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This article first estimates inflationary expectations using a Blanchard–Quah VAR model by decomposing the nominal interest rate into expected inflation and the ex ante real interest rate. Then I utilize this expected inflation along with other macroeconomic variables as inputs to the monetary policy function in a recursive VAR model to identify exogenous policy shocks. To calculate inflationary expectations, I assume that ex ante real interest rate shocks do not have a long-run effect on the nominal interest rate. This article finds that the public expects lower inflation for the future during periods of high inflation. Estimated results from the recursive VAR suggest that a contractionary policy shock increases the real interest rate, appreciates domestic currency, and lowers inflationary expectations and industrial output. However, I find a lagged policy response from Bangladesh Bank to higher inflationary expectations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the medium run effect of the speed of demand saturation on the dynamism of the labour market which involves factors such as the growth of employment and real wage rate, using a computer simulation of the stochastically multi-sectoral pure labour model with a logistic demand function. From the simulation, we obtain the evolutions of the expectation of the employment rate and the real wage rate, supposing three cases where the speed of demand saturation for a product that stochastically emerges is, ceteris paribus, different. As a result, it is demonstrated that the faster growth of demand for a product that emerges stochastically accelerates the growth of employment, but decelerates the growth of real wage rate. The result depends on the heterogeneity of the agents, which is neglected by mainstream economics.  相似文献   

Recent empirical findings show that post-war real interest rates are quite persistent and that they also contain a large number of structural changes in their means. In this study, we also find concurring results for real interest rates from thirteen industrialized countries. We show, however, that when the presence of various nonstationarities such as changing means is accommodated, some of the real interest rates exhibit substantially lower persistence or even become I(0). Our findings indicate that high real interest rate persistence is not necessarily an intrinsic characteristic of industrialized economies.  相似文献   

In an intertemporal equilibrium setting, temporary government purchases may affect the real interest rate. A temporary change in the level of government spending does not affect the optimal intertemporal allocation of rational consumers, who will therefore try to maintain their consumption plans. Assuming no change in the supply of goods, there is an excess demand for goods and in a closed economy the real interest rate has to rise to maintain equilibrium at the goods market. In this paper it is examined whether predictions of intertemporal substitution models hold up to the experience of the Netherlands. We extend Barro's empirical work in three ways. First, we construct a new measure of temporary government outlays. Second, we take the time series behaviour of the data concerned into account and employ a less restrictive specification for the equation to be estimated. Third, we examine the intertemporal substitution effect of government purchases onreal interest rates. Our results provide only mixed support for the hypothesis that temporary government purchases raise real interest rates. It turns out that only temporary military outlays affect the nominal and real interest rate.  相似文献   

For the most part, the discussion of Marx' falling rate of profit has been of a qualitative and fairly imprecise nature. In particular, the transformation problem concerning the relationship between the price and value rates of profit is usually not adequately dealt with. The present article defines the various concepts rigorously and demonstrates the relationship between the price and value concepts. It is then shown that technical change which competitive capitalists will introduce always raises the rate of profit, if real wages are constant; that these viable technical changes are always socially desirable; but that there are socially desirable technical changes which will not be introduced under competitive capitalism. Some of these desirable technical changes would cause the profit rate to fall. Any efforts to demonstrate a falling rate of profit as a consequence of technical change must therefore concentrate on the relationship between technical innovation and changes in the real wage.  相似文献   

《Ricerche Economiche》1996,50(1):1-25
The view put forward in this paper is that the index-linking of long-term public debt today represents a financial instrument thatfostersa low average rate of inflation. In particular, bonds that are fully linked to the prices of a representative basket of goods and services permit a reduction in the inflation risk premium, which weighs significantly on the nominal cost of the public debt and,ex post, gives rise to substantial real costs that distort the mechanisms of allocation and distribution and, ultimately, could lead to the debt becoming unsustainable. After re-examining the reasons for the “orthodox ” aversion to index-linking —notably on the part of the monetary authorities of the more stable countries and especially the Bundesbank —the case is put for the leading industrial countries, and notably Italy, to issue index-linked government bonds. By issuing such bonds, the Treasuries of the various countries would send a strong stabilizing signal to the markets because recourse to the inflation tax in the future would no longer be advantageous, reduce the real cost of government borrowing by eliminating the inflation risk premium that currently has to be paid on issues with fixed nominal interest rates, benefit from the positive correlation between the quality of revenue and expenditure, and obtain valuable information on forward inflation rates and the real interest rates implicit in the prices of the bonds. The long-term real interest rate offered by index-linked bonds would act as a sort of “lighthouse ” set up by the monetary authorities to illuminate the path of economic growth and enable operators and markets to co-ordinate their actions more effectively.  相似文献   

We investigate the effectiveness of capital controls in insulating economies from currency crises, focusing in particular on both direct and indirect effects of capital controls and how these relationships may have changed over time in response to global financial liberalization and the greater mobility of international capital. We predict the likelihood of currency crises using standard macroeconomic variables and a probit equation estimation methodology with random effects. We employ a comprehensive panel data set comprised of 69 emerging market and developing economies over 1975–2004. Both standard and duration-adjusted measures of capital control intensity (allowing controls to “depreciate” over time) suggest that capital controls have not effectively insulated economies from currency crises at any time during our sample period. Maintaining real GDP growth and limiting real overvaluation are critical factors preventing currency crises, not capital controls. However, the presence of capital controls greatly increases the sensitivity of currency crises to changes in real GDP growth and real exchange rate overvaluation, making countries more vulnerable to changes in fundamentals. Our model suggests that emerging markets weathered the 2007–2008 crisis relatively well because of strong output growth and exchange rate flexibility that limited overvaluation of their currencies.  相似文献   

We analyze how weak credibility affects the volatility of consumption spending in a model of exchange-rate-based stabilization that allows for both durable and nondurable goods. The inclusion of durables greatly improves the explanatory power of the weak credibility hypothesis. The hypothesis can account for the main qualitative properties of the boom–bust cycle provided the elasticity of durables expenditure with respect to Tobin's q is greater than the intertemporal elasticity of substitution. Moreover, the quantitative effects are very large. In numerical simulations based on conservative assumptions about the expenditure share of durables (20%) and wealth effects (none), aggregate consumption increases 17–22% and the real exchange rate appreciates 24–26% when the crawl decreases from 100% to zero for 3 years. In variants of the model that incorporate supply effects, the consumption boom is equally strong but appreciation of the real exchange rate rises to 30–40%.  相似文献   

This paper documents changes in the cyclical behavior of nominal data series that appear after 1979:Q3 when the Federal Reserve implemented a policy to lower the inflation rate. Such changes were not apparent in real variables. A business cycle model with impulses to technology and a role for money is used to show how alternative money supply rules are expected to affect observed business cycle facts. In this model, changes in the money supply rules have almost no effect on the cyclical behavior of real variables, yet have a significant impact on the cyclical nature of nominal variables.Journal of Economic LiteratureClassification Numbers: E32, E42, E50.  相似文献   

We define continuous-time dynamics for exchange economies with fiat money. Traders have locally rational expectations, face a cash-in-advance constraint, and continuously adjust their short-run dominant strategy in a monetary strategic market game involving a double-auction with limit-price orders. Money has a positive value except on optimal rest-points where it becomes a ??veil?? and trade vanishes. Typically, there is a piecewise globally unique trade-and-price curve both in real and in nominal variables. Money is not neutral, either in the short-run or long-run and a localized version of the quantity theory of money holds in the short-run. An optimal money growth rate is derived, which enables monetary trade curves to converge towards Pareto optimal rest-points. Below this growth rate, the economy enters a (sub- optimal) liquidity trap where monetary policy is ineffective; above this threshold inflation rises. Finally, market liquidity, measured through the speed of real trades, can be linked to gains-to-trade, households?? expectations, and the quantity of circulating money.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper was twofold: (1) to develop an open-economy-rational-expectations model to test the theoretical relationship between the price level and expectations about money and the exchange rate; and (2) based on the empirical results of the model, prescribe policy rules aimed at stabilizing inflationary expectations in Mexico. The major empirical findings were that the price formation in Mexico is positively related to both subjective money and exchange-rate expectations formed at period t. The correction path suggested by the empirical results is the implementation of an “activist” policy aimed at reducing both the ratio of real fiscal deficit and external debt to real gross domestic product from their current levels to the “ideal” levels of 1.6 and 11.3 percent of GDP, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper revisits the empirical evidence of purchasing power parity under the current float by recursive mean adjustment (RMA) proposed by So and Shin (1999). We first report superior power of the RMA-based unit root test in finite samples relative to the conventional augmented Dickey–Fuller (ADF) test via Monte Carlo experiments for 16 linear and nonlinear autoregressive data generating processes. We find that the more powerful RMA-based unit root test rejects the null hypothesis of a unit root for 16 out of 20 current float real exchange rates relative to the US dollar, while the ADF test rejects only 5 at the 10% significance level. We also find that the computationally simple RMA-based asymptotic confidence interval can provide useful information regarding the half-life of the real exchange rate.  相似文献   

This paper uses a unique monthly data set that covers the overall credit card usage in a small-open economy, Turkey, to investigate a possible credit channel of monetary policy transmission through credit cards. A reduced-form vector autoregression analysis is employed, where the forecast error variance decompositions are calculated for three-year windows over the period 2002–2009. It is shown that, during the recent financial crisis that has started in 2007, the monetary policy of Turkey has shifted toward focusing on output volatility and interest rate smoothing through setting short-term interest rates, while the inflation rate has been mostly affected by exchange rate movements and inflation inertia. Credit card usage has an increasing effect on inflation rates through time, requiring more policy emphasis on the credit channel through credit cards. When the effects of the credit view and the money view are compared, the former seems to be more effective on the real side of the economy, independent of the level of inflation.  相似文献   

This study empirically investigates the impact on per capita real economic growth of each of the ten measures of economic freedom computed annually by the Heritage Foundation. Within the context of the Random Effects Model, panel least squares estimations using a 5-year panel (2004 through 2008) dataset for the OECD nations as a group reveal that the percentage growth rate in the purchasing-power-parity adjusted per capita real GDP for OECD nations was, at the 5?% statistical significance level or better, an increasing function of at least seven of the ten economic freedom measures. The results underscore the critical role that economic freedom plays in a nation??s economic growth and prosperity and the importance of pursuing policies that are consistent with increasing economic freedom.  相似文献   

《Ricerche Economiche》1996,50(1):57-68
Real money balances are held separately forconsumptionandportfolioreasons. When real balances are a state variable in the investor 's optimization problem, there is a specific inflation-hedging portfolio. An investor hedges against inflation when the effect of real money holdings on the marginal utility of wealth is negative. We show that a decrease in real balances due to inflation has two opposite effects on the marginal utility of wealth. On the one hand, the decrease in real balances reduces consumption, which in turn raises the marginal utility and decreases the marginal cost of consuming: this explains why an investor would normally hedge inflation. On the other hand, the decrease in real balances tends to increase the marginal cost of consuming. When this second effect dominates, we have the somewhat surprising result that the investor reverse-hedges inflation.  相似文献   

In a recent study by Chowdhry et al. (American Economic Review 95: 255–276, 2005), they suggest that the empirical failure of relative purchasing power parity (PPP) may be because the official inflation data are too sticky. Thus, after extracting the unobservable pure price inflation from equity markets, they find strong evidence supporting relative PPP in the short run. As a replication study, this paper first replicates their original findings successfully. We further investigate whether long-run relative PPP holds using the pure price inflation data constructed by Chowdhry et al. (2005). After constructing pure real exchange rate series using their pure price inflation data, we implement both unit root and cointegration tests on the pure real exchange rates. According to the test results, the evidence suggests that relative PPP does not hold in the long run. Thus, it may be too early to suggest a resolution of the PPP puzzle.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of changes in real exchange rate on manufacturing employment. Our theoretical model predicts the positive effect of depreciation of real exchange rate on employment through a firm’s expectation on changes in real exchange rate and the interaction between real exchange rate and a firm’s import and domestic input. Using China’s manufacturing data during the 1980–2003 period, we find that depreciation of real exchange rate promotes employment growth in manufacturing industries, while change in real exchange rate is not a significant factor in promoting wage growth. We also find that an increase in export share offsets partially the effects of real exchange rate on employment and real wages. Translated from Journal of World Economy, 2005, (4): (in Chinese)  相似文献   

We show in this study that the maximum likelihood estimators of stochastic unit root (STUR) processes are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. We also present two new tests for STUR. We first propose a Lagrange multiplier test and show that it has a standard χ2 distribution asymptotically. We also propose a likelihood ratio test and show that it has an asymptotic distribution of 50–50 mixture of χ2 and a point mass at 0. As an empirical example, we test the existence of STUR in the Canadian real exchange rate and explore the implication of STUR on the validity of purchasing power parity.  相似文献   

Under the real options approach to investment under uncertainty, agents formulate optimal policies under the assumption that firms’ growth prospects do not vary over time. This paper proposes and solves a model of investment decisions in which the growth rate and volatility of the decision variable shift between different states at random times. A value-maximizing investment policy is derived such that in each regime the firm's investment policy is optimal and recognizes the possibility of a regime shift. Under this policy, investment is intermittent and increases with marginal q. Moreover, investment typically is very small but, in some states, the capital stock jumps. Implications for marginal q and the user cost of capital are also examined.  相似文献   

《Research in Economics》2022,76(3):189-205
We quantify the dependence between real estate indices and global economic policy uncertainty for 12 top-advanced countries. Generally, real estate investments are found to be highly risky to information flow from global economic policy uncertainty. amidst policy uncertainty, we find diversification, safe haven, and hedging prospects – based on the market conditions – at short term frequencies only, for the pairs between (a) Japan and the US; (b) Singapore and the US; (c) China and Canada; (d) China and Hong Kong. Our findings underscore market efficiency (inefficiency) at mid-and long-term (short-term) frequencies. In the presence of policy uncertainty, our findings underscore the operability of ingrained market dynamics between real estate investments in the mid-and long-term horizons. It is prudent for investors to combine real estate investments with other asset classes that are less risky to (or are positive recipients of) information flow from global EPU to hedge against adverse market shocks from any asset in the portfolio based on market conditions. Practically, not only should legislations be flexible to the changing market trends in the short term, but they should also be strategically crafted to retain the fundamental market dynamics between real estate investments in the mid-and long-term economic horizons.  相似文献   

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