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亲爱的读者,期盼已久的第七届世界草莓大会将于2月18日—22日在北京昌平隆重举行,这是引领全球草莓产业发展的风向标,被誉为"草莓界的奥运会"。应组委会邀请,本刊记者提前进行采访,从大会背景、展馆布局、昌平草莓产业发展现状、科普知识等多角度进行报道,以供参考。  相似文献   

正3月24-25日,以"莓动世界,品牌共享"为主题的首届国际草莓品牌大会在江苏南京溧水区举行,引起业界广泛关注,会后记者就草莓产业现状、困境及下一步的发展方向等相关问题专访了中国优质农产品开发服务协会会长朱保成。他表示,要以我国推进农业供给侧结构性改革和实施乡村振兴战略为契机,加快推进我国草莓产业向绿色发展、高质量发展转变,打造国际知名品牌,提升产业竞争力。草莓产业升级需克服"三  相似文献   

根据江苏省草莓产业技术体系下达的调研任务和发放的调查问卷,调研组对江阴地区草莓生产现状,包括面积、品种、种苗、成本、效益、存在问题等进行调查,作出分析,并提出了对策与建议。  相似文献   

<正>近日,全省科技助力草莓产业富民对接会暨草莓种植技术培训会在睢宁举办,省现代农业(草莓)产业技术体系团队的专家、基地负责人以及来自睢宁、涟水、滨海、泗阳、沭阳等5个省重点帮扶县的29家草莓生产企业、合作社和家庭农场近170人参加活动。会上,涟水等5个省重点帮扶县现场介绍了本地草莓产业现状,梳理了生产中存在的问题,发布了技术成果与帮扶需求。省草莓产业技术体系专家团队现场推介了一批自主创新技术成果。  相似文献   

草莓是建德市的农业主导产业、优势产业之一,通过不断的探索与实践,获得了"中国大棚草莓之乡"的美誉。伴随着现代农业的发展,草莓产业也面临着转型升级的严峻考验。通过现状分析和问题剖析,从多措并举促发展、强化监管保安全、突出重点抓建设等方面提出了草莓产业转型升级对策与举措。  相似文献   

李诗琴 《现代食品》2022,(22):85-88
目的:研究草莓慕斯蛋糕的制作工艺。方法:采用单因素实验和感官评价方法,研究鱼胶粉、草莓果酱、糖的添加量等因素对草莓慕斯蛋糕质量的影响。再采用正交实验确定鱼胶粉、草莓果酱、糖的最佳用量及在制作过程中最适加热温度和加热时间,从而得到草莓慕斯蛋糕的最佳配方。结果:草莓慕斯蛋糕的最佳配方为1.2 g鱼胶粉、4.5 g白砂糖、31 g草莓果酱,在50℃水浴加热3 min。结论:该工艺配方制得的慕斯,既保持了慕斯原有的风味口感,又具有草莓特有的味道及保健作用,可为草莓慕斯蛋糕的生产提供一定的理论支持。  相似文献   

黑龙江省农科院园艺分院农业科技园区对引进的“童子一号”草莓使用牛奶滴灌,以提高草莓的甜度和香味,使它成为“牛奶草莓”。它的生产过程采用无公害操作流程,改进了施肥方式,通过滴灌把新鲜的牛奶滴入盆内,让人食用更健康,让草莓具有了牛奶香味。这种草莓上市不久,便深受市场  相似文献   

保护地草莓苗床期的管理重点,一是匍匐茎苗的繁殖,二是病虫害防治。由于苗床面积小,管理方便,旱害则相对较轻。8月底至9月初草莓相继移入大田,此时的管理以保证移栽成活率及促进保温前的花芽分化为主。但2003年入夏以来,持续35℃以上的高温干旱天气对苗床期的草莓产生了较大的影响,并由此也影响了大田草莓的生长发育。主要体现存以下几个方面。一、苗床病害格局变化,斜纹夜蛾进一步重发1.白粉病一般年份,苗床期草莓白粉病6月初开始迅速发展,后虽有波动,但一直维持在极高水平上,至9月初由于移栽时非常彻底的摘除病、老叶,白粉病  相似文献   

为丰富第七届世界草莓大会内容,吸引公众参与,提升昌平草莓知名度,促进产业发展,本届大会以国际一流标准策划了国际草莓产业展、国际草莓风情展、中国草莓科技展、草莓科普文化展、日光温室草莓产业展五大展区,集中展示国内  相似文献   

郝义德 《致富之友》1995,(1):16-17,21
草莓冬季拱棚生产技术草莓冬季生产一般在温室中进行──称为促成栽培。北京市农业技术推广站与平谷县农科所合作,进行了冬季拱棚栽培草莓的研究,取得了较好的效果,在不用火炉加温的条件下,草莓于1月24日成熟。采果期长达5个月之久,亩产值创万元,亩效益可达70...  相似文献   

[目的]合理确定农田生态系统的休闲娱乐生态服务价值对促进土地资源优化利用和耕地保护等都具有十分重要的意义。[方法]文章以平顶山地区城郊的草莓种植地为研究对象,采用模拟旅行费用法探讨了平顶山市城郊农田休闲娱乐生态服务价值的构成和特点。[结果]随着休闲农业的快速发展,城郊农田通常情况下处于潜在隐性状态的休闲娱乐生态服务价值正通过农业观光、采摘等活动得到释放和显现。平顶山市郊区采摘草莓园的休闲娱乐生态服务价值由草莓园经营者相较传统草莓种植模式获得的"超额收益"和采摘者付出的劳动价值以及采摘者付出的交通、时间机会成本等费用共同构成。2013~2014年平顶山市郊区采摘草莓园的休闲娱乐生态服务价值大致介于26.156 25万~61.031 25万元/hm2之间,远高于平顶山市一般农田的直接生产收益,其平均值43.593 75万元/hm2可作为当前平顶山市城郊农田生态系统休闲娱乐生态服务价值的参考基准。[结论]随着休闲农业的社会需求不断增强,在城市郊区土地利用规划中,不能忽视农田生态系统休闲娱乐生态服务价值潜力的充分挖掘、实现和保护。  相似文献   

In September 2018, a former strawberry‐picking supervisor for a strawberry farm in New South Wales was arrested for inserting sewing needles in hundreds of punnets of fresh strawberries sold in retail stores across several Australian states. This paper analyses the 2018 Australian strawberry needle scare as a case study on the market impacts of agro‐terrorism events. We develop a novel four‐step procedure to estimate the effects of the strawberry needle contamination on wholesale fresh strawberry prices. Our results indicate a drop in wholesale fresh strawberries prices of about 20% while the needle crisis was ongoing. However, public and private supply restrictions caused wholesale prices to rise by up to 94% relative to expected dynamics over several weeks in the immediate wake of the incident.  相似文献   

This paper uses the example of Spanish polytunnels to demonstrate how the deployment of ‘neo-productivist’ agricultural technologies to meet the demands of food security and sustainability within a globalised food chain is likely to precipitate greater countryside conflict. Field-scale ‘Spanish polytunnels’ for strawberry growing have become a new feature of the British agricultural landscape. This has been driven primarily by supermarkets searching for high quality and quantity supplies of soft fruit. With production becoming industrialised, conflict has ensued in some rural communities where polytunnels have appeared. Interviews with prominent strawberry growers and protestors against polytunnels illuminate a vociferous and embittered wrangle. Within it, land use planners are labelled as ‘strawberry fools’ by both sides for failing, until recently, to provide decisive regulation to prevent conflict and effect its resolution. The paper concludes by drawing attention to the future characteristics of conflicts precipitated as new agricultural technologies are implemented rapidly, impact unevenly and are received acrimoniously.  相似文献   

本试验以草莓和皇冠梨为研究对象,对其进行-25℃冻藏处理,以明确冻藏对两种水果失重、维生素C含量、可溶性糖含量和可滴定酸度的影响。结果表明,冻藏后两种水果的重量有微小变化;冻藏24 h后,与鲜样相比,草莓维生素C含量和可滴定酸度均显著增加,冻藏草莓的维生素C含量是鲜样的1.17倍,可溶性糖含量增加16.00%,糖酸比无明显变化,品质有所改善;皇冠梨经冻藏处理后可溶性糖有所下降,有机酸含量上升,糖酸比降低,影响口感。  相似文献   

California strawberry production accounts for 18% of total methyl bromide use in U.S. agriculture. Under the Montreal Protocol, methyl bromide was slated to be banned in the United States in 2005. A critical use exemption was obtained for U.S. agriculture for 2005 and 2006, but the phaseout of methyl bromide continues. We examine the ban's effects on the California strawberry industry, and on individual production regions in the state. Under the most likely scenario, industry revenue will decline by 6–17% due to the ban. The effects will differ by region, due to seasonal differences in demand and production, and the possibility of increased foreign competition.  相似文献   

The importance of customer ratings or reviews in online shopping has been recognized in the previous literature; however, few have studied how online customer rating scores affect consumers’ fresh produce purchases and its importance relative to other fresh produce attributes. The quality of fresh produce demonstrates high uncertainty and variation; therefore, the impact of user-generated content such as customer rating scores on the choice of fresh produce may be more complex than on other product categories. Moreover, previous studies on customer ratings have not examined the price premium that retailers can obtain based on better ratings of fresh produce. Using a stated preference approach (i.e., choice experiment), this study measures the willingness to pay for a higher customer rating score and explores its relative importance to other popular fresh produce attributes (i.e., organic, place of origin, and shelf life). The results show that customer rating is the second most important attribute after the place of origin and is more important than production methods (e.g., organic and naturally grown) for fresh strawberry purchases. Also, rating scores demonstrate a diminishing marginal impact on consumer willingness to pay. Younger consumers and households with children are willing to pay more for fresh produce with high ratings than those with low ratings.  相似文献   

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) are aimed at reducing farm level microbial contamination of fresh produce and include both fixed and variable cost components. We empirically analyze three scenarios of voluntary food safety practice adoption and third‐party certification in the North American fresh strawberry market using a spatial equilibrium model. The model incorporates GAPs adoption across production regions and across farm size. Transportation and product shrinkage, which are critical factors in inter‐regional trade of perishable products, are also included. Regional trade pattern impacts are assessed and used to draw inferences for pressure on market structure. Results indicate that competitive pressures are greatest on those regions with mid‐size volumes that are not able to take advantage of close market proximity, yet still must absorb additional costs. This suggests that adoption of food safety practices, even if voluntary, is likely to accelerate what is already a bi‐modal structure for this industry. Les bonnes pratiques agricoles (BPA) visent à réduire la contamination microbienne des produits frais à la ferme et comprennent des coûts fixes et des coûts variables. Nous avons effectué, à l'aide d'un modèle d'équilibre spatial, l'analyse empirique de trois scénarios d'adoption volontaire de pratiques de sécurité alimentaire et de certification par un tiers dans le marché nord‐américain des fraises fraîches. Le modèle intègre l'adoption de BPA dans toutes les régions productrices et les fermes de toute taille. Le transport et le flétrissement, qui constituent des facteurs critiques dans le commerce interrégional des denrées périssables, ont aussi été inclus. Nous avons évalué les répercussions de la structure de commerce régional et les avons utilisées pour tirer des conclusions sur la pression exercée sur la structure de marché. Les résultats ont indiqué que les pressions concurrentielles étaient plus importantes sur les régions qui produisent des volumes moyens, qui ne peuvent tirer profit des marchés de proximité, mais qui doivent pourtant absorber des coûts additionnels. Ces résultats autorisent à penser que l'adoption, même volontaire, de pratiques de sécurité alimentaire contribuera probablement à accélérer ce que est déjà une structure bimodale de l'industrie.  相似文献   

土地整理产业化是解决目前我国土地整理资金筹措问题的有效措施,同时也是今后土地整理工作的发展方向。本文从土地整理产业化的涵义、土地整理产业化的本质特征、实行土地整理产业化的意义、我国土地整理产业化的政策法律基础以及运作模式对土地整理产业化进行了探讨,并详细地分析了我国土地整理产业化发展的制约因素,同时提出了推进土地整理产业化发展的建议。本文从各个方面对土地整理产业化进行了详细地探讨,对今后的土地整理工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

本文首先说明了西部黄河源区的自然环境特点及生态现状,分析了其脆弱的原因,然后探讨了目前本地区出现生态恶化的影响因素.认为本地区的生态恶化是由人为不合理活动及气候变化引起的,元凶是气候变化,人为活动也是不可忽视的重要原因.最后讨论解决目前黄河源区生态困境的对策,认为为了改善本地区的生态环境,除了增加投入、完善法制、搞好宣传外,抢救性措施如建立生态保护区等长远措施以及改进当地人民的生产方式也势在必行.  相似文献   

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