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目前我国公司破产与清算的法律制度尚不完善,立法和司法实践过程中仍存在很多问题,公司破产的界限、法律制度的适用以及对债权人权利的漠视等问题亟待解决,有关清算组、清算期间等清算制度的法律缺陷也需进一步完善,本文对我国公司破产与公司清算中存在的法律问题进行了初步分析,并提出合理化的建议,期望我国公司破产与清算的法律制度更加完善.  相似文献   

平等权利当中就业平等是在政治和社会领域公民的重要权利之一.但对于就业平等权的保护,还是有没有明确的规定,它面临着保护不到位,也面临着宪法,司法救济不到位的问题.公民的平等就业权在中国的宪法和有关法律中的确作出了规定,但是其中的关于程序性问题以及如何纠正损害索赔的规定显然是不够的,这是公民面对侵犯人权行为却得不到救济的重大问题.因此,本文通过对就业平等权的相关论述,分析了缺乏救济的原因,并提出解决方案,希望能对就业平等权利的保障上有一定的影响.  相似文献   

离婚经济补偿制度与离婚损害赔偿制度、经济帮助制度共同构筑起离婚时的权利保障体系.离婚经济补偿制度客观地评价了家事劳动的价值,协调了婚姻双方当事人之间的利益关系,体现了法律真正保护个体权利的目的.但是,这一制度也存在着不足之处,需要进一步完善.本文从离婚经济补偿制度完善的必要性出发,阐述了其理论基础,进一步评析了现行立法在离婚时权利保障的不足,最后提出了经济补偿制度的立法完善.  相似文献   

自然资源权利制度的完善应当以和谐社会的理念为指导,因为历史和体制的原因,我国现行的自然资源法律制度存在着种种不和谐。本文阐述了“和谐社会”理念下我国自然资源权利制度应当遵循的基本原则,分析了我国自然资源法律制度存在的缺陷与成因,提出了以自然资源权利制度为核心,构建和谐的自然资源法律体系的建议。  相似文献   

美国经济学家阿瑟·奥肯在其著作《平等与效率》中,以是否可以交易转让为标准,明确了"不能买卖的权利"和市场上存在的"广泛而平等的权利"之间的差别,并划定了二者的边界,为规范经济领域客观存在的权利市场提供了理论基础.进一步而言,提高权利市场的运行效率,培育和完善健全的权利市场规制机制,应当成为完善中国特色社会主义市场经济法律体系的重要内容和方向.  相似文献   

农村土地承包经营权以入股方式流转的现象已颇为普遍.此权利即可入股农民专业合作社,也可八股公司.农村土地承包经营权上承载有经济权能,也有与农民身份相关的权能.在该权利以入股方式流转过程中,必须要满足的前提是保障与农民身份相关的权利.这就对该权利的流转制度设计提出了特殊要求.本文在对该权利进行分析的基础上,从入股方公司方面,提出其法律风险和初步解决方案.  相似文献   

本文讨论的工资优先权是属于一般优先权,工资优先权是指根据法律的直接规定,旨在打破债权平等原则而优先受偿的特权.职工因从事劳动而获得相应的报酬请求权,就债务人的一般财产享有优先受偿的权利,工资优先权的效力主要体现在工资优先权与其他权利冲突时的顺位上.本文对工资优先权制度做出了初步地探讨,提出了一些建议,希望能对于解决我国现实问题有所帮助.  相似文献   

我国私有财产的保护经历了从非制度化到制度化、从非平等保护到平等保护、从宪法理念到制度架构的历史变迁.私有财产入宪使公民的财产权利由一般的民事权利上升到宪法权利,标志着中国私产的公法保护体系有了良好的开端.本文通过分析<物权法>的实施对私有财产法律保护制度的影响,揭示宪法走向具体法治是私产保护得以落实的路径.物权法也需要在现实中不断完善,为私有财产的法律保护制度创设良好的实施空间.  相似文献   

民族教育的少数民族权益保护功能是基于少数民族权益自由权和社会权,为少数民族地区服务,培养民族地区所需人才.它旨在通过保障少数民族的民族平等权利、保障少数民族区域自治权、保障各民族的参政权,实现少数民族政治权益的平等;通过保障少数民族经济平等权和发展权、民族经济获得国家帮助权来保障少数民族经济权益平等;通过保护民族语言文字权利、保持和改革少数民族风俗习惯、发展少数民族教育事业、发展少数民族医疗卫生、体育事业和社会保障权利等等,遗传和发扬优良少数民族文化风俗习惯.  相似文献   

经济全球化进程中对政府与市场关系的调整是我国改革与转型阶段的主流律动.在此宏观背景下,我国法制体系也随之发生了时代性变化,物流管理领域的法律规制概莫能外.本文试图在勾勒出经济全球化下物流管理法律规制的理论应然与制度实然并揭示其核心问题与目标取向后,研讨了物流管理法律规制中利益体系及其平衡方法,最后对全球经济下中国物流管理的法律制度完善提出设想.  相似文献   

梁启超认为,女子在智力上和男子并没有多大的差别,她们应该和男子一样享有正常的权利。他把"人权运动"和"女权运动"并列起来,认为女子争取权利要分不同的阶段来进行。在梁启超看来,女权的实现应该分为三个阶段,即:教育平等权→职业平等权→政治平等权,而教育平等权则是最重要的基础。  相似文献   

赵振华 《经济经纬》2007,3(3):4-5,72
马克思、恩格斯认为公平是一个历史范畴,它包括政治、社会及经济诸多方面内容.它不仅要求法律上平等,而且要求实际平等.他们认为资本主义的平等只是形式的表面(法律上)的平等,社会主义形式上平等和实际不平等不可避免.要实现真正平等,必须消除剥削制度,实现共产主义.  相似文献   

积极开发女性科技人力资源是日本推动科技发展的重要方针。日本政府采取一系列政策措施改善女科技工作者工作和成长环境,构建全社会支持女科技工作者平等发挥作用的氛围,解决女性面临的传统雇佣制度与单位内性别不平等、工作与家庭双重角色冲突与再就业困境、兼顾工作与养育子女的社会环境不够完善等种种困难,使女性科技工作者为实施科学技术立国战略做出贡献。  相似文献   

While it is well documented that political participation is stratified by socioeconomic characteristics, it is an open question how this finding bears on the evaluation of the democratic process with respect to its fairness. In this paper, we draw on the analytical tools developed in the equality-of-opportunity literature to answer this question. We investigate to what extent differential political participation is determined by factors that lie beyond individual control (circumstances) rather than being the result of individual effort. Using rich panel data from the United States, we indeed find a lack of political opportunity for the types with the most disadvantaged circumstances. Opportunity shortages tend to complement each other across different forms of participation and persist over time. Family characteristics and psychological conditions during childhood emanate as the strongest determinants of political opportunities.  相似文献   

Neoliberalism has been discredited as a result of proliferating crises (financial, ecological, care) and mounting inequality. This paper examines the growing research on gender at the World Bank as a site for the construction of a new hegemonic consensus around neoliberalism. Drawing on a computer-assisted inductive analysis of thirty-four Bank publications on gender since 2001, the paper documents Bank efforts to establish a positive relationship between gender equality and growth; shows the expansion of the Bank’s definition of equality as equal opportunity; illustrates how the focus on institutions has enabled engagement with core feminist concerns, such as equality in the family; and traces how incorporating notions of women’s empowerment and agency has made possible a focus on domestic violence. The paper concludes by emphasizing the ambiguous effects of the Bank’s new neoliberalism, which continues to use the market as the arbiter of social values while providing openings for feminist agendas.  相似文献   

This paper examines the economic issues relevant to policy debatesthat surround the increasing labour force participation of mothers.We review the main changes in women's labour market participationin Britain. The main source of increase in women's participationrates has come from mothers returning to work after childbirthafter progressively shorter intervals. The major influenceson this behaviour and the length of time spent out of work overthe first childbirth and the associated empirical work are alsoreviewed. These changes have raised issues relevant to maternityand parental leave, childcare provision, employers' family-friendlyworking arrangements and children's welfare. The paper makessome recommendations about how to further gender equity in aform compatible with family life.  相似文献   

Gender Equality and Long-Run Growth   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This research suggests that long-run economic and demographic development in Europe can be better understood when related to long-term trends in gender equality, dating back to the spread of Christianity. We set up a growth model where gaps in female-to-male human capital arise at equilibrium through a coordination process. An economy which over a long stretch of time re-coordinates on continuously more equal equilibria—as one could argue happened in Europe—exhibits growth patterns qualitatively similar to that of Europe.  相似文献   

郑志国 《财经科学》2007,(11):77-82
西方学者所讲的效率与公平的冲突是一种虚拟冲突,其主要结论基于多种未经证实的假设务件.把效率与公平的内涵分别界定为产出最大化和分配平均化;假设或默认人们追求这两种理想目标;从市场对效率与公平的功能差异推断二者的冲突;片面认识收入差距变化对效率与公平的影响.应当摒弃效率与公平的虚拟冲突所构造的思维模式.  相似文献   

The Division of Labor, Inequality and Growth   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We present a model that links the division of labor and economic growth with the division of wealth in society. When capital market imperfections restrict the access of poor households to capital, the division of wealth affects individual incentives to invest in specialization. In turn, the division of labor determines the dynamics of the wealth distribution. A highly concentrated distribution of wealth leads to a low degree of specialization, low productivity, and low wages. In that case workers are unable to accumulate enough wealth to invest in specialization. Hence, in a highly unequal society, there is a vicious cycle in which the degree of specialization, productivity and wages stay low, wealth and income inequality stays high and the economy stagnates. By contrast, greater equality increases investment in specialization and leads to a greater division of labor and higher long run development.  相似文献   

调整我国收入分配关系的财政制度保障   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现行财政制度的收入再分配职能效果不佳,原因在于两点,一是收入分配秩序的不规范,使累进性税收难以发挥缩小收入差距的作用;二是收入再分配过程中存在"逆向调节"问题,即低收入者所获转移性收入比高收入者所获转移性收入少,从而收入再分配扩大了收入差距。这两种情况的产生都与财政制度的某些缺陷有关,需要通过制度改革堵住漏洞,理顺机制,具体包括:建立规范透明的财政等方面的管理体制;建立城乡、地区一体化的社会保障体系;加大对欠发达地区和农村地区公共产品供给的投入力度。  相似文献   

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