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Abstract: This paper explores the apparent paradox that while public sector auditors have become more powerful by claiming performance auditing expertise and linking this to New Public Management reforms, the same reforms have provided an opening for competition between private and public sector auditors. In Denmark, the competitive relation has led to a jurisdictional dispute between public and private sector auditors in which the former have developed a special qualification for public sector auditors. The paper analyses the development of this qualification using Abbott's (1988) theory of the system of professions, thus focusing on how the involved groups have attempted to build networks of support for their competing jurisdictional claims of expertise. The case contributes to knowledge about the potential for development of a distinct public sector auditor identity. The case suggests that to develop such an identity and gain professional recognition, public sector auditors need to convince parliaments, standard‐setting bodies and universities that a public sector auditing qualification serves as a solution to some of their problems, too.  相似文献   

The increasing popularity of public private partnerships (PPPs) thrusts on to centre stage the inherent tension between accountability and transparency on the one hand, and efficiency and commerciality on the other. This paper explores a number of accountability issues that are exacerbated by a public private partnership structure. The organisational structure of a PPP, where much of the activity associated with the delivery of a public service is embedded in a private-sector entity, increases the likelihood that public scrutiny of decisions and actions is significantly inhibited  相似文献   

Takeovers of privately held companies represent more than 80% of all takeovers. Despite their significance, studies of such takeovers and their impact on the wealth of shareholders are rare. Using a very large, near exhaustive, sample of listed and privately held UK targets we examine the impact of such takeovers on the risk adjusted return of listed UK acquirers over the period 1981 to 2001. Acquirers earn significant positive returns during the period surrounding the bid announcement although the gains are dependent on target status, mode of payment, and the relative size of those involved. The much quoted conclusion, derived from the experiences of listed firm bidders that the shareholders of acquiring firms fail to gain from takeovers, cannot be generalised. Acquiring a privately held company is an attractive option for maximising shareholder wealth.  相似文献   

The policy-making processes and the policies of the two international systems of national accounts are addressed, from the perspective of the accounting discipline. The particular measurement issue that determines which parts of an economy are public and which are private - the reporting entity - is discussed. The main conclusion is that the definition of the reporting entities is so vague as to be empty; in other words, national accounting's definition of what is public and what is private is empty.  相似文献   

The Entrepreneur's Choice between Private and Public Ownership   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We analyze an entrepreneur/manager's choice between private and public ownership. The manager needs decision‐making autonomy to optimally manage the firm and thus trades off an endogenized control preference against the higher cost of capital accompanying greater managerial autonomy. Investors need liquid ownership stakes. Public capital markets provide liquidity, but stipulate corporate governance that imposes generic exogenous controls, so the manager may not attain the desired trade‐off between autonomy and the cost of capital. In contrast, private ownership provides the desired trade‐off through precisely calibrated contracting, but creates illiquid ownership. Exploring this tension generates new predictions.  相似文献   

In certain circumstances, insider trades such as private transactionsbetween executives and their firms could be disclosed afterthe end of the firm's fiscal year, on a Form-5 filing. We findthat insider sales disclosed in such a delayed manner for largefirms are predictive of negative future returns (–6 to–8 percent), as well as lower future annual earnings relativeto analyst forecasts. These results stand in contrast to existingfindings on the uninformativeness of quickly disclosed open-marketinsider sales. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act curtailed the use of Form5 under the presumption that managers used this vehicle opportunistically.Our systematic evidence supports this presumption.  相似文献   

胡春梅 《银行家》2003,(6):136-137
就像从潘朵拉的盒子里放出的魔鬼,SARS吞噬了不少人的生命、自由和信心,这是一场公共卫生的危机,但在危机的背后,我们还应该有进一步的思考和行动.  相似文献   

Public Trading and Private Incentives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article studies the link between public trading and theactivity of a firm's large shareholder who can affect firm value.Public trading results in the formation of a stock price thatis informative about the large shareholder's activity. Thisincreases the latter's incentives to engage in value-increasingactivities. Indeed, if he has to liquidate part of his stakebefore the effect of his activity is publicly observed, a moreinformative price rewards him for his activity. Implicationsare derived for the decision to go public, capital structure,and security design.  相似文献   

We document that public firms participate more than private firms as buyers and sellers of assets in merger waves and their participation is affected more by credit spreads and aggregate market valuation. Public firm acquisitions realize higher gains in productivity, particularly for on‐the‐wave acquisitions and when the acquirer's stock is liquid and highly valued. Our results are not driven solely by public firms' better access to capital. Using productivity data from early in the firm's life, we find that better private firms subsequently select to become public. Initial size and productivity predict asset purchases and sales 10 and more years later.  相似文献   

One of the biggest changes in public sector housing practice in recent years has been the introduction of New Public Management techniques. Housing associations, promoted by successive governments to supplement local authority provision of social housing, have readily taken on the new management agendas of performance indicators and business disciplines in service delivery. The author identifies a conflict between the social purposes of public funding for housing and the business practices of housing associations. The limited accountability of housing associations allows for practices that lead to social exclusion. For local authorities, a parallel conflict arises because of government emphasis on 'what works' in public housing management, rather than on 'what matters'.  相似文献   

A debate in this journal, spanning severa1 years, over the accounting treatment of public assets has concentrated attention on the appropriateness of the Public Sector Accounting Standards Board's decision to apply private sector accounting concepts to the development of public sector accounting standards. The Case is examined here and it is shown why private sector accounting standards must be appropriately adapted to suit a very different and varied operating environment in the public sector. These differences have been largely ignored, with resulting problems for public sector accounting standards.  相似文献   

Market-wide, stock market specific, and real estate market specific risk – what kind of risk and to which extent drives the returns of listed real estate? Based on a structural asset pricing model calibrated to the empirical data in the U.S., we show that at least two thirds of the risk premium of listed real estate are driven by the same factors as direct real estate. Our results shed new light on the risk-characteristics of listed real estate returns and are of high interest for academics, regulators, and portfolio managers alike.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Using a unique dataset, we examine financial performance, and venture capital involvement in 167 MBOs exiting through IPOs (MBO‐IPOs) on the London Stock Exchange, during the period 1964 –1997. VC backed MBOs seem to be more underpriced than MBOs without venture capital backing, based on average value‐weighted returns. MBOs backed by highly reputable VCs tend to be older companies, and exit earlier than MBOs backed by less reputable VCs. The results contradict 'certification' and 'grandstanding' hypotheses supported by US data ( Megginson and Weiss, 1991 ; and Gompers, 1996 , respectively). We found no evidence of either significant underperformance, or that VC backed MBOs perform better than their non‐VC backed counterparts in the long run. However, MBOs backed by highly reputable venture capital firms seem to be better long‐term investments as compared to those backed by less prestigious venture capitalist firms. The results remain robust after using different methods to measure performance, and after controlling for sample selectivity bias.  相似文献   

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