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浅议地震保险制度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
汶川大地震给我国造成了严重的生命和财产损失,但是保险的赔付金额在总损失金额中的占比非常小,原因主要是我国地震保险制度还不成熟,参保率还很低。本文通过数据说明了地震所造成的损失,论证了完善地震保险制度的必要性,然后分析了我国目前地震保险制度存在问题,并在借鉴国外先进经验的基础上,提出了完善我国地震保险制度的具体政策措施。  相似文献   

雷羡梅 《城市问题》2003,(4):56-59,5
提出了城市经济保障体系的概念 ,认为经济保障体系是指城市政府为保证城市内部各项经济活动的顺利进行而实施的一系列保护措施、制度、法规等。指出城市政府应不断完善经济保障体系 ,以减少城市内部的各行其是与无序竞争 ,降低城市经济的运作成本 ,提高城市的经济效益  相似文献   

文章结合我国目前保险资金运用监管的不足和新规可能带来的挑战,从保险资金运用的监管模式、监管主体的能力两个方面,对新法律体系下保险资金运用监管的完善提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

文章以湖南社会保险存在的问题为切入点,在考察国内外现行保险制度的基础上,结合本省现状,探讨湖南社会保险与商业保险融合问题的对策创新、体系建设研究以及融合体系的具体运行模式。从而构建符合我省省情的商业保险与社会保险融合体系,打造具有湖湘特色的社会保险与商业保险融合模式。  相似文献   

我国存款保险制度的建立和完善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈飞 《财会月刊》2006,(8):37-39
本文从我国金融业的现状出发,首先分析了在我国建立存款保险制度的必要性,然后讨论了我国建立存款保险制度可能面临的一些挑战,并提出了若干对策.  相似文献   

陈飞 《财会月刊》2006,(11):79-80
本文对我国环境责任保险的现状进行了分析,指出了建立环境责任保险制度的意义,并提出了完善我国环境责任保险制度的对策.  相似文献   

文平 《企业技术开发》2012,(34):88-89,103
我国现行保险公司的合规管理体制缺乏科学的程序、有效的组织保障和系统性,是一种模糊低效的运作方式,需要大力推广和普及全新的合规管理理念,设置统一的合规规划和管理部门,加强对一线员工的系统培训和指导,确保检查部门独立于业务活动。  相似文献   

Most competitive models of insurance markets under asymmetric information predict a positive relationship between coverage and the accident probability. This paper derives the conditions under which this prediction holds true in a general setting involving multiple loss levels and fixed administrative costs. If there is one loss level, this prediction holds necessarily true only if all equilibrium contracts offer strictly positive coverage. With multiple loss levels, the positive relationship between coverage and the accident probability may not hold true even if all contracts offer strictly positive coverage and administrative costs are zero. These results have important implications for empirical testing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of federal deposit insurance on the riskiness of the commercial banking system. It is generally acknowledged that a system affixed rate deposit insurance creates incentives for banks to increase their risk-taking activities. Yet very little empirical evidence exists confirming or refuting this supposition. The coefficient of variation of bank profits and the standard deviation of profits are used as measures of bank risk. How these measures of bank risk are affected by deposit insurance coverage, and other variables thought to affect bank risk, is examined. Deposit insurance is found to have a statistically significant positive effect on bank risk. This result provides empirical support for the FDIC Improvement Act requirement of risk related deposit insurance premiums starting January 1994.  相似文献   

Recent experience with disasters and terrorist attacks in the US indicates that state and local governments rely on the federal sector for support after disasters occur. But these same governments invest in infrastructure designed to reduce vulnerability to natural and man-made hazards. We show that when the federal government is committed to full insurance against disasters, regions will have incentives to under-invest in ex-ante protective measures. We derive the structure of the optimal second-best insurance system when regional governments choose investment levels non-cooperatively and the central government cannot verify regional investment choices. For low probability disasters this will result in lower ex-post intergovernmental transfers (and hence less ex-post redistribution) and greater ex-ante investment. However, the second-best transfer scheme suffers from a time-inconsistency problem. Ex-post, the central government will be driven towards full insurance rather than the second-best grants, which results in a type of soft budget constraint problem. Sub-national governments will anticipate this and reduce their investment in protective infrastructure even further. The result is that the central government may be better off suffering the underinvestment that results with first-best transfers because investment is even lower under second-best transfers when the central government is unable to commit.  相似文献   

关于构建我国保险信用评级制度的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
保险信用评级制度是为市场参与者提供服务的一种机制,虽然保险信用评价制度已有近百年的历史,但是在中国等发展中国家,信用评级机构还比较少,信用评级制度急需完善。文中从各个方面讨论和思考了我国保险信用评级制度的构建问题,对我国保险信用评级制度起了一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

随着经济的繁荣,我国海外投资活动日渐增多,对海外投资的保护也提到议事日程。但到目前为止,我国对海外投资的保护还很不力,各国已实行多年并行之有效的海外投资保险制度在我国仅具雏形。文章在分析国外相关制度的基础上,结合我国海外投资的具体实践,从保险制度的模式、承保机构、投保人、承保范围等方面对我国海外投资保险制度的建立提出了简要设计。  相似文献   

对我国农业保险补贴制度的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章认为,目前我国的农业保险市场处于萎缩状态,其重要原因之一就是缺少政府力量的支持,政府补贴缺位,因此,有必要明确财政补贴的必要性,了解我国农业保险补贴的困境,以探寻我国农业保险补贴的出路,这对我国农业经济的发展意义重大。  相似文献   

Minimum-cost portfolio insurance is an investment strategy that enables an investor to avoid losses while still capturing gains of a payoff of a portfolio at minimum cost. If derivative markets are complete, then holding a put option in conjunction with the reference portfolio provides minimum-cost insurance at arbitrary arbitrage-free security prices. We derive a characterization of incomplete derivative markets in which the minimum-cost portfolio insurance is independent of arbitrage-free security prices. Our characterization relies on the theory of lattice-subspaces. We establish that a necessary and sufficient condition for price-independent minimum-cost portfolio insurance is that the asset span is a lattice-subspace of the space of contingent claims. If the asset span is a lattice-subspace, then the minimum-cost portfolio insurance can be easily calculated as a portfolio that replicates the targeted payoff in a subset of states which is the same for every reference portfolio.  相似文献   

本文分析了日本保险业危机前监管中存在的问题:政府主导型监管体制存在弊端,投资监管不力,事后安全网建设缺乏,信息公开受到限制,市场集中度高.然后从监管体制、市场集中度、外部监督、监管力度、退出机制等方面揭示了我国保险监管的存在问题并做了相应的对策分析.  相似文献   

薛冷 《企业技术开发》2009,28(12):81-81,83
工伤保险属于社会保险,是法定保险范畴;雇主责任险属于商业保险,确切的说属于财产保险中的责任险类别。结合案例,探讨工伤保险与雇主责任险的异同,以便更好的理解两者。  相似文献   

蔡华 《财会月刊》2007,(11):37-39
当前国内企业信用状况堪忧,坏账率较高,大力推广信用保险十分必要.本文运用马尔可夫原理与博弈论,对当前形势下国内信用保险所遇到的定价技术与风险监管问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

The American insurance industry is shackled by regulations and restrictions on all sides. Fred Smith, of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, assesses the harm done. Could Britain follow?  相似文献   

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