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西部开发中创办中外合资企业值得重视的几个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对西方的企业融资理论作了简要的介绍,并从企业融资结构理论出发分析了我国企业融资结构 中存在的问题及由此产生的不良影响,在此基础上,提出了优化我国企业融资结构的政策建议。  相似文献   

How to stimulate corporate performance is a crucial issue of general concern in all countries. This paper examines how China’s Income Tax Revenue Sharing Reform in 2002 affects corporate financial performance. Unlike general tax policies that directly adjust the nominal tax rate or depreciation allowance, this reform indirectly affects the effective Enterprise Income Tax (EIT) rate by switching tax administration, thereby affecting corporate financial performance. We use a firm-level data-set from Annual Survey of Industrial Firms (ASIF), and test the impact by using a quasi-natural experimental design through regression discontinuity design (RDD). We find that after the reform, the effective EIT rate (ETR) of enterprises collected EIT by State Administration of Taxation (SAT) was 10% lower than that of enterprises collected EIT by the Local Administration of Taxation (LAT). If the ETR reduces by 1%, corporate financial performance, more specific, Return on Asset (ROA), increases by 1.7%. There are two available channels: increasing fixed asset investment (FAI), and alleviating external financial constraints. Additionally, the impact can be weakened for locally SOEs, large firms, firms with low SA index and those in less competitive industries.  相似文献   

The paper evaluates tax policy options designed to reduce distortions to savings behavior that occur when administered interest rates are set beneath market equilibrium levels. While the removal of controls on interest rates might be the best option, political, legal or institutional circumstances might well preclude this solution. It suggests that consumption (or sales) taxes can be designed so that, in the short term, the rate of return to saving can be changed to approximate the market-determined interest rate. The main advantage of the measure is that it can provide (a) time to develop appropriate legal and institutional structures for financial deregulation, and (b) an additional policy instrument that allows the burden of adjustment, in a stabilization policy setting, to be distributed over more than one instrument.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》1999,10(1):75-98
This study investigates whether ownership structure significantly affects the performance of publicly listed companies in China within the framework of corporate governance. A typical listed stock company in China has a mixed ownership structure with three predominant groups of shareholders—the state, legal persons (institutions), and individuals—each holding approximately 30% of the stock. Ownership is heavily concentrated. The five largest shareholders accounted for 58% of the outstanding shares in 1995, compared with 57.8% in the Czech Republic, 79% in Germany, and 33% in Japan. Empirical analysis shows that the mix and concentration of stock ownership do indeed significantly affect a company's performance. First, there is a positive and significant correlation between ownership concentration and profitability. Second, the firm's profitability is positively correlated with the fraction of legal person shares, but it is either negatively correlated or uncorrelated with the fractions of state shares and tradable A-shares held mostly by individuals. Third, labor productivity tends to decline as the proportion of state shares increases. These results suggest the importance of large institutional shareholders in corporate governance, the inefficiency of state ownership, and potential problems in an overly dispersed ownership structure.  相似文献   

吴鹏飞 《特区经济》2009,(8):242-243
在当代,法治是实现民主与自由的重要标准。行政权的运行须遵循法治原则,这是立宪民主体制的基本要求,也是世界各国应对金融危机时的普遍法则。在全球金融危机面前,我国政府救市须遵循法治原则,以实现公权力保障的公共利益最大化。  相似文献   

金融发展理论与中国农村金融改革   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、金融发展理论的演变和发展 20世纪70年代初,麦金农(McKinnon,1973)和肖(Shaw.1973)提出了金融抑制理论和金融深化(即金融自由化)理论,后经巴桑特.卡普尔(Kapur,1976)、维森特.加尔比斯(Galbis.1977)、弗莱(Fry,1978,1980)等人从不同角度发展逐步完善。  相似文献   

现阶段我国政府财务管理暴露出来的问题不少,归结起来大概有4个方面。在信息技术日益发展的今天,政府财务管理能力的提升自然离不开先进的信息化手段。所以我国政府财务管理也必须顺应时代的呼唤,加强信息化进程,全面促进政府财务管理能力的提升。  相似文献   

We employ a new classification of ownership identity to analyze the impact of ownership structure on enterprise performance in China. Using both fixed effects model and Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM), this study finds that marketized state-owned enterprises outperform firms controlled by the government, indicating that partial privatization of state-owned Chinese firms improves corporate governance. Non-controlling large shareholders of marketized state-owned enterprises and private enterprises are found to play active roles in corporate governance. Lastly, there is evidence that ownership concentration of a controlling shareholder decreases the incentives to expropriate minority shareholders.  相似文献   

我国金融租赁业发展问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国"次贷危机"爆发以来,全球经济受到的较大影响,其影响的范围、深度正逐步扩大,并且波及到实体经济,但规范、审慎经营的金融租赁业在危机中损失较小。因此重新认识金融租赁在新经济形势下的积极作用,就显得十分必要。本文回顾了我国金融租赁业发展状况,深入分析金融租赁业发展过程中存在的问题,给出有针对性的措施、建议。  相似文献   

To better understand the relationship between different types of firm ownership and management turnover, this study classifies ownership along two dimensions: the type of owner and the concentration of ownership. Within this framework, a unique data set is used to study the impact of management turnover on a company's performance. This study, in addition to confirming some of the results from previous studies, includes interesting and important new results. Most importantly, it finds evidence that the sensitivity of CEO turnover to performance is weaker in state-controlled firms than in non-state firms, and varies according to different subtypes of private ownership. We also demonstrate that the turnover–performance relationship is curvilinear in ownership concentration, but that this relationship moves in opposite directions under state and private ownership. Important policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

中国经济社会具有二元结构特征,城乡两个区域的生产力水平差异较大,金融业的重心长期以来一直处在工业、商业等市场经济活跃的领域,因而城市金融发展水平远远高于农村。我国经济社会的全面发展与新常态对农村金融的建设提出了更高的要求。本文通过分析农村金融的特点与阻碍农村金融发展的内部和外部原因,并从农民、金融机构以及政府的角度给出了解决农村金融可持续发展及良性循环的建议。  相似文献   

文章阐明了绿色金融的概念与特点,介绍了我国绿色金融发展现状;深入分析了我国绿色金融发展存在的问题,如相关法制和政策不完善、内部动力不足、缺乏长期战略准备等;并在总结国外绿色金融发展经验基础上,着重从金融创新的角度研究了促进我国绿色金融发展的对策,提出以制度创新健全绿色金融法制保障和政策支持体系,以理念创新实现金融业社会责任与可持续发展的内在统一等。  相似文献   

This paper explores causes of the Korean currency crisis which started in November 1997. This paper also presents restructuring proposals and introduces the progress made so far. The urgency for quick restructuring and the necessity of the injection of money from both the government and foreign investors are emphasized. Restructuring of financial and corporate sectors should be pursued simultaneously. In the financial sector, the restructuring of banks should take precedence over other financial institutions. The key task in terms of bank restructuring involves the resolution of bad loans, recapitalization and the expedited reorganization of nonviable banks. Corporate reform is also important. Banks should play a central role in corporate workouts, especially in lowering excessive corporate debt and triggering corporate restructuring based on core competence. Transparency of corporate management, internationally accepted accounting practices, fuller disclosure requirements and stronger monitoring by minority shareholders are prerequisites for effective market discipline. Reform of ownership and governance structure are also important in enhancing managerial accountability of corporates as well as financial institutions.  相似文献   

我国金融控股公司发展现状、存在问题及其监管研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛洪锋 《特区经济》2011,(8):283-284
伴随着金融全球化浪潮兴起,现阶段我国的金融控股公司初露端倪。但是纵观国内金融监管改革历程,显而易见,随着金融行业的发展,实施分业监管尽管在很大程度上创新了现行体制实践,但是也日益显示出其滞后性,需要进一步提出有效可行的措施。本文拟就此问题参考国外金融监管,探讨我国的金融控股及现阶段监管体系需要完善之处。  相似文献   

This study examines how human capital in the financial sector affects corporate debt maturity. To illustrate the mechanisms underlying the effects, we propose a theoretical framework that highlights the effects of human capital in the financial sector on mitigating the information asymmetry between financial intermediaries, households, and firms. Using the Chinese National Economic Census in 2008 and the Industrial Enterprises Database over 2011–2013, we find that the financial sector's human capital plays a significant and positive (negative) role in short-term (long-term) debt and this effect is more pronounced for firms with greater information asymmetry. Further analyses demonstrate that the baseline findings are consistent with the credit supply hypothesis. Our study indicates that human capital in the financial sector strengthens its renegotiation capacity for corporate borrowing, which is consistent with China's financial repression policy and leads to increased exposure of firms to credit and liquidity risks.  相似文献   

This study examines the role of ownership concentration, measured by the top-five shareholders' equity ownership, in shaping corporate finance policies in China. Among privately-owned enterprises (POEs), ownership concentration has negative and positive effects on their debt and cash reserves, respectively, consistent with controlling shareholders' incentives to stave off business failures and ride out adverse future circumstances. These effects are more pronounced if POEs have high market-to-book, suggesting that growth opportunities heighten their controlling shareholders' desire to avoid debt and hoard cash. Although ownership concentration has similar effects on debt and cash in state-owned enterprises (SOEs), these effects in SOEs appear to reflect management discretion or conservatism. Our evidence suggests that ownership concentration is a key driver of corporate finance in an emerging market, but private and state ownership concentrations have seemingly similar but qualitatively different consequences.  相似文献   

This study is conducted to investigate the prediction of corporate financial distress based on the Merton (1974) market-based Distance to Default (DD) model over the period from 1997 to 2016 which covers a range of economic financial circumstances, including the Asian Financial Crisis (AFC) and Global Financial Crisis (GFC). The study focusses on the six largest countries in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), comprising of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Unlike previous studies which focus mainly on bankruptcy, this paper focusses on early warning distress indicators that signal distress well before bankruptcy. This is when firms experience difficulty in servicing debt as measured by interest coverage ratio (ICR) at a firm level and non-performing loans (NPLs) at a country level. Key empirical findings from this paper indicate that the market-based distance-to-default (DD) model is generally a good early warning indicator of financial distress in the following year, particularly for ICR, but that prediction accuracy varies between individual countries in the Southeast Asian region.  相似文献   

所有制改革为中国对外直接投资(OFDI)提供了制度保证,是经济转型过程中促进中国OFDI扩张的一种机制。文章采用2003~2014年187个中国对外直接投资国(地区)的跨国数据,实证研究了所有制改革及其引起的对外直接投资主体多元化对中国OFDI的影响效应。在控制了市场寻求、资源寻求与技术寻求动机以及东道国市场风险和人民币汇率等影响因素后,实证结果表明:所有制改革对OFDI具有显著的正向影响;在对外直接投资主体多元化方面,有限责任公司投资主体占比的增加对OFDI具有显著的正向影响,国有企业与集体企业投资主体占比的增加对OFDI具有显著的负向影响,股份有限公司、股份合作企业、外商投资企业和私营企业投资主体占比的增加对OFDI的影响效应不显著或具有负向影响;进一步考虑东道国异质性的研究发现,金融危机前所有制改革与对外直接投资主体多元化对中国OFDI的影响在发达国家和发展中国家或欠发达国家之间是有差异的,而金融危机后对中国OFDI的影响差异不明显。  相似文献   

This paper uses 13,766 firm-year observations between 2003 and 2013 from China to investigate the effects of monetary policy on corporate investment and the mitigating effects of cash holding. We find that tightening monetary policy reduces corporate investment while cash holdings mitigate such adverse effects. The cash mitigating role is especially significant for financially constrained firms, non-state-owned enterprises (non-SOEs) and those firms located in a less developed financial market. Cash holding also improves investment efficiency when monetary policy is tightening and tightening monetary policy enhances the ‘cash-cash flow’ sensitivity. Our empirical evidence calls for a critical evaluation on the monetary policies implemented in China which are less effective for state-owned enterprises. It also calls for a necessity for local government to further develop regional financial markets to protect vulnerable businesses, such as non-SOEs and financially constrained firms, from external shocks in order to maintain their sustainable growth and competitive advantages.  相似文献   

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