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对人力资本所有者进行专用性投资的激励是解决高新技术企业创业期人力资本和非人力资本存在道德风险的关键所在,而如何缓减专用性投资带来的套牢问题便成为重中之重。本文旨在说明关系契约可以解决高新技术企业创业期人力资本专用性投资所带来的套牢问题,同时,关系规范可以降低关系契约与生俱来的谈判成本,有助于关系契约的执行。  相似文献   

赵刚  周密 《现代管理科学》2013,(7):55-57,74
文章从研发投入切入,构建上游企业为垄断竞争、下游企业为古诺竞争的理论模型,设定上游企业的技术创新保留份额和技术偏好机制,分析和比较在纵向分离和纵向一体化中上游企业的研发投入。研究结论:首先,纵向一体化情况下上游企业的整体创新水平更高;其次,纵向分离和纵向一体化情况下,上游企业技术创新成果保留份额与创新水平的关系存在差异,在纵向一体化情况下存在最佳结构;再次,产品市场对上游企业创新水平影响不明显,但是与上游企业的创新水平呈正向关系。  相似文献   

王静  张治民 《价值工程》2013,(20):175-176
长期以来,企业及员工之间的行为、关系、责任都是以显性合同加以规范,但是由于信息的有限性及成本导致显性合同在执行过程中的局限性。带来的的结果是:企业失信、员工失信,企业、员工社会责任缺失。隐性合同是基于合同双方的心理的非限定契约,这种非限定性可以根据契约双方需要增加信息。隐性合同的这一特性可以有效地弥补和解决显性合同的缺陷,使隐形合同更具强制力。文章主要研究企业、员工之间的隐性合同模型构建条件、模型构建以及研究在隐性合同条件下的企业、员工间的责任。  相似文献   

通过对会计稳健性、契约论以及企业价值之间的关系论述,以契约为基础将会计稳健性和企业价值联系起来,探讨了契约效率假说和管理控制假说下的会计稳健性对企业价值的影响。  相似文献   

文章选用2011—2018年沪深A股上市企业为研究对象,实证研究管理层权力、非货币性私有收益与企业投资效率之间的关系,并深入分析管理层权力在非货币性私有收益与企业投资效率关系中发挥的调节作用.结果表明:非货币性私有收益和企业投资效率之间存在负相关关系;管理层权力和企业投资效率之间存在负相关关系;管理层权力会显著增强非货币性私有收益和企业投资效率之间的相关性.  相似文献   

心理契约是一种无形的内在约束,是从精神和理念的高度指引着人们的行为。企业文化是为企业员工构建一套明确的价值观和行为规范,创建一种优良的环境和气氛,能够指导并且作用于企业经营管理的一种管理哲学。它本身是一种"心灵契约"。文章从企业文化与心灵契约的关系、构建企业文化契约的必要性和企业文化建设中契约构建途径等方面对企业文化建设中的心理契约构建进行了探讨,强调了企业文化建设的重要性。  相似文献   

现代企业是由一系列代理关系组成的契约网络。这种代理关系由企业管理者与资源提供者、企业雇员和社会等之间的代理关系组成。代理理论是在企业经营管理权和所有权逐渐分离的情况下产生的,它是研究委托人与代理人之间的权责关系如何体现在契约中的理论,是信息经济学的延...  相似文献   

李婧 《经济界》2001,(5):74-75
现代企业是技术、经营才能与资本通过契约方式的结合,而创新是经济发展的动力本质。在技术进步和知识创新非常显著的今天,企业的治理模式会有什么样的变化呢?本文简要地分析一下呼之欲出的二板市场上的高新技术企业的有关制度问题。 不完全契约与控制权安排 企业可以理解为相关要素通过契约而联结在一起的结合体。契约事前规定了参与企业的各方的权利义务关系,他们必须和可以作出的行为,从行为中得到的收益,包括对违背某些条款的行为的惩罚;产生纠纷时的裁决方案或重新谈判方式;以及其它条款。契约的执行有两种方式,一是自我实施;…  相似文献   

上市公司的会计政策选择及其动机   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨昀 《财会月刊》2005,(10):19-20
一、会计政策选择的一般概述 会计业务的模糊性与不确定性使得会计在计量过程中存在着大量的估计与判断,而经济环境又是复杂且难以预测的,会计准则制定机构不可能对企业发生的每一笔具体业务都制定出确切的处理方法与程序,仅能提供一个大致的框架,因此可以说,会计准则的不完全性在一定程度上为企业进行会计政策选择提供了空间。同时,依照契约理论,企业是一系列复杂契约关系的连接点,会计的一个重要功能在于为企业各类契约的订立与执行提供相应的数据,以界定契约关系。企业的经理人员利用可供选择的会计政策来改变契约中的会计数字,以协调与契约各方的利益关系。  相似文献   

企业托管是指企业的所有者通过契约形式,将企业法人的财产交由具有较强经营管理能力,并能够承担相应经营风险的法人去有偿经营,明晰企业所有者、经营者、生产者责权利关系,保证企业财产保值增值并创造可观的社会效益和经济效益的一种经营活动。  相似文献   

Using an industry-level sample, the author examines the extent to which wholesale trade is carried out by vertically integrated as opposed to non-integrated distributors. Using this sample and a sample of divisions of manufacturing firms, he tests the impact of industry structure, group structure within industry and firm structure on performance at the wholesale level.  相似文献   

Dr. I. Klein 《Metrika》1987,34(1):167-175
Summary In this paper conditions will be derived under which two measurement scales are of the same type. To this end the concepts of a regular measurement system, an irreducible relational system, and an exact definition of the type of a scale are introduced. It will be proved that in the case of fundamental measurement regularity of a measurement system, irreducibility of the corresponding relational system, and the restriction on isomorphic representations are closely related. Finally, some remarks about the group-theoretic foundations of Narens “Theory of Possible Scale Types” will be made.  相似文献   

This paper explores relational practice in strategic alliances. Focusing on how governance mechanisms and negotiation strategies evolve and form patterns of interaction that are under influence of both recursive and adaptive forces, four modes of relational practice are discussed: recursively integrative, recursively distributive, adaptive toward integrative, and adaptive toward distributive. Three longitudinal cases are examined. I find that different contractual conditions enable (or restrain) interaction patterns. Negotiation behaviour, in turn, affects future contractual conditions and their combination and recombination form the evolution of relational practice. As relationships progress, initial governance mechanisms are complemented and negotiation behaviours change. I explain how perceptions of both process and relational outcomes influence relational practice. In addition, I explicate why relational practices have both recursive and adaptive characteristics, and identify conditions that cause relational practices to move towards more integrative or distributive modes.  相似文献   

陈丹  杨之雷 《价值工程》2013,(2):120-122
研究表明,智力资本对企业绩效的提升具有积极的影响作用,智力资本的构成要素即人力资本、结构资本及关系资本三者之间也存在相互影响关系。本文通过对浙江263家中小制造企业的问卷调查与SPSS软件数据分析,得出结论:①智力资本与企业绩效间存在着显著的正相关关系,其中结构资本对于企业绩效的影响最为明显,其次是关系资本;②智力资本的构成层面即人力资本、结构资本和关系资本之间相互影响,相互依赖,共同作用。  相似文献   

When performance is not verifiable, firms in a long-term relationship may rely on incentive contracts that are self-enforced or "relational." This paper studies the optimal design and performance of relational contracts in partnerships such as joint ventures or buyer-seller alliances. Optimal contracts look the same in each period as long as the relationship continues, but may require termination of the relationship after bad outcomes. Payments between the partners depend on their relative performance. In the special case of bilateral trade with specific investments, optimal relational contracting results in a price that varies with cost and demand conditions but is more stable than under spot market bargaining. Parallels are drawn with "Japanese style" subcontracting.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to propose that a relational framework, which is underpinned by a contextual and multilevel conceptualisation of diversity management, can help international transfer of diversity management policies and practices. We argue that the mainstream single-level conceptualisations of diversity management within the territory of legal or organisational policy fail to capture the relational interplay of structural- and agentic-level concerns of equality. Consequently, individual choices, organisational processes, and structural conditions – all of which collectively account for unrelenting power disparity and disadvantage within social and employment contexts – remain generally under explored. The paper proposes a relational framework that bridges the divide between macro-national, meso-organisational and micro-individual levels of analyses to arrive at a more comprehensive, realistic and context-specific framing of diversity management, which can overcome the difficulties of international transfer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study the relationship between actors, who implement the small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) policy, and entrepreneurs, who are the targets of the policy, by focusing on the question who is serving whose interests. The paper presents a case study conducted in one of the sub-regions in Finland. The data include individual interviews with 10 policy implementers and 19 small business entrepreneurs and two group discussions. The data are approached from the perspectives of discourse analysis and positioning theory. The results are further interpreted in terms of agent–principal relations. The results indicate that one relational challenge faced in the implementation of the SME policy is the proxy agency, in which both policy implementers and entrepreneurs position themselves as the principal and the other party as their agent. The proxy agency can be viewed as an interactional pitfall caused by the incompatible discourses of entrepreneurs and policy actors and the actor positions constructed with these discourses. Besides addressing the relational problems enabled by certain individual discourses, the paper also demonstrates how there is also a need to address the potential conflict that stems from the collision between discourses.  相似文献   

In enterprise information systems (EISs) it is necessary to model, integrate and compute very diverse data. In advanced EISs the stored data often are based both on structured (e.g. relational) and semi-structured (e.g. XML) data models. In addition, the ad hoc information needs of end-users may require the manipulation of data-oriented (structural), behavioural and deductive aspects of data. Contemporary languages capable of treating this kind of diversity suit only persons with good programming skills. In this paper we present a concept-oriented query language approach to manipulate this diversity so that the programming skill requirements are considerably reduced. In our query language, the features which need technical knowledge are hidden in application-specific concepts and structures. Therefore, users need not be aware of the underlying technology. Application-specific concepts and structures are represented by the modelling primitives of the extended RDOOM (relational deductive object-oriented modelling) which contains primitives for all crucial real world relationships (is-a relationship, part-of relationship, association), XML documents and views. Our query language also supports intensional and extensional–intensional queries, in addition to conventional extensional queries. In its query formulation, the end-user combines available application-specific concepts and structures through shared variables.  相似文献   

By combining insights from relational network theory and agency theory we identify the boundary conditions to the embeddedness approach to partner selection decisions in interfirm collaborations. Employing a longitudinal dataset comprising the investment syndicates for the population of UK management buyouts between 1993 and 2003, we find that relational embeddedness is less important for selecting partners when agency risks are low, allowing firms to expand their networks. Furthermore, reputational capital may act as a partial substitute for relational embeddedness, again permitting firms to expand their networks. Our findings enhance understanding of the boundary conditions associated with the relational network approach to partner selections and network behaviour.  相似文献   

Public clients’ decisions on the procurement and contracting of civil engineering projects have far-reaching effects on the development and implementation of innovations. Two decades ago, a trend towards the use of integrated contracts started to improve constructability and stimulate innovations. However, for radical innovations, the unilateral allocation of innovation risks to the main contractor is undesirable since most of the associated innovation risks are difficult to assess and manage due to the inherent uncertainties. An in-depth case study was used to investigate the development and application of an alternative public-client-led approach to realizing a radical innovation in a civil engineering project. This study shows that: (1) government championship, through a proactive participation of the public client in the initiation, development and implementation of the project and the willingness to bear innovation risks; (2) the application of innovation risk management strategies and the availability of a fall back option; (3) the establishing of favourable organizational and relational conditions, were determinative factors for the successful development and implementation of the intended radical innovation. Furthermore, seven propositions have been derived that together provide instruments through which public clients can actively promote the development and implementation of radical innovations in civil engineering projects.Subject classification codesManaging Project Risk; Managing Project Innovation; Contract Procurement and Tendering  相似文献   

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