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This study uses resource‐based measures to explore the evolution of China's demand and supply for food. China's dietary shift from plant to animal‐based foods, induced by its income growth, is likely to impose considerable pressure on agricultural resources. China's demand for food on this measure appears consistent with global trends, while China is an out‐performer on the supply side, producing much more food than its income level and land endowment would predict. China's current per capita income is in a range where consumption growth is high and in excess of production growth, but the gap between supply and demand is likely to diminish as population and per capita consumption growth decelerate. Continuing agricultural productivity growth and sustainable resource management will be important influences on the growth of China's future net import demand for food.  相似文献   

With the decline of cotton especially in the marginal cotton areas, farmers have been using more of the cotton‐financed inputs on the cereals. The cotton para‐statal company (CMDT) has made a virtue out of this recommending diversification for these regions. Following the world price spike in 2010, the Malian government responded with a substantial price increase for cotton in 2011 of 38% to rejuvenate the Malian sector. This article looks at the impact of this price policy in the cotton economy and the potential of new cereal technology and marketing strategy to raise incomes and facilitate the diversification. Given the importance of the marketing decision of selling later after the recovery of cereal prices from the harvest collapse, a discrete stochastic programming model was developed for three‐stage decision making. Then, the recent changes in the cotton economy and government fertilizer subsidies were analyzed along with the introduction of the new technology marketing of sorghum. Cotton and maize continue to dominate the economy but the combined sorghum technology marketing increases farmers’ incomes by 16% to 21% and eases the return to normal cotton prices, after the 2011 price spike, as well as the removal of the fertilizer subsidies.  相似文献   

After 2008, China dairy industry has experienced a consolidation supported by the government mainly for the reason of food safety. Subsidies are one of the tools to shape a concentrated market with goals of reducing regulation cost and accomplishing quality control. This gives a serious concern that subsidies would generate a less competitive dairy industry. We construct a parametric model and use the firm‐level panel data, specifically the top eight dairy firms, to test if government subsidies strengthen the market power in the dairy industry. Our empirical results indicate government subsidies have a negative impact on the Lerner index for the top privately owned firms, but no significant effect on state‐controlled ones after controlling for advertising, time trend, and proprietorship. It is possible that the subsidies give more room for private firms to increase the scale or suppress the price, which eventually reduces the market power and benefits dairy customers in the downstream.  相似文献   

Food Price Bubbles and Government Intervention: Is China Different?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The last decade has witnessed different price trajectories in the international and Chinese agricultural commodity markets. This paper compares and contrasts these dynamic patterns between markets from the perspective of price bubbles. A newly developed right‐tailed unit root testing procedure is applied to detect price bubbles in the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and Chinese agricultural futures market during the period 2005–14. Results show that Chinese markets experienced less prominent speculative bubbles than the international markets for its high self‐sufficiency commodities (wheat and corn), but not for low self‐sufficiency commodities (soybean). The difference in price behavior is attributed to differences in market intelligence, and to Chinese agricultural policies related to trade as well as domestic government policies. Besides, it discusses challenges to the sustainability of the stable price trajectory in Chinese markets. Au cours de la dernière décennie, les prix des produits agricoles sur les marchés chinois et international ont suivi des trajectoires variées. Dans le présent article, nous comparons les divers marchés sur le plan des bulles de prix des produits agricoles. Nous avons utilisé un nouveau test de racine unitaire qui exploite la queue de droite de la distribution de la statistique pour déceler les bulles de prix des produits agricoles sur le Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) et sur les marchés à terme chinois au cours de la période 2005–14. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que les marchés chinois ont connu des bulles spéculatives moins prononcées que les marchés internationaux dans le cas des produits agricoles pour lesquels l'autosuffisance de la Chine est très élevée (le blé et le maïs), par rapport aux produits pour lesquels l'autosuffisance est faible (le soja). La différence sur le plan du comportement des prix est attribuable aux différences sur le plan de l'information commerciale ainsi qu'aux politiques agricoles chinoises en matière de commerce et à la politique intérieure du pays. Nous avons également examiné les défis par rapport à la durabilité d'une trajectoire de prix stables sur les marchés chinois.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the dynamic interplay between farm exit and entry of single‐holder farms (SF) in a dualistic farm structure in the Nitra region of the Slovak Republic. Our focus is on economic and noneconomic reasons for farm exit. The impact of varying both the likelihood of succession and the initial farm operator age distributions is studied. An agent‐based simulation model of structural change in agriculture is applied, which brings together farm‐internal and ‐external determinants and creates a set of endogenous adjustment reactions. We show that the stepwise introduction of direct payments of the Common Agricultural Policy in Slovakia has a strong impact on its structural development. In the short‐ to medium‐term, the dualistic farm structure together with a specific age structure of farms still persists as a response to the policy. The phasing‐in of payments persuades SF to stay and potential successors to enter. In the longer run, the initially heterogeneous farm structure becomes increasingly homogeneous toward larger SF. The prevalence of small SF in the medium‐ to long‐term is not necessarily a given. This may lead decision makers to reconsider the role of individual farms in rural development. Dans le présent article, nous avons étudié la relation entre l'entrée en agriculture de fermes à propriétaire unique et leur sortie dans un contexte d'agriculture dualiste dans la région de Nitra, en Slovaquie. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur les raisons économiques et non économiques qui motivent la sortie. Nous avons étudié l'impact liéà la possibilité de relève et à la répartition par âge des agriculteurs. Pour évaluer le changement structurel en agriculture, nous avons utilisé un modèle de simulation multi‐agent qui réunit les facteurs internes et externes et crée un ensemble de réactions d'adaptation endogènes. Nous avons montré que l'introduction progressive des paiements directs accordés dans le cadre de la Politique agricole commune en Slovaquie a des répercussions considérables sur son développement structurel. À court et à moyen termes, l'agriculture dualiste, combinée à la structure de l'âge des exploitations agricoles, demeure une réaction à la politique en place. La mise en place progressive des paiements persuade les exploitations à propriétaire unique de demeurer dans le secteur et encourage les successeurs potentiels à y entrer. À plus long terme, la structure agricole qui était hétérogène au départ devient de plus en plus homogène et compte de plus grandes fermes à propriétaire unique. À court et à moyen termes, la prévalence de petites fermes à propriétaire unique ne va pas nécessairement de soi. Cette situation pourrait amener les décideurs à réexaminer le rôle des exploitations individuelles dans le développement rural.  相似文献   

Mobile phones and the internet have significantly affected practically all sectors of the economy and agriculture is no exception. Building on a recent World Bank flagship report, this article introduces a concise framework for describing the main benefits from new information and communication technologies. They promote greater inclusion in the broader economy, raise efficiency by complementing other production factors, and foster innovation by dramatically reducing transaction costs. The article reviews the recent literature on corresponding technology impacts in the rural sector in developing countries. Digital technologies overcome information problems that hinder market access for many small‐scale farmers, increase knowledge through new ways of providing extension services, and they provide novel ways for improving agricultural supply chain management. While there are many promising examples of positive impacts on rural livelihoods—or “digital dividends”—these have often not scaled up to the extent expected. The main reason is that technology can always only address some, but not all of the barriers faced by farmers in poorer countries.  相似文献   

This study develops an import demand model to explore the role of income in explaining the trade performance of low‐, middle‐ and high‐income countries with a special emphasis on Brazil, Russia, India and China – the BRIC economies. The study estimates the impact of the growth in per capita income on the trade of agrifood products using data from 52 countries and 20 agrifood products for the years 1990–2006. The results suggest that China, Russia and Brazil now have more income elastic import demands than other middle‐income countries. Conversely, the income elasticities of import demand in India are similar to other low‐income countries and for the most part statistically equal to zero.  相似文献   

Substantial effort is expended in the design of surveys, including the amount and type of information they contain. However, we often do not know how involved respondents are in reading and processing the informational content of a survey and making choices, and whether different levels of involvement result in systematic differences in estimated models. To address this issue, we recorded response times for each respondent of an internet‐based choice experiment for stream restoration. Response times per survey section and for the entire survey were used as proxies for the amount of involvement in reading information provided or answering choice questions. Response times per survey section fell rapidly, possibly signaling learning, use of heuristics, or attempts to quickly dispel with the survey. Response times were found to be independent of demographics and attitudes. Log‐likelihood ratio tests failed to reject the null hypotheses of equal coefficients and scale parameters across response time‐partitioned data. However, there exists an association between response times and the increasing learning curve or difficult choice trade‐offs, suggesting a heuristic response. Additional research on response time effects and survey design is needed, especially with the rise in electronic surveying media. D'énormes efforts sont investis dans la conception de sondages, notamment pour déterminer la quantité et le type d'information présentée. Toutefois, nous ne savons pas combien de temps les répondants consacrent à la lecture et au traitement de cette information et au choix des réponses, ni si les divers degrés de participation entraînent ou non des différences systématiques dans les modèles estimés. Pour s'attaquer à cette question, nous avons chronométré les personnes qui ont répondu à un sondage en ligne sur la restauration des cours d'eau. Nous avons utilisé le temps de réponse pour chaque section et pour le sondage au complet comme mesure approximative de l'effort des participants pour lire l'information et répondre aux questions. Pour chaque section, le temps de réponse diminuait rapidement, soit en raison des connaissances heuristiques des répondants, soit en raison de leur désir d'effectuer le sondage le plus rapidement possible. Le temps de réponse s'est révélé indépendant des caractéristiques démographiques et des attitudes des répondants. Des tests du rapport de vraisemblance n'ont pas rejeté les hypothèses nulles de coefficients égaux et de paramètres d'échelle de l'ensemble des données cloisonnées. Toutefois, il existe un lien entre le temps de réponse et la courbe d'apprentissage croissante ou la difficulté des choix, ce qui laisse supposer une réponse heuristique. Il faudrait effectuer davantage de recherche sur les effets du temps consacré pour répondre à un sondage et pour le concevoir, en raison du nombre croissant de sondages en ligne.  相似文献   

Urban expansion in contemporary China: What can we learn from a small town?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rapid physical expansion of urban land use is widely observed in Chinese cities. Although there is a consensus that economic liberalization and decentralization of administrative responsibilities explain the urban changes, it is not clear whether or not actual economic and population growth is the only cause of urban expansion. By using a small town as a case study, this paper shows that urban expansion is a combined outcome of actual needs, planning preparations, profit-seeking, and more importantly, the approach used by local government to achieve economic ambitions. Findings show that local economic and demographic changes do contribute to land-use expansion, but a local development approach that uses urban expansion to improve the competitive edge of the locality plays a critical role. A pro-growth coalition consisting of top local government officials, state work-unit leaders, and developers, whose interests align for short-term gain in economic and political terms, guarantee the mobilization of resources for carrying out the rapid urban expansion, and a vision of the local economic success. These findings add in a new dimension that is not yet seen in the study of China's urban expansion.  相似文献   

Consumers are willing to pay a higher price for products certified as sustainable. By implication, such certification is in the interest of producers, too. A general claim that sustainability characteristics automatically imply a price margin may not, however, be justified. Rather, several price premia might be necessary. This analysis based on 882 product prices of the German online retail, is concerned with the price premia attached to various labels and products. It estimates individual price premia for products, like coffee, tea, sweets, spices, etc., showing that sustainable food labeling is not always an indicator for a price markup. In fact, for some products (e.g. spices, chocolate) and labels (e.g. UTZ) a negative price effect is even estimated. Such markdowns may be due to a differing emphasis on sustainability issues along the supply chain for some products or the label’s certification policies.  相似文献   

Cropland abandonment occurring both nationally and globally threatens food security and environmental sustainability. We explore whether agricultural cooperatives help reduce cropland abandonment, using data collected from 5,593 households in 229 villages in China. By estimating a two-stage residual inclusion approach, we provide evidence that the existence of agricultural cooperatives in rural villages reduces the probability of cropland abandonment and the abandonment ratio. Further analysis shows that cooperative effects on cropland abandonment and the abandonment ratio are heterogeneous across geographic locations.  相似文献   

Will Enlargement Gridlock CAP Reforms? a Political Economy Perspective This article highlights the role of political institutions in predicting further reforms of the CAP We argue that the institutional setup of the political decision-making process has given rise to levels of farm support that neither represent the political will of the majority of national governments nor of the Commission. We further argue that, in theory, this gap will widen due to the need to accommodate the diverse preferences of the New Member States. In practice, however, the institutional structure of CAP decision-making will give rise to a gridlock in the Council, impeding further reforms. We argue that one possible route to further reform is via a coalition of national governments and the Commission, harnessing future WTO negotiations to break the gridlock and force the Agricultural Council to accept further reforms. Decoupling will become an internal driver of further reform because it makes transfers transparent and politically visible, thus casting doubt on the legitimacy of payments to large farms and wealthy farmers. We thus expect the CAP's rationale to shift further in the direction of multifunctionality and public-good type benefits. Enlargement at most poses a further obstacle to reform but will not halt the process of making the CAP more effective, efficient and more equitable. Se peut-il que l'éiarqissement paralyse la réforme de fa PAC ? Un point de vue d'économie politique Le projecteur est mis sur Je rôle des institutions politiques pour l'avenir des nouvelles réformes de la PAC. L'idée est que le cadre institutionnel dans tequel se prennent les décisions a produit un niveau de soutien aux agriculteurs qui ne correspond ni aux vceux de la majorité des gouvernements, ni à celui de la Commission. Enthéorie, cet écart devrait s'accroître, à cause de la nécessité de satisfaire la variété des préférences des nouveaux membres. En pratique, cependant, les structures institutionnelles au sein desquelles sont prises les décisions relatives à la PAC devraient conduire à la paralysie du Conseil, empêchant ainsi toute réforme future. Une solution possible serait la constitution d'une coalition entre la Commission et certains gouvernements nationaux, qui se serviraient des négotiations à venir à l'OMC pour faire éclater le blocage, et forcer l'adoption de nouvelles réformes par le Conseil des ministres de l'Agriculture, Le découplage deviendra alors le moteur des réformes à venir, en faisant apparaître les transferts et en les rendant politiquement visibles, ce qui jettera le doute sur la légitimité des paiements à de gros agriculteurs riches. On peut done s'attendre à ce que la logique de la PAC glisse toujours plus vers la multifonctionalité et la recherche dela production de biens publics. Ainsi, l' élargissement constitue au plus un nouvel obstacle, mais qui ne devrait pas arrêter le processus par lequel la PAC évolue vers plus d'efficacité, de rationalité et d' équité. Wird die Erweiterung die Reformen der GAP blockieren? Eine politökonomische Perspektive Dieser Beitrag hebt die Rolle politischer Institutionen für die Vorhersage weiterer Reformen der GAP hervor. Wir argumentieren, dass der institutionelle Aufbau des Prozesses der politischen Entscheidungsfindung zu einem solchen Ausmaß der Stützung von landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben geführt hat, welches weder von der Mehrheit der nationalen Regierungen noch von der Kommission gewollt ist. Weiterhta argumentieren wir, dass sich diese Kluft in der Theorie vergrößern wird, da den unterschiedlichen Präferenzen der neuen Mitgliedstaaten Rechnung getragen werden muss. In der Praxis jedoch wird die institutionelle Struktur der Entscheidungsfindung in der GAP für eine Blockade im Ministerrat sorgen und somit weitere Reformen behindern. Wir argumentieren, dass ein gangbarer Weg zu weiteren Reformen über eine Koalition nationaler Regierungen mit der Kommission fiihrt, welche die Blockade mit Hilfe der zukünftigen WTO-Verhandiungen bricht und den Agrarministerrat zwingt, weitere Reformen zu akzeptieren. Die Entkopplung wird sich als wichtige Triebfeder für weitere Reformen erweisen, da sie Transferleistungen transparent und politisch sichtbar macht und so die Legitimität von Zahlungen an großs“e landwirtschaftliche Betriebe und wohlhabende Landwirte in Frage stellt, Somit erwarten wir, dass sich die Begründung der GAP mehr in die Richtung von Multifunktionalität und Bereitstellung öffentlicher Güter entwickeln wird. Die Erweiterung stellt höchstens ein weiteres Hindernis für die Reformen dar, kann die Entwicklung, die GAP effektiver, effizienter und fairer zu gestalten, jedoch nicht aufhalten.  相似文献   

Whether producer cooperatives could serve as a stepping stone leading to socialism is a much debated issue in Marxian scholarship. It has now been recognized that producer cooperatives might possess paradoxical potentials of promoting egalitarian economy and democratic management whilst at the same time constructing class hierarchies. So far, agrarian scholars have already identified how pre-existing social differentiation facilitated privileged members to exploit the marginal non-members. However, they have not explored how members exercise their agency in challenging the class division. In summer 2013, at the height of China's cooperatization movement, I embarked on a project of “engaged anthropology” to mobilize shrimp farmers in South China to establish a cooperative so as to challenge agribusinesses that squeeze farmers' returns, but members ended up hiring outside labour. However, members tried hard to bridge the hierarchy between investors and workers as well as between managers and labourers in order to expand its membership and build the village's reputation. This paper traces how cooperative members deal with the dilemmas between profit maximization and egalitarian distribution, highlighting the importance of class analysis for a pro-poor cooperative movement.  相似文献   

Agricultural biotechnology (genetic modification) has encountered resistance from many consumers, resulting in disparate regulatory approaches across different jurisdictions. The recent advent of CRISPR-Cas9, or gene editing, offers the potential for significant improvements in plant breeding. However, little is known currently about consumer responses to the technology. A factor often omitted from previous economic analyses of consumer acceptance of new food technologies is underlying human values or worldviews. Drawing upon cultural cognition theory and using data from a survey of Canadian consumers, we examine the influence of cultural values on food choice behaviours. Respondents’ pre-existing cultural values are measured on two dimensions: hierarchy-egalitarianism and individualism-communitarianism. Choice behaviours are captured using a discrete choice experiment featuring a sliced apple product with two consumer-oriented attributes (non-browning and antioxidant-enhanced) and three novel food technologies (gene editing, genetic modification, edible coating). Using a random parameters logit model with error components we find pre-existing cultural values to be significant determinants of choice behaviours. Individuals pre-disposed towards a hierarchical worldview are more accepting of novel food technologies, as are individuals with a communitarian worldview. While the use of gene editing results in negative marginal utilities in a food choice situation, the effect is not as large as with genetic modification, suggesting there is scope to ameliorate potentially negative reactions to the technology with value-compatible messages.  相似文献   

The so called “land grabbing” has gained increased attention since the outburst of the global financial and food crisis triggering a new trend of acquiring land for outsourcing production of food, feed and agrofuels. India as one of the newly emerging economies is investing heavily in farmland as it faces enormous challenges to sustain its rising population and growing energy demands. This paper analyses Indian land acquisitions in Ethiopia, looking into India’s motivations to acquire farmland and what incentives does Ethiopia have to lease out land to large investors. The paper draws on trade data between India and Ethiopia, expert interviews, studies and reports on the use and productivity of grabbed land. In view of the land grabbing and food security debate, the paper critically evaluates whether acquiring farmland in Ethiopia can indeed contribute to food and energy security in India.  相似文献   

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