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Challenges ahead     
《Labour economics》2007,14(6):869

针对目前划拨土地使用权进入市场的行为日益增多的情况,相关部门必须履行法定程序,并充分考虑政策因素、环境因素、区位因素、发展因素及自身因素对其价格的影响,通过市场比较法和成本逼近法科学确定划拨工业用地改变用途后的土地出让价格。  相似文献   

环境与国际贸易是经济发展中一对相互矛盾相互促进的两个方面,而近几年来由环境带来的环境壁垒却对国际贸易产生了很大影响。为使两者协调发展,各国的贸易政策必须及时进行调整。文中分析了环境与贸易的关系和环境对贸易的影响,以及国际贸易中所产生的环境壁垒的深层根源。在此基础上,对我国的对外贸易政策提出切实的建议。  相似文献   

工业工程是企业的兴业之道、成功之术。在经济全球化背景下,我国的企业面临着严酷的市场竞争挑战,迫切需要应用工业工程的理论和方法,降低生产成本,提高产品质量,改善管理水平。企业应将工业工程与企业自身的文化相融合,从转变员工的思想意识着手,逐步从精益现场、精益工厂、精益企业到精益供应链推动生产体系的彻底变革,形成具有企业自身特色的管理模式,促使企业核心竞争力的不断提升。  相似文献   

Abstract.  There seems to be some confusion between 'openness' and 'protection' measures in the international trade literature. The aim of this paper is to bring together the state of the art in quantifying trade policy measures and, for this reason, we focus on the extent of the protection granted by policies rather than on the degree of openness of the economy. Given the considerable amount of literature that deals with these issues, we will limit our review as follows. On the one hand, we focus on trade policies implemented at the border and therefore do not consider all the other possible public interventions influencing trade flows. On the other hand, we only take into account indexes that explicitly adopt a metric expressed in a 'scalar aggregate' (tariff- and quota-equivalent measures, or an index in a closed interval). We distinguish between indexes that aggregate across products (same barrier for more products) and indexes that aggregate across instruments (more barriers for the same product). Finally, in order to classify the large number of indexes covered in our review, we propose a typology based on three categories: incidence, outcome and equivalence.  相似文献   

李莉  耿伟 《物流技术》2007,26(1):25-29
以全球经济一体化、全球供应链规模不断扩大、中国的金融市场全面开放为研究背景;以中国出口生产型中小企业为服务对象,从理论研究和实际操作入手,研究如何依托供应链,运用金融产品的组合创新来为供应链上处在弱势地位的中国出口生产型中小企业进行贸易融资,探讨在供应链的前端,充分利用保理业务的融资功能,解决出口生产型中小企业在取得国际定单后由于资金短缺,无法顺利开展生产情况的问题。  相似文献   

张明芳 《价值工程》2012,31(29):274-276
高校实验室是培养具有应用创新能力的高素质人才的重要基地,实验室使用效益的提高,归根到底要落实到老师和学生在实验室的大量参与上,做好与现实社会人才需求相匹配的、丰富的实践教学内容建设是吸引老师和学生的关键,也是提高实验室使用效益的最有效的措施和良好的切入点。  相似文献   

文章结合我国玩具出口的实际情况,围绕促进企业了解和认识国外技术法规、努力提高技术水平、改进产品设计、提高产品质量这一目标,追踪和了解国际有关玩具的法规与标准""的动态,详细介绍了欧盟、美国、日本等国家和地区有关玩具的法律法规及检测标准,为企业应对技术性贸易壁垒、开拓新的玩具出口目标市场等方面提供有力的支持。  相似文献   

Grand societal challenges (GSCs) represent complex, multi-level, multi-dimensional problems that require concerted efforts by various actors – public, private, and non-profit – to be successfully addressed. Businesses – alone or in conjunction with governmental and non-profit organizations – are relevant actors in this regard, as they represent a source of innovation. Responsible innovation (RI) is a framework that allows for the governance and evaluation of innovations with regard to their potential harmful consequences and positive contributions to societal challenges. Moreover, it stipulates that this evaluation process should be facilitated by appropriate governance structures at various levels. The aim of this article is to expand theorizing on GSCs and RI and to encourage research that explores their links. We outline pertinent characteristics of GSCs that make current conceptualizations of corporate social responsibility and social innovation limited in addressing GSCs. We explicate the reflexive and participative capacities of RI governance as a complementary and promising way forward. Finally, we introduce the contributions to this Special Issue as illustrations of relevant theoretical and empirical groundwork around GSCs and RI, and outline the agenda for future research.  相似文献   

甘新会 《价值工程》2013,(31):202-203
随着经济全球化和贸易自由化进程的加快,关税壁垒作用日益减弱,技术性贸易措施成为更隐蔽、更难以对付的贸易壁垒,成为各国保护产业和促进对外贸易发展的重要手段,也对我国对外贸易健康发展造成了极大的阻碍。作为站在国家贸易最前沿的以技术为依托的检验检疫部门,在新的形势下,如何发挥自身优势,采取扎实有效的应对措施,打破国外技术壁垒,将技术性壁垒给我国出口贸易造成的损害最小化,促进我国对外贸易的健康发展,是本文讨论的重点。  相似文献   

李红国 《价值工程》2010,29(24):42-42
在建筑施工管理过程中,运用价值工程的原理和方法,对施工方案进行全方位的动态管理,有效提高企业的施工管理能力,提高工程施工质量,最终实现企业效益的最大化。  相似文献   

文章着重从领导班子建设、党组织和党员队伍建设、反腐倡廉等3个方面阐述了国有企业党建工作的创新思路。笔者认为要从理论武装、能力提升、作风改进、制度完善等4个方面进行领导班子建设的工作创新;要坚持以人为本,充分发挥党员的主体作用,努力构建“党组织为党员服务,党组织和党员为群众服务”的工作机制;要紧贴企业改革发展大局,健全教育制度;推行监督、惩治并重的企业预防腐败体系,从而不断开拓国有企业党建工作新局面。  相似文献   

秦超  王朝飞 《价值工程》2010,29(1):48-49
目的:调查并分析、整理药品说明书中存在的问题,建议有关部门规范管理药品说明书,以保证患者的用药安全,促进药品的合理使用。方法:收集某医院药剂科543份药品说明书,参照药品说明书和标签管理规定和中华人民共和国药典《临床用药须知》化学药和生物制品卷的相关要求进行分析与对照。结果:在统计的543份说明书中存在错别字和格式错误的8份,占1.47%;内容缺失的12份,占2.21%;语义不明的13份,占2.39%;用法用量、规格及溶媒存在问题的18份,占3.31%。其中不合理的说明书占9.58%;合理的说明书占90.61%。结论:在不合理的说明书中,用法用量、规格及溶媒存在问题占的比例最大,影响了药品的正常使用与推广和患者的健康,说明书规范化管理有待进一步加强。  相似文献   

绿色贸易壁垒也称环境贸易壁垒,属于非关税壁垒的一种。由于绿色贸易壁垒的内容具有歧视性,它通常是发达国家根据国内环保水平和标准设置,当然不利于发展中国家的出口贸易。绿色贸易壁垒不像配额、许可证等非关税壁垒,虽然限制贸易,却还有一定透明度,因此危害更大。文中分析了绿色贸易壁垒的本质、绿色贸易壁垒对我国出口贸易的影响并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

宋明娣  于淼  孙晓晴 《价值工程》2012,31(33):227-228
竞技健美操是一项在音乐伴奏下,能够表现连续、复杂、高强度动作成套动作的运动项目。针对我国高校竞技健美操目前存在的问题,需要通过创新思维、科学训练、加大投入、加强管理等方法来加以解决。  相似文献   

Kyota Eguchi   《Labour economics》2004,11(6):765-783
In the work environment, older employees play a significant role in training younger employees. Why do older employees provide this training when they are rivals competing for promotion? Is it because the more training they provide to trainees, the less likely those trainers will be promoted? We show that the fostering of generalists rather than specialists can soften the trainers' dilemma of choosing between training and promotion because the amount of training provided by a trainer decreases that trainer's promotion probability to a greater extent when training specialists than when training generalists. Hence, even if the productivity of the generalist is lower than that of the specialist, the generalist scheme can still lead to a higher level of training and improve a firm's profit and social welfare.  相似文献   

纵向分权、横向竞争与土地价格扭曲   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
地价快速上涨和土地财政一直是经济社会的热点问题,然而对土地市场的结构性扭曲及其作用机理还缺少足够的关注和研究。本文从商住用地和工业用地相对价格入手,利用2004~2010年中国35个主要大中城市数据,分析不同类型土地与纵向分权和横向竞争的交错作用机理。  相似文献   

《Economic Systems》2023,47(1):101011
Focusing on the quality and sustainability of urban economic development and using a panel dataset of 263 cities in China from 2004 to 2015, this paper regards each city as a production unit and uses the Epsilon-Based Measure approach to measure green economic efficiency by innovatively regarding labor, capital, land and energy as input factors, GDP as a desirable output, and environmental pollution emissions and land finance as undesirable outputs. Further, this paper examines the effect of rent-seeking on green economic efficiency with a fixed effects model and explores the role of promotion pressure in the relationship between rent-seeking and green economic efficiency with a panel threshold model. Our study finds that: (1) Rent-seeking exerts a significant negative impact on green economic efficiency. (2) Compared to areas of higher promotion pressure, the negative effect of rent-seeking on green economic efficiency is greater in areas facing lower promotion pressure. (3) The relationship among promotion pressure, rent-seeking and green economic efficiency differs in areas facing different “green” promotion pressure.  相似文献   

赵艳明 《价值工程》2012,31(10):128
北京2008奥运会成功举办为跨入新世纪的中国提供了一次千载难逢的加速发展机遇,中国体育事业得到极大的促进,中国体育体制将会进行空前规模的改革。同时奥运会也将全面拉动相关产业经济的发展,有力地促进我国体育中介市场的发展与完善。但奥运会在带动经济发展的同时同样暗藏着危机和风险。奥运会后带来的经济"低谷效应"让我国体育中介市场面临机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义事业是改革创新的事业。党要站在时代前列带领人民不断开创事业发展新局面,必须以改革创新精神加强自身建设,始终成为中国特色社会主义事业的坚强领导核心。  相似文献   

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