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由于塑料制品具有环保、节能、安全、舒适性和低成本等特点,使之得到汽车工业领域的广泛使用.本文阐述了塑料作为汽车材料的性能特点、车用塑料制品的概况与趋势、汽车塑料化部件的原材料和汽车塑料制品成型工艺;并介绍了改性塑料对传统工程塑料的冲击;同时指出车用塑料开发应用亟待加速.  相似文献   

This article is an empirical application of the marketing concept in the design of new product offerings in the area of religious instructional materials. The general approach and methodology of this research should be appropriate for many types of consumer products and organizations. The marketing concept was applied to the design of religious instructional materials in this study through an empirical investigation of the values, attitudes, and perceived needs of key market populations. The study consisted of determination of perceived needs for alternative topics, identification of educational themes around which specific topics could be integrated into instructional packages, and assessment of the importance of these themes across alternative market segments. A total of 1161 respondents (464 pastors and 697 lay members) completed a mail questionnaire which solicited their perceptions of themselves and the domain of the church in their lives. Respondents also indicated the level of importance they placed on alternative instructional topics. The data were analyzed through the use of multivariate techniques to provide understanding and interpretation of the perceived needs of alternative market segments. Results of the analyses were very useful in determining which instructional packages to develop and the target markets for each package.  相似文献   

The Republic of Korea recently became one of the member countries of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Such developed-nation status requires Korea to open its consumer goods and financial markets. As a more open Korean market becomes increasingly attractive to foreign manufacturers and investors, it is critical for foreign marketers to understand how Korean consumers perceive and evaluate imported goods. This study examines how Koreans in comparison with Americans react to foreign-made products. The results of the study show that both Korean and U.S. consumers, in general, relied heavily on specific intrinsic attributes of products as the basis for their evaluations of the product quality. Interestingly, Koreans considered country-of-manufacture information as equally important in this situation. However, when they determined their purchase intentions, neither Koreans nor Americans valued country labels of the products; they again used product attribute information. The implications of the results for foreign marketers in Korea are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

2021年11月12日—14日,被誉为"创意界春晚"的第三届"天与空创意节"在复旦大学圆满举办。本次创意节由天与空广告公司主办,复旦大学新闻学院提供学术指导。整整三天,26位创意嘉宾、6位广告学者汇聚一堂,共同探讨中国广告创意行业的发展前景。  相似文献   

东风汽车股份有限公司今年1-8月份完成年度目标的75%;在国内轻卡行业增长率只有10%的大环境下,东风轻卡整车销售同比增长65%.增速为全国前10家轻卡企业之首;东风轻型商用车总销量(含郑州日产)位居全国第二。在东风汽车股份有限公司成立6周年之际,笔者采访了东风公司副总经理、东风汽车股份有限公司总经理朱福寿。朱总畅谈了当前轻卡行业和“东风汽车”的发展形势。  相似文献   

新时期对领导干部经济责任审计的经济责任界定以及经济责任审计评价内容的探讨.  相似文献   

Schumpeter discusses the importance of innovation and new firm entry in a capitalistic economy as a means to creatively destruct oligopolies and generate new economic wealth. He warns of R&D becoming the arena of professional engineers in large corporations; Schumpeter feared the obsolescence of entrepreneurship would result in an increasing concentration of wealth among large corporations and toward socialism.Using a longitudinal data base of U.S. corporations over the period 1961–1980, this paper statistically tests several aspects of Schumpeter's analysis. Overall our results give some support to Schumpeter's creative destruction hypothesis, though there exists some sensitivity to the measure of size used. We find most of the firms exiting the ranks of the largest 500 firms (as measured by assets) are those with ranks in the 401–500 range; there is also evidence of churning as the same firms enter and exit the top 500 over time. Additionally, we find that merger has gained prominence as the reason why firms exit the top 500. Among our conclusions is that further work is needed on the role of mergers in the growth-and decline-of entrepreneurial firms.  相似文献   

普华永道的最新预测显示,2020年中国将成为全球最大电影市场。中国目前也是继美国之后的世界第二大广告市场,第一大消费市场。我们正经历一个不断聚变、创新增长的发展时期,机遇与挑战令人兴奋、激情饱满。随着5G时代的到来,用影像记录这个变革的时代,成为必然趋势,视频广告行业迎来新的发展机遇。从传统媒体时代的图文广告、户外广告,以及30秒、15秒的电视广告,到现在百花齐放的各种类型的广告形式,广告"身材"和"长相"都发生了巨大的改变。  相似文献   

Message arguments influence beliefs about product benefits which influence overall product evaluations. Three studies show that matching hedonic versus utilitarian arguments and products enhance evaluations of utilitarian products, but not hedonic products. The results generalize across several argument manipulations and several product categories.  相似文献   

《Business Horizons》2016,59(6):713-722
In fewer than ten days during the summer of 2016, millions of smartphone users around the world went crazy over Pokémon Go, an augmented reality videogame app. If only all new high-technology products—and their investors—could enjoy such runaway success! Alas, the road to new technologies can be bumpy, and marketers of new high-tech products face numerous obstacles. Six perils await these marketers: significant market uncertainty, significant technological uncertainty, issues of compatibility within a product's complex multi-component system, struggles to orchestrate self-reinforcing network effects, challenges of navigating ecosystem complexities and competition, and inherent risks of making hard choices among multiple product-market options with significant path dependency. This article discusses these dangers and concludes with advice regarding steps marketers can and should take to make the journey to market less perilous.  相似文献   

The media environment has changed dramatically due to the explosion of new channels and technological innovations, which has had important ramifications not only for advertising, but also for advertising agencies and their creative processes. Using a series of interviews with agency creative directors and digital strategists, this study investigated how agencies have addressed these challenges and taken advantage of the opportunities. Its two key contributions are an updated model of the creative process and the identification of four alternative structures agencies use to create the core concept. The study also found a paradigm shift from framing technology in terms of its production value, to framing technology in terms of its strategic and creative value, as technology specialists have become involved in the strategic and creative stages of campaign development.  相似文献   

中国的数字电视在未来的发展潜力会很大。首先从宏观上讲,数字电视是政府大力推广的项目,各大城市纷纷进行有线数字电视的转换。同时,地面数字电视与无线数字电视的发展也很快。数字电视是世界电视媒体发展的主要潮流,再加上集中力量办大事这是中国的特色,在政府的推动下,  相似文献   

农业产业化是未来中国农业发展的必然趋势.本文认为:"龙头"企业对于推动农业产业化具有特别重要的意义,并对其作用进行了认真分析研究.  相似文献   

文创产品是科技馆展览功能和教育功能的有效补充和延伸,是可以带回家的“移动科技馆”,开发成功的文创产品可以辅助科技馆更好地传播科学和服务公众。本文通过梳理国内外博物馆文创产品的开发现状及有效做法,结合中国科技馆文创产品开发试点工作的实践经验,对博物馆文创产品的内涵进行了界定,并围绕科技馆行业如何更好地发展文创产业提出建议和对策,以期为全国的科技馆文创产品开发工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

山东莱阳鲁花浓香花生油有限公司成立于1986年,经过近二十年的艰苦创业,目前已发展成为国内规模最大的生产高级食用花生油的专业厂家。其生产规模由建厂初期的2000吨发展到目前的15万吨,产品产销率达100%。其产品“鲁花”牌花生油以色泽淡黄、清澈透明、口感纯正、保持了花生原汁原味的特点而备受消费者青睐,并在国内外市场上畅销不衰。鲁花公司早在1996年就一次性通过了ISO9002国际标准质量体系认证,1999年获得国家绿色食品认证;“鲁花”牌花生油连续四届在中国农业博览会上获得金奖和“国家名牌产品”荣誉称号;2001年,在第四届全国烹饪…  相似文献   

Electronics is a branch of industry in which the competitive position of European firms is relatively weak, compared to the chemical, motor vehicle and mechanical engineering industries. This fact appears to some observers—in view of the electronic industry’s high rates of growth and its technologically “strategic” importance—to represent a threat to Europe’s future industrial development. This has led to intensive political discussions in recent years and to a multitude of initiatives for the revitalisation of the European electronics industry. This paper analyses the extent to which the discussions and initiatives have in fact dealt with the problems in hand.  相似文献   

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