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文章从可持续发展的定义入手,通过澄清两种常见的误解,明确了可持续发展要求平衡的三种关系,并通过对私人部门的外部性分析和对建立在竞争基础上的技术变革的分析,表明若要推行平衡的可持续发展战略,仅依靠贫困国家或地区的私人部门的努力是难以达到的,可以借助的外力有政府的力量和国外的力量。  相似文献   

张帆 《改革与战略》2009,25(7):107-109
珠海自成为特区以来经历了三个发展阶段,环境保护先行,发展经济不以牺牲环境为代价的可持续发展思想在每个阶段都得到了贯彻和施行。但由于各个时期政治、经济、社会文化等方面的不同,珠海对可持续发展思想的认知和应用表现出了层次上的差异,经历了一个从低到高的演进过程,从最初的弱化人类中心主义过渡到非人类中心主义,最后形成可持续发展环境伦理观。珠海独特的发展模式值得其他城市借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

The arts and culture sectors have been shown to contain considerable potential as driving forces for regeneration. Following a series of physical, economic and community regeneration initiatives in the city of Dundee, an arts and culture-based strategy is now being followed which would seem to offer a means by which sustainable regeneration achievements can be made. While this initiative has been integrated with other aspects of regeneration in the city, a broader, strategic approach to culture-led regeneration would seem to be necessary for maximum benefits to be obtained.  相似文献   

This article reviews current practice and thinking in the UK with respect to changes occurring in the defence sector. Planned responses and interventionist measures to deal with the consequences of large scale job losses have not been approaches adopted by the UK Government during the 1980s. However, many of the changes have been triggered or directly caused by the Government's own policies to create a free trade and liberalised market economy. An opportunity has arisen for localities, through a growing local economic development function, to play a role in such readjustment. This article examines the extent to which such local responses can exercise any effective control over the future direction and impact of restructuring, and in particular address the role of the military-industrial complex, arms conversion and the peace dividend from this perspective.  相似文献   

外资对中国经济带来的影响是双面的,不应盲目推崇外资在短期内对有限区域经济的提升效应.外资优惠措施的使用并不符合国际的总体趋向,也无益于国家经济整体的长远的发展,另外,它也不是外商投资的主要考量依据.利润导向的外资流向,因为优惠政策所造成的错误信号,而产生了低效率的布局结果,并不利于国家长期经济发展.在整个国际社会更多地认同优惠措施的经济扭曲作用,和推崇外资软环境建设的情况下,我国应该及时转变策略,选择更为科学、稳定、先进的外资发展方向.  相似文献   

《World development》1996,24(2):215-225
The methodologies and key results of the papers in this special issue are summarized, with emphasis on the limits to growth that developing and postsocialist economies are likely to face over the coming 5 to 10 years.  相似文献   

所谓环境问题是指由于人类活动所引起的环境质量变化,以及这种变化对人类生产、生活以至健康和生命的影响问题。自从地球上有了人类,便开始了人类与环境相互依存、相互作用、相互制约和相互转化的对立统一关系。人本身是自然界的产物,人不可能脱离一定的自然环境存在,但是人可以利用自然环境使之适合于自己的需要。人类在漫长的利用自然的过程中,从自然环境的“奴仆”逐渐变成了自然环境的朋友。现代科学技术和以工业为主导的生产的发展,扩大了人类生产活动的领域,提高了人类利用自然资源的能力,把人类社会的物质文明和精神文明推进到一个前…  相似文献   

迈向可持续发展的中国战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今年是中国经济改革的第三十年。从世界范围看来,中国经济在这三十年中取得了让人惊叹的成就:人均GDP实现了8.4%的年均增长率;中国已成为世界上第四大经济体;3亿中国人脱离了贫困。中国在20世纪80年代初才刚刚开始探讨转型问题,随着经济环境、国际形势的变化,中国的经济发展战略也在相应发生变化。加入WTO是一个很好的契机。过去五年来中国所制定的建设和谐社会的新战略,也体现了经济发展战略的重要转变。  相似文献   

“森林即人类之前途,地球之平衡”。正如联合国粮农组织前总干事萨乌马指出的那样,在全球高度关注气候变化的背景下,林纸业被提到了事关人类生存与发展、前途与命运的战略高度。  相似文献   

This paper explores the goal of national independence (or the problem of dependence) in the context of industrial strategy. It breaks down the broad goal into components and then looks at how alternative strategies of industrialization might perform for a developing country that is concerned about reducing its dependence on the industrial world. Five types of dependence are considered as possible targets of such a policy: (1) market dependence: (2) technological dependence; (3) managerial and entreprenuerial dependence; (4) foreign capital dependence; and (5) economic inflexibility.  相似文献   

We analyze empirically export-price strategies across export destinations using detailed firm-product data. Most recent studies using disaggregated data to investigate why firms charge different prices for the same product on different markets focus on the cost component of prices and neglect the markup component. In this paper, we concentrate on the markup component and examine how variations in firms’ export prices may reflect price discrimination by comparing the markup of firms with different pricing strategies. We make use of detailed firm-level data for exporting firms in the Swedish food sector consisting of both manufacturing and intermediary trading firms. The paper documents the export-price variations within the two sub-sectors and explores how different price strategies correlate with markups. The results offer new information beyond the fact that exporters tend to have a higher markup. In particular, we find that firms in the food-processing sector with a greater ability to discriminate across markets mark their products up even more. This result points to the importance of underlying firm decisions in order to explain differences in export premiums across firms. In addition, the results reveal that markups are a complex function of firm and destination characteristics, and that the relationship between markups and pricing strategies in the manufacturing sector is not necessarily observed in other sectors of the supply chain.  相似文献   

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