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We develop a system that provides model‐based forecasts for inflation in Norway. We recursively evaluate quasi out‐of‐sample forecasts from a large suite of models from 1999 to 2009. The performance of the models are then used to derive quasi real time weights that are used to combine the forecasts. Our results indicate that a combination forecast improves upon the point forecasts from individual models. Furthermore, a combination forecast outperforms Norges Bank's own point forecast for inflation. The beneficial results are obtained using a trimmed weighted average. Some degree of trimming is required for the combination forecasts to outperform the judgmental forecasts from the policymaker.  相似文献   

Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models have recently become standard tools for policy analysis. Nevertheless, their forecasting properties have still barely been explored. In this article, we address this problem by examining the quality of forecasts of the key U.S. economic variables: the three-month Treasury bill yield, the GDP growth rate and GDP price index inflation, from a small-size DSGE model, trivariate vector autoregression (VAR) models and the Philadelphia Fed Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF). The ex post forecast errors are evaluated on the basis of the data from the period 1994–2006. We apply the Philadelphia Fed “Real-Time Data Set for Macroeconomists” to ensure that the data used in estimating the DSGE and VAR models was comparable to the information available to the SPF.Overall, the results are mixed. When comparing the root mean squared errors for some forecast horizons, it appears that the DSGE model outperforms the other methods in forecasting the GDP growth rate. However, this characteristic turned out to be statistically insignificant. Most of the SPF's forecasts of GDP price index inflation and the short-term interest rate are better than those from the DSGE and VAR models.  相似文献   

The consensus in the literature on providing accurate inflation forecasts underlines the importance of precise nowcasts. In this paper, we focus on this issue by employing a unique, extensive dataset of online food and non-alcoholic beverages prices gathered automatically from the webpages of major online retailers in Poland since 2009. We perform a real-time nowcasting experiment by using a highly disaggregated framework among popular, simple univariate approaches. We demonstrate that pure estimates of online price changes are already effective in nowcasting food inflation, but accounting for online food prices in a simple, recursively optimized model delivers further gains in the nowcast accuracy. Our framework outperforms various other approaches, including judgmental methods, traditional benchmarks, and model combinations. After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, its nowcasting quality has improved compared to other approaches and remained comparable with judgmental nowcasts. We also show that nowcast accuracy increases with the volume of online data, but their quality and relevance are essential for providing accurate in-sample fit and out-of-sample nowcasts. We conclude that online prices can markedly aid the decision-making process at central banks.  相似文献   

This paper uses the forecast from a random walk model of inflation as a benchmark to test and compare the forecast performance of several alternatives of future inflation, including the Greenbook forecast by the Fed staff, the Survey of Professional Forecasters median forecast, CPI inflation minus food and energy, CPI weighted median inflation, and CPI trimmed mean inflation. The Greenbook forecast was found in previous literature to be a better forecast than other private sector forecasts. Our results indicate that both the Greenbook and the Survey of Professional Forecasters median forecasts of inflation and core inflation measures may contain better information than forecasts from a random walk model. The Greenbook's superiority appears to have declined against other forecasts and core inflation measures.  相似文献   

In this paper we test whether the key metals prices of gold and platinum significantly improve inflation forecasts for the South African economy. We also test whether controlling for conditional correlations in a dynamic setup, using bivariate Bayesian-Dynamic Conditional Correlation (B-DCC) models, improves inflation forecasts. To achieve this we compare out-of-sample forecast estimates of the B-DCC model to Random Walk, Autoregressive and Bayesian VAR models. We find that for both the BVAR and BDCC models, improving point forecasts of the Autoregressive model of inflation remains an elusive exercise. This, we argue, is of less importance relative to the more informative density forecasts. For this we find improved forecasts of inflation for the B-DCC models at all forecasting horizons tested. We thus conclude that including metals price series as inputs to inflation models leads to improved density forecasts, while controlling for the dynamic relationship between the included price series and inflation similarly leads to significantly improved density forecasts.  相似文献   

We introduce a new dataset of real gross domestic product (GDP) growth and core personal consumption expenditures (PCE) inflation forecasts produced by the staff of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. In contrast to the eight Greenbook forecasts a year the staff produce for Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meetings, our dataset has roughly weekly forecasts. We use these data to study whether the staff forecasts efficiently. Prespecified regressions of forecast errors on forecast revisions show the staff's GDP forecasts exhibit time-varying inefficiency between FOMC meetings, and also show some evidence for inefficient inflation forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the provision of consistent forecasts for an aggregate economic indicator, such as a consumer price index and its components. The procedure developed is a disaggregated approach based on single-equation models for the components, which take into account the stable features that some components share, such as a common trend and common serial correlation. Our procedure starts by classifying a large number of components based on restrictions from common features. The result of this classification is a disaggregation map, which may also be useful in applying dynamic factors, defining intermediate aggregates or formulating models with unobserved components. We use the procedure to forecast inflation in the Euro area, the UK and the US. Our forecasts are significantly more accurate than either a direct forecast of the aggregate or various other indirect forecasts.  相似文献   

The Fisher effect maintains that movements in short-term interest rates largely reflect changes in expected inflation. Since expected inflation is subject to error, we ask whether interest rates move in response to over- and under-predictions of inflation. In answering, we measure expected inflation by the consumers’ forecast of inflation derived from the Michigan Surveys of Consumers (MSC). Our findings for 1978–2013 indicate that the MSC inflation forecasts were unbiased, efficient, and directionally accurate. For 1978–2007, (i) interest rates moved downward (upward) in response to MSC over-predictions (under-predictions) of inflation, and (ii) MSC inflation forecast errors had directional predictability for interest rates. However, no link between interest rate movements and MSC inflation forecast errors is detected for 2008–2013 when monetary policy kept short-term interest rates unusually low.  相似文献   

A probabilistic forecast is the estimated probability with which a future event will occur. One interesting feature of such forecasts is their calibration, or the match between the predicted probabilities and the actual outcome probabilities. Calibration has been evaluated in the past by grouping probability forecasts into discrete categories. We show here that we can do this without discrete groupings; the kernel estimators that we use produce efficiency gains and smooth estimated curves relating the predicted and actual probabilities. We use such estimates to evaluate the empirical evidence on the calibration error in a number of economic applications, including the prediction of recessions and inflation, using both forecasts made and stored in real time and pseudo-forecasts made using the data vintage available at the forecast date. The outcomes are evaluated using both first-release outcome measures and subsequent revised data. We find substantial evidence of incorrect calibration in professional forecasts of recessions and inflation from the SPF, as well as in real-time inflation forecasts from a variety of output gap models.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2015,39(1):3-4
We have revised up our forecasts for GDP growth in 2015 and 2016 to 3% and 2.8% respectively, from 2.7% and 2.5% three months ago. This follows the plunge in the oil price, which will push inflation sharply lower and boost household spending power. It is unlikely that the MPC will consider raising interest rates while inflation is very low, so we have also pushed back our forecast for the first rate hike from Q3 2015 to Q1 2016…  相似文献   

We present a new, publicly available database of real-time data and forecasts from the Bank of Canada's staff economic projections, which will be updated on an annual basis. We describe the data construct, its variables, coverage, and frequency. We then provide a forecast evaluation for gross domestic product (GDP) growth, consumer price index (CPI) inflation and the policy rate since 1982: We compare the staff's forecasts with those from commonly used time series models estimated with the real-time data, and with forecasts from other professional forecasters, and provide standard bias tests. Finally, we study changes in predictability of the Canadian economy following the announcement of the inflation-targeting regime in 1991. Our data set is unprecedented outside the USA, and our evidence is particularly interesting, as it covers over 30 years of staff forecasts, two severe recessions, and different monetary policy regimes.  相似文献   

The linear opinion pool (LOP) produces potentially non-Gaussian combination forecast densities. In this paper, we propose a computationally convenient transformation for the LOP to mirror the non-Gaussianity exhibited by the target variable. Our methodology involves a Smirnov transform to reshape the LOP combination forecasts using the empirical cumulative distribution function. We illustrate our empirically transformed opinion pool (EtLOP) approach with an application examining quarterly real-time forecasts for U.S. inflation evaluated on a sample from 1990:1 to 2020:2. EtLOP improves performance by approximately 10% to 30% in terms of the continuous ranked probability score across forecasting horizons.  相似文献   

A government’s ability to forecast key economic fundamentals accurately can affect business confidence, consumer sentiment, and foreign direct investment, among others. A government forecast based on an econometric model is replicable, whereas one that is not fully based on an econometric model is non-replicable. Governments typically provide non-replicable forecasts (or expert forecasts) of economic fundamentals, such as the inflation rate and real GDP growth rate.In this paper, we develop a methodology for evaluating non-replicable forecasts. We argue that in order to do so, one needs to retrieve from the non-replicable forecast its replicable component, and that it is the difference in accuracy between these two that matters. An empirical example to forecast economic fundamentals for Taiwan shows the relevance of the proposed methodological approach. Our main finding is that the undocumented knowledge of the Taiwanese government reduces forecast errors substantially.  相似文献   

We construct daily house price indices for 10 major US metropolitan areas. Our calculations are based on a comprehensive database of several million residential property transactions and a standard repeat‐sales method that closely mimics the methodology of the popular monthly Case–Shiller house price indices. Our new daily house price indices exhibit dynamic features similar to those of other daily asset prices, with mild autocorrelation and strong conditional heteroskedasticity of the corresponding daily returns. A relatively simple multivariate time series model for the daily house price index returns, explicitly allowing for commonalities across cities and GARCH effects, produces forecasts of longer‐run monthly house price changes that are superior to various alternative forecast procedures based on lower‐frequency data. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce a mixed-frequency score-driven dynamic model for multiple time series where the score contributions from high-frequency variables are transformed by means of a mixed-data sampling weighting scheme. The resulting dynamic model delivers a flexible and easy-to-implement framework for the forecasting of low-frequency time series variables through the use of timely information from high-frequency variables. We verify the in-sample and out-of-sample performances of the model in an empirical study on the forecasting of U.S. headline inflation and GDP growth. In particular, we forecast monthly headline inflation using daily oil prices and quarterly GDP growth using a measure of financial risk. The forecasting results and other findings are promising. Our proposed score-driven dynamic model with mixed-data sampling weighting outperforms competing models in terms of both point and density forecasts.  相似文献   

We introduce a new type of incentive contract for central bankers: inflation forecast contracts, which make central bankers׳ remunerations contingent on the precision of their inflation forecasts. We show that such contracts enable central bankers to influence inflation expectations more effectively, thus facilitating more successful stabilization of current inflation. Inflation forecast contracts improve the accuracy of inflation forecasts, but have adverse consequences for output. On balance, paying central bankers according to their forecasting performance improves welfare. Optimal inflation forecast contracts stipulate high rewards for accurate forecasts.  相似文献   

We test the predictive accuracy of forecasts of the number of COVID-19 fatalities produced by several forecasting teams and collected by the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the epidemic in the United States. We find three main results. First, at the short horizon (1 week ahead) no forecasting team outperforms a simple time-series benchmark. Second, at longer horizons (3 and 4 week ahead) forecasters are more successful and sometimes outperform the benchmark. Third, one of the best performing forecasts is the Ensemble forecast, that combines all available predictions using uniform weights. In view of these results, collecting a wide range of forecasts and combining them in an ensemble forecast may be a superior approach for health authorities, rather than relying on a small number of forecasts.  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of newspapers for forecasting inflation, output and unemployment in the United Kingdom. We concentrate on whether the economic policy content reported in popular printed media can improve on existing point forecasts. We find no evidence supporting improved nowcasts or short-term forecasts for inflation. The sentiment inferred from printed media, can however be useful for forecasting unemployment and output. Considerable improvements are also noted when using individual newspapers and keyword based indices.  相似文献   

近期,周小川表示,中国的通货膨胀已经显现。管理好通货膨胀成为今年宏观调控新重点。为研究2010年通货膨胀变化趋势,为宏观经济决策提供依据,文章以1994~2009年历年各月原材料、燃料、动力购进价格指数、工业品出厂价格指数、商品零售价格指数、居民消费价格指数为基础,运用GM(1,1)模型,对中国2010年上述四种价格指数进行了预测。  相似文献   

This paper studies inflation forecasting based on the Bayesian learning algorithm which simultaneously learns about parameters and state variables. The Bayesian learning method updates posterior beliefs with accumulating information from inflation and disagreement about expected inflation from the Survey of Professional Forecasters (SPF). The empirical results show that Bayesian learning helps refine inflation forecasts at all horizons over time. Incorporating a Student’s t innovation improves the accuracy of long-term inflation forecasts. Including disagreement has an effect on refining short-term inflation density forecasts. Furthermore, there is strong evidence supporting a positive correlation between disagreement and trend inflation uncertainty. Our findings are helpful for policymakers when they forecast the future and make forward-looking decisions.  相似文献   

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