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New Zealand's ‘Navigator Network’ is a national scanning network of scientists and policy analysts providing ‘early alert’ advice about emerging areas of science and technology. It was established by the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (MoRST) to enhance the government's readiness to respond to the opportunities and risks around new technologies, particularly in biotechnology and nanotechnology. The Navigator Network has been tailored to the New Zealand context, which is characterised by a small, well-connected government sector and a strong focus on agricultural biotechnology and food. The network builds on these features, and is ‘people-centric’ rather than ‘information-centric’, using dialogic approaches to generate new knowledge between diverse stakeholder groups. It also focuses on building futures capability in the government and science sectors. Representatives from government agencies are integrated into the process as scanners to facilitate uptake. It also has an adaptive development process via an action learning component.  相似文献   

2008年金融危机爆发后,全球经济进入深度调整转型期。印度政府为保证其经济健康发展,加强国际竞争力,采取了有针对性的发展新兴产业的"势"(战略)与"术"(措施):制定了"包容性、可持续性增长"的发展战略,采取了强化信息和生物制药等优势产业、重点建设"短板"制造业、注重新能源和可再生能源发展、多渠道培养科技人才等措施。印度现为全球第三大制药国,生物技术产业是其支柱产业之一。印度将通过科技投入倍增计划,在2020年进入全球五大科技强国之列。印度经验启示我国,一定要健全法律法规体系,为新兴产业发展提供重要保障;发挥比较优势,持续打造重点新兴产业;多渠道吸引海外人才服务国内经济建设等。  相似文献   

生物技术是当前最具潜力和最富活力的科技领域之一。德国联邦政府认为,从传统化石能源时代向生物经济时代过渡是人类社会发展的必然趋势.未来生命科学和生物技术将更广泛地应用于农业、林业、渔业、畜牧业、食品、化工、制药、能源、环保和商贸服务等众多产业领域。知识生物经济将提高国家竞争力。2010年11月,德国联邦政府发布了《生物经济2030:国家研究战略》。包括德国在内的世界各国政府都高度重视推动本国生物技术研发创新和产业化发展。本文对德国生物技术产业发展最新情况进行了调研,并对其研发创新及其产业化发展的政策机制进行了总结分析。  相似文献   

李天柱  银路  程跃  邱杉 《技术经济》2009,28(12):4-11
在产业集群理论的总体框架下,本文以国外五个典型集群为研究对象,归纳了生物技术产业集群演化的关键动力要素,即科学研究、风险投资、传统大企业介入、政府支持、中介机构、市场需求、创新文化、相关产业支撑、龙头企业以及"龙头企业-专家型公司-科研机构"之间的良性互动。在此基础上,研究了要素的演进和集群发展的内在规律。最后,结合我国的实际情况,基于政府的视角得出若干促进我国生物园区发展的启示。  相似文献   

关注颠覆性技术创新方向演变对于构建颠覆性技术“发现—遴选—培养”机制,挖掘重大颠覆性技术选题具有重要意义。利用三螺旋协同性测度模型量化政府、产业、学术界3类主体对颠覆性技术关注方向的协同程度,构建颠覆性技术行动者网络,利用社会网络分析法解析网络结构形式下政、产、学三方关注颠覆性技术创新的耦合方向,探究高度耦合技术方向的演化特点。最后,获得技术关注方向协同性、技术关注耦合方向特征、技术关注方向耦合时间时序特征、技术关注方向耦合机构特征、高度耦合技术方向演化特征5个方面的结论。  相似文献   

技术和资金是企业创新活动的关键要素,采用2014-2017年中国内地31个省级行政区数据,对技术信息获取、政府科技资助是否影响企业创新能力进行理论假设和实证检验。结果表明:技术信息获取对企业创新能力有显著积极影响;政府科技资助对企业创新活动有明显“抑制效应”;技术信息获取与政府科技资助协同作用对企业创新能力有显著负向影响。结论对厘清政府科技资助对企业创新能力是“扶持效应”抑或“抑制效应”,及如何建设技术信息网络等基础设施、制定政府科技资助政策有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The question addressed in this paper is whether and how intermediate developed countries (IDCs) can profit from the possibilities opened by globalisation to set off processes of capability building in advanced technological sectors. While most debates have taken place in the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) field, the paper addresses the case of biotechnology. It is argued that, given the specific characteristics of biotechnology, opportunities may emerge for technology-intensive entrepreneurial initiatives in countries that have developed a reasonable science base and built the capacity to connect to and plug into international biotechnology networks. The exploitation of these opportunities requires strategies that combine good indigenous scientific competences and a pool of skilled human resources, with transnational linkages, and that rely on firms' abilities to find a position in globally coordinated 'knowledge value chains'. The paper conducts a first assessment of the viability of this approach, drawing on empirical research on 'distant networking strategies' adopted by Portuguese new biotechnology firms.  相似文献   

The innovation style of a country is dependent upon its distinctive capabilities and its government' policies. Three basic factors are involved: its scientific capabilities, its infrasturcture for transferring research from the public domain into industry, and its manufacturing base and industrial know-how. Most research looks at these three factors in relation to advanced economies, Asian Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs) and 'third world' countries. This paper addresses these issues from the perspective of a European late-industrializing country (Portugal). It uses the twin ideas of National Innovation Systems and 'technological systems' to analyze the development of biotechnology in Portugal. In so doing it illustrates the impact of country specific factors on this development, and the problems assoicated with 'imitation'. The focus of the research is on Dedicated Biotechnology Firms (DBFs), as they are seen as intermediaries between the public science base and the productive sector. It examines the evolution of the biotechnology industry in Portugal, provides an overview of govermment policies, and finally discusses the implications for the creation and development of DBFs in Portugal. The research shows that there was a government effort to create a science base in this field, but there was no parallel strategy to develop a biotechnology industry. There was (and still is) little incentive to use the results of biotechnological research, and little match between technological and market opportunities. In conclusion, the paper argues that policies should be developed to bridge the gap between public research and industry. This will require mechanisms that, going beyond the notion of 'technology transfer', promote an effective transformation of advanced knowledge intergrated into products and services,a nd facilitate the dialogue and exchange between groups with diverse capabilities, objectives and languages.  相似文献   

在后学院科学时代,科学研究更加普遍地与产业界、政府部门相结合,科学种类和性质变得日益庞杂,原有的学院科学家角色逐渐发生分化,形成了学院科学家、产业科学家和政府科学家等多元角色并存及相互转化的发展态势。深入探讨“后学院”语境下科学家角色分化趋势、动因及社会影响,有助于更好地理解新兴技术时代科技与社会的深度互动,为进一步优化科技治理、推进创新体系建设提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Is biotechnology a revolutionary technology that will dramatically transform present technological systems, industries and society or will the entrance of biotechnology into industry rather take the shape of incremental innovations without any deeper impact on dominating technological paradigms? The vast science and technology research in this area has focused on pharmaceuticals and neglected the potential role for large scale biomass handling activities like the forest industry in general and pulp and paper industry in particular. In addition the industry itself has not focused its R&D activities towards utilization of biotechnology on inputs, processes or products. This is a study on the technological system for pulp and paper facing the challenge of a radical shift of technology. The confrontation between the genuinely science based biotechnology and its community on the one hand, and the pulp and paper community (highly scientific within the framework of a low-technology industry) on the other, is analyzed as are the industrial and economic potentials and limitations of biotechnology in this area.  相似文献   

吴满意  戚安邦 《经济问题》2007,336(8):64-66
生命科学和生物技术行业不断凸现出投资价值,其日益受到证券市场的青睐,生物技术公司成为了投资者追捧的对象.由于该产业在我国的发展刚刚起步,企业在获取投资者认可等方面还存在很多问题.通过对美国生物技术行业主要上市公司的数据分析,探索了该类企业在证券市场定价的一般规律.  相似文献   

政府信任对消费者行为的影响研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
仇焕广  黄季焜  杨军 《经济研究》2007,42(6):65-74,153
深入研究不同因素特别是政府信任对消费者转基因食品接受程度的影响对我国农业转基因技术的发展具有重要意义。本文利用对我国11个城市两次较大规模的住户调查数据,分析了我国城市消费者对不同转基因食品的接受程度,并通过计量经济模型定量研究了消费者对政府公共管理能力的信任程度等因素对消费者接受程度的影响。研究结果表明,消费者对政府公共管理能力的信任程度显著影响消费者对转基因食品的接受程度。另外,消费者对政府管理能力的信任程度有显著的内生性,忽略该变量的内生性会明显低估政府信任对消费者接受程度的影响。虽然国内外一些学者曾提出政府信任可能对消费者转基因食品接受程度产生影响,本文首次通过定量研究证实了该观点,并解决了研究中消费者对政府公共管理能力信任程度的内生性问题。  相似文献   

基于1997-2014年省级面板数据,对我国地方政府科技投入的影响因素与空间效应进行了研究。结果表明:财政分权对科技投入具有积极作用,政府竞争与人力资本投入对科技投入具有抑制作用;当地政府财政分权对科技投入的影响会引起相邻地区出现积极模仿行为,对相邻地区的科技投入产生空间外溢正效应;政府竞争和人力资本投入对科技投入的影响会引起相邻地区出现消极模仿行为,对相邻地区的科技投入产生空间外溢负效应。地方政府有必要合理分配科技投入在财政支出中的比重,处理好政府竞争、人力资本投入与科技投入的关系。  相似文献   

印度政府比较早地认识到了生物技术对于发展经济和保障民生所具有的巨大潜力,本文分析研究了印度为发展生物技术所采取的方针政策和措施及其取得的成效,包括在政府中设立的主管部门,制定的生物技术发展战略,实施的多项促进生物技术发展计划,突出介绍了生物农业、生物制药等领域取得的成绩,在注重人才培养、搭建平台、推动生物技术成果转化等方面的经验,同时也提出了印度发展生物技术面临的机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

民营科技创新型企业(以下简称科创企业)是经济社会发展的重要驱动力量。相关研究发现政府支持对科创企业绩效具有显著影响,但对具体影响方向和作用机制尚未达成一致意见。采取文献综述、问卷调查等研究方法,采集437家科创企业样本数据,实证检验政府支持与科创企业绩效间关系,并构建调节模型。研究发现:政府支持对科创企业绩效具有显著正向影响;同时,企业家科创领导力对政府支持与科创企业绩效间关系具有显著调节效应,科创企业家科创领导力越强,政府支持对科创企业绩效的正向影响越大。  相似文献   

城市科技企业孵化器网络形成与演变研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周建华  段浪 《经济地理》2011,31(3):443-446,452
城市科技企业孵化器网络是基于城市范围内的各类科技企业孵化器和高校院所、科技中介机构、政府相关部门、各种投融资机构等相关主体相互结网形成的一种战略性服务型经济组织,它是科技企业孵化器发展到一定阶段后的一种具体表现形态。城市科技企业孵化器网络的形成与演变是一个动态的连续发展过程,一般经历孕育生成期、快速发展期、成熟稳定期等三个发展阶段。其发展与演化不是偶然的,而是存在于网络内部和外部的各种驱动因素相互作用的结果,各种驱动因素在不同发展阶段的影响作用和效果都有所差异。  相似文献   

我国财政科技投入现状分析与调整策略   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
世纪之交,科技创新已经成为国际竞争的主导因素,科技竞争力将成为决定国家前途和命运的重要因素.科技创新的出现也必须有科技投入的后台作保障.本文在比较工业化国家不同发展阶段科技投入水平的基础上,结合我国工业化进程发展所处的阶段,对我国的科技投入现状进行比较分析,认为:当前应加大政府对科技投入的支持力度,提高基础研究的投入比例,依据国情,实行有所为、有所不为策略,加大官、产、学、研结合力度,加速科技成果转化,抢占新世纪科技制高点.  相似文献   

增强科技创新能力是建设创新型国家、提高综合国力的关键,大数据时代的到来为科技创新领域带来了前所未有的机遇与挑战,网络众包这一新型创新模式应时而兴。紧紧把握时代发展主题,发现并描述大数据环境下科技创新的新变化、新要求、新问题,从动力源、集聚效应、协同效应和规模效应等方面探讨了网络众包驱动科技创新的机理,并创新性地提出了网络众包模式下的科技创新实现路径,以期为推动我国科技创新提供新思路。  相似文献   

军民融合新创企业是推动我国国防建设和社会经济融合发展的重要力量,军民融合社会关系网络具有丰富的异质性资源,可以有效促进军民融合新创企业成长。借鉴社会网络理论,构建以关系深度、关系广度、关系高度为代表的军民融合社会关系网络、耦合共生与军民融合新创企业成长理论模型,通过对收集的304份军民融合新创企业问卷数据进行实证分析,结果发现:军民融合社会关系网络对军民融合新创企业成长具有正向影响;耦合共生在军民融合社会关系网络与军民融合新创企业成长间发挥中介作用;创业导向显著调节耦合共生与军民融合新创企业成长的关系。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of local health systems in developing countries in health biotechnology innovation. The heath systems encompass the final users of health biotechnology products and services. In innovation studies in general, users have been identified as playing vital roles as sources for innovation and in shaping the innovation process. It is therefore of interest to cast light upon the role of users in the health biotechnology innovation in developing countries. This paper briefly reviews literature on science and technology based health innovation in both industrialised and developing countries. It then examines to what extent the focus of developing countries is on their local health problems and explores the linkages between the organisations involved in research and development of health biotechnology products and services with the local health system, and thereby identifies the main roles of their own health systems in the innovation process. The paper bases this analysis on research on publication patterns and case studies on leading developing countries in health biotechnology and focuses particularly on health biotechnology development in Brazil, Cuba and India.  相似文献   

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