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This study explores how location-bound service small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)—such as tourism companies—internationalise. We suggest that key dimensions in the internationalisation of these firms are the available resource base, the company network and its embeddedness and entrepreneurial capabilities, particularly entrepreneur’s language skills, global mindset and cultural awareness. We propose an internationalisation framework model supported by three illustrative case examples from Finland. The framework differentiates between passive developers, emerging developers and international entrepreneurs. The study makes several contributions. First, it provides an advanced view on the internationalisation of service firms and challenges in previously applied theories in a novel context. Second, it highlights the significance of location-bound resources in the process. Third, the findings indicate that the interplay between the resource base, company network and entrepreneurial capabilities is decisive for internationalisation. We also suggest managerial implications for both the industry and policymakers, supporting the internationalisation of location-bound service firms.Diese Studie untersucht, wie ortsgebundene Dienstleister, wie zum Beispiel KMUs in der Touristikbranche, international expandieren. Wir schlagen vor, daβ die verfügbaren Ressourcen, das unternehmerische Netzwerk, die Sprachkenntnisse des Unternehmers, die unternehmerischen Fähigkeiten, eine globale Denkweise und kulturelles Bewusstsein zu den wichtigsten Dimensionen der Internationalisierung gehören. Durch drei anschauliche Fallbeispiele aus Finnland entwickeln wir ein Internationalisierungsmodell, welches wir vorschlagen. Das Rahmenmodell, welches zwischen passiven und aufstrebenden Entwicklern, sowie internationalen Unternehmern unterscheidet, macht eine Reihe von Kontributionen. Erstens, es erweitert unser Verstehen der Internationalisierung von Dienstleistern und fordert etablierte Theorien durch einen neuen Kontext heraus. Zweitens, es hebt die Bedeutung der ortsgebundenen Ressourcen hervor, die zum Internationalisierungsprozess beitragen. Auβerdem zeigen unsere Ergebnisse, daβ das Zusammenspiel von Ressource-Basis, Firmennetzwerken und unternehmerischen Fähigkeiten von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Internationalisierung sind, Ergebnisse, die uns veranlassen, praktische Implikationen für Unternehmen, wie für Gesetzgeber vorzuschlagen, damit die Internationalisierung ortsgebundener KMUs im Dienstleistungssektor unterstützt wird.  相似文献   

Internationalisation is seen as an important issue for the globalised economy. Therefore, it has been widely investigated among multinational enterprises and small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Even though earlier work acknowledges that internationalisation consists of entrepreneurial actions (e.g. discovery and exploitation of an international business opportunity) and learning from the market, detailed understanding of the process of social learning in internationalisation is still lacking. In this study, we use the cycle of expansive learning as a conceptual framework. It shows that entrepreneurial actions between SMEs construct international business opportunities. More specifically, entrepreneurial actions are about learning that constructs and co-creates knowledge. The cycle of expansive learning assumes that such knowledge is social in nature making the very nature of knowledge the basis of claims to explicate what the process of social learning entails. In the context of international entrepreneurship, there is also a by-product of that type of co-created and object-oriented action: the internationalisation of SMEs. The purpose of this study is to explore the internationalisation of SMEs through the cycle of expansive learning to better understand how such a by-product can be created. In examining a story of collaboration between two entrepreneurs, we found the start of the cycle to be more significant than the later stages. From the perspective of social learning, this suggests that entrepreneurs create meanings rather than exploit international opportunities in the business-sense alone. That said, internationalisation happens as a by-product of social acting.  相似文献   

Drawing from entrepreneurship, cognition, and international business theory, this paper develops a model integrating individual-level and firm-level characteristics to provide an entrepreneurial cognition perspective on the internationalization of small and medium size ventures. The model is tested on a sample of Spanish ventures using structural equation modeling techniques (partial least squares). Support is found for the central role of cognition and risk perception of CEOs in explaining the implementation of international expansion strategies for their firms.  相似文献   

Networking and internationalization of SMEs in emerging economies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Networking has been established as an important source of small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) business expansion in many developed economies. Often, it provides the necessary intelligence leading to internationalization. The question this study addresses is “What are the roles and sources of networking of SMEs internationalization in emerging economies?” This study responds to this query through a dyadic study involving expert-opinion survey of SME development professionals and case studies of SMEs internationalization. The convergent views identified three interconnected sources of networking for SMEs internationalization, which are government institutions, business associates, and personal relations. The results affirmed that accomplishment of internationalization requires cohesion among the myriads of networking sources and operating agencies. A systems approach towards supporting the creation and management of networking linkages for internationalization combines systems thinking perspective with institutional view. It emphasizes integration of coordination, facilitation, and monitoring functions. Thus, suggesting institutional support and systems thinking are important constructs in the theory of international entrepreneurship. Policy makers and entrepreneurs of SMEs gain actionable points to ensure effectiveness of institutional support mechanism and to enhance their business internationalization, respectively.  相似文献   

This paper explores the internationalisation of Japanese professional business service (PBS) firms. The UK was chosen as the geographical area of study due to the large number of Japanese foreign direct investments over the last 20 years. A comparative study of Japanese and Western service providers was conducted in the UK in spring 2002 to ascertain if there are any significant differences in their ways of doing business with Japanese clients. The preliminary results show that Japanese firms tend to be very small in the UK in terms of both size and market share. They seem also to be tightly connected with Japanese businesses operating in the UK.  相似文献   

Growing internationalization has sparked increasing interest in any factor which could strengthen a firm’s ability to develop a long-term competitive edge. One of the main factors which determine a firm’s international behavior is the characteristics of its management team. The aim of this paper is to shed light on the relationship between the management team’s characteristics and factors which favor a company’s development by examining the causal effects of managerial characteristics on innovative behavior of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking international market expansion. The conceptual model and its hypotheses are tested through an empirical study of a multi-industry sample of Tunisian SMEs. To our knowledge, this present study is the first to include Islamic ethics as a determining factor on managers’ behaviors as their companies enter the international market. Obtained by structural equation modeling technique, the key findings of this research show that personality traits, mental ability, and social networks of managers have a direct impact on a firm’s behavior as it enters the international context. Results also show that Islamic ethics seem to favor a creative context for innovative ideas in both local and foreign markets. Given the importance of the results analyzed, it could be suggested that Islamic ethics in organizations be implemented as a part of the education system in all Islamic societies.  相似文献   

We analyze how a firm’s home country influences its internationalization. We propose two complementary types of influence. First, we conceptualize a firm’s international trade as shaped by four drivers: comparative advantage, comparative disadvantage, country-of-origin advantage, and country-of-origin liability. Second, we conceptualize the firm’s foreign direct investment as shaped by four other drivers: institutional learning, competitive learning, institutional escape, and competitive escape. Taken together, these eight drivers help pull together recent theoretical advances on topics such as emerging-market multinationals, investment in tax havens, and cross-border acquisitions of firms in advanced countries. We also highlight other home-country related issues, such as strategic responses and home-host country links, in the spirit of fostering future research on home-country effects that warrant a more nuanced understanding.  相似文献   

Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are known to face barriers which limit their ability to grow. We build on resource dependency theory and the resource-based view to investigate how SMEs are able to achieve venture growth in the face of these constraints by adopting internationalization and inter-firm collaboration strategies. Based on a large sample of European SMEs, our research demonstrates the importance of distinguishing between specific dimensions of internationalization and inter-firm collaborations, in particular between exporting and importing, and between formal and informal collaborations – as well as context-specificity of these strategies with respect to the types of constraints SMEs face.  相似文献   

Within the last 20 years, a number of traditional small-medium enterprises (SMEs) have accelerated their international commitment by investing in distant countries despite limited market knowledge, limited use of networks, and limited international experience of the entrepreneurs. The purpose of this paper is to draw research attention to this phenomenon and to compliment the existing literature on internationalization process of SMEs.We argue that traditional SMEs are able to speed up their internationalization process by, thus, rapidly catching up with the increasing global competition. The peculiar path followed by SMEs is described by analyzing five case firms and explained by contrasting to the leading literature. The empirical evidence suggests that specific strategic focus (as opposed to knowledge-intensity, international network, and international experience) is the determinant success aspect of the change in the internationalization process.  相似文献   

Research findings suggest that networks offer small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) opportunities to internationalize successfully. However, the role of internal organizational competence in the process of developing and maintaining such networks in hostile external environments has received little attention. The aim of this study is to shed light on the relationship by examining the positive influence that the network competence of SMEs has on their propensity to internationalize, and on their subsequent international performance. Given that the willingness of firms to enter and perform well in markets appears to also depend on environmental hostilities, this external influence on SME internationalization is incorporated into the study. We also examine whether the level of environmental hostility moderates the relationship between network competence and SME internationalization. The empirical part of the study comprises a web survey of 298 Finnish SMEs representing five different industry sectors: metal, food, furniture, software, and knowledge-intensive business services. Confirmatory factor analysis and regression models are used in the analysis. The results indicate that higher levels of network competence are positively related to the propensity of SMEs to internationalize, as well as to their international performance. Conversely, the level of environmental hostility has a negative effect on the performance measure, but not on the internationalization propensity. Additionally, the influence of network competence is not moderated by environmental hostility. The results indicate that internal network competence and external environmental hostility play a role in SME internationalization, and that the positive influence of network competence exists independently of the hostility in the environment.  相似文献   

Motivated by the paucity of studies examining the effects of strategic decision-making processes on accelerated internationalization, this study draws on the organizational information processing theory and the resource-based view of the firm to argue that procedural rationality and politicization have a negative effect on accelerated internationalization of SMEs. Using a sample of 176 internationalized Greek SMEs, the study finds that the procedural rationality and politicization of SMEs reduce the probability of accelerated internationalization. These relationships are more pronounced in munificent international environments, indicating that when accelerated internationalization is constrained by strategic decision-making processes, SMEs may miss opportunities in attractive international markets. The study contributes to the organizational information processing theory, to the literature on the speed of decisionmaking in SMEs, and to the literature on accelerated SME internationalization.  相似文献   

Prior research shows that small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can utilize domestic networks with internationally experienced partners to accelerate their internationalization process. Yet, there is a lack of clarity and limited empirical evidence regarding the role of relational mechanisms within these networks in driving post-entry internationalization speed (PIS) of SMEs. To address this gap, this study examines the relational mechanisms-PIS relationship by drawing insights from the relational view to argue that foreign market knowledge mediates the relationship between relational mechanisms and PIS. The hypothesized study model is tested using a structural equation modelling (SEM) technique on a sample of 394 UK based manufacturing SMEs. Our results show that foreign market knowledge acquisition from domestic networks fully mediates the relationship between relational mechanisms and PIS. Additionally, the linkage between foreign market knowledge acquisition and PIS is moderated by domestic environmental hostility, such that the relationship is strengthened when domestic environmental hostility increases. We discuss the contributions and implications of our results and suggest opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the selection of the country in which a firm starts internationalization. It proposes that some firms strategically choose a non-sequential internationalization, that is, they select a country that is dissimilar to their country of origin for their first foreign expansion. The reason for this is that some firms develop, in their home country, three types of knowledge that are useful to overcome foreign expansion difficulties: knowledge to manage complexity, developed by having multiple operations at home; knowledge to manage differences in competitive conditions, developed by operating in business-to-business industries, and knowledge to manage differences in institutional environments, developed by allying to a foreign firm at home.  相似文献   

Drawing on social capital theory and the international entrepreneurship literature, we develop hypotheses relating the structural, cognitive and relational aspects of the international network of SME CEOs to two internationalization outcomes – speed and performance. The study is based on a sample of 155 Czech SMEs covering a broad range of manufacturing industries. Our findings indicate that firms sharing a common language with their international ties are able to internationalize faster than firms that do not share a common language. Moreover, we observe that geographically diverse networks contribute to superior performance. Extensive reliance on personal contacts hinders the performance of the first international venture.  相似文献   

There has been limited attention to the internationalization of SMEs as a decision, and how the use of contrasting decision modes is associated with different information use and patterns of network attachment. This paper offers a new and systematic analysis of the likely associations between decision modes, information use, and network attachment among internationalizing SMEs. The analysis is subsequently contextualized in terms of two contingencies – the knowledge domain of the SME and the international experience of its key decision-maker. By focusing on the relation between a relatively neglected subject – decision modes – and other issues that have been more center-field, the paper contributes to an analytic synthesis in the field of SME internationalization research.  相似文献   

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make sizeable contributions to the economic success of nations. Research concerning the internationalization of SMEs is available in the context of developed economies but less is can be found dealing specifically with the entrepreneurial behavior and international expansion of SMEs in emerging markets such as India. This research extends the literature addressing the relationships surrounding the internationalization of SMEs in India as related to entrepreneurial behavior, firm resources, and commitment to internationalization. Entrepreneurial orientation, a commitment to internationalization, and the ability to leverage human capital influence the international success of Indian SMEs, based on the analysis of data collected from 150 Indian SMEs.  相似文献   

This study investigates the outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) through the lens of the mechanism of institutional compatibility. Drawing on institutional theory, we argue that institutional compatibility (thus legitimacy) at home and institutional incompatibility (thus lack of legitimacy) abroad reduce SOEs’ OFDI activities. However, we also argue that home-country subnational factors (coercive, normative, and mimetic forces) provide a potentially offsetting effect. Using a sample of publicly listed Chinese firms, we find that coercive and mimetic forces generated from home subnational institutions reduce the negative effect of state ownership on OFDI activity.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of diverse home country support for the internationalization of emerging market firms through a coevolutionary approach. A coevolutionary approach can improve our understanding of the complexities of comprehensive institutional transition in emerging market economies which allows firms to adapt and leverage institutional support for internationalization. Based on institutional theory and the strategic choice perspective, we present a coevolutionary model of mutualism and competition among businesses, government officials and industry players through multidirectional interactions. Our research offers an alternative and nuanced explanation of selective and relevant home country support, the role of independence of firms, support criteria and reinforcement of governance for internationalization of emerging market firms. This study contributes to the literature of home country support for internationalization through an enrichment of the institutional framework and strategic choice with a political perspective.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the global economy requires developed countries to undergo industrial restructuring. In this context, industrial small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need to collaborate with the service sector to enhance their competitiveness and strategic capabilities. Indeed, industrial service SMEs have been the object of particular attention from governments since these enterprises have become a key element for manufacturing and innovation networks in developed countries. However, these firms, as well as the manufacturing SMEs they serve, now face the challenge to internationalize. This paper addresses the of the strategic capabilities required by SMEs in general, and manufacturing and industrial service SMEs in particular, to internationalize, as well as the effect of these capabilities on their export performance. These strategic capabilities are presented in a research model, which relates human resources (HR), product development capabilities and market development capabilities to export performance. In testing this model with a sample of 347 Canadian and French SMEs, similarities and differences between the two types of SMEs are highlighted.  相似文献   

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