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本文主要研究了不同烟剂浓度条件对同种储粮害虫及相同烟剂浓度条件对不同储粮害虫的抑杀效果.在实际贮粮过程中,粮食承储单位可综合考虑两种试剂的所需用量、市场价、运输成本以及保管条件,更好地保障粮食存储安全.  相似文献   

针对进口大豆保管过程中遇到的储粮害虫防治难题,中央储备粮日照仓储有限公司积极响应国家关于保障食品安全的总体要求,在分析相关虫种生活习性的基础上,多措并举,积极探索储粮害虫综合防治策略,通过物理防治与化学防治相结合的方式,抑制虫害的发生发展,实现储粮熏蒸率逐年降低,有效夯实了绿色储粮管理基础。  相似文献   

论储粮害虫的综合防治   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
根据中国当前储粮技术实际,阐述了清洁卫生防治、储粮防护、PH3熏蒸除杀、绿色储粮等4个方面是综合防治储粮害虫的基本策略与措施。  相似文献   

目前,在储粮害虫防治中,粮食储备库通常采用磷化氢环流熏蒸技术,熏蒸效果比较理想,为确保储粮安全提供了有力保证。但实际操作过程中,在某些情况下不一定非要采用全仓环流熏蒸处理,可视具体情况采用不同的处理方法,既能够有效防治储粮害虫,又可以达到降低储粮成本,安全、经济的目的。  相似文献   

近年来.随着国家“节能减排”事业的发展.对绿色储粮的研究.逐步引起各粮食承储企业的高度重视。提高储粮免熏蒸率,从粮食的入库、熏蒸、日常管理并结合仓房隔热、仓房密闭等方面抑制害虫孳生,避免磷化氢熏蒸,减少对粮食、环境的污染,  相似文献   

小艳  浩升  治勇  立忠 《齐鲁粮食》2002,(10):47-47
钢板筒仓储粮害虫的防治是储粮管理中一项重要的工作,应尽量做到既能有效杀灭储粮害虫,又能最大限度地降低熏蒸剂的残留量,减少熏蒸费用,保持粮食的原有品质。在保证储粮安全的同时,确保储粮的食用安全。青岛第二粮库探索了在良好密闭条件下的低剂量间隔熏蒸。  相似文献   

所谓储粮,就是从粮食收获后到消费前之间的贮存过程,在储粮过程中除了对其进行科学管理外,还要严格防范害虫对储粮的侵害,因为害虫不但使粮食重量和品质下降,还有可能引起疾病的传播,严重影响消费者的身体健康。文章从我国储粮虫害现状着手,分析了储粮害虫防治存在的问题,并探究了提高储粮害虫防治工作水平的有效对策,以期为广大储粮工作者提供有益的经验借鉴。  相似文献   

针对浅圆仓安全储粮过程中害虫防治的特点,提出了用PH3熏蒸杀虫必须提高仓房的气密性,把握熏蒸杀虫时机和杀虫虫期,采用多种熏蒸方法等对策,提高PH3杀虫效果。  相似文献   

针对农村粮食因虫害损失严重的问题,本研究开展利用无毒、无污染的植物源混合物防治储粮害虫,提高农村科学储粮技术,实现农户绿色安全储粮的目的。  相似文献   

低温储粮可抑制粮食的呼吸作用,减少干物质的损耗。从而保持粮食的品质稳定,延长粮食的储存年限。同时可抑制害虫和微生物的繁殖,减少熏蒸药剂的使用,是“绿色储粮”的理想方式之一。利用冬季较低的温度进行机械通风降低粮温,也是达到低温储粮的有效措施。离心式风机虽然具备通风时间短、降温较快等优点,但也存在功耗大,  相似文献   

珠海直属库地处亚热带南方沿海地区,位于中国储粮生态第七区,针对这个区域虫害问题严重、储粮难度最大的特点,根据所处生态区域特点及储粮害虫发生的规律,加强日常仓储管理,采取科学的综合防治技术和方法,选择最有利的杀虫时机,高大平房仓稻谷3年储存期间可达到只熏蒸2次的理想防治效果。  相似文献   

为了评价惰性粉杀虫剂在东北地区高大平房仓、立筒仓2种仓型中杀虫应用效果,采用粮堆表层50cm处拌粮的方法对新入库的玉米和小麦进行试验研究。结果表明:惰性粉杀虫剂能在较长一段时间有效防治粮堆内的虫害发生,并延迟了害虫的发生时间和密度,对仓内温、湿度和储粮品质等基本无影响,可以部分取代目前使用的化学防护剂。  相似文献   

为探讨精益管理方法在控制大米加工厂害虫滋生中的应用价值.采用精益管理的方法与工具分析某大米加工厂原有的害虫防控工作流程中存在的问题,针对性地进行优化和持续改进.比较实施精益管理前后大米加工厂因生虫导致的退货和滞销生虫数量的变化.结果表明:实施精益管理后,大米加工厂生虫退货数量由原来的411.9 t/a,显著降低到145...  相似文献   

在我国粮食仓储行业中,环流熏蒸工艺是应用较为广泛的储粮害虫治理技术,其中环流风机进风口方向与粮堆上层相通、出风口方向连接风道口是普遍采用的环流熏蒸工艺。本文结合超高大平房仓(堆粮高度8m)磷化氢环流熏蒸技术,采用磷化铝片剂表面施药法,将环流风机进风口方向与风道口连接、出风口方向与粮堆上层相通,并分析粮仓空间、粮堆表层和粮堆底层磷化氢浓度分布情况,实验结果表明采用表面施药方法进行环流熏蒸时,环流风机进出风口方向调整后,更有利于保证杀虫效果和熏蒸安全。  相似文献   

针对在储粮仓房中常用的害虫诱捕方法诱捕效率低,测报率低等问题,设计了立地式定时自动杀虫诱捕器,通过将原有悬挂式的诱捕器改进为立地式定时自动杀虫诱捕器,使其操作简单、使用便捷。并将其应用于储粮仓房中,试验与应用结果表明该诱捕器不但能及时了解害虫在仓内的种类数量变化动态,而且对于害虫的预报要强于传统的扦样过筛法检查,可及时发现并采取措施灭杀害虫。该诱捕器在仓内害虫密度不大时,可以控制害虫增长,减少磷化氢熏蒸次数甚至可做到少熏蒸或不熏蒸,实现绿色储粮,达到综合防治储粮害虫目的。  相似文献   

Natural enemies (NEs) provide an important ecosystem service by preying on variety of pests in agricultural crop production systems. Current management practices of both primary and secondary pests in agricultural production principally rely on the use of pesticides with associated negative social and environmental consequences/externalities. Excessive use of pesticides against primary pets can remove NEs from the agro‐ecosystem and amplify susceptibility of the system to outbreaks of secondary pests. The combined effect of NEs on primary and secondary pests has received limited attention. This study uses an intraseasonal bioeconomic model to explicitly take into account biological interactions among primary pests, secondary pests, and NEs assuming decision makers’ profit maximizing behavior. The model explicitly captures the opportunity cost of injury to NE in terms of both primary and secondary pest suppression by NE. The results show that in the context of the green peach aphid (primary pest) and two‐spotted spider mite (secondary pest) in potato production, inclusion of NE into pest mitigation strategy can increase returns by 2%.  相似文献   

松材线虫病对浙江省环境影响经济评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
松材线虫是中国头号外来林业有害生物,是松树的毁灭性病害,对我国松林造成了不可估量的损失。浙江省是松材线虫病危害最为严重的区域,通过对浙江省松材线虫病的环境影响进行经济评价,为全国松材线虫病乃至森林有害生物的环境影响评价提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper develops a decision aid for agricultural producers regarding their pest scouting and spraying activities. The basic issue is how estimates of pest populations are computed and when the operator should act using that information. Scouting for pests, essentially a search operation, can lead to a change in the strategy for applying pesticide. An adaptive-scouting process is developed to unify the spraying and scouting activities. Some results, for the cotton-lygus bug system, are presented.  相似文献   

Invasive species, including plants, insects and other pests, are a serious threat to agricultural production and to the environment in general. Finland has traditionally had a favourable situation concerning invasives, partly due to its isolated geographical location. The situation may now be changing and one of the currently increasing threats is the Colorado potato beetle (CPB). Finland has designed a CPB protection policy incorporating a protected zone, which is commonly used to deal with invasive plant pests in other European countries. Within this zone, the randomly occurring CPB invasions are collectively fended off, to prevent the establishment of a permanent pest population and to minimise potential damage. This paper evaluates the economics of the current protection programme, comparing this to a hypothetical situation in which the current pre-emptive policy is abandoned and control relies on producers' individual reactive protection measures. The annual random pest invasions are modelled in a static stochastic framework. To date the pest has not been able to establish a permanent population in Finland. According to our analysis, the currently exercised pre-emptive policy is the cost-efficient choice at this point. The relatively low expected invasion magnitude is one of the key factors supporting the efficiency of the current system. Another reason is the fairly small damage incurred. However, when the invasions become larger and more frequent or the pest strains more cold-resistant, the future situation may change.  相似文献   

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