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一、民营资本与中小商业银行结合现状随着政策的推动,一些中小商业银行已经积极行动起来,如:2002年7月3日,浙江省的杭州、宁波、温州、绍兴、嘉兴、湖州、金华、台州8家城市商业银行共同签署了《共同打造民营企业主办银行品牌》行动宣言表示:“在3年内,8家城市商业银行将逐步发  相似文献   

异军突起的民营资本境外投资   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就台州市境外投资情况看,由于以民营经济为主体,民营企业实行境外投资和跨国经营的现象越显突出。最近,我中心支局对我市民营在境外投资情况进行了调查。  相似文献   

新华社8月8日播发了《国务院关于非公有资本进入文化产业的若干决定》。《决定》对非公有资本进入文化产业,分成了鼓励、限制和禁止三种情况。《决定》明确鼓励和支持民营资本进入文化产业,并在股权比例和相关领域等方面对民营企业进一步放宽。  相似文献   

垄断的行业一经开放便会衍生高额利润,这是铁律,这也正是诸多民间资本纷纷进入市政公用事业的动因。下面选取市政公用事业中较为成功的几种模式,供选择借鉴。  相似文献   

去年这个时候,我们还在为民营经济将获得的发展机遇和空间而欢欣鼓舞,“国退民进”似成定势,官方口径一致利好,民营企业家们也信心爆棚。但没想到几个月后风云突变,眼下的民营资本由于突然降临的宏观调控,正处于焦急和困惑中。政策面上的变脸,能源供应突然紧缺,和银行信贷资金链的断裂令民营企业家们陷入前所未有的困境。  相似文献   

许鑫 《中国金融家》2006,(3):108-109
随着城商行股份制改革的深入和中国金融市场全面开放的迫近,中国115家城市商业银行正在掀起新一轮引资浪潮。银监会也一直在鼓励国内外的国家性银行和民营企业对城市商业银行进行投资,以求达到“补充资本金,分散股权,完善治理,革除体制痼疾”之效。据资料显示:民营资本大规模入股城市商业银行始于2002年下半年全国范围内城市商业银行的增资扩股,从2003年开始,全国大部分城市商业银行通过增资扩股正逐步完成民营资本进入的过程。从整体情况看,在增资扩股浪潮中,都取得了不错的结果。  相似文献   

民营资本:深度作业中国金融   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

备受瞩目的京沪高铁股份有限公司近日终于成立,保险系以巨额资金高调成为股东,虽然中国的铁路当局多次宣布“对外开放”、“欢迎投资”,并将外资作为铁路优先开放的对象,但至今却仍难觅外资的身影  相似文献   

阳松谷 《国际融资》2006,74(12):52-54
2005年11月22日,我国最大亦是惟一国字号出版集团--中国出版集团在经历一年多的酝酿后,终于正式挂牌中国出版集团公司,从事业单位转制为企业.由经营性的事业单位到企业,标志着中国出版集团改制的初步成功,标志着这家由全国顶尖级品牌出版单位共同打造的中国出版航母在改革前进的道路上又迈出加速度的一步.  相似文献   

The targeted readership of this article are tax educators employed outside the USA and other readers who are interested in tax education and research within the USA. After briefly outlining key features of the US tax system, the article describes the ‘traditional’ approach to tax teaching and documented concerns with this approach. A number of alternative approaches to tax teaching stemming from the work of the Accounting Education Change Commission are described. In addition, a synopsis of prior tax education literature from the USA is presented so that interested readers can further investigate some of the specific techniques described. The pendulum of tax teaching in the USA has swung between a rule-oriented lecture format and a more abstract economic analysis. Now, the current concensus appears to prefer an eclectic approach with a combination of teaching methods, testing techniques, case, economic, and rule-oriented content. Although the underlying tax laws throughout the world obviously differ, it is suggested that the possibility that effective delivery strategies may be universal.  相似文献   

艾亚 《国际融资》2011,(2):19-20
天津滨海新区是国务院批准的国家综合配套改革试验区,国家很多重大改革措施正逐步在滨海新区先试先行。作为承担天津海泰控股集团(以下简称"海泰集团")高科技产业投资和天津滨海高新区投融资体系建设投资平台职能的天津海泰科技投资管理有限公司(以下简称"海泰投资"),这几年发起成立了多个合资基金。而该公司于2010年6月与美国优点基金(VPVP)共同发起设立的海泰优点创业投资基金(以下简称"海泰优点基金"),以其专注于投资清洁技术的特点而备受瞩目,并成功获得科技部创业投资引导基金的支持。  相似文献   

从验资准则看验资业务的新变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年2月,财政部发布了《中国注册会计师审计准则第1602号——验资》(以下简称"新准则"),后又发布了准则指南(以下简称"新指南")。和《独  相似文献   

政治风险无法逃避,任何国家的任何项目都要面临此项风险,但是,这并不意味着政治风险无法规避。政治风险的表象纷繁复杂,不同国家,乃至不同行业的政治风险水平差异很大。根据项目的具体情况寻求正确的规避方法,对于某些特定行业来说至关重要,油气行业就是典型的例子。中国信保专家就此撰文分析  相似文献   

Traditional capital budgeting theory (as an extension of financial economics) is characterized as Panglossian because of its suggestion that rational market outcomes produce the best of all possible worlds. During the last two decades, practice-oriented theorists have increasingly been moving from algorithmic capital budgeting techniques to a focus on capital investment strategy. Also, during the last twelve years, economics researchers at the Santa Fe Institute (SFI) have scrapped the dubious assumptions of neoclassical economics and have turned to complex adaptive systems theory for a more realistic portrayal of the economy. This paper explores various SFI studies and their implications for capital investment theory and capital investment strategy. Brian Arthur's theory of increasing returns undermines the notion that capital budgeting techniques can be counted on to generate economic efficiency. His theory further suggests that the high tech, knowledge-based sectors of the economy inherently produce outcomes that are too unpredictable for the meaningful application of traditional capital budgeting techniques. Studies by David Lane and his colleagues suggest that the identity of agents, the attributes of artifacts and the possibilities for action tend to be emergent phenomena that are generated by the interactions of agents. These considerations suggest a form of strategic action that focuses on process. Finally, it is argued that the artificial life and other SFI types of computer simulation models are potentially useful tools for the study of strategic capital investment decisions.  相似文献   

陈志武 《国际融资》2005,(11):36-37
从美国的芝加哥、旧金山、亚特兰大、纽约,到瑞士日内瓦、苏黎士、英国伦敦、意大利米兰、巴西圣保罗、新加坡、香港等十几个城市,我和合作伙伴摩根士丹利的营销人员一起走过漫长的路演征程  相似文献   

一、业务需求目前,农发行资金调拨业务采用分级管理、逐级调拨的模式,主要以手工方式进行管理。随着金融信息化建设的深入,资金管理部门提出了利用电子化手段实现资金直接调拨的需求。而电子化的资金直接调拨主要包括总行调拨、分行调剂、借款归还三种情况。1.总行调拨通汇行资金不足时,可向总行请调资金。经过逐级审批、授权后,由总行会计部门办理资金调拨,通过人民银行将资金直接划拨至请调行。2.分行调剂通汇行遇特殊情况急需资金时,可直接向分行请求调剂资金。分行在根据总行授权直接将资金调拨至请调行的同时,向总行报送调剂信…  相似文献   

This paper examines how the onset of a financial crisis affects the operation of internal capital markets among firms within a diversified business group. We find that active internal capital markets within Korean business groups (chaebols) attenuate the financial constraints of the group-affiliated firms, allowing them to make efficient capital allocations during the early 1990s. However, these markets barely function after the financial crisis of 1997. Instead, we observe public debt markets serving as a substitute for internal capital markets. Our results suggest that chaebol firms’ coordinated attempts to achieve healthier financial structures in the wake of the crisis have taken place at the expense of investment efficiency.  相似文献   

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