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2008年,金融危机的爆发让中国玩具行业面临前所未有的挑战,如何在逆境中求发展成为当时中国玩具企业关注的焦点。如今,金融危机影响渐退,全球经济开始复苏,经历了洗礼的中国玩具如何再创辉煌,便成为行业新的热点。  相似文献   

全球经济复苏迹象逐渐显现,经历了一轮金融风暴洗礼的玩具行业,正在逐步走出阴霾。如果说金融风暴中,我们的信念是坚持,那么在经济走向复苏的背景下,经过了蛰伏的中国玩具行业,则是开足马力,全速出击国内外市场。作为中国内地规模和影响力最大的专业玩具展览会——中国玩具展,正展现出玩具企业的生机勃勃和整个中国玩具行业的无比信心。  相似文献   

3月6日-8日,有着“中国童车行业风向标”美誉的上海玩具博览会于草长莺飞的季节再次让中国童车玩具行业的同行们聚首。  相似文献   

2014年10月14-16日,中国玩具和婴童用品协会三大服务平台中国玩具展、中国婴童展和上海国际品牌授权展在上海新国际博览中心隆重举办。今年,展会整体规模继续保持20%以上的增速,展览面积超过120.000平米、展位数突破6,200个、参展商达到1,364家,成为亚洲规模最大的专业贸易展览会,继续引领亚洲乃至全球玩具、婴童用品和品牌授权行业的发展潮流。  相似文献   

在国际社会的关注中,中国玩具走到了一个分水岭。马太效应对中国玩具行业的作用已经多次显现,在这个分水岭上,好的将会更好,坏的或许只能选择离开。  相似文献   

12月14日、15日,义乌20余家玩具企业和电子企业负责人在义乌市政府有关领导的带领下,和市科技局相关负责人共赴上海与杨浦区高校和科研机构进行科技对接活动。活动中,义乌企业家参加了上海交通大学机器人研究所、复旦大学科技园微电子有限公司和上海相关科研机构。义乌企业负责人还积极与上海交通大学、复旦大学、上海商学院等有关专家进行项目洽谈。上海杨浦区科委有关官员也参加了签约仪式。  相似文献   

中国制造依然在大行其道,因为没有人能代替得了它的地位。 从2002年提出“鼓励和支持扩大出口”,到今年中央经济工作会议的“优化进出口商品结构,坚持以质取胜”,反映了我国外贸形势的变化和统筹国际国内市场的需求。  相似文献   

3月8日,由上海玩具进出口有限公司、上海国际展览中心有限公司、上海市玩具行业协会主办,由上海上玩玩具展览有限公司承办的中国(上海)第12届国际玩具展暨上海第四十三届玩具博览会于上海国际展览中心开幕。该博览会是中国内地玩具行业历史最悠久的专业性博览会,举办至今已有二十六年历史,并从单纯的玩具供应会发展成为集展示、洽谈、订货、交流于一体的国际化专业性展览会。  相似文献   

玩具召回事件随着时间的推移已经开始慢慢地淡化,即使是上一次召回事件也让世人看清楚了召回事件的核心问题所在。但是,中国政府并不因此而放松了对玩具安全问题的关注,近期政府的一系列行动显示,中国正努力通过建立玩具生产安全体系,切实发挥监管引导职能,打造安全的、优质的玩具制造大国形象。与此同时,在食品、服装、机电等行业同时开展对质量、创新和打造核心竞争力的监管和引导,中国正在积极打造一个负责的“世界工厂”形象,并同时促进从“中国制造”向“中国创造”转变,更着力于打造中国制造优质的名牌效应。  相似文献   

由上海玩具进出口公司,上海国际展览中心,上海市玩具行业协会,上海上玩玩具展览有限公司承办的中国(上海)第十三届国际玩具展(TOYCHINA)暨上海第四十四届玩具博览会于3月6日至8日在上海国际展览中心胜利举行。整个展会展位爆满,热气腾腾,人气旺盛,商味浓郁,开了一个圆满务实的博览会。  相似文献   

2009年,全球金融危机的背景下,中国玩具出口遭遇重大挑战,如何帮助玩具企业从容应对挑战,成为义乌玩具协会一年来的工作重心。义乌市作为全球著名的小商品集散地,该地的玩具出口指数对玩具行业来说具有极大的指向作用。义乌玩具协会在积极发挥行业协会作用的同时,以行业发展为己任,积极配合国家有关部门对行业的调研,在为政府调整3C及出口政策的过程中发挥了巨大的促进作用,为义乌玩具行业乃至整个中国玩具行业应对挑战推波助澜。  相似文献   

“我们现在是满负荷的在运转,今年对于我们来说没有淡季。按现在这个趋势,相信2009年的势头将会是非常不错的”。这句话是11月底记者走访多家云和木玩企业时候,听到对未来信心最足的一句。说这句话的人是浙江木佬佬玩具工艺品有限公司董事长廖灵飞。  相似文献   

再次走过北京国际展览中心,似乎还能看到4月初中国国际服装服饰博览会(CHIC)期间那万人攒动的景象,象一口沸腾的锅.  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯是资源型城市,凭借地区得天独厚的自然资源为鄂尔多斯经济发展奠定了坚实的基础。市委二届六次全委会提出"结构转型、创新强市"发展战略。自此鄂尔多斯由一个煤炭及相关产业为主的能源型城市向着多元化产业发展,其中先进制造业的发展,推动产业格局由资源型产业为主向资源型产业和非资源型产业协调发展转型。  相似文献   

近年来,国家为促进煤炭工业健康发展,持续加大地方小煤矿治理整顿力度,关闭了一大批非法和不具备安全生产条件的小煤矿。在目前保留的煤矿中,有的虽然“六证”齐全,也具有开采价值,但普遍存在规模小、产能低、工艺落后、安全保障能力差的问题。对这部分小煤矿进行联合重组,通过  相似文献   

Although we have many tools to understand the effect of regulation on firm entry, we know little about the importance of actual regulation enforcement. For this purpose, this paper uses data from Spain's local television industry from 1995 through 2001, which provide a unique opportunity for examining how firms' profitability changes with the introduction of regulation and a posterior liberalization. During this period, the local television industry transitioned from a state of alegality (no regulation in place) to being highly regulated and finally to being informally deregulated. Using a firm entry model from Bresnahan and Reiss (1990, 1991a,b), we estimate local TV station entry thresholds by number of entrants across years. We find the entry threshold in 1998 increased relative to the thresholds in 1995 and 2001, suggesting that entry was less attractive during the period when the local TV industry was highly regulated. We decompose the entry thresholds into the fixed costs and variable profits, and find the fixed-cost ratios increase in 1998 and stay constant in 2001. Meanwhile, we find an increase in the variable-profit ratios in 2001. These findings suggest that the informal deregulation did not invalidate the regulation introduced in 1995 on the cost side. However, the deregulation seemed to have an impact on variable profits through how local TV stations competed.  相似文献   

Recognition of the firm's tendency toward local search has given rise to concepts celebrating exploration that overcomes this tendency. To move beyond local search requires that exploration span some boundary, be it organizational or technological. While several studies have encouraged boundary-spanning exploration, few have considered both types of boundaries systematically. In doing so, we create a typology of exploration behaviors: local exploration spans neither boundary, external boundary-spanning exploration spans the firm boundary only, internal boundary-spanning exploration spans the technological boundary only, and radical exploration spans both boundaries. Using this typology, we analyze the impact of knowledge generated by these different types of exploration on subsequent technological evolution. In our study of patenting activity in optical disk technology, we find that exploration that does not span organizational boundaries consistently generates lower impact on subsequent technological evolution. In addition, we find that the impact of exploration on subsequent technological evolution within the optical disk domain is highest when the exploration spans organizational boundaries but not technological boundaries. At the same time, we find that the impact of exploration on subsequent technological development beyond the optical disk domain is greatest when exploration spans both organizational and technological boundaries. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Causation is still poorly understood in strategy research, and confusion prevails around key concepts such as competitive advantage. In this paper, we define epistemological conditions that help dispel some of this confusion and provide a basis for more developed approaches. In particular, we argue that a counterfactual approach—one that builds on a systematic analysis of ‘what‐if’ questions—can advance our understanding of key causal mechanisms in strategy research. We offer two concrete methodologies—counterfactual history and causal modeling—as useful solutions. We also show that these methodologies open up new avenues in research on competitive advantage. Counterfactual history can add to our understanding of the context‐specific construction of resource‐based competitive advantage and path dependence, and causal modeling can help to reconceptualize the relationships between resources and performance. In particular, resource properties can be regarded as mediating mechanisms in these causal relationships. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article investigates the post‐entry implications of pre‐entry technological choices made during the uncertain period before a dominant design. Building on work on technological dynamics and organizational inertia, I argue that too early commitments to the winning technology may impede the ability to bring the best product to market, but delaying investment too long limits the ability to accumulate useful knowledge. Using data from the evolution of the flat panel display industry from 1965 to 2005, the study shows empirical support for the two theoretical mechanisms and offers the surprising result that firms starting in the losing technology before switching outperform other firms in terms of product value. Switching, while difficult behaviorally in recovering from failure, both delays difficult‐to‐reverse technological commitments and develops market knowledge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This special issue was aimed at advancing the literature examining the role of capabilities in innovation-based competitive strategy. Whilst the innovation literature has over the years moved away from its ‘product innovation’ pre-occupation to capture the role of other forms of innovation in value creation, the capability view has progressed from its ‘rigid’ or ‘static’ view to a ‘dynamic’ view in an effort to capture market dynamism. Despite the recent theoretical advancements the dynamic capability view still lacks a strong empirical base. Contributors to the capability literature over the recent years have adopted multiple research methods to capture capabilities that include cross-sectional designs, case studies and longitudinal studies. Within this backdrop, the articles that were selected for this special issue covers both conceptual and empirical approaches to examine the relationship between capabilities and technical and non-technical innovations and performance outcomes. This essay provides a future research agenda to advance this promising research field. It highlights the need for clearer conceptualizations and development of measures of dynamic capabilities, environmental conditions that underpin the development of dynamic capabilities within the firm and research into the much debated relationship between dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage and organizational performance.  相似文献   

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