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近日,中国宏观经济学会常务副秘书长王建表示,对于中国经济面临的问题,他担心的不是地产、股市的泡沫,而担心的是25万亿元贷款有多少可以收回,中国经济真正的威胁正是在此。他解释说,因为天量信贷是在严重过剩的背景下加大的。如果有20%的坏账,就会有5万亿元银行贷款收不回来。而5万亿元正是我们所有银行的资本金。  相似文献   

<正>最近读到一位著名企业家的文章,他在文中精辟地坦言:当看到一个个做企业的客户都在开口闭口必提"蓝海"时,我常常担心"蓝海"这股风的流行,已把这些企业带进"死海"而不是"生地",对中国企业家来说,"蓝海"综合症的预防针,我看不能不打了。他这样认为,其实,"蓝海病"是一种"软骨痛"。众多企业寄予厚望的蓝海战略,如今在全球的确热得烫手。但让人震惊的真相是,蓝海战略在全球发达国家中的顶级企业中,仅仅只是得到了很好的印象分,那些声名显赫的企业最终都在蓝海战略面前选择了克制,最信奉蓝海战略的韩国三星、现代等跨国名企,现在倒是在"蓝海"面前停滞不前了。  相似文献   

<正> "代人赔礼道歉"这一称谓是否符合规范,成了道歉公司能否注册的关键。11月8日,经湖南省工商局个体科研究决定,同意按"代人赔礼道歉"核定注册,于是,湖南省第一家职业"和事佬"公司正式诞生。创办人郭卫说,没核定之前还有些担心,现在他正  相似文献   

<正> "个人英雄主义"的销售模式已不能满足工业品营销的需要,"团队协作"才是现代工业品营销的必由之路。 W 企业面临的问题:王先生是 w 公司的营销总监,最近他很头疼。因为自从他接任公司的营销总监后,发现销售人员经常凭借客户资源要挟公司,吃回扣、"走穴"现象经常发生。由于公司担心销售人员流动会影响公司的销售业绩,对此常常睁一只眼闭一只眼。然而即使如此,销售人员跳槽的事还是常有发生。因为公司  相似文献   

许多年前,苏格兰有个手艺高超的老木匠,他的手下有两个学徒.高个学徒眼力好,脑子灵活,动手能力强;矮个学徒很勤奋,只是做事时显得有些"拖泥带水". 有一次,刨木板时,矮个学徒的动作又慢又轻,师傅忍不住提醒他:"你在想什么?注意力要集中啊."他说,他担心碰到身边的小狗.  相似文献   

在6月16日举行的2012中国(北京)浙商高峰论坛上,中央党校国际战略研究所副所长周天勇推算,我国有能力为小微企业减税8000亿~1万亿元人民币。周天勇表示,在今年地方财政普遍比较紧张的情况下,他担心"结构性减税"很难落到实处,并呼吁拿出措施减税,支持制造业和小微企业发展,扩大生产和消费。  相似文献   

<正>【人物档案】胡西园(1897年~1981年),浙江宁波镇海人。实业家、发明家、工程师。他制造出中国第一个自制灯泡,创办中国第一家灯泡厂,被誉为"中国灯泡之父"、"中国电光源之父"和"中国照明电器工业的开拓者"。解放前他曾担任市电器行业公会理事长。解放后,任民建中央常务理事、杨浦区政协委员。  相似文献   

<正>从挪威的"饭店皇帝"到中国规模最大的罗非鱼苗企业老板,袁文儿的转身虽不华丽,但十分精彩。他有很多身份,是一个涉及房地产、影视、餐饮、艺术、水产等众多领域的风投者。在餐饮行业,他是挪威的"饭店皇帝";在艺术行业,他是现代艺术馆的创建人;而在水产行业,他的身份是中国规模最大的罗非鱼苗企业老板。他就是袁文儿,2011中国水产业风云榜"年度企业家"。由于为人低调,国内水产业中和袁文儿相熟的人并不多,但这并不妨碍他  相似文献   

<正> 《谁认识马云》当他在国内最早到处宣讲他的"黄页"时,别人说他是骗子;当他喊出"要做全中国最好的企业"时,别人说他是疯子;当他执意要创办全世界最伟大公司时,别人说他是狂人。然而,他是中国第一位登上《福布斯》杂志封面的企业家。他的阿里巴巴被评为全球电子商务第一品牌,他还是比尔·盖茨、克林顿和布莱尔的朋友。难以相信一个颧骨深凹、头发卷曲、身  相似文献   

<正>1《财富》出版日期:2022年12月封面故事:这个人能驯服通胀吗?美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔肩负着控制通胀的重任并发誓要与价格飞涨作斗争。一些业内人士担心他会走得太远,而另一些却担心他走得不够远。  相似文献   

The global light source sector is experiencing fast growth in the current decade; market size is expected to reach the $78 billion mark in 2016 compared with $44 billion in 2011; but growth is likely to slow after that. Key factors in this field are energy conservation, affordability of more efficient lights, the quest for better light quality, and standards by agencies and associations. Regionally, Asia-Pacific is expected to assume a commanding lead with 53 percent of the global total by 2016 compared with North America at 17 percent and Western Europe at 14 percent. Fluorescent and incandescent lamps combined dominated with 71 percent as a share of world sales in 2011; they and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are expected to each be at 42 percent of the total by 2016. Technological advances created less costly LEDs that now offer longer life, better light quality, and more flexibility. In terms of markets or end-uses, buildings are expected to capture about 75 percent of the total in 2016, with the remainder taken by outdoor applications, motor vehicles, and other manufactured goods. Three firms account for about 25 percent of market share globally: Philips Lighting, Osram, and General Electric. All of them pursue an aggressive research and management agenda; the first two are reorganizing. Battle for market share is bound to continue by companies around the globe. The standardized nature of sockets allows for flexibility by users and often leads to commodity type marketing. (This paper and the monograph on which it is based exclude both lighting fixtures and lighting control systems. For information on lighting fixtures, see The Freedonia Group [2012].)  相似文献   

The global demand for power tools rose from $19.0 billion in 1999 to $22.8 billion by 2004 and is expected to increase to $29.2 billion in 2009. The annual rate of growth was 3.7 percent during 1999-2004; the projected rate during 2004-2009 is 5.0 percent. This reflects accelerating growth in developing regions, with the most promising opportunities occurring in Latin America, Africa/Mid-East, and Asia-Pacific. Electric tools (plug-in and cordless) dominate world demand, comprising three-fourth of shipments in 2004. Commercial users accounted for 70 percent and households for 30 percent of total sales, a ratio that should prevail during the coming years. North America accounted for 40 percent of total demand but for only 30 percent of production, as U.S. firms shifted operations to countries with lower wages. While hundreds of companies offer power tools, only a few firms hold significant market share. The leaders are Black and Decker (United States), Bosch (Germany), TechTronic (Hong- Kong), Makita (Japan), and Hitachi (Japan); together they accounted for 37 percent of global sales in 2004. JEL Classification L640  相似文献   

World demand for heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) equipment is expected to rise in absolute terms during the current five-year period, but the rate of growth is slowing. However, growth is still in excess of that recorded by both global building construction expenditures and world gross domestic product. In 2007, $63.1 billion was spent on HVAC. The Asia-Pacific region now accounts for about 45 percent of the total. The two major categories of HVAC are cooling equipment, which accounts for 71 percent of the total, while heating equipment is responsible for the remaining 29 percent. The commercial market dominates the residential market by a ratio of 65:35. There are hundreds of suppliers around the world, but the eight leading firms have about 50 percent of the market.  相似文献   

To examine the role of international competition in outsourcing production decisions, I study the decisions of producers who used the U.S. Overseas Assembly Program (OAP) to conduct assembly operations in developing countries. The evidence, which is based on U.S. OAP imports between 1991 to 2000, shows that production costs and corporate tax policies both shaped production decisions. While increases in own country costs reduced the size of a developing country's OAP shipments, increases in competitor costs helped to increase a country's shipments. The effects of competitor country cost changes were relatively large, as the analysis suggests that a ten percent increase in competing country costs would increase a country's OAP outsourcing activities by 5.8 percent, while a ten percent increase in competitor country taxes would increase a country's OAP exports by 1.6 percent.  相似文献   

Formation,growth and survival; Small firm dynamics in the U.S. Economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four out of five new firms fail within the first five years. This statement has been made so many times that most people believe it is true. But it isn't. In fact, using a relatively new data source developed by the U.S. Small Business Administration, we found that on the average, 39.8 percent of new firms survive six or more years. This is equivalent to a failure rate of three out of five, substantially lower than popularly believed.Survival rates vary by industry with manufacturing having the greatest (46.9 percent) and construction the smallest (35.3 percent). More important, however, is the discovery that survival rates more than double for firms that grow. Even a small amount of growth boosts the average survival rate to 66.3 percent; that is two out of three growing firms survive. The earlier in the life of the business that growth occurs, the higher the chance of survival.But, most firms do not grow in the first four years. On average, only ten percent of firms show growth in the first four years. By the sixth year, however, 34.3 percent of the firms show growth and over fifty percent show growth within eight years.To put the old adage to rest, two out of five new firms survive at least six years and over half of the survivors grow.  相似文献   

World trade growth slid to 5.5 per-cent last year from 8.5 percent in 2006 and may grow even more slowly in 2008 - at about 4.5 percent - as sharp economic deceleration in key developed countries is only partly offset by continuing strong growth in emerging economics, according to World Trade Organization economists.  相似文献   

From January 1 this year, China- ASEAN Free Trade Agreement tax rate will be implemented on some items of goods originating from ASEAN ten countries, and implement the third step of normal tariff reduction. After tariff reduction, the number of implementation of the Agreement's tariff rate will amount to approximately 6750, compared with the MFN rate, the average discount rate of about 80 percent.  相似文献   

Not long ago, the National Bureau of Statistics released its 2007 Macro Economy Index. Social consumption retail sales reached RMB 8.9 billion, increased by 16.8 percent over the previous year, or 3.1 percentage points higher; the whole investment in social fixed assets was valued RMB 13.7 billion, a year-on-year increase of 24.8 percent, that is 0.9 percentage points higher; and trade surplus amounted to RMB 24.7 billion, rising by 47.7 percent compared with the same period last year, 26.3 percentage points falling over the increasing speed last year. According to preliminary estimates, GDP for the year was RMB 24.67 trillion, up by 11.4 percent from the previous year,  相似文献   

China's shipbuilders faced with great difficulties China's fledgling shipbuilding industry is set for more hard times as industry insiders have indicated that the global shipbuild- ing industry is unlikely to recover in the near future. New ship- building orders received by China in the first quarter of this year fell 98.3 percent year-on-year to 0.19 million deadweight tons (dwt), according to Clarkson Research Service. In the first quarter, new orders have fallen by 97 percent to 1.33 million dwt worldwide.  相似文献   

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