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三十年前的今天.随着神州大地改革春潮的涌动.你光荣地诞生在共和国的体制架构之列.成为备受瞩目的经济监督部门。从那时起.在企业、农村、机关、学校.便有了你忙碌的身影和令人警醒的声音;也是从那时起.我便知道了你.认识了你——审计! 相似文献
在庆祝上海市质量协会成立三十周年的时候,我联想起自己质量管理工作的经历。我是在1978年接触质量管理的,当时我在南京一家工厂里从事工艺、科研、检验等技术工作已经16年。以我的技术经历,我很容易体验到质量管理的重要性和科学性,自那以后出于自己的选择,我成为质量管理队伍的一员,先后从事过质量管理现场实践、培训、咨询、评审、教学、审核和科研。在我刚接触质量管理时,没有现成的大部头著作,只能通过统计方法 相似文献
<正>万科的每一次转型、创新,都成为行业内高度关注的热点。然而,有一些创新,且并未在业界被广泛认知,这些创新,来自于万科物业。刚刚过去的9月21日,是万科成立30周年的纪念日。作为万科创始人的王石,通过视频的方式,讲述了他对万科30周年的理解。在王石看来,只有尊重过去,才能面对未来。我们所说的尊重,也就是尊重过去我们做的一些事情,有的是辉煌的,有的也是失败的,无论是辉煌或是失败,都汇成了我们万科的历史。事实上,对于而立之年的万科来说,辉煌几乎掩盖了所有曾经的失败。其作为中国地产行业的一面大旗,见证 相似文献
风雨兼程审计路,不辱使命写民生。自1983年审计机关成立以来.审计人用责任和忠诚诠释这一神圣职责.凭借智慧与勤劳关注民生、捍卫民意、维护民利。卅年历程,岁月荏苒。一行深深的脚印,写就了审计人行进的坐标。记录着筚路蓝缕中的苦辣酸甜;一幅长长的画卷,描绘了审计人的春风秋雨,丹心向阳的金色年华。蓦然回首,审计人以矫健的步伐,丈量着社会发展的历程.奏响着奋发向上的时代华章。 相似文献
纪念陕西会计学会成立三十周年座谈会10月25日在西安举行,陕西会计学会会长韩志方作了主题发言,陕西省财政厅副厅长王范儒到会并发表讲话。 相似文献
应运迎春降世,临风历练修成。笃职严审护国资,执法求实公正。除弊震贪慑腐,建言献策竭能。时逢而立新程,厉马秣兵驰骋。 相似文献
带着不太情愿的心情,但是,必须无条件服从组织分配,1999年我从部队转业到地方,小心翼翼地走进了审计局的大门。对于与土地和步枪打了十几年交道的我,从此之后,就要与审计结下不解之缘,尽管不是我的初衷。当然,经过军营十几年的培养和锻炼,理智告诉我:干一行,爱一行。 相似文献
我们今天在这里召开庆祝大会,庆祝天津市会计学会成立30周年。在这里,我首先代表市财政局党组.对市会计学会的30周年庆典表示热烈的祝贺! 相似文献
星转斗移,寒暑交替,蓦然间,《上海企业》已届而立之年。耳闻同仁熟友的贺词热语,眼看那一摞摞的《上海企业》,瞻前顾后,几多欣慰,几许虚怵。欣慰者,30年前,几位前驱,历经艰辛创办的杂志,既助推着改革开放的历史车轮,又经受着改革的历炼和检验,得到了健康的延续和发展。30年来,《上海企业》与改革同步与企业共发展,始终恪守天责,为企业服务,与企业同呼吸共心声。 相似文献
岁月荏苒,春秋寒暑易节。《上海企业》自上世纪八十年代的最初发轫,乳虎啸谷;继而金声玉振卅年……其中几多感喟,几多欣许,岂一声"逝者如斯夫"之叹可以了得!坚守、创新乃是《上海企业》三十年的生动写照。当年,《上海企业》只是六个印张的黑白印刷的双月刊;如今,《上海企业》已发展成十余个印张的全彩印刷的月刊,其编刊质量、版式与发行数量更是再上一层楼而影响力剧增,成为国内优秀企业刊物的代表之一:1992年到2008年连续四次跻身于中国工业经济类核心期刊。 相似文献
“我国推行全面质量管理暨中国质量协会成立30周年纪念大会”于2009年12月8日在北京全国政协常委会议厅隆重召开。张德江副总理亲切接见会议代表,与代表合影并发表了重要讲话。 相似文献
Evolution of Strategic HRM as Seen Through Two Founding Books: A 30th Anniversary Perspective on Development of the Field 下载免费PDF全文
Bruce E. Kaufman 《人力资源管理》2015,54(3):389-407
Two pioneering books published in 1984 arguably launched the field of strategic human resource management (SHRM). The first is Strategic Human Resource Management by Fombrun, Tichy, and Devanna; the second is Managing Human Assets by Beer, Spector, Lawrence, Mills, and Walton. This article provides a 30th anniversary review of the two books, partly to honor their pioneering contributions but also to use them as a lens for examining how the field has subsequently evolved and developed. Two recently published SHRM books are used as a benchmark for this analysis. The review identifies areas of SHRM constancy and change, major theoretical and empirical innovations, and newly developed research questions and directions, largely in an American context. Diagrammatic models of SHRM are synthesized and compared from the four books; also, nine specific dimensions of evolution in the field are highlighted with discussion of advances and shortcomings. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
HRM at a Crossroads: Comments on “Evolution of Strategic HRM Through Two Founding Books: A 30th Anniversary Perspective on Development of the Field” 下载免费PDF全文
Michael Beer 《人力资源管理》2015,54(3):417-421
I agree with Bruce Kaufman's evaluation of the HRM field and the danger to its relevance if change does not take place in the field's almost exclusive use of normal science, lack of focus on organizational change and development and indifference to the development of useful and usable knowledge. I use the development of the Harvard Business School's first‐ever required course in HRM and Managing Human Assets, the book that grew from the course, to illustrate why and how the strategic HRM perspective of the book emerged. I go on to argue that we do not need more proof that HRM practices are associated with financial performance. The best CEOs already believe this, though they need knowledge and practices that will enable them to develop a positive sustainable HRM system. HRM research, both normal and action science, must answer the question of how a “great” HRM system—practices, leadership, organization design, culture, and change processes—might be developed over time (its takes years) and how great companies can avoid the liquidation of intangible assets in the face of pressures for short‐term performance. I describe my own work to illustrate the future direction HRM should take methodologically and conceptually. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
易仁萍研究员:今年是审计界同仁值得庆贺的一年.20年前,遵照<中华人民共和国宪法>的规定,中华人民共和国审计机关正式成立,新中国恢复了审计制度. 相似文献
数学模型是架于数学理论和实际问题之间的桥梁,数学建模是应用数学知识和计算机技术解决实际问题的重要手段和途径。本文以咸阳职业技术学院为例,从五个方面对高职院校开展数学建模活动进行总结和反思。 相似文献
天津市质量管理协会召开了“天津市第36次质量管理小组代表会议”,产生了优秀成果94个,涉及22个系统行业,成果的数量、质量及涉及行业系统均创历史新高,本次会议发表成果特点如下。 相似文献
When Passion Fades: Disentangling the Temporal Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Passion for Founding 下载免费PDF全文
Veroniek Collewaert Frederik Anseel Michiel Crommelinck Alain De Beuckelaer Jacob Vermeire 《Journal of Management Studies》2016,53(6):966-995
This study examines how and why entrepreneurial passion for founding changes over time. In particular, we propose that in the founding phase of a venture's lifecycle entrepreneurs’ founding identity centrality will remain stable over time. We also propose, however, that in our sample and time period studied, entrepreneurs’ intense positive feelings for founding will decrease over time. On the basis of theories of positive illusion, self‐regulation and role theory, we further hypothesize that venture idea change, change in role ambiguity and entrepreneurs’ feedback‐seeking behaviour are factors that help explain the rate of change in entrepreneurs’ intense positive feelings for founding. Using a three‐wave longitudinal research design, we find that among a sample of 112 entrepreneurs’ identity centrality does not change over time, whereas intense positive feelings for founding decrease over time. Moreover, the more entrepreneurs change their venture ideas, the weaker their decrease in intense positive feelings. Further, we show that entrepreneurs who frequently seek feedback suffer less from reduced positive feelings in response to higher increases in role ambiguity as compared to entrepreneurs who seek less feedback. 相似文献