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This paper provides new empirical evidence on the international co-movements of Finnish stocks. The vector autoregression (VAR) approach indicates that US and especially Swedish stock markets lead Finnish stock market returns by approximately one or two months. The results based on international market models indicate that the returns of individual Finnish stocks are significantly positively related to those of Sweden, while the relation between Finnish and US returns is significantly lower. The relation seems to vary clearly between industries, some industries being related to US markets as well. Significant time-series instability is reported in the results, however.  相似文献   

This study examines the financial integration of large- and small-cap stocks in twenty-three emerging markets to determine their degree of market integration with the world market. The international asset pricing model cannot be rejected for most large-cap stock portfolios, but it is rejected for small-cap stock portfolios. The findings also demonstrate that super-large-cap stocks have the fewest pricing errors and their global financial integration has increased in recent years. In sum, the empirical results indicate that global market integration is primarily associated with the super-large-cap stocks of large emerging markets.  相似文献   

Finance theory implies equity returns should be positively related to financial leverage. However, a recent article decomposes the book-price ratio into financing and operating components and report a negative association between financial leverage and returns. We shed new light on this puzzle by examining a region in which previous research has established that firms’ financial leverage choices are motivated by factors other than maximizing shareholders’ wealth: we hypothesize that this must be reflected in both how financial leverage is priced and the book-price ratio. We show that the relationship between equity returns and financial leverage for stocks in our sample is indeed very different to the findings of previous research, and this is reflected in the decomposed elements of the book-price ratio.  相似文献   

Using a sample of common stocks traded on the Istanbul Stock Exchange from February 1997 to April 2008, we test whether the conditional capital asset pricing model (CAPM) accurately prices assets. In our empirical analysis, we closely follow the methodology introduced in Lewellen and Nagel (2006). Our results show that the conditional CAPM fares no better than the static counterpart in pricing assets. Although market betas do vary significantly over time, the intertemporal variation is not large enough to drive average conditional alphas to zero.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of market segmentation on the valuation of the U.S. stock exchange-listed closed-end country funds and analyzes the determinants of net fund premia in a multivariate context. It is shown that fund returns are generally sensitive to both national and U.S. market factors, but only national factors are priced. Cross-section and time series estimation of net fund premia indicates the importance of market segmentation as a determinant of net fund premia. There is some evidence that exchange rate changes may exert an additional influence. However, market expectation variables such as economic growth of the country or relative capitalization rates are insignificant.  相似文献   

Most closed-end funds are transparent entities that hold securities that are actively traded in liquid markets. In such a setting, the argument that director transactions mitigate information asymmetry has very limited applicability. Our results provide support for the theory of Barber and Odean [2008. “All that Glitters: The Effect of Attention and News on the Buying Behavior of Individual and Institutional Investors.” Review of Financial Studies 21: 785–818]: retail investor decision-making is influenced by attention-grabbing events. Director purchases are one such attention-grabbing event and are associated with significant positive price returns – the magnitudes of which are linked to the size of the purchase, the size of the fund, and the investment mandate. Trading volumes increase at the time of the purchase but most of the initial price responses and trading volumes dissipate over the following 15 days.  相似文献   

We provide new evidence on the pricing of local risk factors in emerging stock markets. We investigate whether there is a significant local currency premium together with a domestic market risk premium in equity returns within a partial integration asset pricing model. Given previous evidence on currency risk, we conduct empirical tests in a conditional setting with time-varying prices of risk. Our main results support the hypothesis of a significant exchange risk premium related to the local currency risk. Exchange rate and domestic market risks are priced separately for our sample of seven emerging markets. The empirical evidence also suggests that although statistically significant, local currency risk is on average smaller than domestic market risk but it increases substantially during crises periods, when it can be almost as large as market risk. Disentangling these two factors is thus important in tests of international asset pricing for emerging markets.  相似文献   

Fisher, Geltner, and Webb (1993), in a highly influential paper, develop a procedure to recover the underlying market values from a smoothed valuation-based commercial property return index, without assuming that the underlying property market is informationally efficient. Many papers since then have used the Fisher–Geltner–Webb unsmoothing technique to desmooth commercial property returns. We show, however, that there is an inherent bias in Fisher–Geltner–Webb unsmoothing technique and propose a simple extension of their model to correct for this bias. We then compare the performance of our improved specification to that of the Fisher–Geltner–Webb model.  相似文献   

Although existing research has examined the association between macroeconomic data and particular equity markets, little is known regarding the economic content of the latent factors common to international equity markets. This paper considers the macroeconomic information incorporated in unobserved common equity market factors, as well as the possibility that the macroeconomic sensitivities of the factors differ across alternative levels of volatility. Several models are estimated for 15 developed equity markets to examine the economic composition of the common factors, thereby providing an alternative perspective on the economic fundamentals underlying equity markets. A formal Bayesian selection process suggests that a common structure incorporating global and European factors is preferred to the baseline case of a single global factor or the extended scenario of dual global factors. The common factors are associated with a small set of macroeconomic variables.  相似文献   

We assess econometrically the impact of asset shortages on economic growth, asset bubbles, the probability of a crisis, and the current account for a group of 41 emerging markets (EMs) for 1995–2008. The econometric estimations confirm that asset shortages pose a serious danger to EMs in terms of reducing economic growth, raising the probability of a crisis, and leading to asset price bubbles. Moreover, asset shortages can also explain the current account positions of EMs. The findings suggest that the consequences of asset shortages for macroeconomic stability are significant, and must be tackled urgently. We conclude with policy implications.  相似文献   

We examine the performance of U.K. unit trusts with international equity objectives between January 1985 and December 2000 using four international factor models. The international version of the Carhart (1997) model performs the best in explaining the cross-section of international stock returns. There is little evidence of superior performance by international trusts relative to the global models. We also find that the choice between a local and global version of the Carhart model has a significant impact on the relation between the investment sector of the trust and performance.JEL classification: G10, G12  相似文献   

We examine whether stock prices in 18 emerging markets follow random-walk or mean-reversion processes in the presence of sudden and gradual multiple structural breaks. Our tests endogenously determined the structural shifts and are more powerful than either the traditional random-walk (unit root) tests or the single structural break tests. In all emerging markets, we find strong evidence for multiple structural breaks. When we use single break tests, the random-walk hypothesis is rejected. However, when we use tests of double level shifts in the mean and make due allowance for multiple structural breaks, the results are consistent with the random-walk hypothesis in the vast majority of the sampled markets. The evidence proves robust to using price indexes whether denominated in U.S. dollars, in local currencies or in real terms, and also to using fractional integration tests. Our results contradict some previous studies for emerging markets which restrict structural breaks to only one-time shift.  相似文献   

We investigate whether recent country-level evidence of global pricing is particular to large-cap stocks. Specifically, we examine cross-country return correlations and conduct asset pricing tests on three size-based stock portfolios for nine developed countries over the period from 1980 to 2004. We find that large-cap stocks realize significant comovements across countries, whereas small-cap stocks realize smaller average correlations (relative to both large-cap stocks and small-cap stocks across countries). More important, asset pricing tests suggest that while large-cap stocks are priced globally, global pricing is rejected for most small-cap stocks. Finally, the evidence indicates that financial integration deepened in recent years primarily for large-cap stocks. Overall, the results suggest that the global pricing pertains chiefly to large-cap stocks.  相似文献   

International asset pricing requires to take into account currency risk. Equilibrium models of the international capital market show that risk premia should be associated with currency risks. This is supported by empirical evidence. This paper reviews the existing theoretical and empirical literature and discusses their practical implications.  相似文献   

In this paper, I test a one-period capital asset pricing model (CAPM) under share ownership restrictions to explain differences in prices and expected excess returns between the classes of shares that can be bought and traded by domestic and foreign investors, respectively, in the Chinese stock markets. I find that cross-sectional variability in the spread between the expected domestic and foreign share excess returns is related to differences in individual shares' market betas. The empirical results are by and large consistent with the CAPM. After the betas are controlled for, idiosyncratic variance and firm size have no effect.  相似文献   

An example of indifference prices under exponential preferences   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The aim herein is to analyze utility-based prices and hedging strategies. The analysis is based on an explicitly solved example of a European claim written on a nontraded asset, in a model where risk preferences are exponential, and the traded and nontraded asset are diffusion processes with, respectively, lognormal and arbitrary dynamics. Our results show that a nonlinear pricing rule emerges with certainty equivalent characteristics, yielding the price as a nonlinear expectation of the derivatives payoff under the appropriate pricing measure. The latter is a martingale measure that minimizes its relative to the historical measure entropy.Received: July 2003, Mathematics Subject Classification: 93E20, 60G40, 60J75JEL Classification: C61, G11, G13The second author acknowledges partial support from NSF Grants DMS-0102909 and DMS-0091946. We have received valuable comments from the participants at the Conferences in Paris IX, Dauphine (2000), ICBI Barcelona (2001) and 14th Annual Conference of FORC Warwick (2001). While revising this work, we came across the paper by Henderson (2002) in which a special case of our model is investigated  相似文献   

This paper provides evidence of a significant exchange rate effect on stock index returns using data from seven selected countries practicing free-floating exchange rate regimes. This research uses parity and asset pricing theories, thus placing it within the monetary-cum-economics framework for international asset pricing. In this study, we apply a system of seemingly unrelated regression to control for unobserved heterogeneity and cross-sectional dependence. The findings constitute evidence of a statistically significant exchange rate impact on stock index returns across selected countries. These findings can be considered as falling under the arbitrage pricing approach of the international capital asset pricing model of Solnik who also used the parity-theoretical framework on exchange rate determination.  相似文献   

随着国际资本流动规模的日益庞大,其易变性的破坏力也越来越大,而且在新兴市场国家表现得尤为强烈,这加剧了新兴市场国家金融脆弱性。国际资本易变性从冲击货币稳定、影响国际收支的可维持性以及国际游资对金融市场的高度投机三个方面加剧了新兴市场金融脆弱性。它在新兴市场表现尤为强烈的原因在于新兴市场的不稳定性和不成熟性。  相似文献   

The minimal distance equivalent martingale measure (EMM) defined in Goll and Rüschendorf (2001) is the arbitrage-free equilibrium pricing measure. This paper provides an algorithm to approximate its density and the fair price of any contingent claim in an incomplete market. We first approximate the infinite dimensional space of all EMMs by a finite dimensional manifold of EMMs. A Riemannian geometric structure is shown on the manifold. An optimization algorithm on the Riemannian manifold becomes the approximation pricing algorithm. The financial interpretation of the geometry is also given in terms of pricing model risk.Received: February 2004, Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 62P05, 91B24, 91B28JEL Classification: G11, G12, G13Yuan Gao: Present address Block 617, Bukit Panjang Ring Road, 16-806,Singapore 670617. I am currently working in a major investment bank.This paper is based on parts of my doctoral dissertation Gao (2002),which isavailable upon request.Part of the research was done during my visit to HumboldtUniversity in 2002 and was partially supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 373. I am especially thankful to Professor Hans Föllmer for the invitation and helpful discussions.We would like to thank Professor Martin Schweizer,the associate editor and the referee for their constructive comments.  相似文献   

The previous evidence shows that firms experience lower returns after a period with higher growth in assets. Two alternative explanations have been raised to explain this effect: mispricing and optimal investment. This study examines this effect in 26 emerging markets over the period of 2005–2013 with a special attention to the recent global financial crisis. We find a stronger asset growth effect during the crisis years relative to other years. This effect is stronger in firms with small or medium stock turnover ratio and firms operating in industries with low R&D intensity. We also investigate the heterogeneity across countries and find that a stronger asset growth effect during the crisis years exists only for emerging markets with low protection of shareholders and creditors. We argue that this evidence is in line with the mispricing hypothesis.  相似文献   

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