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A unique brand experience (BX) is vital for marketers to create differentiation for their brands in a hyper price sensitive e-tail industry. While BX as a concept evolved in a physical-retailing environment, only a few studies extended the same in the e-tailing environment. Using ISM (interpretive structure modeling) and the MICMAC (Matrix Impact Cross-Reference Multiplication Applied to a Classification) approach, this study attempts to address this gap by investigating the factors which form the BX in an app-based online retail environment (eRBX) and by highlighting insights on this. A literature review on BX and a collection of responses from 33 domain experts led to the identification of 20 factors and the showcasing of a multilevel interpretive relational structure of eRBX. Value for money and marketing communication emerged as first-order factors for eRBX in line with existing research. The authors' original contribution lied in finding two new multi-dimensional concepts of Physical Evidence (PE), and Enjoyment (E) in BX research. Ten critical influencing factors (CIF) were under PE, and five hygiene factors (HF) were under E for eRBX. Both these multi-dimensional concepts are further framed into an alternative paradigm of etailscape. This study can help practitioners to understand the insight and anatomy, for creating sustainable eRBX, and prioritize marketing investments accordingly.  相似文献   

供应链集成研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文认为,供应链集成包括供应链资源集成、市场集成、信息集成和组织集成,它们之间相互联系、相互依存、相互作用,构成供应链网络体系。文章提出,资源集成是供应链集成的基础,也是供应链价值创造的基础,其规模、结构、效率和质量直接体现供应链的价值量;市场集成能有效拓宽资源集成范围,提高资源集成度;信息集成能广泛收集、整合资源与市场信息,进行价值模拟与有效管理;组织集成能从战略高度,提高资源、市场、信息的集成度和整个供应链的集成度,增加整个供应链的价值。  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化进程的不断加快,发展老年服务产业迫在眉睫。基于企业组织视角从市场需求、服务内容、政策扶持、风险管理方面对老年服务产业的供给所进行的分析显示:目前我国老年服务产业远没有达到应有的水平,老年服务市场资源匮乏、种类稀少,产业竞争力小;老年服务项目主要有上门服务和组织活动;政府可从对老年服务企业的税收、补贴以及志愿者政策三方面入手,建立老年服务型产业链;应注意规避使用志愿者风险和企业经营风险,从而进一步推进老年服务产业的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

During the last decades of the twentieth century, industry and business leaders have recognized the importance of incorporating environmental sustainability in their business practices. This has resulted in emergence of new concepts such as green marketing and green consumerism. Over the years, various studies have explored the concept of green consumer behavior and have listed out factors that work as either barriers or enablers to consumer adoption of environmentally sustainable products. The present study identifies such barriers from the available body of literature and tries to construct a model using ISM (Interpretive Structural Modeling) to show how these different barriers interact and affect the consumer decision making regarding green products.  相似文献   

基于解释结构模型的铁路低碳物流影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘卫华  成成 《价格月刊》2012,(9):71-74,82
首先,介绍铁路低碳物流的内涵,通过SWOT分析,指出我国铁路发展低碳物流的必要性与迫切性,进而探究其影响因素。其次,采用解释结构模型,针对影响铁路低碳物流发展7个因素之间的关系,进行层次化分析处理,得出表层、中层和深层影响因素。最后,提出促进我国铁路低碳物流的发展对策。  相似文献   

针对中国食品行业突发事件的频发现象,运用层次分析法、模糊评判法、隶属度和系统分析的相关理论,建立一个反映食品供应链本质特征的风险评判模型。基于对食品供应链风险的形成机理和系统分析,形成食品供应链风险评判指标体系,构建食品供应链风险多级模糊综合评判模型,判定一级指标各因素风险度和食品供应链系统风险度,并对各因素风险度排序。以某乳制品生产企业所处的食品供应链为例,对模型进行应用。研究结果表明,食品供应链风险的准确评判,可以确定更加合理的风险等级,有助于为企业提供可靠的风险规避依据,减少食品供应链突发事件的发生。  相似文献   

随着信息环境、技术环境以及商业环境的变化,"新零售"在生鲜零售、连锁服务、快消餐饮等领域迅速发展,以创新模式满足消费者特定时空的消费期望,是零售业转型升级的重要表现。场景化要素在零售业嵌入程度的不足,导致零售业同质化现象严重,消费者体验未得到明显改善。为了使零售业能符合当前环境,提高消费者体验的愉悦度,应以零售商主导的供应链逆向整合为创新点,通过综合运用场景化要素的融合功效,依据由消费者、零售企业和供应商为核心要素的供应链创新机理,遵循全面性、分节点和成体系的原则,从消费者的消费需求、消费习惯和消费偏好出发对商业情境进行多维度、立体化的配置,强化零售商的自主经营能力,促进消费者消费体验的良性循环,提高消费者与场景的黏性,提高其持续购买的意愿,形成"新零售"供应链创新路径。  相似文献   

Global supply chains face a multitude of risks. A review of the recent literature reveals a few structured and systematic approaches for assessing risks in supply chains. However, there is no conceptual framework that ties together this literature. The purpose of this paper is to integrate literature from several disciplines ‐ including logistics, supply chain management, operations management, strategy, and international business ‐ to develop a model of global supply chain risk management. The implications for stakeholders and how future research could bring more insights to the phenomenon of global supply chain risk management are also discussed.  相似文献   

Both theoretical and practical efforts to evaluate ecotourism development often neglect alternative characteristics that may interact with and mutually influence the primary indicators. To evaluate the sustainability of an ecotourism site, this study utilizes subjective measures to analyze the relationships among tourism, resources, community, economy and society. Yangshan Ecological Park in Kinmen is examined to demonstrate the implementation of the proposed integrated framework in ecotourism development. First, the Fuzzy Delphi Method was applied to select the critical factors. Local residents, tourists and resource administrators were interviewed to explore each group’s perception of relationships. Then, Interpretive Structural Modeling was employed to determine the interrelationship among the critical factors. A Fuzzy Analytic Network process model was constructed to evaluate the potential sustainability of ecotourism and the relative importance the weights of the criteria and sub-criteria. The study provides a valuable integrated tool for sustainable destination management.  相似文献   

近年来,中国实体零售业发展越发艰难,"新零售"的出现成为传统零售业摆脱困境的曙光。作为新兴商业模式,"新零售"既是中国传统零售业发展的新推动力,也是未来实体零售业转型升级的重要选择。文章从流通供应链视角出发,分析了"新零售"业态发展的背景,实体零售业转型"新零售"存在的问题,并据此进行路径分析。  相似文献   

在数字经济时代,数字化转型已成为零售业高质量发展的必然趋势。近年来,我国零售企业纷纷进行数字化转型,呈现出从技术应用向数字赋能转变、从渠道线上化向线上线下一体化转变、从业务数据化向数据业务化转变、从营销数字化向全面数字化转变以及从大企业主导向大中小企业协同转变的特征,整体上处于探索阶段,存在着全面数字化战略规划缺失、数字化基础和能力较弱、需求驱动型供应链支撑不足和企业组织架构改革相对滞后等问题。零售业数字化转型的内在机理是数字化技术驱动的以消费需求为核心的生产供给体系和流通供给体系的变革,即以消费者需求为出发点,通过线上线下多维立体场景打造、供应链逆向整合、数据资源积累和数据分析能力构建、业务流程再造与组织架构变革构建数字化商业生态系统,打破商品生产与消费之间的时间与空间限制,重构人货场的关系,提升生产与流通体系供给质量和供给效率。  相似文献   

水产品加工业供应链风险及其控制策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据对文献的研究成果,结合对水产品加工业的深入调研分析,本文着重从供应、物流、财务、信息、需求、环境等方面对水产品加工业供应链风险进行剖析。供应链中各种风险因素之间并非独立存在,而是相互影响、互为因果。因此,在明确水产业供应链每种风险产生根源及其变动规律的基础上,提出适宜的风险控制策略,以期规避风险,确保水产业供应链整体安全高效运行。  相似文献   

The role of retail brands has grown gradually and today they are regarded as one of the key strategic factors in the positioning of retail firms. However, developing retail brands that are competitive in terms of price and quality as well as in offering unique and specific values to consumers requires long-term, mutually beneficial retailer–supplier relationships that involve information exchange and a combination of the parties' core competencies and resources. This study investigates inter-firm activities in developing market-oriented retail brands in the grocery chain in four European countries. The aim is to identify critical factors that influence the role of these activities. Factors related to the internal organization, the nature of the supplier relationships and the market structure are discussed.  相似文献   

张勤  施晓艳 《江苏商论》2014,(10):21-24
食品供应链可分为原料采集阶段,加工制造阶段与分级销售阶段。在供应链的各个不同的阶段中,都会面临来自供应链自身以及外部的诸多风险,概括起来主要有原材料采购风险,物流运输储存风险,市场需求风险。它们直接或间接的受到诸多因素的影响,各影响因素的不断变化决定着供应链风险的高低。本文总结出了4大主要影响因素,即自然条件,信息因素,物流技术及设备,市场需求因素,并应用层次分析法对这四大影响因子进行重要性排序,结果表明,这四个因素对于生鲜食品供应链风险的影响程度排序为:物流技术和设备,信息因素,市场需求环境,自然条件。本文以上述排序为基础,提炼出了相应的解决方案和措施,为如何规避当前我国生鲜食品供应链存在的风险提供合适的建议。  相似文献   

The food industry plays a significant role in food supply. However, it is increasingly facing a significant number of risks to tackle. This article provides insight into sources and quantification of risk, which can restrict food operations and supply chain performance. Certainly, risks imposed by today's constantly changing global environment makes it imperative for food and agribusiness firms to develop purposeful proactive and predictive risk management for their global supply chains. We proposed the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) model to analyze sources of risks attached to the focal firm's global food operations and supply chain. The identified risks were from a review of relevant literature, expert opinions from the focal firm supply chain C‐level executive, and consultants in the food industry. We grouped the identified risks into seven categories and discussed the risk mitigation strategies. We validated the proposed model using a case study involving a focal food and agribusiness firm with global presence. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

互联网时代电子商务企业有望凭借强大的数据资源优势快速实现规模扩张,实体零售企业面临严峻的生存压力。一方面是传统店铺式企业被迫调整转型,另一方面消费需求的多样性又对电商企业落地经营提出要求。文章以互联网、大数据资源为纽带重构生产、流通、消费关系结构,推进线上线下零售业相关资源的整合与合作,构建交叉型零售渠道模式,是未来中国零售业优化资源配置,提升渠道整体运行效率的有效路径。  相似文献   

This project investigates salient stakeholder forces of socially responsible supply chain orientation (SRSCO) in the apparel and footwear sector focusing on fair labor management issues. SRSCO was conceptualized as a composite of internal organizational direction and external partnership for a creation and continuation of fair labor conditions throughout the supply chain. Primary stakeholders identified were consumers, regulation, industry, and media. A total of 209 mail survey responses from sourcing managers of U.S. apparel and footwear companies were analyzed. Two dimensions of SRSCO were confirmed: internal direction and external partnership. Consumer and industry peer pressures were found significantly related to internal direction, while industry peers and media were significantly related to the external partnership. Regulation was not significantly related to either internal direction or external partnerships. Lack of regulation forces to govern labor issues and roles of consumers, industry peers, and media in promoting fair labor management are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Rapidly increasing demand for eco-friendly products is an example of responsible purchasing intention of customers. That responsible behaviour forces businesses not only to understand their responsible purchase intention, but also helps them to sustainability in the market for the long term. In this regard, very little discussion is available in current literature, especially in the context of apparel product consumption. Therefore, to contribute to literature in this field, this work aims to build a predictive sustainable model through an empirical study to examine the relationships among different factors such as attitude, social norms, perceived behaviour control, environmental consciousness, willingness to pay (WTP) premium and consumer purchase intention for environmentally friendly apparels. The data of two hundred and thirty-two respondents were analysed by structural equation modelling (SEM). With the help of the findings, it can be concluded that Indian consumers are aware of green apparels, have a positive attitude to them and show a responsible purchase intention to protect the environment. This is in contrast to the old saying that Indians are price sensitive given the emergence of higher WTP premiums for green apparel products. Other factors such as subjective norms, perceived behaviour control and environmental consciousness are also positively affecting consumer purchase intention. From the study findings, retail managers can benefit through more focused strategies for environmental protection to make a reduction in apparel material while educating their consumers about green apparel.  相似文献   

杨卫红 《中国市场》2007,(23):70-71
2003年欧盟颁布WEEE指令带来了有关人士对废弃电子产品循环再利用问题的讨论,为应对这一指令,我国电子制造业需遵循闭环供应链管理的思想,通过整个行业内供应商、制造商、零售商、以及产品回收商和再处理商等众多企业的相互合作来共同协作。为此,本文就电子行业面临壁垒可能带来的影响作了分析,提出了相应的建议—构建电子行业的闭环供应链。  相似文献   

Multi-channel retailing—selling through multiple, distinct channels—has been a part of the retail industry as long as there have been main street merchants selling through catalogs. Since the mid-1990s, however, multi-channel retailing has increased dramatically due to traditional retailers selling over the Internet. This trend presents considerable operational challenges because Internet and traditional retail have vastly different demand drivers, product variety issues, optimal inventory configurations, cost structures, supply chain structures, and delivery mechanisms. Consequently, the optimal supply chain configuration for Internet delivery differs considerably from the optimal supply chain configuration for a retail store structure, so designing a supply chain system to serve both channels well is difficult. Accordingly, a set of strategic choices and trade-offs must be made. Here, we present some strategic alternatives.  相似文献   

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