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<正>二、水产用中药免疫增强剂的有效成分及其作用机制1、中药增强水产动物免疫功能的物质基础单味中草药的成分就是一个复方,其有效成分与药理作用密切相关。有效成分及其特有的药理功能,是防治水产动物疾病的物质基础。现代中药化学研究表明,种类繁多的中草药有效成分主要有生物碱、甙类、糖类、有机酸、挥发油、黄酮、鞣质、树脂、油脂、色素、糖肽、氨基酸和多种常量与微量元素等。这些成分均以有机复合物形态存在,除单个成分所起的作用,还有各成分间的复合作用。  相似文献   

正今年,新疆生产建设兵团第二师二十九团在荒漠盐碱地里试种的5000余亩野生黑枸杞喜获丰收,成熟的黑枸杞,像一串串黑珍珠挂满枝头。黑枸杞是一种耐寒、耐干旱、耐盐碱的野生植物,富含花青素,有极高的保健和经济价值,被誉为"软黄金"。近年来,二十九团把野生黑枸杞产业作为农民精准脱贫致富的特色产业,从小额贷款、技术培训、规模标准化生产等方面予以扶持。  相似文献   

本研究选用索式提取法和溶剂浸提法提取野菠萝果中的黄酮、多糖和多酚,并根据硝酸铝-亚硝酸钠比色法、苯酚硫酸法和福林-酚比色法测定其含量.采用DPPH自由基清除能力和·OH自由基清除能力进行抗氧化测定.结果表明,野菠萝果中多糖、黄酮和多酚的含量分别为2.30 mg·g-1、4.32 mg·g-1和1.28 mg·g-1,且...  相似文献   

黑果腺肋花楸的食药价值及开发前景分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自我国引入黑果腺肋花楸后,其以巨大的药用价值、生态价值和观赏价值被行业认可。与其他浆果相比,黑果腺肋花楸果实具有特殊的药用效果,因此有较大的开发前景和开发空间。研究了黑果腺肋花楸的营养成分和食药价值,基于国内外黑果腺肋花楸产业的开发情况,探析了黑果腺肋花楸的开发前景,旨在促进黑果腺肋花楸的推广和发展。  相似文献   

黑龙江省是黑醋栗(Black currant.别名:黑加伦)栽培和浆果加工基地,每年浆果榨汁后都排出大量果渣,被当作废料丢掉。而果渣含有大量花青素,是重要的潜在色素资源。由于天然食用色素安全、无毒,故越来越受到人们的重视,但黑醋栗果渣色素资源多年来一直未开发利用,我们以黑醋栗果渣为原料进行了色素提取工艺研究,在色素提取中,于正交试验基础上采用数学模型对黑醋栗果渣色素优化提取条件进行了探讨,确定提取温度,提取时间及溶剂配比对色素浓度和提取率影响关系的最佳提取条件。  相似文献   

一串串红玛瑙似的枸杞挂满枝头,在蓝天白云的映衬下,格外诱人.这是山丹县裕民农牧专业合作社种植基地丰收的场景.山丹县裕民农牧专业合作社位于甘肃省张掖市山丹县位奇镇马寨村,成立于2016年,是一家种植枸杞的专业合作社,其生产的枸杞个头饱满,身形纤长,果粒完整无碎果,泡水上浮率大于80%,不酸不涩,回味悠长.  相似文献   

柑橘中含有丰富的柑橘黄酮,且一般以糖基化苷的形式存在,其中黄烷酮的含量最多。从植物中提取的柑橘黄酮是纯天然物质,其中含有多种有效成分,本文就其抗氧化、抑菌、抗炎、抗癌及预防心血管疾病等功效进行了论述。  相似文献   

枸杞具有滋肝补肾、益精明目的作用.一向对中药持慎重态度的西方人,却对枸杞大力追捧.这种对西方世界仍然陌生的水果,正悄然走入西方人的食谱和超市.  相似文献   

基于Web of Science数据库,采用文献计量学方法,分析了2005-2015年世界黑果腺肋花楸研究文献趋势,排名前10位国家、研究机构、核心作者、期刊、学科。结果表明:近10年来,国际黑果腺肋花楸研究论文的数量整体呈增长趋势。从研究国家、研究机构及出版物等综合来看,波兰与美国黑果腺肋花楸研究论文的综合影响力最高,是全球研究合作网的中心。美国的《JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY》与《FOOD CHEMISTRY》是刊载黑果腺肋花楸论文质量较高的期刊。而中国对黑果腺肋花楸的研究处于起步中,在论文发表量与论文影响力方面仍有待发展。  相似文献   

美国黑李各地叫法不同,有的地方叫黑玫瑰李,也有叫黑琥珀李、黑布朗、黑奈李、美丽李等。因该品种是从美国引进,果的颜色是紫黑色,我们称其为美国黑李。该品种适应性较广,生长快、结果早、产量高。当年3月份定植,第二年每株可产果2~3公斤,第三年株产果可达20公斤以上,单果重在80—120克。果皮紫黑色,果肉黄色,汁多味清甜,糖度达13度以上,品质优,  相似文献   

本文以产自海南7个地区的鹧鸪茶作为研究对象,将鹧鸪茶鲜样干制成粉末后测定其营养成分、总酚、总黄酮含量。结果表明,不同产地鹧鸪茶中的营养成分含量各异,其中七仙岭鹧鸪茶的灰分含量最高,兴隆鹧鸪茶的碳水化合物和脂肪含量最高,霸王岭鹧鸪茶的蛋白质含量最高,白石岭鹧鸪茶的黄酮含量最高,岭头茶场鹧鸪茶的总酚含量最高。  相似文献   

稻米适度加工不仅能保留营养物、提高出品率,还能降低碾磨能耗,符合国家政策、健康消费、节能降耗的导向。本文以华南地区主要的籼稻品种——美香占为对象,研究了不同碾磨程度下稻米基本成分(水分、灰分、脂肪、蛋白质、直链淀粉、粗纤维)、矿物质、蒸煮食用品质等的变化规律。结果表明,籼稻基本成分(直链淀粉除外)、矿物质与碾减率成反比,直链淀粉、蒸煮食用品质与碾减率成正比。综合考虑籼稻营养价值和蒸煮食用品质等因素,建议籼稻碾减率控制在8%~12%。  相似文献   

目前普遍认为通过饮食摄入抗氧化剂对减少机体细胞的氧化损伤,促进人体的健康有十分重要的意义。本文阐述了鸡蛋的营养成分、鸡蛋中各种抗氧化剂的抗氧化机理以及加工、贮存条件和消化代谢过程对鸡蛋抗氧化剂的影响,为鸡蛋抗氧化功能的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Even though maternal employment can increase family income, several studies suggest that it could have adverse consequences on children’s health. In this study, we use a nationally representative sample of 12,888 children, aged 0–5 years from Egypt to examine the impact of maternal employment on child nutritional indicators, namely: stunting, wasting, and being underweight and overweight. We adopted various estimation methods to control for observable and unobservable household characteristics in order to identify the causal effect of maternal employment. These different techniques include, propensity score matching (PSM), OLS regression with controlling for a wide range of individual characteristics, and an instrumental variable two-stage least squares (IV 2SLS) approach. Results of the PSM and OLS suggest that maternal employment is weakly associated with having a malnourished child. On the other hand, the IV 2SLS suggests a stronger and significant association between maternal employment and poor nutritional status among children.  相似文献   

The effects of nutritional labels on obesity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the relationship between nutritional label use and obesity using switching regression. Results for treatment effect show that nutritional labels play a role in reducing obesity among users of nutritional labels, notably among women. The average body mass index (BMI) for men who read nutritional labels is 0.12 point lower than men who do not read them, while women who are users of nutritional labels have 1.49 points lower BMI than women who do not read labels. These findings imply that health education campaigns can employ nutritional labels as one of the instruments for reducing obesity.  相似文献   

从麦胚蛋白、麦胚活性肽、麦胚油、谷胱甘肽、维生素E、麦胚凝集素、麦胚黄酮和2,6-二甲氧基对苯醌等成分的提取及开发利用前景进行论述。  相似文献   

利用乙醇浸提、酶解和微波辅助法提取龙须草根部中的总黄酮,采用二倍稀释法和药敏纸片法探究龙须草根部总黄酮对枯草芽孢杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌的最低抑菌浓度,并探讨pH值、紫外线和常见金属离子对龙须草根部总黄酮抑菌效果的影响.结果表明,龙须草根部黄酮对枯草芽孢杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌的最低抑菌浓度为2.425 m...  相似文献   

The relation between household income, food intake, and nutritional status in less developed countries is examined, and a framework that explicitly relates household behavior patterns with public policy options designed to improve the nutritional status of the rural and urban poor is presented. For rural areas, nutritional and health status depends largely upon the levels of private inputs provided by households. In turn, level depends upon income. Consequently, increasing income may also lead to improvements in nutrition and health status. Regrettably, post-World War II development strategy in most developing countries has undervalued the potential contribution of agricultural development to economic development. Domestic economic policies practiced thus far have most probably had serious negative effects upon the nutrition and heal status of the poorest segments of developing nations. Economic development policy reform is therefore called for as a measure to alleviate rural poverty in developing countries.  相似文献   

那吉  张海芬  杨峰玉  马娇 《现代食品》2022,28(2):219-223
本文以空白实验为对照,分别对云南苦荞米饭进行了体外胃、肠模拟消化实验,采用NaNO2-Al(NO3)3比色法及ABTS+自由基清除率测定苦荞米饭体外模拟胃肠消化时黄酮释放量及抗氧化活性的变化,探讨其对苦荞米饭抗氧化成分及其活性大小的影响.结果表明,苦荞米饭在模拟胃消化中黄酮释放量和ABTS+自由基清除率均明显上升,模拟...  相似文献   

Consumers face an increasing availability of information on health and nutritional aspects of foods, especially on food package labels. Previous research has identified that this information is positively valued, but the effect of presenting several items of information simultaneously is not well understood. We conduct a choice experiment to identify the effects of multiple health and nutrition information labels for two products representing a healthy and less healthy food choice. Although our consumers attach positive utility to most of the individual labels evaluated here, the simultaneous presence of more than one label only has positive impact on utility in one of nine possible cases. Therefore, promotion of multiple labels should not be considered beneficial a priori either from a regulatory or business perspective. In addition, results show that consumers show a higher willingness to pay for nutrition and health labels for less healthy products.  相似文献   

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