand-side stimuli to the regional economy that the university generates. Normally, the studies are undertaken with comparative-static input-output models. The present study employs a dynamic multiregional computable general equilibrium model to investigate supply-side as well as demand-side effects. There are a range of supply-side effects that have been investigated in the spatial econometrics literature. The supply-side impacts of the university that we examine in particular are a rise in the average skill level of the local workforce, and successful R&D outcomes. CGE modelling allows simulation of the associated productivity effects, while the dynamic features of the model allow for consequent effects on a region's population and capital stock growth rates to be taken into account.  相似文献   

We analyze the effects of neutral and investment‐specific technology shocks on hours and output. Long cycles in hours are removed in a variety of ways. Hours robustly fall in response to neutral shocks and robustly increase in response to investment‐specific shocks. The percentage of the variance of hours (output) explained by neutral shocks is small (large); the opposite is true for investment‐specific shocks. ‘News shocks’ are uncorrelated with the estimated technology shocks. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2014,38(3):451-467
We attempt to consolidate (at least in part) the vast literature on oil shocks and stock returns by decomposing the influence of oil shocks into two channels of effect: ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’. Using a simple empirical asset pricing model, it is shown that oil shocks can affect stocks not only directly, but also indirectly through general market risk (which is shown to be due in part to oil shocks), or put another way that additional oil price risk exposure is embedded in the traditional market beta. As far as is known this is the first paper explicitly quantifying both effects together. By doing so we offer a more complete picture of when and how oil shocks impact stock returns, thus allowing investors to make more informed responses to oil shocks. The results are illustrated using daily data from all (active) listed energy related stock portfolios in the Asia Pacific Region, and are robust to structural instability and the specification of oil shock used.  相似文献   

In this paper, a computable general equilibrium (CGE) microsimulation model is used to analyze the effects of an ex ante legalization of drugs on the Colombian economy. The model consists of 11 productive sectors, 3 different labor force categories with unemployment, and 20 households divided by income and location. Changes in wages and migration are estimated using a labor participation model, and a NIDS estimates the demands of the households. Changes in household economic welfare, measured by changes in income and prices (CV and EV measurements), are very sensitive to the reinvestments that the government makes in the economy. By analyzing six different scenarios with different assumptions about changes in drug prices, investments of the government, and the termination of the armed conflict, the results suggest that economic welfare improves when the government reinvests military expenditures in other productive sectors or when the ‘economy of war’ continues and the legalization does not end the armed conflict.  相似文献   

This paper examines monetary policy when it is constrained by the zero lower bound (ZLB) on the nominal interest rate. Our analysis uses a nonlinear New Keynesian model with technology and discount factor shocks. Specifically, we investigate why technology shocks may have unconventional effects at the ZLB, what factors affect the likelihood of hitting the ZLB, and the implications of alternative monetary policy rules. We initially focus on a New Keynesian model without capital (Model 1) and then study that model with capital (Model 2). The advantage of including capital is that it introduces another mechanism for intertemporal substitution that strengthens the expectational effects of the ZLB. Four main findings emerge: (1) In Model 1, the choice of output target in the Taylor rule may reverse the effects of technology shocks when the ZLB binds; (2) When the central bank targets steady-state output in Model 2, a positive technology shock at the ZLB leads to more pronounced unconventional dynamics than in Model 1; (3) The presence of capital changes the qualitative effects of demand shocks and alters the impact of a monetary policy rule that emphasizes output stability; and (4) In Model 1, the constrained linear solution is a decent approximation of the nonlinear solution, but meaningful differences exist between the solutions in Model 2.  相似文献   

This paper uses Kennan's (1988) model to separately identify supply-side and demand-side dynamics in US import data. Dynamics arise from both autocorrelated shocks to supply- and demand-side fundamentals, and from lagged adjustment to these shocks. The model consists of a pair of partial adjustment models in which consumers and producers each attempt to follow a stochastic target level of imports subject to a quadratic adjustment cost. The model is applied to quarterly data on US imports of seven narrowly defined commodities: Autos, Beer, Cameras, Wine, Cigars, Tea, and Soap. Two main results emerge. First, adjustment costs are important on both sides of the market. Second, supply-side adjustment costs are larger than demand-side adjustment costs. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The paper explores the importance of allowing for uncertainty in the magnitude of exogenous shocks in Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models. The shock examined is the introduction of a new onshore wind sector in North East Scotland. A simple analytical model is developed to show how, a priori, the size of the new sector (the model shock) is uncertain and asymmetrically distributed as a result of spatial correlation in costs and returns across potential development locations. The importance of allowing for this uncertainty is tested by comparing the results from a CGE model where the sector size is assumed known with certainty to those from a model where the sector size is a random variable with an asymmetric distribution. The results show the extent to which allowing for uncertainty can influence the magnitude of estimated impacts with some variables more sensitive to the uncertainty than others.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a comparison of technical coefficient stability in demand-side and supply-side input-output models using a seven-sector aggregation of the 1947, 1958, 1963, 1967, 1972, and 1977 U.S. input-output tables. Sectoral and total output forecasts of the two models, generated with known final demand and value added figures from all subsequent tables, are compared to known output figures. Although the demand-side model performs somewhat better in terms of total output forecasts, the supply-side model provides better forecasts for a larger number of sectors. This analysis suggests that both models should be used in order to determine the extent to which an economy or a sector are demand- or supply-driven.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze the propagation of shocks originating in sectors that are not present in a baseline dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model. Specifically, we proxy the missing sector through a small set of factors that feed into the structural shocks of the DSGE model to create correlated disturbances. We estimate the factor structure by either matching impulse responses of the augmented DSGE model to those generated by an auxiliary model or by using Bayesian techniques. We apply this methodology to track the effects of oil shocks and housing demand shocks in models without energy or housing sectors. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract. The use of CGE models has gained much popularity among policy analysts in LDCs and there is a fast growing body of literature on this area of economics. In this survey, the advantages of general equilibrium approach over partial equilibrium approach in analysing a wide range of policy issues are highlighted. The evolution of CGE modelling is discussed and more than 60 CGE applications related to different policy issues in LDCs are surveyed. This comprehensive survey shows that the CGE models have become quite popular analytical tools among policy analysts in LDCs over the last decade or so. The debate in the economic profession regarding the value and appropriateness of using CGE models for policy analysis is examined in the final section of this paper. Some of the criticisms levelled at CGE models are discussed and it is argued that despite this criticism such models are capable of providing insight into important policy problems.  相似文献   

A carbon tax is potentially a policy that can reduce CO2 emissions and mitigate climate risks, at lowest economy-wide costs. We develop a dynamic CGE model for Spain to assess the economic and environmental effects of a carbon tax, and test the double dividend (DD) hypothesis. We simulate the impact of three carbon taxes: €10, €20 and €30 per ton of CO2. For each tax, four ‘revenue recycling’ scenarios are examined: a reduction of taxes on capital, on labor, on value-added tax, and a scenario in which revenues are not recycled. We find a DD for taxes of €10/ton and lower, within five to seven years of implementation. We estimate an annual CO2 emissions reduction of around 10% with this tax. Under some circumstances, the DD can be achieved for a tax of €20/ton. In any case, recycling revenues to cut pre-existing taxes reduces costs of imposing carbon taxes.  相似文献   

Cross-country analysis of the aggregate growth-poverty link is likely to miss important country-specific detail and possible offsetting forces in the underlying labour market adjustment process. This paper combines a CGE model analysis with a microsimulations approach to analyse the effects of trade liberalization on poverty and income distribution in Ecuador. The CGE model enables us to disentangle the general equilibrium effects of various trade policy scenarios on sector output, employment, factor incomes and household consumption. However, as is typical of CGE models, this analysis only provides distribution results for fairly aggregated groups of workers and a reduced number of representative households. The microsimulations approach adds the full distribution to the analysis and allows simulation of the effects of trade reform on the job status and remuneration of individual workers and thereby on household income distribution and poverty. The macro- microsimulation results indicate that the trade opening in Ecuador induced mild aggregate welfare gains, but rising income inequality due to rising wage differentials between skilled and unskilled workers implies virtually no poverty-reducing effect from trade liberalization.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with a comparison of the treatment of fixed capital in some multi-sectoral models. First, the dynamic Leontief model is investigated. Scrutiny shows that this model suffers from conceptual misconceptions which result from restrictive assumptions concerning full-capacity production and the transferability of capital in place, and from the definition of technical coefficients. Whereas most input–output (IO) models are based on the assumption of infinite life of fixed capital, the Sraffian concept is to treat used fixed capital items as ‘intermediate’ goods, which appear as joint products until they are worn out. To compare that approach with some IO models, an application of the concept of a ‘plant’ is provided. Finally, it is demonstrated that Leontief's model, as well as some recent generalizations, are special cases of a Sraffa-von Neumann type of model.  相似文献   


In this paper we summarize and comment on the papers published in issue 6.3. The papers reviewed are: ‘In Search of “W”’ by Richard Harris, John Moffat &; Victoria Kravtsova; ‘Cross-national Neighbouring Effects on European Regional Specialization’ by Toni Mora, Patricia Garcia-Duran &; Montserrat Millet; ‘Intra-national Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa–Samuelson Effects in Italy’ by Andrea Vaona; ‘Enterprise and Competitive Advantage in the Australian Context: A Spatial Econometric Perspective’ by Paul Plummer &; Michael Taylor; and ‘Development of a Large-scale Single US Region CGE Model using IMPLAN Data: A Los Angeles County Example with a Productivity Shock Application’ by James Andrew Giesecke.

Analyses économiques spatiales: éditorial

Résumé dans la présente communication, nous résumons les communications publiées dans le numéro 6.3, et nous présentons nos commentaires. Les communications en question sont les suivantes : « A la recherche de W » (In Search of W) par Richard Harris, John Moffat et Victoria Kravtsova ; « Effets du voisinage transfrontière sur la spécialisation régionale européenne » (Cross-national neighbouring effects on European regional specialisation) par Toni Mora, Patricia Garcia-Duran et Montserrat Millet ; « Parité du pouvoir d'achat intranational et effets de Balassa-Samuelson en Italie (Intra-national Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa-Samuelson Effects in Italy), par Andrea Vaona ; « Entreprise et Avantage sur la Concurrence dans le contexte de l'Australie : une Perspective économétrique spatiale » (Enterprise and Competitive Advantage in the Australian Context: A Spatial Econometric Perspective) par Paul Plummer et Michael Taylor ; et « Développement d'un modèle CGE à grande échelle pour une région individuelle des États-Unis à l'aide de données IMPLAN : un exemple du comté de Los Angeles avec une application choc de la Productivité » (Development of a large-scale single U.S. region CGE model using IMPLAN data: A Los Angeles County example with a productivity shock application), par James Andrew Giesecke.

Análisis económico espacial: editorial

Extracto En este estudio resumimos y hacemos comentarios sobre estudios publicados en la edición 6.3. Los estudios revisados son: ‘In Search of ‘W’’ (En busca de ‘W’) de Richard Harris, John Moffat y Victoria Kravtsova; ‘Cross-national neighbouring effects on European regional specialisation’ (Efectos de la contigüidad transnacional sobre la especialización regional europea) de Toni Mora, Patricia García-Duran y Montserrat Millet; ‘Intra-national Purchasing Power Parity and Balassa-Samuelson Effects in Italy’ (Paridad del poder adquisitivo intranacional y los efectos Balassa-Samuelson en Italia) de Andrea Vaona; ‘Enterprise and Competitive Advantage in the Australian Context: A Spatial Econometric Perspective’ (Empresa y ventaja competitiva en el contexto australiano: una perspectiva econométrica espacial) de Paul Plummer y Michael Taylor; y, ‘Development of a large-scale single U.S. region CGE model using IMPLAN data: A Los Angeles County example with a productivity shock application’ (Desarrollo de un modelo CGE a gran escala de una región estadounidense única utilizando datos IMPLAN: un ejemplo de Los Angeles County con una aplicación de choque de productividad) de James Andrew Giesecke.


This paper examines the nonlinear effects of different types of oil price shocks on China’s financial stress index (FSI). For this purpose, we use newly proposed framework by Ready (2018) to decompose oil prices into supply, demand and risk shocks. Then, we use a Markov regime-switching (MRS) model to investigate the nonlinear effects of these oil price shocks on China’s FSI. The empirical results show that the effects of three oil price shocks are nonlinear under different regimes. In particular, oil supply shocks mainly have a significantly positive effect on China’s FSI in the low-volatility state; demand shocks have negative effects on China’s FSI in different regimes, but this effect is larger in the low-volatility state; the effect of risk shocks on China’s FSI is the opposite, and it is positive in the high-volatility state but negative in the low-volatility state.  相似文献   

《Journal of econometrics》2005,127(2):131-164
We analyze labor productivity in coal mining in the United States using indices of productivity change associated with the concepts of panel data modeling. This approach is valuable when there is extensive heterogeneity in production units, as with coal mines. We find substantial returns to scale for coal mining in all geographical regions, and find that smooth technical progress is exhibited by estimates of the fixed effects for coal mining. We carry out a variety of diagnostic analyses of our basic model and primary modeling assumptions, using recently proposed methods for addressing ‘errors-in-variables’ and ‘weak instrument bias’ problems in linear and nonlinear models.  相似文献   

As addressing labour becomes crucial in the move towards sustainability, there is the need for assessment tools suitable for current complex economic systems. This article presents an input–output based framework (‘labour footprint’) for evaluating labour issues behind the production of different economic commodities, including entire supply chains. In line with the guidelines of the International Labour Organization, six labour issues are considered: collective bargaining, forced labour, child labour, gender inequality, hazardous work, and social security. This conceptual article sets to (a) define this footprint's labour dimensions, (b) cite relevant data sources, (c) describe its calculation, (d) illustrate its application through a case study, and (e) discuss this framework's relevance from ‘conscious consumption’, ‘supply chain responsibility’, and regulators' standpoints. Since it advances the evaluation of fundamental labour issues and the scope of multi-criteria analyses, this footprint may be a valuable tool for sustainability assessments.  相似文献   

Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models have been widely used to assess the economic impact of natural disasters, but the models have not been fully validated by applying them to real disasters. This study focuses on validating a model for use in a short-run case in which the functional recovery of infrastructure and businesses occurred on a time scale of a few months. A special attempt is made to determine the parameter values of elasticity of substitutions, which play an important role in the effect on supply chains. In this study, a spatial CGE model, in which Japan is divided into nine regions, is constructed and applied to the case of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami. Through this application, the best estimates of the elasticity parameters generated relatively consistent estimates of production change compared with the observed change, both in severely affected regions and in other regions.  相似文献   

In RBC models, disaster risk shocks reproduce countercyclical risk premia but generate an increase in consumption along the recession and asset price fall, through their effects on agents’ preferences (Gourio, 2012). This paper offers a solution to this puzzle by developing a New Keynesian model with such a small but time-varying probability of “disaster”. We show that price stickiness, combined with an EIS smaller than unity, restores procyclical consumption and wages, while preserving countercyclical risk premia, in response to disaster risk shocks. The mechanism then provides a rationale for discount factor first- and second-moment (“uncertainty”) shocks.  相似文献   

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