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The significant growth of Private Labels (PLs) has led to a growing competition between National Brand (NB) manufacturers, on the one hand, and retailers, on the other; while manufacturers strive to achieve enhanced customer loyalty through such measures as innovation and advertising, retailers focus their efforts on offering high-quality products. This paper considers for the first time a supply chain consisting of one NB manufacturer and a population of retailers under two scenarios. In the first, each retailer sells NB and chooses either to introduce an Economy Private Label (EPL) or not. In the second scenario, each retailer chooses either to introduce a Premium Private Label (PPL) or not. To solve the problem, an evolutionary game is introduced and the retailers’ behavior is analyzed. Using two numerical examples, parametric analysis and managerial insights are also provided. It is found that the entire population chooses the strategy of introducing a private label (EPL or PPL) and that this strategy yields greater profits for both the manufacturer and the retailers than other strategy profiles might do. In addition, it is shown that both the retailers and the manufacturer gain more profits by introducing a PPL rather than an EPL.  相似文献   


As private labels are consolidating their gains in national markets, a conventional recommendation to national brand manufacturers would most likely be to invest more in marketing in order to increase the perceived quality gap between national brands and private labels. It is assumed that the quality gap would boost consumer willingness to pay a price premium for national brands over private labels. Differing from this conventional approach, the current study focuses on the perceived authenticity gap between national brands and private labels, to explore whether and how this factor influences the effect of marketing and manufacturing variables on willingness to pay. This relationship is relevant in milieus where consumers might take brand authenticity rather than quality perceptions to guide their brand evaluations. The current study finds that the perceived authenticity gap mediates the effect of only some particular conventional marketing tools on willingness to pay. The study suggests that national brand managers should take the presence of private labels in the national markets as an opportunity to exploit the dynamics of authenticity evaluations, rather than as a threat.  相似文献   

With disaggregate tariff data we study the impact of changing tariffs on the range of goods countries export to the United States. Our probits with country and good effects show tariffs tend to have a statistically significant but small impact: at best 5% of the increasing extensive margin for 1989-1999 and 12% for 1996-2006 is explained by tariff reductions. This suggests the extensive margin has not amplified the impact of tariffs on trade flows to such an extent that the relatively moderate tariff reductions since WW II can explain the strong growth of world trade.  相似文献   

Clean meat shows great potential as an alternative to conventional meat and may help to mitigate sustainability problems stemming from the meat industry. However, this novel method of producing meat is currently being met by consumer hesitancy due to perceptions of unnaturalness and feelings of disgust. While prior research has shown that appeal positioning based on naturalness and ethicality, for example, may enhance the acceptance of clean meat, these findings are limited because prior research has only examined different appeals in isolation, and no research has explored the psychological mechanism underlying the effect of these appeals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to examine how a joint appeal based on both natural and ethical aspects of clean meat is more effective in enhancing consumer preference. Specifically, two experiments were conducted among participants from the US (n = 302) and the UK (n = 303) to examine whether a joint appeal is more effective than a single appeal focusing on either naturalness or ethicality, and no appeal. Extending the current literature, our findings show that the joint appeal increases the effectiveness of the communication, with participants in this condition showing a significantly higher preference toward the product when compared to those in the single-appeal or no-appeal conditions. The results also demonstrate that disgust and compassion underlie the effect of the joint appeal on consumer preference. Taken together, the current research provides insights to enhance the effectiveness of marketing interventions in promoting consumer preference for and acceptance of clean meat.  相似文献   

This article sets out a research program that examines the dynamics of gifting behavior of long-term committed dyadic relationships—married couples. Our research considers the findings of a study in which the reported gifting behavior of couples reveals two gifting rulebooks; the first rulebook consisting of a set of symbolic communication rules, and a second rulebook consisting of economic exchange rules. Most importantly, we develop a consumer gifting classification of marital dyads. Finally suggestions are offered for future research and implications are drawn for marketing strategy.  相似文献   

In the present study we investigate whether various types of sales promotions together with hedonic shopping motivation (value shopping) and positive affect drive impulse buying. The study further explores the moderation impact of trait constructs viz deal proneness and impulsive buying tendency in impulse buying. In our research, sales promotion tools are classified into four categories namely, (a) monetary-immediate (MI), (b) non-monetary-immediate (NMI), (c) monetary-delayed (MD) and (d) non-monetary delayed (NMD) types of sales promotions. Data were analysed using SEM. Results revealed that out of the four categories of promotional tools only MI and NMI drive impulse buying. Each of MI, NMI, MD and NMD is found to be related to positive affect whereas MI, NMI and NMD impact value shopping but MD does not. The role of IBT and DP as moderators has been evident. The study has significant theoretical as well as managerial implications. Test of mediation confirmed the role of urge to buy as mediator.  相似文献   

Only anecdotal evidence exists that ventures use patents as collateral to access debt financing. In this paper, we use a novel dataset on patent reassignments with a security interest to explore quantitatively what patents are used as collateral. We analyze characteristics of patents to disentangle whether it is the technology underlying a patent or the patent's exclusion right per se matters for collateralization. We do find empirical support only for technology-related characteristics, suggesting that lenders use patents to collateralize high-quality technology that can, in case of default, be redeployed to ventures in similar technology fields. On the other hand, patent-related characteristics like scope, which are, in general, related to patent value and are particularly important for non-practicing entities, do not matter.  相似文献   

This study examines the informational content of service and product advertisements and analyses the relationship between the amount and type of information in an advertisement and the type of product or service being advertised. The influence that service characteristics have on advertising strategy is still not well understood. One theory is that services need to be more tangible in order to assist in the consumer decision-making process and advertising can assist with this by providing factual information. The purpose of this paper is to establish whether this theory is recognized and adopted in advertising practice. This is achieved by performing a content analysis. The results indicate that product advertisements contain more information than services, which indicates a discrepancy between advertising theory and practice. The results also prove that there are variances in the amount and type of information included in product and service advertisements. The paper examines these variances and applies existing classification frameworks to explain them. Areas for further research are also identified.  相似文献   

The threat of a disaster is very real for many, and preparation is vital. To identify differences in how people respond to disaster preparation, a segmentation approach may be useful. Based on a survey, cluster analysis and application of the theory of planned behavior, this study finds four segments in the population. The unprepared and uninterested segment may be encouraged by associating preparation tasks with benefits other than disaster resilience. Willing but could do more may respond to information highlighting that government support may not be enough in a disaster. For it’s just too difficult, barriers need to be addressed, lowering costs of preparation and changing perceptions of difficulty. Those in knowing, interested, and prepared could be encouraged to help spread the word of the importance of preparation. Further recommendations are made for the wider public policy context, including a call for more segmentation approaches to build understanding and resilience.  相似文献   

The scholarly tradition of cosmopolitanism (illustrated by the old saying, “I am a citizen of the world”) offers important insights into the examination of agri-food multinational corporations (MNCs) as powerful global actors. Acknowledging that agriculture is the business sector with the highest planetary environmental impact, in this paper, we advance existing discussions around cosmopolitanism and the normative implications of considering agri-food MNCs as political actors. Relying on an integrative literature review, we propose a tripartite ethical framework that gives a new momentum to the ideals and tenets of cosmopolitanism. This novel lens offers an integrated, seamless ethical approach and revolves around three dimensions: culture, morality, and governance. The first dimension examines key agri-food cultural and social-ecological issues, the second acknowledges interdependence and causality as central to understanding MNCs’ ethical responsibilities, and the third outlines several governance parameters around legitimacy, planetary reach and efficiency. Hence, our integrative framework resituates the planetary geographical imagination of cosmopolitanism within the biophysical parameters outlined by the planetary boundaries concept, advancing key issues on private agri-food environmental governance and planetary stewardship.  相似文献   

National brands have begun to engage in direct distribution, displaying the brand in its own biotope. Such operation of flagship stores is one means of forward verticalization. From samples of visitors to two flagship stores of fast-moving consumer goods brands, this study analyzes the effects of the flagship store visit on brand experience, brand equity, brand attachment, and loyalty. In the low-involvement FMCG context, flagship stores are useful for reinforcing brand experience. However, flagship store-fueled brand experience does not necessarily lead to favorable consumer reactions; its effect on future purchases is mediated by both brand equity and brand attachment.  相似文献   

Nutrition labeling has been accepted by Chinese consumers as an information source to learn about food quality and safety. This paper uses Chinese consumers’ rice purchase as an example to study how consumers use food nutrition labels to make purchase decision of a familiar food product. The goal is to understand how consumers seek information from the labels to make purchase when extensive experience with the food has been developed. Survey data from 400 random respondents in Beijing were analyzed using an empirical framework and a Mont Carlo integral econometrics model. We find that more than 50% of the consumers in Beijing have heard of food nutrition labels in general, 36.50% carefully use label information even if they are familiar with the food, and nearly 70% consider mandatory food nutrition labels as beneficial. Those who are more knowledgeable about rice nutrition labels are more likely to use the labels when purchasing rice, no matter how familiar they are with the product. Frequent users of nutrition labels are more likely to consider food mandatory nutrition labels as beneficial. This study suggests that consumers still use the label information to reassure the quality and safety of food despite a history of consumption.  相似文献   

Although the literature on export barriers has been growing, this issue of whether barriers to export exhibit significant differences among firms has not been addressed. In particular, the question of whether these impediments are uniform for born globals – a new breed of exporting firms that initiate exporting soon after inception – is unresolved. Similarly, barriers to export are thought to vary across different stages of internationalization. Therefore, the present work explores this fundamental issue. The empirical study is carried out in the context of an emerging market, Turkey, providing an opportunity for examining the stability of earlier findings (carried out largely in advanced economy settings) for rapidly developing economies. Results suggest that perceived barriers differ mainly for firms in the domestic marketing stage, pre-export stage and for born global firms.  相似文献   

This study focused on the effectiveness of fear appeal messages used to arouse a threat in green advertising. An experiment recruited 175 participants to test the influence of the advertising appeal (fear vs. non-fear appeal), source (for-profit vs. non-profit organizations), and involvement with the environment on attitude toward the ad (Aad), attitude toward the product (Ap) and purchase intention (PI). Results revealed that a fear appeal in a green ad negatively affected Aad and Ap and that participants who were highly involved with the environment were more likely to have positive attitudes toward the green ad and advertised green product as well as a stronger intent to purchase it. The source type in the green ad did not affect ad effectiveness and involvement with the environment did not moderate the effects of either appeal or source.  相似文献   

The separation of science resources and the manufacturing industry in China has given rise to R&;D alliances between R&;D institutes and sponsoring enterprises. As a result, R&;D alliance of various types has become a main route of technology innovation in China. Drawing upon relevant literature on R&;D alliance management, this research empirically explores the impacts of relationship pattern, control strategy chosen by sponsoring enterprises, and alliance members’ continuity expectation on alliance performance. Results show that motivation-based alliance control approaches, including proper allocation of alliance control rights, sustained strengthening of alliance members’ continuity expectation, and enhancement of mutual relationship and friendship among alliance members, are more effective than process or outcome control approaches for improving alliance performance.  相似文献   

Retailing strategy is one of the most crucial factors for industries. A proper retailing strategy can help to enhance consumer service and increase the industry's profit. An improved approach to retailing is suggested in this research to deliver superior customer service while maximizing profits in a dynamic system. The study analyzes a retailing strategy for a demand with cross-price elasticity upon the retail price. A product's cross-price elasticity and the system reliability are critical factors in retailing. Understanding the cross-price elasticity of demand between products helps retailers to make pricing decisions that maximize profits by maintaining demand. Imperfect products are produced due to an imperfect production system. The imperfect ones must be adjusted with some costs to make them perfect for better retailing. The system failure rate is crucial for retailing under cross-price elasticity of demand patterns. Production system reliability, cross-price elasticity of demand, and consumer service are all essential factors that can impact a company's success in the market. The production rate is considered time- and system failure rate-dependent. Contradictory to the literature, a dynamical system is proposed for improved retail management, which is solved using the Euler-Lagrange theory. Finally, one can achieve the expected maximum profit for this retail system with optimum selling prices for different products by reducing the system failure rate. Some numerical illustrations with graphical representations are provided to validate the current study. Numerical examples show that applying cross-price elasticity of demand for more than two identical products provides 35% more profit for the retail industry than a single type of product.  相似文献   

Passion is important to venture investors, but what specifically do they want entrepreneurs to be passionate about? This study theorizes that angel investors and venture capitalists consider both entrepreneurs' passion for activities related to the product or service the venture provides (i.e., product passion) and passion for founding and developing new ventures (i.e., entrepreneurial passion). We demonstrate that both types of passion become more appealing when the investor perceives that the entrepreneur is highly open and receptive to feedback, suggesting that openness to feedback mitigates potential concerns associated with passion in its extremes. We further find that venture investors differ in their consideration of passion; angel investors and venture capitalists with more investing experience place greater emphasis on the combination of product passion and openness to feedback, whereas those with more entrepreneurial experience emphasize the combination of entrepreneurial passion and openness to feedback.  相似文献   

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