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司法解释允许第三人在二审中申请参加,但调解不成将全案发回重审,以此保障第三人的审级利益并强行合并裁判,却不能兼顾程序效率与安定。其原因在于我国实务试图折衷苏俄与大陆法系模式但忽略了其关键设计: 苏俄民事诉讼虽然奉行第三人参加后本诉必须重新审理的原则,但禁止一审判决做出后的参加申请;大陆法系普遍允许诉讼终结前申请参加,但奉行本诉继续审理的原则。现行立法未限制二审参加,我国应当放弃重新审理模式,采纳本诉继续的原则。参加之诉应当由一审法院专属管辖或者由二审法院移送管辖,二审原则上应中止本诉等待参加之诉确定,或者在参加之诉也到达二审时合并审理。无独立请求权第三人一般受到被参加一方当事人诉讼状态包括二审失权的限制,但如果同时受到既判力、执行力或形成力的扩张作用,二审中仍可以实施与被参加一方当事人不同的诉讼行为。后诉中无独立请求权第三人可以基于其诉讼实施的缺陷排除参加或预决效力,恢复主张及证明责任分配的一般原则。  相似文献   

The paper offers mainly an interpretation of Professor Schmandt-Besserat's archaeological research from an accountant's point of view. Its major conclusion is that those ancient people were the first to apply the input—output principle (inherent in every actual commodity transfer) to a representational, quasi-numerical (and later numerical) system of record keeping. A second aspect of this paper reveals that both the token-accounting of the ancient Middle East, as well as modern accounting, deal with two distinct but related duality aspects. The first kind of duality involves concrete transactions and belongs to physical reality, while the second kind of duality arises out of ownership and debt relations which belong to social reality. The paper demonstrates how these two types of duality are related and in which way the second type can be reduced to the first type. The final section examines the possibility of connecting the input—output principle manifested in token accounting with the duality principle encountered in ancient Greek accounting practice.  相似文献   

论人民币可能成为世界货币之一   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述了人民币应该成为也能够成为世界货币之一。并指出人民币如能成为世界货币之一 ,会给世界及我国带来许多好处 ;当然也会带来一些问题。在此基础上 ,提出已到了正视和研究人民币可能成为世界货币之一问题的时候 ,应积极引导、促进人民币朝着成为世界货币之一的方向发展  相似文献   

2008年我国国民经济增速出现明显回落。本文运用ARIMA模型法和向量自回归模型,预测2009年中国经济增长率为8.1%~8.3%。2009年我国面临保经济增长和调经济结构的双重任务。当前国内出现的经济问题,其实并不在于流动性不足,而是严重的市场信心不足的问题。针对这一症结,应以财政政策为主,配套货币政策,加强政策的组合与协调,加快结构性战略调整措施,特别是应将提高国内消费和经济质量作为重中之重。  相似文献   

针对非金融支付机构信息安全管理相对薄弱这一现状,本文以信息安全管理国际标准ISO27001为理论基础,根据非金融支付机构的业务运作模式、信息化基础设施建设及运维模式的特点,通过分析资产、脆弱性、威胁以及风险等关键要素间的相互关系,采用定性和定量评估相结合的方式,从而形成一套较为完善的非金融支付机构信息安全风险评估模型,为人民银行进一步加强非金融支付机构技术监管,保障金融稳定提供科学的方法论支持。  相似文献   

Lakshman Yapa 《Futures》2002,34(1):33-46
Conventional wisdom informs us that poverty represents a lack of development; naturally economic development is seen as the answer to the problem. Contrary to that, I claim that poverty is a form of scarcity induced by the very process of development. The materiality of the poverty problem does not exist independent of discourses we have constructed to understand it. By concealing how development induces scarcity, social science discourse is implicated as a causative agent of poverty. Using a poststructural framework of reasoning, I demonstrate this argument by examining how mainstream geographers (in the spatial tradition) have looked at the topics of poverty and development.  相似文献   

本文结合《2008-2012中国反洗钱战略》,就如何在第三方网络支付行业贯彻风险为本方法,提升反洗钱监管的针对性、有效性和均衡性进行探讨,指出第三方支付行业的反洗钱监管面临从合规为本向风险为本原则的转变。  相似文献   

Jan-Evert Nilsson 《Futures》1983,15(2):126-136
Agricultural society, industrial society, and post-industrial society are well-known terms for societies at different stages of development. All three are named after the dominant sector in the economy. These terms reflect a sector perspective in social development. This article discusses four different types of sector models, against the background of the future prospects that the respective models give rise to. The image of the future is influenced by the choice of sector classification.  相似文献   

随着广西经济的快速发展,广西保险中介也得到了长足发展,但仍落后于全国平均水平,而且和同属于西部民族自治区的新疆、宁夏、内蒙保险中介发展相比,广西与它们也存在一定差距。笔者通过全面比较分析四区保险中介相关业务经营数据,找出广西保险中介业发展的优势、存在的差距和不足,并提出了加快广西保险中介业科学发展的一些对策。  相似文献   

世界城市理论在西方学术界经过几十年的发展和演变,产生了许多研究成果,从早期的根据全球性特征和跨国经济状况界定世界城市,到侧重于经济全球化背景下城市之间的联系,揭示城市之间的竞争和合作中世界城市的主导地位,以及分析世界城市发展中出现的共性和个性问题等,目前已经形成了丰富的世界城市理论。这些理论对于我国的大城市特别是北京的发展以及提升其国际竞争力具有一定的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The relationship between financial development and economic growth has been widely examined in both the theoretical and empirical literature. This paper studies the relationship between these two variables in Egypt during the period 1961 to 2009, using co-integration and vector error correction analysis, Granger causality tests, and multivariate Beveridge-Nelson decomposition. Results indicate that the two variables move together in the long run, and that financial development Granger causes economic growth in both the short-run and the long-run, thus providing support for the supply leading hypothesis. These findings are robust using different measures of financial development.  相似文献   

统筹城乡发展亟待完善农村金融支持体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对我国农村资本供给状况进行分析,发现看似完善的金融体系没有提供农村经济发展所需要的资金,未能有效地发挥金融机构的职能,指出统筹城乡发展亟待完善我国农村金融资本支持体系,提出使农村信用社成为农村金融资本支持体系的主体,使农业发展银行成为农村金融支持体系的有力支柱,引导商业银行为农业提供商业性金融服务,允许民间资本进入农村金融支持体系等对策建议。  相似文献   

我国世界遗产资源开发利用与保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的世界遗产资源十分丰富.伴随着遗产开发与遗产旅游的升温,遗产资源正面临着前所未有的高压力、高损耗和高破坏的威胁.如何正确处理好长远利益与眼前利益、旅游发展与遗产保护的关系,切实加强遗产资源的保护和管理,已成为当前遗产资源开发利用中急需解决的问题.  相似文献   

Photovoltaic citizen participation initiatives (CPIs) receive increasing attention as a form of social innovation, contributing to a sustainable decentralized energy future. However, their ability to outgrow a protected niche characterized by feed-in tariffs, to regime level, is unclear. Drawing on qualitative interviews with key actors, the present study classifies Austrian CPIs in terms of them being market-based (profit-oriented business) or grassroots initiatives (civil-society based community activism), and compares these two types with respect to the three key processes of strategic niche management: actor network formation, learning, and expectations management. Market-based CPIs exhibit a relatively heterogeneous external actor network. They follow a policy of business development, engage in highly professionalized learning, and access a large, widespread customer base. In contrast, grassroots CPIs leverage a tightly-knit network of local actors, engage in informal learning and shared expectations. In some CPIs, market-based and grassroots motivations converge. Both types seem capable of achieving regime level, either through individual growth or by aggregation of multiple small-scale initiatives. As yet, few CPIs have outgrown their local niche status. This is mainly due to a lack of intermediary actors which may institutionalize knowledge and resources to support the foundation of new CPIs.  相似文献   

This paper examines the mutual relationship between broadband penetration, financial development, and economic growth in the 22 Arab League countries for the period between 2001 and 2013. Financial development (represented by broad money supply, claims on the private sector, domestic credit to the private sector, domestic credit provided by the banking sector, market capitalization, turnover ratio, and traded stocks) is assessed both individually, and by a composite index. Our results reveal that there is a long-run equilibrium relationship between broadband penetration, financial development, and economic growth. Additionally, we use a panel vector autoregression model to reveal the nature of Granger causality between the covariates. The most important insight of this study is the presence of bidirectional causality from economic growth to broadband penetration in the long run. In addition, we find that financial development together with broadband penetration Granger-cause economic growth in the long run.  相似文献   

世界银行碳基金运作模式对发展我国政策性碳基金的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现有的清洁发展机制项目倾向于完成低成本的大型项目减排,而较少关注东道国的可持续发展。有必要通过国家层面的政策性碳基金介入我国的清洁发展机制项目领域,调节和促进项目对我国可持续发展的贡献。本文在分析世界银行系列碳基金运作特点的基础上,提出了借鉴其经验发展我国碳基金的政策建议。  相似文献   

2010年上海世博会为上海国际会展中心的发展提供了契机。本文以世博会为契机,借鉴现代物流业发展的价值链、3PL、4PL等相关理论,构建了4PE会展模式,并对其在上海世博会前、中、后期的运用进行了路径分析,以期为上海世博会各项服务的整体运作和上海现代会展业的新一轮发展提供一种思路。  相似文献   

吴洁 《海南金融》2010,(4):69-75
当前,我国银行业的海外业务发展程度不高,不仅海外资产、机构、人员和利润占比低,海外区位分布也较为单一,这与我国的经济实力并不相称。次贷危机后,我国银行业的海外业务发展迎来了难得的历史性机遇,但同时也还需应对不少挑战。本文在分析我国银行业海外业务发展情况的基础上,对次贷危机后我国银行业如何加快海外市场的拓展步伐提出了具体的策略建议。  相似文献   

Both the US and UK governments attempted desperate measures during World War I in an effort to maintain wartime production levels of necessary commodities and to allow for their economical purchase by the military. Loft (1986a, 1986b, 1990) has studied the British experience in depth, concluding that UK cost accountancy 'came into the light' as a result. It might be expected that similar developments would have occurred in America with the activities of the War Industries Board. In both countries, national associations were established in the immediate aftermath of the war to promote the professional standing of cost accountants. This paper utilizes archival materials in an effort to investigate whether US cost accountancy was developing more sophisticated costing techniques as Loft has claimed for the UK, or whether practitioners in this country were left 'still cursing the darkness'. Our findings suggest that cost accountancy developed in parallel fashion in both countries. US and UK cost accounting professionalism was dominated by the presence of leading financial accounting practitioners, and in both countries the movement towards more sophisticated costing techniques was gradual rather than dramatic.  相似文献   

Discussion of the ‘lost relevance’ of management accounting and the ‘gap’ between theory and practice has focused the criticism that management accounting education is built round a set of techniques applied in simplified settings. One reason for this may be the scarcity of case studies, discussing management accounting practices, which may be adopted in classroom situations. The recent promotion of ABC, throughput accounting, just-in-time (JIT) methods and performance measures to support modern manufacturing provide additional educational challenges relating to the integration of these into the accounting curriculum. There is a danger that these may also be developed as other techniques to be learned in isolated situations rather than to be applied selectively by organizations in appropriate situations. This paper offers two case studies which support class discussion of accounting requirements within a modern manufacturing and commercial environment. The cases emphasize that any one technique is inappropriate to all situations. They force examination of manufacturing and marketing policy and strategy in the development of appropriate management accounting information. The authors' experiences of using the case studies is evaluated, to determine the strengths and weaknesses of using the non-numerical cases as a basis for class discussion of contextual factors in accounting system design.  相似文献   

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