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这不是一种被记录片<大国的崛起>所煽起的情绪.   大概还在5年以前,中国国内的各种财经管理论坛上,“中国制造的竞争力“及“制造业升级换代“等话题盘桓了好长时间.……  相似文献   

中国正在崛起,但正值少年的中国,离“壮年中国”还有相当漫长的一段征程要走这不是一种被记录片《大国的崛起》所煽起的情绪。大概还在5年以前,中国国内的各种财经管理论坛上,“中国制造的竞争力”及“制造业升级换代”等话题盘桓了好长时间。不仅是中国的企业家,而是外资的采购商、合作伙伴或竞争对  相似文献   

杨光 《中外管理》2008,(7):95-95
偏偏是王石 上帝欲使人灭亡,必先让其狂妄。这句话很多人都知道。但却未必深知其根本,比如我自己。  相似文献   

凌平 《经营者》2005,(10):6-6
<正>一个接一个一夜暴富的神话让我们以最直接的方式认识了纳斯达克——那个正在成为纽约证券交易所强大对手的美国股票交易市场。中国成为全球经济第二发动机的特征越来越明显以及人民币的重新估值,一时间中国概念股在纳斯达克得到前所未有的瞩目和追捧。互动之  相似文献   

这次政协会议期间,何永智的日程安排得很满,除了参会,还要与一些企业界的朋友会面,更重要的是,她还得抽空去看几个选址,为小天鹅火锅2009年下半年进军北京做好准备。  相似文献   

猴年本报地产版第一期出刊,有些事必须要向广大读者讲清楚, 比如我们提倡什么,我们反对什么,我们干什么的,我们还要干什么。 我们反对浮夸,我们提倡理性;我们为地产市场服务--我们为 市场的生产者服务,我们当然还要为更广大的消费者服务。 一段时间以来,不知不觉中,我们也和其他报纸一样,或多或少  相似文献   

猴年本报地产版第一期出刊,有些事必须要向广大读者讲清楚,比如我们提倡什么,我们反对什么,我们干什么的,我们还要干什么。  相似文献   

中企处李玮报道】全省邮电附加费专项审计汇报会议日前在南昌召开。会议主要是商讨邮电附加费专项审计查出了的违纪违规问题的定性;统一审计处理标准;研究我省今后对邮电附加费征缴管用的改进措施和加强邮电附加费审计监督的建议等。省厅余先仕副厅长到会并讲话。他指出...  相似文献   

《中国企业家》编辑部及刘建强主笔,你们好!看了贵刊2010/03—04期《卖掉公司,去投资》一文,获悉五星电器汪建国董事长正致力于创新创业天使投资孵化器,我们很受启发。当前国内创新创业非常需要企业家天使投资孵化器的支持。  相似文献   

This article builds on the argument that research on the link between HRM and performance benefits from investigating how HR practices are envisioned by managers (in terms of underlying philosophies), and how they are perceived by employees (in terms of psychological climates). Our study focuses on the effects of a strengths‐based HR philosophy assuming that employee performance can be maximized through leveraging individual strengths. This philosophy relates to a strengths‐based psychological climate, that is, employee perceptions of the opportunities they get to identify, develop, and use their strengths. We hypothesized that a strengths‐based psychological climate positively influences employees’ positive affect, which in turn enhances their in‐role and extra‐role performance. In our study, 442 respondents working in 39 departments of eight Dutch and Belgian organizations gave ratings on the strength‐based psychological climate of their organization, and indicated their level of work‐related positive affect, in‐role performance, and extra‐role performance. Results of multilevel hierarchical regression analyses supported our hypotheses by indicating that strengths‐based psychological climate was positively linked to in‐role and extra‐role performance, and that this link was mediated by positive affect. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The emergence of COVID-19 has presented employees and employers new challenges as many employees and managers were forced to work in a remote environment for the first time. For many reasons, managing virtual teams is different than managing employees in a traditional face-to-face office environment. Although many managers have been learning how to lead their virtual teams over the last several months, we offer five steps for leaders to follow for how to maximize the effectiveness of a remote workplace. By taking specific actions and ensuring the organization has a culture to support their virtual workforce, leaders can improve the performance output and engagement of their teams. The five steps are: first establish and explain the new reality; second, establish and maintain a culture of trust; third, upgrade leadership communication tools and techniques to better inform virtual employees; fourth, encourage shared leadership among team members; and fifth, to create and periodically perform alignment audits to ensure virtual employees are aligned with the organization’s cultural values including its commitment to mission. All these steps start with the realization that managing a team is going to be different when the members are dispersed, and new leadership strategies, communication routines and tools are required.  相似文献   

“悲伤的时候微笑,高兴的时候流泪,下定决心的时候没有什么是不能放弃的,投入的时候不顾一切!  相似文献   

温强 《中外企业家》2004,(12):82-87
NBA总裁来了,专用地板、专用音响和灯光来了,专业热场队和拉拉队来了,NBA名宿以及WNBA的球星来了,两场比赛将向177个国家和地区用八种语言进行直播……够了,这已经不简简单单是一场NBA中国季前赛,这是NBA--这架全球最赚钱的体育商业组织在中国市场营销登陆战的"诺曼底"行动.  相似文献   

A bstract .   The following is a biographical sketch of my life's journey—an epic of transmigrations from Lucifer's Kingdom of horror to a miraculous survival. It is a saga of trials and tribulations, tragedy and triumph, academic success and scholarly achievement.  相似文献   

建行汉城分行总经理陈彩虹:一个银行人的精彩海外日志TCL越南区总经理邓伟文:海外第一块“试验田”力帆进出口总经理牟刚:海外漂流记同仁堂总经理梅群:老字号也要国际化大虎打火机董事长周大虎:斗败欧盟“反倾销”吉利控股集团董事长李书福的日程表上,2005年11月本来是吉利汽车马来西亚生产基地第一辆车下线的时候,他甚至在筹划着要去搞个庆祝的活动。然而,马来西亚的一纸通告却让他如梗在喉,也使得吉利在当地建厂的设想陷入两难境地。这份通告的内容是:禁止所产的吉利汽车在该国销售。其实,2005年对吉利汽车而言,还是非常顺利的一年:海外…  相似文献   

最近,美国《财富》杂志推出了2003年度,全球40岁以下40位富豪的排行榜。 中国内地6位年轻富豪榜上有名,排  相似文献   

当我国刚刚加入世贸组织,机遇与挑战双至之时,在我国西部大开发顺利和困难同在的情况下,我们访问了香港杰出青年才俊黄英豪先生.  相似文献   

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