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A study of the location of three classifications of high-tech industries in rural areas was undertaken using ordinary least squares, Tobit, and a two-step estimation procedure suggested by Heckman (1976). The results indicate that the location decision for high tech firms is influenced primarily by the county population, adjacency to an SMSA, and the expenditures on public infrastructure (exclusive of education expenditures). However, location near interstate highways was generally not a significant factor. Results were similar between branch and unit (single ownership) plants. Some differences in signs of orders of magnitude occurred among the estimation procedures. Making a choice between Tobit and Heckman approaches depends upon the goal of the research.  相似文献   

This paper reviews and empirically examines the effectiveness of the Israeli government's declared policy to induce the location of high technology industries in developing regions. The first section of the paper reviews the literature on high technology industry location. The second section presents the findings from the analyses of a sample of 53 high technology Israeli firms in regard to their critical locational determinants. The findings corroborate the results reported in other similar studies. High technology industries, primarily those engaged in research and development, appear to favor the large urban concentrations, where agglomeration economies, large pools of skilled workers and high quality educational and cultural facilities exist. High technology firms which choose to locate in peripheral regions engage primarily in production activities and employ larger proportions of unskilled and semi-skilled labor. The average size of these firms is greater than their counterparts, firms located in and around urban concentrations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Imperfectly competitive markets, such as those involving spatial separation of producers and consumers are characterized by interactions between competing firms. Actions call forth reactions and the possible reactions form an important part of the information set that should be used to determine the initial actions. One method for dealing with this is the 'conjectoral variation' approach. Despite some shortcomings this methodology sheds considerable light on decision-making in the space economy. Equally importantly, it sheds light on more general microeconomies modelled as spatial analogs. This paper shows that conjectural variations and the nature of competition between rival firms do indeed 'matter' in location choice and more generally in product design. In particular, we shall be concerned with showing how the conjectured responses of rival firms affect their desire to agglomerate.  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this paper is to survey what has been done by the New Economic Geography (NEG) on a regional scale in order to answer the three following questions: What are the predictions of the NEG concerning the future of regions in the triad? Are these predictions robust? What can be the optimal public policy on a regional and national scale in a world characterized by agglomeration, trade liberalization and mobility of entrepreneurs? In surveying the most recent contributions in this area, the paper sheds light on several shortcomings of the NEG literature in order to point out new directions for further research, with particular reference to studies concerning welfare and tax competition.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effect of the spatial context upon entrepreneurship in Greek regions. Cross‐sectional data referring to 4151 births at NUTS III level (prefecture) are used for firm births in four industries, namely manufacturing, commerce, services, and tourism. The formulated hypotheses are in regard to the effect of agglomeration economies, defined here as urbanization and localization economies, and other factors that typically affect the location of start‐ups. Results indicate that strong localization economies exist (both of the Marshallian and the Jacobian type) while, in addition, the spatial context of entrepreneurship affects different industries in different ways.  相似文献   

This paper reports a postal questionnaire survey of 130 regional offices in Singapore. The survey examines location decisions, current location evaluation and business objectives of regional offices. The extent to which competition for regional offices is possible among Asian business centers and the regional development consequences of business strategy linked to regional offices are assessed. Variations among regional offices according to country of origin and year of establishment are analyzed. The survey concludes that Singapore retains its lead as a center for regional offices, but that the sources of its attractiveness are changing and that it is not gaining from any relocation of corporate control out of Hong Kong. Public policy incentives to attract regional offices in competition to Singapore may be most successful if aimed at Asian organizations. Promotion to offices from North America and Europe should emphasize the relative growth opportunities in Southeast and East Asia.  相似文献   

In India, property tax is presently levied on the basis of the rent-based rateable valuation system. Various official Commissions and Committees and professional experts have, over the last four decades, commented upon the inadequacies of this system, which, among other things, are the absence of an open market in land and rental transactions, the non-availablility of professionally trained valuers and the subjective nature of assessments in a corruption-prone administrative environment. As to the direction of future reforms, there have been two schools of thought - one, advocating for amendment of current rent control laws; and the other, favoring a new system of local taxation, delinked both from the capital value and rental value systems which are difficult to administer in India. This paper highlights the findings of a policy-oriented research study commissioned by the Ministry of Urban Development for the design and evaluation of such a system.  相似文献   

The paper presents a new sectoral taxonomy that focuses on the existence of non-negligible external effects that derive from user–producer knowledge interactions. These are coupled with intermediate goods transactions, in a system of vertically integrated manufacturing and services sectors. These externalities, the so-called pecuniary knowledge externalities, are the main source of changing technological conditions experienced by downstream producers. A distinguishing feature of the taxonomy lies in its derivation from a particularly dynamic context of changing production functions. The taxonomy is empirically derived, examining effects generated by technological knowledge in a system of intermediate goods transactions and taking into account peculiar characteristics of sectors in European economies. The results allow for a classification of sectors in five groups. An analysis of these classes confirms previous evidence that technological characteristics of sectors across classes differ.  相似文献   

This paper examines the choice of firms to locate in particular regions based on an expanded set of decision making determinants which takes into consideration firm profiles and competences, firm characteristics with particular emphasis on their financial structure and attractive regional factors focusing on knowledge. It combines intuitions from industrial economics, spatial analysis, corporate finance theory and strategic management to explore in greater depth the location of entrepreneurial activities at the sub‐national level of regions, in particular between large urban areas and the periphery. Results suggest that the firm competences are conducive to their location and that other firm attributes contribute to this decision. When regional development and technological sophistication is taken into account, it is evidenced that they act as catalysts to the above decision, though only with respect to metropolitan regions where economies of scale could be exploited.  相似文献   

In a two sectors, two regions economy I show that the higher the increasing returns to scale of an industry, the more easily it will concentrate in response to natural advantage (giving rise to what I call Natural Advantage Effect). To this end, one sector is assumed to be perfectly competitive and the other is monopolistically competitive, with a region's firms producing at a lower marginal cost than the others in the monopolistic sector (or equivalently producing varieties more intensely demanded by consumers). If capital is mobile between regions in the long run, I analytically characterize the process of industrial location of the imperfectly competitive sector in the region with the natural advantage.  相似文献   

Despite a longstanding debate, at both a theoretical and empirical level, research on the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and intellectual property rights (IPRs) remains scant and ambiguous. As a result, the link between IPR strength and multinational enterprises’ (MNEs) propensity to invest is unproven and seemingly dependent on a number of factors. We critically review the theory and evidence of the influence of IPRs on FDI and MNEs’ investment location (country) decisions both to ‘take stock’ of existing knowledge of this relationship and, by identifying gaps in, and shortcomings of prior work, develop a fruitful research agenda. We find that existing empirical work on the IPR–FDI nexus, though skewed in favour of a positive relationship between IPR protection and FDI, is fragmented, inconclusive and unable to square the conflicting theoretical predictions on how the strength of IPRs can affect MNEs’ FDI location decisions. Several issues and challenges are highlighted to explain the difficulties of the collective body of past empirical work to provide a definite answer to the question of the impact of IPRs on FDI, from which valuable recommendations are proposed to guide future applied research.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the dynamics of interurban office location as national economies evolve. Offices are defined as producer service establishments that provide tradeable information-intensive services, found both within the secondary and the tertiary sectors (i. e. head or branch offices). A simple model of the decision to locate is presented that emphasizes communications cost as well as information and skilled labor input costs. The author suggests that as the firm evolves, and as information outputs become more non-standardized, the relative weight of externally purchased information-intensive service inputs will increase, pushing office establishments up the urban hierarchy. Equally, as national economies evolve the demand for information-intensive inputs will increase, behind the demand for services. Thus, in a growing export-driven economy (South Korea is taken as an example) the demand for office-based services will grow rapidly, creating locational pressures in the largest urban centers, in turn pushing more standardized activities (often manufacturing) to more peripheral locations. The end result is the rapid growth of office activities in the largest cities where the upper bounds of the national urban hierarchy will be defined by the (head) office locations of the largest multi-establishment corporations.  相似文献   

中小企业标准暂行规定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近日,国家经贸委、国家计委、财政部、国家统计局联合发布了《中小企业标准暂行规定》(以下简称《规定》),该《规定》的出台,增强了《中小企业促进法》的可操作性,为今后更好地贯彻实施《中小企业促进法》,为各级政府、中小企业服务机构明确扶持和服务对象,为进一步制定和落实中小企业的各项优惠政策。  相似文献   

娱乐圈里,过惯光环生活的又能甘心平淡的明星们可谓凤毛麟角,以下几位"隐后"复出即是例证。除了各种理由四处吸金,天后们投资理财也各有路数。  相似文献   

不少中小企业管理者认为"自己的亲人最可靠","打虎还是亲兄弟,上阵还是父子兵".这种思想就使不少家族式企业应运而生.可是在发展到一定程度后,家族企业也会在内部产生这样那样的问题,进而危及企业的生存或阻碍企业的健康发展.  相似文献   

Good governance is a pre-condition for economic development. Good governance, in turn, requires peace. The second Battle of Waterloo, in Sierra Leone, showed what the West can do in this regard. A small military intervention, not hemmed in by the typical restrictions on what 'peacekeepers' can do, made a huge difference to the development prospects of the country. This has important implications for the use of external military forces as part of the overall strategy for poverty reduction in Africa.  相似文献   

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