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Much attention was given to the soaring price of housing that took place in different parts of the country in the 1990s and the first half of the current decade. Traditional explanations for the increase include rising land values and costs of construction, but a strand of literature, popularized by Glaeser et al. [Glaeser, Edward L., Gyourko, Joseph, Saks, Raven, 2005a. Why have housing prices gone up? National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper #11129; Glaeser, Edward L., Gyourko, Joseph, Saks, Raven, 2005b. Why is manhattan so expensive? Regulation and the rise in housing prices. The Journal of Law and Economics 48(2)], has looked at the role of land use regulations and posits that complying with them imposes a regulatory tax on housing consumers. In this paper, we apply and extend Glaeser and Gyourko’s methodology in order to estimate the regulatory tax on an individual house level in a set of Florida metropolitan areas. Our novel data address some of the quality measurement concerns raised about the Glaeser and Gyourko methodology and allow us to look at the evolution of the regulatory tax over a 10-year period. We find that the tax is an important component of sales price and that as a percentage of sales price has increased in a majority of Florida’s MSAs. In addition, we decompose the overall house price increase into land, materials and regulatory components and find that increasing stringency in the regulatory environment within Florida represents a substantial portion of the run-up in house prices in most metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

北京市房价过高的原因和房价控制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐艳 《城市问题》2002,(1):42-44
北京市房价过高 ,这是公认的事实 ,而且房价与当地居民的收入又严重背离。找出房价过高的原因 ,进而找到降低房价的办法是一个亟待研究的课题。本文通过分析房价的构成因素 ,发现土地费用过高是造成北京市房价过高的主要原因。加大政府对土地的管理 ,严禁炒卖地皮 ,盘活市内存量土地 ,严格控制城市建成区“摊大饼”式地向郊区扩展 ,才能达到合理利用土地并降低房价的目的。  一、北京市房价过高的原因  国家统计局月度形势报告显示 ,2 0 0 1年 6月份全国大中城市商品房每平方米平均销售价格为2 30 4元。北京列榜首 ,每平方米平均售价达 …  相似文献   

A house price index based on the SPAR method   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Within the European Union there has been a push to provide European governments and the European Central Bank with the statistics they need for monitoring the owner-occupied sector. This paper reports on the results of a project to develop a house price index for the Netherlands. From January 2008, Kadaster, the Dutch land registry office, and Statistics Netherlands began jointly publishing house price index numbers for the whole country and for some specific dwelling types and regions. A number of special institutional features of the situation in the Netherlands contributed to the choice of index construction method. The indexes are computed using the Sale Price Appraisal Ratio (SPAR) method, which utilizes the ratios of transaction prices and previous appraisal values. We describe the SPAR method, compare it with repeat sales methods and assess the reliability of the official Dutch appraisal values. Empirical results for January 1995–March 2009 are presented. The SPAR method performs well compared to repeat sales, and the results reported will be of interest to other countries that have, or could instigate, institutional arrangements similar to those in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

There are two main approaches to estimating the proportion of the electorate who are floating voters: the survey method and the ecological estimate method. Both the methods have their advantages and their problems. The main difficulties with the survey method are the coverage of the sample and the problems introduced by reliance on the quality of memory of the subjects. Ecological estimates have different problems, the principal of which is known as the ecological fallacy. The aim of this paper is to assess whether the survey and ecological estimates of voter swing between two elections are significantly different. For this purpose I will consider the 2006 and 2008 Italian Parliamentary elections. Given the short temporal gap between these two elections, both the methods should give reliable estimates, as the shorter the time between the two elections, the fewer the problems which will be encountered by subjects recalling the party they voted for in the previous one, and the fewer the changes which will have taken place in the composition of the population between the two elections. The ecological data I will employ comprise all the votes cast in both of the elections under consideration (2006 and 2008), at the polling station level. In Italy there are about 60,000 polling stations, and I will analyse the data from these using the Goodman Model. The survey data has been provided by Italian National Election Studies (ITANES), and consists of a large representative sample, obtained by interviews conducted by CATI.  相似文献   

I develop an approach for estimating the determinants of stock price changes that uses all eligible trade data and other observable parameters of market activity. This approach backs out the unobserved continuous price change distribution from the observable discrete price changes, and does not constrain the determinants to be proportions of the traded bid-ask spread. I show that theoretically impermissible results and skewed estimates of cost components are obtained when the model used for estimating the determinants of stock price changes does not attempt to uncover the mapping between the observed price changes and the underlying unobserved continuous price change process, and does not effectively use all eligible trade data.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is first to review how the standard econometric methods for panel data may be adapted to the problem of estimating frontier models and (in)efficiencies. The aim is to clarify the difference between the fixed and random effect model and to stress the advantages of the latter. Then a semi-parametric method is proposed (using a non-parametric method as a first step), the message being that in order to estimate frontier models and (in)efficiences with panel data, it is an appealing method. Since analytic sampling distributions of efficiencies are not available, a bootstrap method is presented in this framework. This provides a tool allowing to assess the statistical significance of the obtained estimators. All the methods are illustrated in the problem of estimating the inefficiencies of 19 railway companies observed over a period of 14 years (1970–1983).Article presented at the ORSA/TIMS joint national meeting, Productivity and Global Competition, Philadelphia, October 29–31, 1990. An earlier version of the paper was presented at the European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Measurement in the Service Industries held at CORE, October 20–21, 1989. Helpful comments of Jacques Mairesse, Benoît Mulkay, Sergio Perelman, Michel Mouchart, Shawna Grosskopf and Rolf Färe, at various stages of the paper, are gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes how households use second mortgages in response to shocks to housing wealth. Two related questions are examined: Do households use home equity in response to house price appreciation? Are liquidity constraints important for homeowners? A theoretical model shows that liquidity-constrained households respond more strongly to house price changes than unconstrained households. Using PSID, I find noteworthy differences in borrowing patterns of homeowners by the ratio of wealth to income. Low wealth-to-income homeowners exhibit a strong reaction to house price appreciation, whereas high wealth-to-income ones do not. The results indicate the importance of liquidity constraints among homeowners.  相似文献   

House price appreciation, liquidity constraints, and second mortgages   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes how households use second mortgages in response to shocks to housing wealth. Two related questions are examined: Do households use home equity in response to house price appreciation? Are liquidity constraints important for homeowners? A theoretical model shows that liquidity-constrained households respond more strongly to house price changes than unconstrained households. Using PSID, I find noteworthy differences in borrowing patterns of homeowners by the ratio of wealth to income. Low wealth-to-income homeowners exhibit a strong reaction to house price appreciation, whereas high wealth-to-income ones do not. The results indicate the importance of liquidity constraints among homeowners.  相似文献   

Attention has recently been given to combinations of subjective and objective forecasts to improve forecast accuracy. This research offers an extension on this theme by comparing two methods that can be used to adjust an objective forecast. Wolfe and Flores (1990) show that forecasts can be judgmentally adjusted by analysts using a structured approach based on Saaty's analytic hierarchy process (AHP). In this study, the centroid method is introduced as a vehicle for forecast adjustment and is compared to the AHP. While the AHP allows for finer tuning in reflecting decision maker judgement, the centroid method produces very similar results and is much simpler to use in the forecast adjustment process.  相似文献   

This paper examines the lead-lag relationships and the dynamic linkages among four regional house price indices in Taiwan. We employ the Johansen cointegration technique, Toda and Yamamoto’s Granger causality test, the generalized impulse response approach, and variance decomposition analysis to find out the extent and the magnitude of their relationships. The estimated long-run relationship between regional house prices appears to have remained stable throughout the sample period. Our empirical results show a bidirectional relationship between house prices in the most important economic center, Taipei City, and its suburban area, Taipei County. However, there are no causalities of house prices between Taipei City and other megacities in Taiwan. The mutual impacts of the shocks between house prices in Taipei City and Taipei County are significantly positive, while these impacts on Kaohsiung City, far from Taipei City, are insignificant. Finally, the results of the generalized impulse response approach indicate that the house prices indices of Taipei City are the most exogenous while those for Taipei County are the most endogenous.  相似文献   

Applying the rational expectations hypothesis, this essay models the current value of a house as the conditional expectation of the discounted stream of housing services accruing to the owner of the house. The value of housing services is determined by neighborhood effects as well as the physical attributes of the property itself. In the existing hedonic literature, future transactions have not been utilized to describe neighborhood effects. The rational expectations asset pricing model in this study accounts for expected future neighborhood effects as well as observed current neighborhood effects. The reduced form of the rational expectations model is a spatial autoregressive (SAR) model with two spatial lags. After employing the generalized method of moments (GMM) in estimating the spatial asset pricing model, I find that both expected future transactions and prior transactions in the neighborhood are significant. The inclusion of expected future transaction prices in the neighborhood takes into account the influence of expected changes in the community and factors these potential changes into the current house price. This is consistent with forward-looking households. The forward-looking model generates superior out-of-sample prediction performance relative to both the conventional hedonic model without considering neighborhood effects or the standard spatial hedonic model including only past transactions.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical review of the methodological approaches that have been used to estimate the impacts of regional economic policies. A considerable variety of approaches are examined, ranging from questionnaire studies through single- and multiple-equation regression models to cost-benefits analysis, and attention is focused on the pros and cons of these approaches and the reliability of the impact assessments derived. The paper concludes with some suggestions for further research in this field.  相似文献   

从供给角度分析北京市房价偏高的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从住宅供给量和存量房市场两方面对北京、上海进行对比分析 ,从供给角度剖析北京市房价偏高的原因。  相似文献   

House prices have inertia, which may be because housing-market participants need time to recognize long booms and recessions. Within a dynamic stochastic general-equilibrium model with an endogenous market for housing, I consider the case of rational expectations subject to imperfect information about the persistence of exogenous shocks. I evaluate the performance of the model against the last 40 years of key U.S. macroeconomic data. Bayesian comparison strongly favors the model over the baseline case with perfect information. Under imperfect information, agents rely on learning to form expectations, which improves the ability of the model to generate realistic low-frequency house-price dynamics. However, as long as the agents form expectations rationally, the improvement is limited. Furthermore, to confine price inertia within the housing market is a challenge for the general-equilibrium approach.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2019,43(4):11-14
  • ? Short of an unlikely jump in interest rates or a no‐deal Brexit proving more damaging than we expect, we think that positive but sluggish growth will continue to characterise UK house prices for the foreseeable future.
  • ? Mooted reforms to stamp duty could prompt some upward price pressure, although stretched affordability and the end of ‘Help to Buy’ will work in the opposite direction.
  • ? Meanwhile, compared to the dominant role interest rates play in driving house prices, fulfilling the government's housebuilding goals ‐ even if these very ambitious target could be met ‐ would make only a modest difference.

在构建人文资本与住宅意愿支付价格关系模型的基础上,运用2006年天津市有关数据,研究了人文资本特征对住宅价格的影响,并对人文资本特征溢价值进行了测算。对天津市的实证分析表明,人文资本密度指标中,只有居民素质、物业服务质量、小区周边体育场的距离对住宅总价有一定的影响,但并不显著。这说明人们对人文资本特征的偏好非常弱,天津市居民的住宅需求还处于基本需求阶段,尚未大规模进入改善需求阶段。以上结论对正确认识消费者偏好、公共投资效应、城市规划状况及住宅价格的合理性,具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2017,41(4):11-15
  • ? UK house price growth is running out of steam. And with household incomes squeezed and the affordability of housing stretched, we think a prolonged period of very modest growth lies ahead. But the prospect of a crash is remote.
  • ? At 2.6% in Q2 2017, annual house price growth is presently running at a four‐year low. This is a step change down from the recent peak of nearly 10% in mid‐2014 and average growth of 4% over the current economic expansion.
  • ? Three developments are likely to lie behind this slowdown. The first is weak growth in households' real income, cutting the ability to save for a deposit or finance a move up the housing ladder. That said, past periods of sluggish income growth have not always been associated with low house price inflation.
  • ? The second is the consequence of recent tax hikes imposed on buy‐to‐let investors and second‐home owners, which theory suggests should be capitalised in lower property prices.
  • ? The third and perhaps most important reason is the increasing unaffordability of housing to an ever‐widening sub‐set of the population. The ratio of house prices to earnings is almost back at its pre‐crisis record. And the income of the average mortgage borrower is close to £60,000, more than double the average annual wage.
  • ? This third factor has implications beyond price growth, suggesting both a permanently lower level of transactions and a further decline in the number of households with mortgages, continuing a trend which began at the beginning of the century.
  • ? But set against these headwinds is the cushion provided by record lows for both mortgage rates and mortgage affordability. Overall, house prices are caught between a lack of traditional drivers of accelerating growth, but equally an absence of forces which have typically caused prices to fall. Hence, our expectation of a period of sluggish, but relatively stable, growth.

改革土地批租收费降低住房价格   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国房价过高上涨过快,有诸多原因,但不可否认的是现行土地秕租政策有不少弊端,一次性地收取土地批租税费,使过高的房价难以降下来。应改革土地税费收缴,实行土地年租制,调控商品房结构。只有这样,才能从根本上解决房价过高的问题。  相似文献   

The sale price appraisal ratio (SPAR) method, which takes the ratios of the current house prices and their previous assessed values to construct an index, has been applied in New Zealand since the 1960s. This paper uses housing market transaction data for 12 cities in New Zealand (1994–2004) to develop monthly SPAR house price indices. These indices were subjected to a variety of statistical tests and benchmarked against the comparable monthly quality controlled weighted repeat sales indices. Finally, the paper provides some useful suggestions for future research based on the SPAR index and other alternative house price indices, such as the assessed value (AV) method.  相似文献   

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