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文章主要采用文献法和调查法进行研究,以求明确外贸发展定位,理清发展思路,促进德宏外贸转型升级。制约德宏州对外贸易发展的根本因素是未能充分利用自身比较优势发展外贸加工产业.从而导致外贸结构不合理和外贸增长方式粗放。德宏应立足自身比较优势,调整外贸结构.发展外贸加工产业,打造以贸易带加工、以加工促贸易的对外贸易新格局,努力提升外贸国际竞争力。  相似文献   

Two sets of questionnaires were administered to 206 individuals at three locations in Salima District, central Malawi, in order to evaluate and compare consumers' attitudes to and acceptance of goat's and sheep's milk relative to identically prepared cow's milk. One hundred and seventy-two goat farmers around Bunda College, Lilongwe, central Malawi, were also included in the study to assess their general attitude towards the consumption of goat's milk. About 62% and 96% of consumers in Salima have never consumed goat's and sheep's milk respectively. Unavailability was the major factor (P < 0.D001) influencing the attitudes of the people towards consumption of goat's and sheep's milk, followed by the fact that it is not traditional to milk goats and sheep and consume their milk, a major reason (P < 0.D001) in Lilongwe. Strong flavour and taste was a tertiary factor in the study. Respondents failed to associate coded milk samples with actual sources. Mean taste scores (based on a five-point scale of 1 = like very much, 5 = dislike very much) for goat's, sheep's and cow's milk were 1.81, 2.12 and 2.77, respectively. There were no significant differences among milk sources in these scores. The results indicate that goat's and sheep's milk is just as acceptable as cow's milk.  相似文献   

日本地震保险制度及其借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
史本叶  孙黎 《商业研究》2011,(9):116-120
日本地震保险制度是世界上比较先进和完善的地震保险制度,今年的"3.11东日本大地震"更是让日本地震保险制度备受关注,研究日本地震保险制度对探索中国巨灾保险制度具有重要意义。本文在介绍日本地震保险制度建立和发展的基础上,重点研究了日本地震保险制度的主要内容、特点和重要作用,并提出了对我国发展巨灾保险的几点启示。  相似文献   

恩格尔系数作为衡量居民生活水平的重要指标,其理论基础是恩格尔定律。作为实证性定律,恩格尔定律并没有严格的理论推理,其在我国的应用也受到一些质疑。本文基于效用函数假设和马斯洛层次需求理论,对恩格尔定律进行了理论推导;并利用省际面板数据(1981~2010)对模型进行了检验,结果表明恩格尔定律在我国是成立的。因此,使用恩格尔系数评价和比较我国居民生活水平是可靠的。  相似文献   

亚当·斯密的《国富论》对现代经济学产生了极其深远的影响,而严复的译作《原富》也给当时的中国带来了西方最新的思潮,启发了国人的心智。通过比较亚当·斯密的《国富论》原文和严复的译作《原富》,从经济自由主义、反重商主义和最小政府三个方面,研究二者之间的异同点,在更深层次上把握严复对于亚当·斯密观点的传承和发展,从而探究严复的富国策。  相似文献   

An overlooked strategic benefit of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is their impact on brand equity. M&As may affect consumer brand preferences, which in turn will affect a firm’s profit. We develop a structural model with a difference-in-differences specification to measure how M&As affect a firm’s profit through three mechanisms: brand equity, cost synergies, and product portfolios. We analyze Lenovo’s acquisition of IBM’s PC division in China’s PC market and find that the increase in brand equity contributed the most to increasing Lenovo’s profit, followed by cost synergies. To explore the generalizability of our modeling approach, we apply it to Geely’s acquisition of Volvo and also find that the gains in brand equity contributed the most to Geely’s profit increase.  相似文献   

目前,新加坡的海外投资被认为是新加坡经济发展的第二翅膀,对外投资总额已经超过了新加坡的GDP,这离不开新加坡政府的大力支持和推动。通过论述新加坡海外投资的一些基本现状,分析新加坡政府为推动企业海外投资提供的战略支持、搭建平台、贴心服务、开路先锋等方面的成功经验,为新时期我国推动企业更好地"走出去"提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper applies Plato’s cave allegory to Enron’s success and downfall. Plato’s famous tale of cave dwellers illustrates the different levels of truth and understanding. These levels include images, the sources of images, and the ultimate reality behind both. The paper first describes these levels of perception as they apply to Plato’s cave dwellers and then provides a brief history of the rise of Enron. Then we apply Plato’s levels of understanding to Enron, showing how the company created its image and presented information to support that image, and how the public eventually emerged from the cave to realize the truth about Enron’s actual accounting practices and financial state, which led to the corporation’s downfall. We find Plato’s allegory both useful in analyzing the relationship between Enron and the public and instructive about the power and moral responsibility of Enron’s executives.  相似文献   

本文分析了中国船舶业的国际地位,评析了船舶业对外贸易的发展态势。作为船舶生产大国,中国船舶产品出口贸易方式以加工贸易为主,出口主要集中在劳动密集型产品,附加值低,不利于船舶产业技术创新和升级。今后在产业结构调整和整合基础上,我国船舶企业应将技术研发和技术创新放在优先位置,从本质上提高我国船舶业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   


Leading digital technology companies have shown a strong interest in enabling children to send electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Recasting children from passive to active participants in marketing communications, this shift expands children’s marketing practices from how companies influence children via traditional marketing communications, to how children influence companies’ marketing practices through eWOM. We apply the value-capacity-vulnerability framework for children’s expressive rights to the context of children’s eWOM. Using a dataset of Amazon customer reviews written by children under the age of 13, we examine the characteristics and business impact of children’s eWOM. We find that the volume and variance of children’s eWOM are smaller than that of adults’. Children’s eWOM increase the overall diversity of opinions. Although receivers perceive children’s eWOM as less helpful, children’s eWOM valence (i.e. average rating) correlates with that of adults’. Children’s eWOM volume has a product-category-dependent association with product sales: positively in children’s product categories, while negatively in general categories. Children’s eWOM valence and variance are positively associated with product sales in both product categories. Receivers are less likely to criticize children’s eWOM compared to that of adults’, suggesting an underlying protective behaviour towards children among eWOM receivers. These results show that children have the capacity to engage in eWOM of social and business value, with receivers typically mindful of children’s vulnerability in social interactions.  相似文献   

发展我国离岸金融市场的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据国际经验,离岸金融市场的发展给世界许多国家带来了巨大的经济利益和便利,带动本国经济的发展。改革开放以来,我国经济发展迅速。根据我国加入WTO后的承诺,我国金融业的对外开放将进一步深化。在这一新的大背景下,有必要在我国建立离岸金融市场,以满足我国经济快速、健康、持续发展的需要  相似文献   

文章利用1992~2018年中国从80个国家石油进口的非平衡面板数据,实证考察出口国发生局部地区冲突对中国石油进口的影响,并对其异质性特征和可能的影响机制予以识别。研究表明,出口国局部地区冲突会给中国石油进口带来显著的负向冲击,该影响主要是局部地区冲突引起出口国石油产量下降所致。局部地区冲突不会通过国际油价和中国石油对外直接投资影响中国石油进口。石油资源禀赋和"一带一路"倡议能够在一定程度上对冲局部冲突对中国石油进口的负向影响。局部地区冲突对中国石油进口的冲击具有明显的阶段性特征,并且随着中国石油进口依存度的攀升逐渐增强。在当前国际油市深度调整的现实背景下,该研究为深刻认识一系列国际重大突发事件对中国石油进口的影响、保障中国石油进口安全提供了科学借鉴。  相似文献   


This study examines the significance of supplier's expectation of continuity of its relationship with a manufacturer, perception of manufacturer's reputation, trust in manufacturer's credibility, trust in manufacturer's benevolence, and dependence on manufacturer as determinants of its willingness to invest in supporting a manufacturer's line. Data collected from Malaysian and Korean auto suppliers indicate that expectation of continuity of relationship, manufacturer reputation, and trust in manufacturer's credibility are significant determinants of supplier willingness to invest, while supplier dependence and trust in manufacturer's benevolence are not.  相似文献   

《Business History》2012,54(6):800-821
This article examines the entry of US-based cosmetics firm Avon into the Brazilian market from 1958 to 1975. Avon's direct-to-home distribution model and family brand strategy gave the company a competitive advantage in the Brazilian cosmetics market. However, Avon's branch managers had to adapt the company's marketing strategy and recruitment practices to accommodate Brazilian standards of feminine respectability and in response to saleswomen who expanded distribution beyond the company's original target markets. Avon's Brazilian branch excluded women from management positions, and the company's marketing materials emphasised conservative gender roles for women. Nonetheless, Avon sales increased many women's economic agency.  相似文献   

International embargos and the withdrawal of Soviet technical expertise had by the early 1960s effectively engrained China’s approach to energy and technical self-sufficiency. Chinese officials cited reasons similar to those advanced by Edith Penrose in her critique of the international oil companies’ (IOC’s) investments. Drawing on Penrose’s approach, this article shows that although self-sufficiency led to significant progress in primary capacity, self-sufficiency had to be reconciled with increasing demand for more complex petrochemicals. Modernisation increased China’s reliance on the IOC’s technology and reduced pricing independence, confirming a historical regularity in the market imperfections underpinning the power of the IOCs.  相似文献   

本文通过对当前中国国家治理研究的综述和归纳认为,有关当前中国国家治理的研究不可谓不繁荣,这些研究成果既涉及到了宏观的国家治理体制,又涉及到了微观的国家治理方式,更关注到了动态的国家治理转型,全方位、多视角的为我们呈现出了一幅“横看成林侧成峰,远近高低各不同”的国家治理图景。然而,由于拘泥于“时空”限制所带来的理论深度不够和由于拘泥于“范式”限制所带来的研究范式陈旧,当前的中国国家治理研究也呈现出了一定程度的“贫困”。如何突破研究的表象,寻找中国国家治理的内在逻辑?如何突破陈旧的范式,寻找新的解释模型?这都是当前中国国家治理研究必须直面和解决的难题。  相似文献   

This article examined the degree to which a supply manager's intrapreneurial ability influences the quality of individual-level relationships with internal customers and the supplier's account executive. The moderating influence of the buyer's firm-level commitment to the supplier and how these relationships subsequently impact supplier performance were explored. The study assessed the supply manager's intrapreneurial ability using survey data gathered from 110 supply managers across a variety of industries. In key supplier relationships, a supply manager's intrapreneurial ability positively influences the quality of internal and external relationships. The firm's commitment to the supplier weakens the relationship between intrapreneurial ability and relationship quality. The findings highlight the value of individual skills to enhance relationships The ability to behave intrapreneurially shapes the quality of internal and supplier relationships. However, only the supply manager's relationship with the supplier's account executive is related to supplier performance. By examining the impact of intrapreneurial ability on individual-level relationships with internal customers and supplier's account executive, a more comprehensive view of business-to-business relationship management in the supply chain is gained.  相似文献   

中美银行业盈利能力比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取ROA(资产收益率)作为衡量中美银行业盈利能力的最终指标,本文将ROA分解为多项中间指标,分别从收入和支出方面分析中美银行业盈利能力的差异及原因。研究结果显示:与美国银行业相比,中国银行业在利息支出、营业支出和所得税方面有一定的优势,但在利息收入、非利息收入方面劣势明显,最终导致中国银行业的盈利能力低于美国银行业。中国银行业应在现有低成本的优势下居安思危,学习美国盈利能力高的银行先进的资产负债管理技术,提高利息和非利息收入占总资产的比重,努力缩小和美国盈利能力较高银行业之间的差距。  相似文献   

Although a large amount of research has been undertaken into donor acquisition, relationship development, and the reasons why certain donors terminate their support for fundraising charities, few studies have examined the factors that encourage lapsed donors to resume giving to the organizations they have deserted. This empirical investigation sought to contribute to contemporary knowledge concerning this important matter via a survey of 310 lapsed donors (some of whom had resumed giving) to a hospice charity in the south east of England. The variables hypothesized to influence donor revival decisions comprised a person's satisfaction with the charity's work, past communications received from the organization, communications associated with the charity's revival efforts, the individual's donation history and reason for initial lapse, and the ex‐donor's degree of involvement with charity giving. A person's feelings of regret were posited to represent a critical mediating variable between several of the abovementioned factors and a lapsed donor's decision to resume or not to resume giving. The results suggest that regret did indeed play a major role in lapsed donors' revival processes and that an individual's satisfaction with the quality of a charity's communications requesting the recommencement of the individual's support was a crucial determinant of restart decisions.  相似文献   

日本泡沫经济与中国当前经济对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近几年中国经济的某些现象与日本当年的泡沫经济颇有几分相似之处,如货币升值、房地产价格持续攀升,这使得人们担心中国经济能否如日本经济泡沫破裂后陷入长期低迷。但是,当前的中国经济与日本泡沫经济有许多的不同点:经济发展水平不同、金融自由化的程度不同、政府的重视程度及宏观调控措施不同、经济泡沫化的程度不同和经济增长的潜力不同,这种种的不同可以确保中国经济能够长期稳定的增长。  相似文献   

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