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区域商务成本分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
商务成本一般指企业在设立和商务营运中所发生的直接或间接的成本支出。区域商务成本,则为企业在设立和商务营运中所发生的与区域投资环境相关的直接或间接成本支出,主要包括要素成本、配套成本、政策成本、动作成本和环境成本。其中:要素成本指区域地价、工资、租金等构成生产要素的企业成本;配套成本指区域市政设施等配套项目收费形成的企业成本;政策成本指区域用地、补偿、税收等政策产生的企业成本;运作成本指区域审批、咨询等商务运作中发生的企业成本;环境成本指区域经济、政治、文化等环境间接导致的企业成本。  相似文献   

兰建平 《浙江经济》2003,(21):26-29
随着经济的发展,商务成本的不断上升是每个国家、城市或地区所共同面对的趋势。广义上讲,商务成本包括要素成本(显性成本)、市场交易成本与体制成本(隐性成本)。商务成本是企业在做投资决策时所要考虑的一个重要方面.也是决定区域或者城市综合竞争力的主要因素。改革开放以来,浙江经济快速发展.取得了令人注目的成就,但也导致了区域商务成本的快速上升,  相似文献   

陆斌 《开放潮》2003,(8):24-25
2003年,商务成本成了上海这个中国最大工商城市里的一个热门话题。 商务成本是指企业进行生产经营所需付出的成本,主要由土地及房地产价格、劳动力成本、原材料价格、综合管理费用等构成。上海商务成本近几年来持续攀升,在一定程度上影响了上海的竞争力,并可能成为制约上海经济发展的重大风险。 面对商务成本持续上升的局面,上海开始探索降低商务成本的新思路。  相似文献   

商务经营成本只是一个相对性的概念,随着经济的发展,要在绝对数字意义上降低商务成本是很难的,而对于商家来说,如果他的投资回报有足够的高或者产出有足够的大,那么他对商务经营成本关注的程度就会相应地降低。  相似文献   

究竟是哪些因素影响了商务成本,仔细分析一下商务成本当中的各个要素我们就会发现地方政府的招商政策在其中起了很大的作用,它可以直接影响到税负、各类行政性收费、水电煤费用、通讯费、汽车购置费等,并对地价等其他因素产生间接的影响。因此,深入分析地方政府的政策也是研究商务成本的题中应有之义。  相似文献   

低于成本出让工业用地是近几年土地管理与调控中存在的一个突出问题,我国一些地方在招商引资中竞相压低地价甚至以零地价出让土地,危害十分严重。  相似文献   

商务成本:长三角产业分布新格局的决定因素考察   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
商务成本的增长具有内生性,随着经济的不断发展商务成本也有不断提高的趋势。传统理论认为中国要降低商务成本,发挥比较优势的观点有一定片面性。制造业和生产者服务业对商务成本的内在构成,即要素成本和交易成本的敏感程度不同。基于不同商务成本构成的差异,制造业和生产者服务业在区域内协同定位,最终形成了地区内产业分布的新格局,即中心城市集聚大量的生产者服务业,而外围则是大量的制造业集聚。这种空间的结构调整作为经济增长的新引擎,对区域经济的发展有着重要的作用。长三角地区上海和南京、苏州、无锡和南通等城市的商务成本和产业分布格局的现状证实了这个结论。  相似文献   

上海商务成本问题探究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
商务成本,又称为商务经营成本,是指企业开展商务经营活动的资源耗费和支出,通常把商务成本分为显性成本和隐性成本两类。前者是指企业为各生产要素如劳动力、土地等的支出,后者指企业经营的外部环境所带来的耗费,如政策、法律、交通、政府服务等。  相似文献   

十八届三中全会提出的财税体制改革、完善金融市场等改革,郜将影响房价。日前房价高,很大原因是地价、税负和融资成本高。取消或减少建设环节的各种费用,降低房地产业的税负和融资成本,同时加大土地供应,  相似文献   

日本国土厅于1986年4月1日公布的东京圈的地价,1985年比1984年上升了4.1%,这是全国12个城市圈中最高的地价增长率。特别是东京都市中心银座丸内、八重州等地的商业大楼、办公大楼用地上涨了53.6%。市中心、西南部的住宅用地也大  相似文献   

This paper clarifies the role of licensed technology imports by investigating data from over 200 Japanese firms in the chemical and electric equipment industries. The results from various estimation methods suggest that licensed technology imports encourage licensees' innovation, since they enhance foreign knowledge inflow. Moreover, the size of this effect depends on the industry and on firm-specific characteristics such as the technological level. Technology imports tend to have the greatest impact when substitute domestic knowledge is less developed than in foreign countries. The significance of technology imports also varies within each industry according to a firm's R&D capability. J. Japan. Int. Econ., September 2001, 15(3), pp. 271–297. Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ōokayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan 152-8550. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: O31, O34, F29.  相似文献   

会奖旅游通过有效集成会展与旅游共享资源,产生关联效应、规模效应,带动区域经济增长。福建拥有独特旅游资源和品牌,同时也有成熟的商务客流接待基础,会奖旅游发展却相对滞后,行业和行政层面的重视程度也不高。会奖旅游涉及旅游业、会展业乃至各行业的商贸活动,各地区各行业协同合作才会取得有效成果。运用协同学的圈层理论,试图构建中心--节点结构的会奖旅游圈层;根据协同系统中子系统的自组织性,做好目的地会奖旅游路线的连结,明确福建省会奖旅游圈层内的枢纽-网络结构;通过协同子系统之间的伺服、竞争和涨落,组织好各区域会奖旅游市场、资源、产品等要素,建立制度、政策、营销、信息等行政管理层面的协同机制。  相似文献   

Preventing the occurrence of vacant houses and reutilizing existing vacant houses are two known ways of addressing housing vacancies. This study uses parcel-level data on single-family houses in the municipality of Toshima in Tokyo, Japan, to examine determinants of the occurrence and reutilization of vacant houses. The data reveal that, conditional on land prices, houses with restricted and costly redevelopment opportunities are more likely to become vacant. The results suggest that owners with such properties disregard the redevelopment potential and, as a result, tend to have a high reservation price relative to the market value. Consequently, owners face difficulty finding a transaction partner and even become reluctant to engage in a deal (i.e., they withdraw from the market). The results also suggest that revitalization of the neighborhood community may contribute to activating vacant houses. Local governments can use an empirical assessment such as this to implement efficient measures by targeting houses that have a high probability of becoming and remaining vacant.  相似文献   

This study calculates the cost of subsistence and respectability consumption baskets to derive ‘welfare ratios’ for 11 cities in the Japanese Empire as defined by Allen and his colleagues. Nominal wages tended to be higher where higher prices prevailed, and vice versa. Prices and nominal wages remained highest in Japan and lowest in Manchuria, with Korea and Taiwan being placed in between. Welfare ratios remained roughly comparable in the 1910s in the imperial cities outside Manchuria, where unskilled workers enjoyed substantially higher living standards. Interwar decades saw real wages rise in Tokyo, but fall in Dalian, which caused convergence in workers' income levels. Wage divergence occurred within Manchuria, as workers in Shenyang and Changchun enjoyed an improving welfare ratio. Real wages rose more slowly in Korean and Taiwanese than in Japanese cities. Replacing a subsistence lifestyle with a ‘respectable’ lifestyle yields a significantly different picture of the evolution of the real wage gap within the empire, which contradicts findings reported by existing studies in important respects.  相似文献   

The self-employment rate has decreased in Japan. This paper examines reasons why working householders aged below 55 avoid self-employment, focusing on age, location, and gender effects. Increasing age and living in local areas encourage householders to be self-employed. Between 1989 and 1994, however, both the age and local effects weakened, while the positions of self-employed females were not improved. We estimate earnings functions for self-employed workers and employees, controlling sample selection bias. The decline in real income of self-employed workers relative to employees particularly in metropolitan areas was more likely to prevent over-35 householders from being self-employed. J. Japan. Int. Econ., March 2002, 16(1) pp. 73–91. Faculty of Economics, Gakushuin University, 1-5-1 Mejiro Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171-8588, Faculty of Economic, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 1-1 Minami-Osawa, Hachioji-city, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan. © 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: J23, J24, J31.  相似文献   

Using monthly data for the G7 countries in the post-Bretton Woods floating rate period, this paper demonstrates that almost all bilateral real exchange rates have unit roots and, hence, are nonstationary. Consequently, it rejects simple PPP as a long-run relationship. The paper also shows that many of these real exchange rates are cointegrated with other real economic variables such as relative labor productivity, terms-of-trade ratios, real trade balance ratios, and long-term real interest rate differentials. In particular, relative labor productivity is statistically significant with the correct sign for more than half of the country pairs for which cointegration is confirmed. This finding lends support to the Balassa–Samuelson productivity-bias hypothesis. These results imply that nonstationarity of real exchange rates and the consequent rejection of simple PPP can be consistent with the notion that real exchange rates revert to an equilibrium in the long run without deviating arbitrarily far from this equilibrium position.J. Japan. Int. Econ.,December 1997, pp. 523–547. Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan, and Faculty of Business and Commerce, Meiji University, 1-1 Kanda, Surugadai, Chiyada-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan.  相似文献   

旅游地产:大城市房地产"突围"的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋丁 《开放导报》2008,(2):81-84
大城市房地产业愈来愈受到土地等资源的制约。旅游地产成为大城市房地产业突围的重要途径。旅游地产可以缓解大城市高端住宅的压力,创造新型居住模式,但也存在土地供应、产品限制等风险,应该积极寻求政策方面的支持。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes whether or not Japanese nominal wages exhibit downward rigidity. We posit a wage adjustment model in which, below a certain wage inflation rate, wages may or may not move as much as optimal or notional wages do. By using data on wages of 18 industries and aggregate time series data, we find that nominal wages were rigid downward until 1998, but not with the inclusion of years 1999 and 2000. That is, Japanese wages responded flexibly downward to the recession of 1997–1998, but with a lag. The interpretation of such results is not straightforward. But we provide some preliminary discussions of possible factors behind such a pattern of wage movements, focusing on the relationship between wage changes and the seniority-based wage system. J. Japan. Int. Econ., March 2001, 15(1), pp. 50–67. The Bank of Japan, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0021, Japan. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: E24, E31, J30.  相似文献   

We investigate trades of wholly- or partially-owned subsidiaries between firms listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) for the years 1996–2010, to explore the economic impact in terms of strategic refocusing, stock market valuation and performance effects. By pairing both sides to each deal, we show differences in firm characteristics, returns, and subsequent performance of buying and selling firms. Unlike mergers between whole firms, most subsidiary deals straddled different industries. Most sellers were larger, more diversified and less profitable than buyers. Our event study reveals that abnormal returns were positive for buyers yet insignificantly different from zero for sellers. However, subsidiary sales in the core business earned negative returns, the more so the larger the deal. An analysis of ex-post operating results shows that the performance of sellers often declined after the trade, in particular for firms that divested a core-related subsidiary. We conclude that subsidiary trades in Japan in this period contributed importantly to strategic repositioning and a more efficient use of corporate assets.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of technological change on the demand for production and nonproduction workers of the Japanese manufacturing industries since the 1980s. First, a decomposition of the change in the share of nonproduction workers in total employment into between-industry shifts and within-industry shifts reveals that the within-industry shifts were dominant in the 1980s. Second, cross-sectional regressions show that investment in computers has had a significant impact on increasing the share of the wage-bill held by nonproduction workers. These findings suggest that skill-biased technological change is at work in Japanese manufacturing industries. J. Japan. Int. Econ., September 2001, 15(3), pp. 298–322. Development Bank of Japan, 1-9-3 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: J23, J31, O30.  相似文献   

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