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The privatization of the railways in Britain is almost complete.The article describes the method of privatization, where a verticallyintegrated state-owned monopoly has been broken up into a monopolytrack company, three monopolistic owners of passenger rolling-stock,25 franchised passenger train operating companies, a freightoperating company, and large numbers of suppliers of services.The author explains the potential for competition within thiscomplex structure, in an industry which has been steadily losingits share of the transport market for some 70 years. Attentionis drawn to the absence of any clear criteria for continuedpublic subsidy and to the tensions which exist between the Regulatorand other players in the industry.  相似文献   

The decade since privatization has seen gas change from an integratedmonopoly with no competition and without the structure necessaryto encourage it, to an industry moving rapidly towards fullcompetition. British Gas was privatized as an integrated monopoly;it had no regulation in the bulk market, and light regulationin the tariff market. Within 10 years it has lost more thanhalf its bulk market, has voluntarily 'demerged' into a transportationand supply arm, and is leading the way in liberalization ofthe residential market. Some of these changes have been assistedby the particular circumstances of the gas market, especiallythe contracts which the incumbent has inherited. The Regulatoris relying increasingly on prevention of undue discriminationfor control of the dominant supplier, and this principle hasbeen discussed and applied in a number of cases within the industry.Liberalization also raises important distributional issues,especially in the residential market.  相似文献   

Competition in the electricity industry in England and Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the electricity industry was privatized, the governmentmade structural changes to encourage competition in generationand in supply to consumers. The conventional power stationswere only divided between two companies, however, and we showthat duopolistic competition in an unregulated spot market mightimply undesirably high prices. Most sales are hedged in thecontract market, which makes the spot market more competitive,and a realistic threat of entry could also force generatorsto keep their prices down. In the event, a large amount of entrytook place, supported by the regional electricity companies'franchise monopoly over smaller consumers. That monopoly endsin 1998, so that further entry might become very difficult,while competition between firms already in the generation marketis still limited. Vertical integration between the major generatorsand regional electricity companies might make entry even harder,and should be blocked until the industry is more competitive.  相似文献   

国务院日前出台的<关于加快发展服务业的若干意见>,为交通运输服务业带来了新的机遇和新的挑战.交通运输行业应该按照文件的精神和思路,大力发展交通运输服务业.将交通由传统产业向现代服务业转型,进一步提升交通服务经济和社会发展全局、服务社会主义新农村建设、服务人民群众安全便捷出行的"三个服务"的能力和水平.交通运输业作为我国"十一五"规划纲要确定的优先发展的服务行业,在更为广阔的发展空间中,充分作好迎接新机遇和新挑战的准备.  相似文献   

文章主要对无人机在水利行业中的实践应用进行研究与分析。从无人机技术应用领域方面入手,通过分析无人机类型及系统组成形式,阐明国内无人机发展现状以及技术应用情况。在此基础上,结合水利行业无人机技术应用现状,进一步分析无人机技术在水利行业中的实践应用与关键技术,证明无人机技术在水利行业中的应用优势。希望文章的相关阐述与分析,可以为相关人员提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   

Competition in the Pay-TV Market   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper discusses competition in the emerging pay-TV market. Economic features of the industry are described, and the current state of the market in the UK is summarized. Two simple formal models of the industry are analyzed: First the danger of two vertically integrated pay-TV networks entering into collusive agreements to exchange programming with each other is discussed; second, the private and social incentives for signing exclusive contracts for premium programming are analyzed. J. Japan. Int. Econ., December 1999, 13(4), pp. 257–280. Nuffield College, Oxford OX1 1NF, United Kingdom. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: D43, L13, L41, L82.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of competition policy in shaping a business environment that will encourage firms to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. After discussing the scope and objectives of competition policy, and whether a liberal trade and investment regime can substitute for, or should complement, a competition law, the paper offers an assessment of Indonesia's new competition law. Its shortcomings include a serious lack of clarity about objectives and a confusion between objectives and the means to achieve them; a failure to distinguish between various kinds of monopoly; a tendency to prohibit certain activities and agreements between firms without a clear analysis of the underlying economics involved; unnecessary and counterproductive exemptions from the provisions of the law; and failure to confront the reality that the principal obstacle to competition in the past has been unwarranted government intervention in markets.  相似文献   

姚文 《港口经济》2008,(7):45-46
天津淡水资源严重不足,作为没有自主水源的城市,长期依赖外来供水。“引滦入津工程”完全依靠天然降雨蓄水,近年来由于上游降水不足,导致大黑汀水库、潘家口水库、于桥水库等水位连年下降,供水频频告急。“引黄入津工程”也因不能持续供水,无法满足天津供水需求。即使“南水北调工程”完成后,长江水流到京津两地,按现行综合成本也在5元/立方米以上,甚至有专家预测每立方米将达到15~20元。  相似文献   

浙江省虽然地处东南沿海,是典型的"江南水乡",实际上人均水资源占有量并不高,不及全国2470立方米的平均水平.随着经济的快速发展,全省面临资源性缺水、水质性缺水、高耗性缺水三重压力,尤其是滨海地区这种情况更为严重.如宁波、温州、台州等沿海地区,人均水资源量大部分低于国际公认的严重缺水标准1000立方米,而嘉兴、台州、宁波、金华和绍兴等地区的诸多河流水污染严重,则达不到饮用水标准.  相似文献   

近年来,我国水务产业的需求越来越大,政府的财政支出已经无法满足人们日常生产和生活中对供排水的需求。同时在近期,我国政府的大力推广PPP模式,特别是在水务产业。针对近期国内水务产业中的PPP项目融资的发展现状及其所处的政策环境,本文将进行简要论述分析,以期为后续的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

造纸废水处理方法现状及展望   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文在查阅相关资料的基础上,总结造纸废水处理的常用方法.并指出了今后的趋势,提出了造纸废水的污染防治应从实施清洁生产、污水资源化战略以及新技术的研究等方面着手.  相似文献   

This paper surveys competition policy in the APEC countries. It covers competition-promoting policies such as free trade but focuses on competition law. Fourteen of the 21 APEC countries have comprehensive national competition laws but in some the coverage is limited and the enforcement is weak. After reviewing national, bilateral and regional competition laws, the paper discusses the problems of devising competition law in developing countries with a weak tradition of promoting competition.  相似文献   

Competition in telecommunications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper discusses the scope for competition in the telecommunicationsindustry, taking into account the features of natural monopoly,network externalities, and customer inertia. Recent policy towardscompetition in the industry in the UK is surveyed, with an emphasison access pricing and interconnection. Finally, recent theoreticaldevelopments in the economics of access pricing and interconnectionare discussed and shown to lend some support for aspects ofcurrent policy in the UK.  相似文献   

国际货币的竞争稳定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着欧元的出现,两大国际货币之间的汇率频繁波动,使人觉得现存的国际货币体系相比以前更加不稳定。如何审视欧元出现后国际货币的稳定性问题,是一个仁者见仁、智者见智的问题。本文通过分析得出了稳定的结论,并对现实从一个方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

集群竞争分为恶性竞争和品牌竞争两种类型,在缺乏品牌支撑的集群结构情形下,会形成恶性竞争状态,恶性竞争会消除集群企业的内在激励,造成集群整体状况的破坏。在集群内具有品牌支撑的情形下,集群会形成品牌竞争的状态,品牌竞争能够驱动企业加强创新投入,提升投入要素的利用效率.为顾客提供更多价值。品牌竞争具有认知性特征,集群的市场共享、地理集中、社会文化特征等是驱动品牌竞争的重要要素。加强品牌建设是治理集群恶性竞争,形成品牌竞争的重要措施:  相似文献   

Competition in the Changing World of Banking   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper reviews the role of competition in banking againstthe background of a transforming sector. It uses industrialorganization and modern financial intermediation analysis tostudy the relationships between the level of competition, risk-takingincentives, and the regulatory frame. The consequences for marketstructure of the liberalization process and the need for competitionpolicy in the sector are high-lighted.  相似文献   

许诺 《走向世界》2007,(3):32-34
趁着亚运会大部分比赛项目已经结束的时候,我赶往位于多哈北部的卡塔尔帆船中心,亲身感受了一下多哈的帆船赛场,看上去颇有些简陋,但却相当实用的多哈帆船赛场给我留下了深刻的印象。  相似文献   

This article analyses the developments of competition between 1993 and 2001 at the industry level. Using the relative profits measure and the price-cost margin based on firm-level data, these competition indicators suggest that competition did not increase in most industries but diverged widely. This is puzzling in light of the regulatory reforms to enhance competition. An econometric analysis suggests that regulatory reforms indeed intensified competition, but also that considerable growth of market demand may have weakened competition. Finally, the two indicators often point in the opposite direction for the development of competition, because they respond differently to a reallocation of output from inefficient to efficient firms.  相似文献   

日前,作为一年老工业华丽转身的典范,南原上海第十七棉纺织总厂转身而成的上海中际时尚中心正式对外亮相。至此,上海纺织的时尚产业战略布局基本完成,这一艘航母级别的战舰已蓄势待发,即将扬帆启航,全面进军时尚产业。  相似文献   

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