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溴酸钾是我国近期规定禁用的一种面粉添加剂。主要用于面包生产的溴酸钾,就是一个从曾经广泛使用到严格限制,直至被逐渐禁止使用的例子。本文综述了溴酸钾的用途和危害,介绍了用碘滴定法(AACC48-42)、阴离子交换-电化学检测法检测溴酸钾的方法,侧重介绍了溴酸钾的替代品及其发展前景。  相似文献   

食品添加剂是一类为改善食品色、香、味等品质,以及为防腐、保鲜和加工工艺的需要,而加入食品中的化学合成或者天然物质。目前,我国食品添加剂有23个品种,种类达2000种左右。本文综述了我国食品添加剂的种类和它们在食品工业方面的主要作用,以及违法使用非食品添加剂,超限量、超范围使用食品添加剂等现象带来的危害。  相似文献   

秋冬季节由于气候变化,给面粉生产带来一些诸如增白剂起速和白度以及制粉技术方面的影响,根据多年的实践总结低温下面粉使用添加剂应注意的问题及其添加剂的选择和品质鉴定方法。  相似文献   

谈过量使用面粉增白剂的危害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入九十年代以来,面粉增白剂普追应用于全国各面粉厂家,给面粉工业带来了一次小小的革命,面粉色泽一下子比以前白了许多。但正如任何事物都是一分为二的那样,面粉增白剂有其利的一面──它确实能够增加面粉的白度满足用户的消费心理;但也有其弊的一面──最近几年,一些面粉生产厂家,特别是个体小机组,不按国家规定的添加量(300Ppm)使用增白剂,一味追求面粉的白度,超剂量使用,对面粉质量造成了一定影响,同时对人民的身体健康也带来了一些危害。要了解面粉增白剂的危害,首先应搞清楚它的化学成分和漂白机理。1面粉增白剂的化…  相似文献   

合理使用食品添加剂,对于丰富食品生产和促进人体健康都有好处。但也必须看到,食品添加剂毕竟不是食品的天然成分,如使用不当,或添加剂本身混入一些有害成分,可能会对人体健康带来一定危害。  相似文献   

<正> 1 面粉添加剂在专用小麦粉生产中发挥积极作用 面粉添加剂泛指用在面粉中的各种食品添加剂,其种类很多。实际上,面粉添加剂是一种行业称谓,主要是指用在面粉中的那些添加剂,其实在食品添加剂中并没有一类专门叫做面粉添加剂的。这些添加剂,可以添加在面粉中,也可以添加在食品中,在哪里添加更合理、更经济、更有效还值得研究。原先面粉厂是不使用添加剂的,主要是食品厂使用。面粉厂使用添加剂后,给食品厂及其他面粉用户带来一定的便利,但会不会出现重复使用的问题,这应该引起重视。  相似文献   

面粉添加剂在专用小麦粉生产中的重要作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

着重阐述了一种无溴盐面包专用粉改良剂开发的思路和方法,对从事面包专用粉改良剂研究和开发的技术人员起到一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

朱萍 《上海商业》2007,(5):36-37
商业贿赂是商业行为主体在商业过程中,为谋取商业利益,故意采取贿赂手段侵害市场竞争秩序的行为。随着市场经济的发展,近年来商业贿赂在一些行业和领域蔓延,一些掌管权利的国家机关和企事业工作人员,利用公共权利接受或索取贿赂,破坏市场经济秩序和社会的和谐稳定,损害群众的切身利益,已成为经济生活中的一大突出问题。  相似文献   

The essence of the ethical issues pertinent to business activities is the harm or benefit that occurs as part of a company's resource transformation process. A typology is developed that sorts ethical issues according to three variables: (1) the nature of the harm, (2) the nature of those harmed and (3) the transformation stage where the harm occurs. Propositions are formulated that would enable analysts and practitioners to predict the degree of legal condemnation of, and stakeholder retaliation to, harms generated by questionable moral reasoning. An organizational harm analysis is then constructed as a decision making tool that could supplement cost/benefit analysis.Denis Collins is a Doctoral Candidate at the Katz Graduate School of Business of the University of Pittsburgh and a Research Associate with the BG Productivity and Gainsharing Institute. He has published several articles in the areas of business ethics, social philosophy and participatory management.  相似文献   

Product harm information spreading in the marketplace may have profound consequences for companies, public policy makers and consumer well-being. However, limited research is available on what makes consumers share such information with others. This paper examines how self-relevance and self-construal affect the sharing of product harm information and the underlying processes that shape sharing. Five experiments demonstrate that under independent self-construal, highly self-relevant product harm information is less likely to be shared. The reluctance to share highly self-relevant information is attenuated under interdependent self-construal. The differential effects of self-construal are related to self-serving processes and motivations for sharing product harm information with others. The results apply to the sharing of negative information, but not positive information. Companies may use these findings to manage the diffusion of product harm information.  相似文献   

线损率的波动影响对线损的准确分析、判断和改善,本文通过分析线损率波动的原因,建议在相应管理制度上制定实施细则,努力减少波动,以通过对线损的分析准确地找出降损措施.  相似文献   

1."小金库"的危害 1.1"小金库"的问题由来已久.党中央、国务院曾三令五申不得私设"小金库",有关部门也多次对"小金库"进行专项检查,但仍屡禁不止."小金库"是违反法律法规及其他有关规定,侵占、截留、隐瞒国家和单位收入,应列入而未列入符合规定的单位账簿的各项资金(含有价证券)及其形成的资产.其大多采取化公为私、公款私存、转移收入、截留利润等不正当手段取得.  相似文献   

Systematic data on the risk of fatal and non-fatal injury from external causes to those who travel abroad for purposes of business or pleasure are seldom recorded and are consequently hard to come by. In this paper, the risk of fatal injuries to foreign travellers using historical and newly acquired data from national databases is estimated. Overall, it appears from these data that the risk of fatal injury to foreign travellers lies in the range of 20 to 90 per 100 000 person-years of exposure for many destinations worldwide, although different rates may pertain in selected situations where special conditions apply, for example, where there is heavy participation in risky sports or increased driving. This level of fatal injury risk is not noticeably different from that of staying in one's home country if one lives in a Western-style industrial country, although the types of hazards responsible may vary in type and proportion. With increasing levels of travel, and the growing popularity of more adventurous pursuits, it is possible that risks could be increasing in this sector.  相似文献   

The British Government?s proposal to develop the ECU gradually into a “hard” European currency has begun to be viewed in a more positive light. What principles are at the heart of this proposal? Does a “hard” ECU have advantages over the existing ECU? What are its chances as a parallel currency?  相似文献   

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