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This paper synthesizes studies analyzing the effects of capital account liberalization on industry growth while controlling for financial crises, domestic financial development and the strength of institutions. We find evidence that financial openness has positive effects on the growth of financially dependent industries, although these growth-enhancing effects evaporate during financial crises. Further analysis indicates that the positive effects of capital account liberalization are limited to countries with relatively well-developed financial systems, good accounting standards, strong creditor rights and rule of law. It suggests that countries must reach a certain threshold in terms of institutional and economic development before they can expect to benefit from capital account liberalization.  相似文献   

在Uzawa(1965)、Lucas(1988)和Jones(1995)内生增长的模型的基础上,引入金融创新部门,研究了金融创新、R&D与经济增长的关系。金融创新直接影响经济增长率,还会通过对技术创新的影响,间接地影响到经济的增长。同时,三部门人力资本分配的变动受到生产函数中参数的影响。不同的金融创新产品对R&D和经济增长的影响也有所不同。  相似文献   

刘贯春  司登奎  刘芳 《金融研究》2021,496(10):78-97
通过构建一个包含银行和生产性企业的两部门增长模型,本文系统考察人力资本偏向金融部门如何影响实体经济增长,并利用2008年中国经济普查数据、2003-2015年地级市数据及2011-2013年中国工业企业数据开展实证检验。理论分析表明,人力资本在金融部门与实体部门之间的配置结构对实体经济增长存在两种效应,依次为资本“挤入”效应和创新“挤出”效应,进而导致人力资本配置情况与实体经济增长率之间呈现倒“U”形关系。随后,计量结果为上述理论推断提供了系列经验证据,且机制检验证实人力资本配置到金融部门有助于促进信贷规模扩张。特别地,反事实框架的测算结果显示,人力资本有效配置将提升实体经济增长率约0.45%,而且贡献率随经济发展更加凸显。本文结论表明,应理性看待人力资本向金融部门的不断聚集,不以简单线性关系进行判断,要综合权衡资本“挤入”效应和创新“挤出”效应的相对重要性。  相似文献   

利用2002~2008年中国能源工业发展与金融支持的面板数据,综合考察融资的规模、结构与能源工业的产值增长、能耗强度之间的关系,并基于79家上市能源企业的角度进行拓展和再证实。研究结果显示,融资规模扩大有利于能源工业的产值增长,但融资的开放程度和利用效率不断降低;不同的融资结构对产值增长的贡献率和能源消耗存在明显差异;国内贷款不仅对能源产业产值增长的贡献相对较低,还提高了单位增加值的能耗;相反,利用外资却能二者兼得;此外,增加股票和债券融资有助于促进自筹资金对能源产业产值增长的拉动作用.  相似文献   

本文在索洛—斯旺框架下构建了一个分析证券市场开放对经济增长影响的理论模型,模型显示:金融开放后的经济收敛速度要大于封闭时的经济收敛速度,金融发展水平会促进金融开放带来的经济增长效应。通过金砖国家的数据对理论模型的结论进行实证检验显示:用名义的AREAER指标、实际的EW指标和资本流动指标度量的证券市场开放度的系数均显著为正,说明证券市场开放有利于经济增长;证券市场发展水平会促进该经济增长效应,而银行业发展水平对该经济增长效应的影响不显著。  相似文献   

本文构建由金融发展、资本开放、汇率制度与产出增长组成的理论模型,选取世界上118个经济体1972-2016年的宏观数据,综合运用动态面板、面板门槛与面板IV模型进行实证分析。本文得出主要结论为:第一,在汇率制度弹性对长期经济增长的边际影响中,金融发展水平呈显著为正的调节效应;第二,对于金融发展水平较高的国家,汇率制度弹性在资本项目开放度与长期经济增长之间存在显著正向的调节效应;第三,在金融发展水平较高时,对外贸易开放度在汇率制度弹性与长期经济增长之间存在显著为正的中介效应。借鉴历史发展经验,本文归纳出"先发展国内金融市场,再开放浮动汇率,最后加强资本开放"的汇改最优次序,为我国克服汇率制度改革难点、推进资本项目开放、维持经济基本面稳定增长提出合理化政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether the impact of capital account convertibility on the long term volatility of economic growth depends on financial development. It estimates a system of three simultaneous equations: mean growth, volatility of growth and financial development. This allows for the study of both, the impact of capital account liberalization on volatility, as well as its direct impact on financial development. Results indicate that economies with low financial development fall prey to excess volatility arising from capital account openness, while capital account openness itself has a significant positive impact on financial development. The results are robust to alternative measures of financial development and volatility and to the removal of outliers.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of foreign direct investment (FDI) in economic growth in Malaysia, appropriately controlling for other proximate drivers of economic growth: domestic investment, exports, financial markets, and human capital. Domestic capital formation, FDI, human capital, and financial deepening significantly affect economic growth. FDI has a positive and significant effect on economic growth, but its effect is of lesser magnitude than that of domestic investment. Human capital and financial markets interact with FDI and, thus, are important for both short- and long-term growth processes. The results suggest that it is important to encourage domestic as well as foreign investment to put Malaysia back on its precrisis growth path.  相似文献   

本文基于64个经济体1999-2017年的季度面板数据,采用工具变量广义矩估计(IV-GMM)方法,从汇率制度和金融市场发展视角研究国际资本异常流动对经济增长的非线性效应。研究表明,资本流动激增显著促进了经济增长,资本流动中断、外逃和撤回对经济增长具有负向影响。有弹性的汇率制度显著减弱了四种资本异常流动情形对经济增长的冲击效应;金融市场发展显著降低了激增、中断和撤回对经济增长的冲击影响,强化了外逃对经济增长的冲击效应。随着汇率制度弹性和金融发展程度变化,新兴经济体与发达经济体资本外逃对经济增长的影响呈现明显的异质性。本文结论对于各国防范国际资本异常流动风险、维护国内经济金融稳定,以及稳步有序推进汇率市场化改革和金融市场建设具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

陈雨露 《金融研究》2021,487(1):1-12
本文以历史上三次工业革命为切入点,探讨工业革命、金融革命与系统性风险治理间的关系。在工业革命演进过程中,先进技术创新应用、经济结构转变和社会环境变迁,推动了金融业演进发展和升级;反过来,资本的快速积累和有效融通对科技进步转化为工业革命不可或缺,以现代商业银行、现代投资银行和创业投资体系为特征的三次金融革命分别是三次工业革命的重要推动力量。但如果制度规则建设和监管滞后,金融发展失序也会导致系统性风险逐步累积,引发金融危机,反过来催生重大金融体制或监管制度变革。当前第四次工业革命已拉开序幕,金融科技引领的金融业集成创新有望成为第四次金融革命的突出特征。我国是全球金融科技发展领先的国家之一,应统筹发展与安全,在金融科技带动下发挥好银行体系、资本市场、创投体系和金融科技企业服务实体经济创新发展的合力,同时做好风险防范,引导从业机构在服务实体经济和遵从审慎监管的前提下守正创新,防止资本无序扩张,牢牢守住不发生系统性风险的底线。  相似文献   

AHSAN HABIB 《Abacus》2008,44(1):1-21
There is controversy regarding the role of financial development in promoting economic growth. Lucas (1988 ) suggests that the role of financial intermediation in economic growth has been very badly over-stressed in the popular and professional discussion. Levine et al . (2000 ), on the other hand, show that in a cross-country setting the exogenous component of financial intermediary development is positively and robustly linked to economic growth. Although empirical methodologies to investigate the finance-growth nexus have been refined, there is a lack of understanding about the exact mechanisms through which the financial system could affect economic performance in the real sector. Wurgler (2000 ) investigates one such mechanism of economic growth: whether capital is allocated efficiently. He then empirically shows that countries with well-developed financial architecture improve capital allocation. This article extends Wurgler (2000 ) by investigating the role of an important economic institution, the financial reporting system, on the efficiency of capital allocation. Financial reporting provides the primary source of independently verified information to the capital providers about the performance of managers and facilitates efficient resource allocation decisions. Results show that financial transparency is positively and significantly related to capital allocation efficiency. Further, this result holds after controlling for the impact of stock price synchronicity, state-owned enterprises and investor protection rights.  相似文献   

文章运用1986--2007年的实际数据实证研究了我国农村金融发展与农民收入之间的相关性关系及影响机制。研究表明,农村人均固定资产投资、农村人力资本、农村劳动力的转移与农民收入之间存在着显著的正相关性;农村金融规模和农村金融结构与农村人均固定资产投资、农村人力资本和农村劳动力转移都是正相关的。但是农村金融效率与农村人均固定资产投资、农村人力资本和农村劳动力转移却呈负向关系。文章认为,农村金融资金由于种种原因导致的配置低效率是阻碍农民收入增长的主要因素。  相似文献   

低碳经济离不开实体经济的发展和壮大,而金融支持则为实体经济的发展和经济结构的转型提供了契机,金融机构的积极参与会将商品市场、能源市场和资本市场有效结合。本文从我国发展低碳经济的必要性入手,分析了我国碳金融发展的现状和存在的问题,尝试构建我国碳金融体系的基本框架,从商业银行、证券公司、保险公司、基金公司、资信评级机构和投资咨询机构六个方面探讨我国金融支持低碳经济发展的路径和桶快低碳进程的有效策略。  相似文献   

金融中介发展、利率市场化与县域资本配置效率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“先农村、后城市”的利率市场化改革以及县域金融中介体系的发展,共同推进了县域地区的金融深化进程,这对县域经济究竞带来了怎样的影响,是否可以通过优化资本配置效率促进经济增长?本文实证检验了金融中介发展以及利率管制放松对县域地区资本配置效率的影响。研究结果表明,金融中介的规模扩张促进了县域地区资本配置效率的改善;贷款利率上限的放开较为显著地改善了县域地区的资本配置效率,但随着利率市场化改革的推进.这种积极影响已逐步弱化.  相似文献   

国际金融危机下中国风险投资的新变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风风险投资是高新技术产业发展和经济增长的助推器,金融危机的爆发使风险投资业赖以生存的金融环境受到破坏,对风险投资行业的发展造成了较大影响.本文在论述金融危机对风险投资影响机制的基础上,着重分析了金融危机下中国风险投资业发生的新变化.  相似文献   

Trade Credit, Financial Intermediary Development, and Industry Growth   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Recent work suggests that financial development is important for economic growth, since financial markets more effectively allocate capital to firms with high value projects. For firms in poorly developed financial markets, implicit borrowing in the form of trade credit may provide an alternative source of funds. We show that industries with higher dependence on trade credit financing exhibit higher rates of growth in countries with weaker financial institutions. Furthermore, consistent with barriers to trade credit access among young firms, we show that most of the effect that we report comes from growth in the size of preexisting firms.  相似文献   

本文利用1979~2003年的省级面板数据,将我国分为东、中、西三大区域,考察了金融发展对经济增长的影响,结果表明:把国有商业银行贷款占GDP的比例作为金融发展的衡量指标对三大地区人均GDP均具有显著的正相关性,金融发展促进经济增长的理论在我国同样成立;但金融发展与实体经济部门之间均不存在良性互动的关系,其对经济增长的贡献仅仅停留在增加资本积累上,对资本配置效率的改善作用不大;1994年的分税制改革对金融发展促进经济增长的作用造成了显著的负面影响。因此,我国的金融体制改革需要将金融体制改革、国有企业改革、财税体制改革和政府体制改革纳入同一个分析框架中进行。  相似文献   

We are currently in the second wave of globalisation. Despite the fact that over the past two decades a number of national financial and other barriers have been removed, there are still a number of national, regional and global factors that are slowing down the process of financial globalisation from trickling down to all parts of the world. This paper briefly discusses the process of globalisation and considers the human development index including education as a way of measuring economic growth and financial wealth in different parts of the world. The paper analyses the process of financial globalisation and the way some nations have become the recipients of more foreign capital than others. As a way of seeing the importance of both national and international economic and financial integration as important ingredients for sustained economic growth, the process of financial integration in Europe is analysed as a model for acceleration of the process of globalisation and sustained economic growth in this century. The 21st century is referred to as the Pacific century and hence financial integration in the Asia Pacific region (APEC) could create a new impetus for the EU to increase its internal integration including its fiscal policies as a way of remaining competitive in the global economy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the links among banking supervision, the volatility of financial flows, and economic growth. In particular, we explore whether banking regulation mitigates the adverse effects of capital flows volatility on economic growth. Using cross-country data over four decades, we find that banking supervision promotes economic growth by dampening the negative impact of volatile capital flows. The findings hold for both aggregate capital flows and its various components, and for both its net and gross counterparts, while they are also robust for various indicators of regulatory policies. The results support the argument that bank regulatory policy rules designed to ensure financial stability are beneficial to long-run economic growth.  相似文献   

基于广义资本的财务报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄晓波 《会计研究》2007,3(10):3-10
随着经济形态从工业经济到知识经济的转变、发展观念从无限增长观到可持续增长观的转变、企业从"经济人"到"社会生态经济人"的转变,企业资本呈现出一种泛化的趋势,即从传统财务会计中的财务资本转变为了包括财务资本(债务资本、权益资本)、人力资本、组织资本、社会资本、生态资本等在内的广义资本。广义资本共同创造了企业价值,都应在企业享有相应的权益。所以,新经济时代的财务报告应为广义资本所有者提供其产权价值实现和保障情况的个性化的信息。  相似文献   

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