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A growing body of literature examines the formation of strategic alliances as an important value-added role provided by venture capital firms. This paper contributes to this literature by examining two related questions: whether venture capital firms use strategic alliances as a substitute or compliment to capital infusion, and how venture capital firms use alliances to mitigate different types of risk. Results from 2505 venture-backed startups reveal that venture capital firms treat alliance formation as a substitute for capital infusion and that the breadth of the network of syndication partners investing in the startup increases the number of its strategic alliances. We also find intentionality in alliance formation. Specifically, firms operating in industry environments characterized by technical risk are more likely to form alliances with partners capable of mitigating technical risks, and firms operating in environments characterized by market risk are more likely to form alliances with partners capable of mitigating market risk. Our findings lend additional support to the perspective that alliances represent an important mechanism through which venture capital firms add value to their portfolio companies.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes which characteristics of born global firms determine their choice for international entry mode. Using a logistic regression analysis, we study 124 newly public firms in the United States that undertake 261 international joint ventures or international acquisitions within the first 6 years of their founding. We find that the market responds positively to announcements of international expansions by born global firms, and that larger, more profitable, and more liquid firms have a higher propensity to engage in joint ventures rather than acquisitions. We also find that the market favors firms that announce joint ventures, rewarding them with significantly positive abnormal returns. Furthermore, while we find that cultural similarity affects mode choice, it does not affect the market's reaction to the announcements.  相似文献   

This paper investigates firm value created by non-equity marketing alliance announcements of Korean listed firms in terms of stock price reactions to the announcements. We find evidence that on the Korean stock market, the announcements of marketing alliances produce significant positive abnormal returns, which reflect an increase in firm value, around the announcement date. This suggests that firm managers need to seek for various marketing alliances not only for an effective competition in competitive business environments but also for enhancement in shareholder wealth. The increase in firm value has inverse relationship with firm's size and growth opportunity. In particular, marketing alliances with firms based in G7-countries create greater firm value than ones with firms based in the home country. Our study provides investors, firm managers, and academics with valuable implications of an importance of marketing alliances for valuation of firms in other Asian countries as well as in Korea.  相似文献   

Strategic alliances are well-established organizational forms and a means of strategy implementation. Despite their growing pervasiveness in the economy, existent literature provides few insights about earnings quality of strategic alliances. This challenge is especially severe in contractual alliances (CAs), where firms do not form a new corporate entity that is separate from the parent organization in comparison to joint ventures (JVs). We investigate how earnings attributes differ depending on involvement in strategic alliances of 8137 CAs and 3026 JVs spanning 1997–2007. We find, in particular, that earnings attributes of firms involved in contractual alliances are broadly reflective of low underlying accounting quality. Relative to JV firms and non-alliance (NA) firms, they have higher levels of discretionary accruals, lower accrual quality, and earnings that are less persistent, less smooth, less relevant, less timely, and less conservative. They also have lower earnings response coefficients.  相似文献   


This paper reports the findings of an empirical investigation of strategic alliance agreements between UK firms and their European, Japanese and US partners. The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the international strategic alliance activity of UK firms and ascertain the objectives and motives of international strategic alliances. In addition, the perceived performance of the strategic alliance is considered together with the perceived level of satisfaction of a range of alliance activities. The findings should prove to be a useful guideline for researchers and practitioners engaged in understanding international strategic alliances. The analysis should allow managers to examine the important issues in the formation of international strategic alliances and allow them to understand the assessment of performance and satisfaction of the alliances formed.

Key Results: The findings have shown a definite pattern in UK international strategic alliance activity. The results of the study indicate that the majority of UK firms engage in international partnerships for marketing-related activities and are essentially driven by the financial cost and risk of entering a foreign market; access to overseas market and improving market share. The findings have also indicated that the majority of UK managers are satisfied with the overall performance of the international strategic alliance.  相似文献   

Prior research on the selection of international alliance partners calls for investigation of the potential specificity of selection criteria for evaluating partners for alliances with different objectives or functions. The present study responds to this need and contributes to the development of the field of international entrepreneurship by examining the relation between the alliance function and the criteria chosen. We studied three alliance functions: R&D, production, and marketing. Second, for each alliance function, we analyzed the criteria selected within two contexts: developing countries and those that consider emerging markets in their partner choice set. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 25 executives from international new ventures (INVs) in two major North American biotechnology clusters, representing 239 alliances; 65.7 % of these were signed with international partners. Results indicate that, aside from compatibility/complementarity of resources (R&D and production alliances), all criteria used within a single function are unique to that function. Furthermore, these criteria differ somewhat when the potential partners considered by a firm include those from both emerging and developed markets, compared with firms that limit potential partners to those in developed market contexts. Finally, the study reveals that respondent firms integrate country, industry, and market attractiveness factors with partner selection criteria for marketing alliances. This suggests that, for many firms, market choice and partner selection are not successive steps. The study’s originality lies in its focus on the relationship between alliance function and partner selection criteria used by INVs as well as within different contexts.  相似文献   

Do culturally distant partners choose different types of joint ventures?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Studies of international joint ventures yield conflicting results when looking at the role played by cultural distance. We argue that managers understand the problems associated with cultural distance and seek to mitigate its impact by selecting certain types of joint ventures. Using Das and Teng's [Das, T. K., & Teng, B.-S. (2001). A risk-perception model of alliance structuring. Journal of International Management, 7(1): 1–30] typology of unilateral and bilateral alliances to categorize a sample of ventures based on their strategic focus, our results indicate that greater cultural distance is associated with an increased probability that a marketing or supplier alliance will be formed and a lower probability that an innovation-oriented alliance will be formed.  相似文献   

We explore the interrelationship between efforts to build technology portfolios and form alliances, and the link between these technology-based strategic actions and product innovations rate in new firms. Our analysis of secondary data from 67 computer and telecommunications firms reveals significant positive relationship between technology portfolio worth and rate of alliance formation. We also find a significant positive relationship between rate of alliance formation and product innovation rate, but only a moderate relationship between technology portfolio worth and product innovation rate. Our findings suggest that new firms building valuable technology portfolios exhibit a superior capacity for forming alliances. And those forming alliances at a high rate are more likely to be frequent product innovators.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the interaction between two dimensions of strategic alliances whose real impact on the potential value of an alliance has not yet been highlighted: the number of partners and the direct competition among them. Building on the resource-based view, as well as on the relational view of alliances, we argue that increases in the number of partners are positively valued by the stock market when the alliance is formed by competing firms that belong to different countries. Multiparty alliances are thus positively valued when they allow a quick internationalization by affording access to resources owned by competing firms from different countries. An empirical test of stock market reaction to alliances announced by European telecom firms between 1986 and 2001 has confirmed our hypotheses.  相似文献   

This study extends entrepreneurship research into the domain of strategic alliances by hypothesizing a positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and firm-level alliance success. Drawing on a relational view, we further examine the focal relationship within a contingency framework, building on the distinction between cooperation (joint action and bonding) and conflict. Findings from a study of 197 partner firms suggest that a high level of joint action strengthens the positive relationship between EO and alliance success. Bonding moderates the relationship in an inverted U-shape manner such that the effect of EO on alliance success will be greatest when bonding exists at the moderate level. However, conflict has no significant moderating effect on the EO–alliance success relationship. Overall, this study provides novel insights into whether and when partner firms can translate an EO into final alliance outcomes.  相似文献   

Premised on the assumption that strategic alliance is a type of competitive action toward rivals, this study explores how a firm uses alliances differently with respect to rivals. I distinguish between two types of alliances that directly involve rivals: alliance with a rival and with a rival's partner. The former and the latter reflect cooperative‐ and competitive‐orientations respectively. Further, I investigate what drives a focal firm to adopt a particular alliance rather than another. The findings indicate that the key consideration explaining different alliance patterns is the resource profiles of focal and rival firms. This study contributes to the literature on competitive dynamics and strategic alliance by suggesting a new approach to integrate interfirm competition and cooperation. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A key to success in industries populated by entrepreneurial high-technology firms is the rate at which the firm develops new products. Rapid product development creates significant advantages for entrepreneurial firms, including access to early cash flows, external visibility, legitimacy, and early market share. The higher a firm's rate of new product development, the more likely the firm is to achieve and maintain these first-mover advantages. This is particularly true in industries such as pharmaceuticals, where the effectiveness of patent protections leads to patent races in which a “winner take all” scenario exists. But even in industries where patent protection is weak, the advantages of being first, in terms of market preemption, reputation effects, experience curve effects, etc., can still be of major importance. We argue that one way an entrepreneurial firm can increase its rate of new product development is by entering into strategic alliances with firms that possess complementary assets.The basic proposition advanced is that a firm's rate of new product development is a positive function of the number of strategic alliances that it has entered. However, the relationship between strategic alliances and the rate of new product development may be nonlinear. Specifically, although strategic alliances may initially have positive effects on the rate of new product development, this relationship may exhibit diminishing returns. Moreover, past some point it is possible that negative returns may set in. Thus, the relationship between the number of alliances and the rate of new product development may be an inverted U-shape.Two reasons can be given to support such a relationship. First, not all alliances will make an equal contribution to increasing the rate of new product development. The economic “law” of diminishing returns suggests that the more alliances a firm engages in, the more likely it is to enter some alliances whose marginal contribution is relatively minor. Such a phenomenon on its own is enough to suggest diminishing returns.Second, gaining access to complementary assets through strategic alliances is not without risks. Malperformance may occur when the firm discovers that the complementary assets provided by the partner are a poor match, fail to live up to the promises made by the partner, or a partner may opportunistically exploit an alliance, expropriating the firm's know-how while providing little in return. These problems arise because the effectiveness with which the firm can select and manage alliance partners is likely to be negatively related to the number of alliances the firm is managing. Due to information processing requirements, the quality of partner search and the ability to monitor the partners' actions will decline as the firm increases the number of alliances in which it is involved. This reasoning leads to a prediction that past some point, alliances will be increasingly vulnerable to malperformance. This raises not only the possibility of diminishing returns to the number of alliances, but also negative returns as the number of alliances increases past some critical point.This proposed relationship between alliances and new product development was tested on a sample of 132 biotechnology firms. The results provide strong evidence to support the inverted U-shaped relationship between the number of strategic alliances and the rate of new product development. Therefore, at low levels strategic alliances are positively related to new product development, but as the number of alliances increases, the benefits begin to decrease, and at high levels the costs of an additional alliance actually outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   

A financial system engaged in active transition from central planning to free market may be dubbed a transition economy. On today's global landscape, there are several important transition economies, all at various stages of transition and with differing degrees of success. Yet, much is not known about this important sector of the world economy. As outside enterprises seek alliances with firms from transition economies, it is important to know what these firms want from alliance partners. To learn more, we conducted a study interviewing managers of private firms from the two largest and most strategically important transition economies: China and Russia. We found that while Chinese and Russian firms often hope for some of the same things as their counterparts in mature economies as regards alliances, they are also interested in other things not normally associated with alliances: political influence, relief from paying bribes, and protection from extortion or even violence. Moreover, we discovered that because of differing institutional conditions in the two countries, Chinese firms are not always looking for the same things from alliances as are Russian firms—in spite of surface similarities between the two economies. Based on these findings, we provide guidelines for firms seeking alliance partners in transition economies, to assist them in determining if an alliance is right for them and planning accordingly.  相似文献   

One challenge that globalization has brought to business is that firms, as they expand their market globally through cross-border alliances, need to deal with partner firms from countries of different religious background. The impact of a country’s dominant religion on its firms’ international market entry mode choices has not been examined in traditional approaches. Focusing on hypothesizing the influence of Christian beliefs and atheism (i.e., the absence of belief in any deities), this research aims to fill the gap by exploring religion’s role in providing moral restraint on managers’ propensity for opportunism, which in turn affects these managers’ choices of their firms’ international market entry via non-equity alliances or joint ventures. A study of 22,156 cross-border alliances formed in 48 industries world-wide over 9 years provides new insight toward understanding religion’s influence on firms’ international market entry mode decisions through the ethical dimension of strategic leadership. This article would fit best under the International Management section for reviewing purposes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates to what extent resource governance of international ventures affects dynamic capability and market performance in the high-tech firms’ internationalization process. We examine the non-equity-based international network collaborations of high-tech firms as forms of strategic resource seeking within the internationalization process. Within the context of upstream technology collaborations by international software and hardware firms, this paper proposes and empirically examines the impact of resource governance mechanisms (i.e. trust-building and behavioral monitoring) on the exploratory capabilities of firms. The findings indicate that building trust in the internationalization process of network ventures contributes to the firm-level exploratory capabilities and, in turn, market performance. Furthermore, this paper tests the moderating effects of structural capital on the capability–performance relationship. The relationship is stronger when network relationships existed before the inception of the international technology alliance. We also find a negative moderating effect from the existence of an actual alliance and from network duration on the relationship between exploratory capability and market performance. To this end, the longevity of the alliance may not always be something firms should aim for. The paper highlights the criticality of relational and structural capital in the internationalization process and the importance of exploratory capability for creating radical innovation in high-tech industries.  相似文献   

We investigate how governance structure and power influence alliance exploration strategy. Adopting a real options perspective and the agency view, we suggest that innovation strategies differ based on the firm's governance authority. We find that the motivations of corporate venture capitalist firms, venture capitalists, and firm founders may have an impact on the formation of exploratory alliances among adolescent firms. Using a sample of 122 adolescent firms, we examine the influence that governance structure has on the firm's alliance portfolio and innovation potential. While the influence of corporate venture capitalist firms alone do affect alliance formation strategy, corporate venture-backed firms with founders having high influence (knowledge or ownership in the firm) are more likely to form innovation-focused alliances. In contrast, venture capitalist-backed firms tend to avoid innovation-focused alliances, preferring more exploitive ones, even when founders have high influence within the firm.  相似文献   

Joint ventures across national borders are more advantageous than other forms of international diversification because they afford a better control of technology usage, require a minimal level of cash investment, and present a more effective means of avoiding intervention from the host government. All of these characteristics make international joint ventures uniquely suitable for investments in less developed countries. This paper ascertains whether investors agree with the above sentiment by examining the stock market response to 41 announcements of international joint ventures during 1985-1987, using the event study method. It was found that the stock of the multinational corporations announcing international joint ventures generally outperforms the market In addition, the market reaction to the announcement of international joint ventures in less developed countries is, on average, more favorable than its reaction to the announcement of international joint ventures in developed countries.  相似文献   

This paper considers the relationship between subjective, multidimensional measures of international strategic alliance (ISA) performance and predictors of success both before the alliance is formed (pre-alliance formation factors) and during the operation of the alliance (post-alliance formation factors). The empirical study, based on a web-survey, investigates a sample of Danish partner firms engaged in 48 equity joint ventures and 70 non-equity joint ventures with partners from around the world. A multi-dimensional operationalization of alliance performance measurement is utilized in order to capture both process and outcome aspects of alliance performance. The results show a significant relationship between alliance performance and host country risk as well as partner reputation preceding alliance formation. During the operation of the alliance, relationships between collaborative know-how, trust, protectiveness, complementarity, cultural distance and alliance performance were found.  相似文献   

A key issue in alliances (defined here as any cooperative or joint activity between two or more firms) is the payment or compensation structure stated in the formal agreement between the parties. These days, most agreements include a multiplicity of payment types, including royalties, lumpsum payments and returns on equity. The paper outlines reasons for this and presents a general framework for alliance negotiations. A simulation example shows key negotiation variables, together with non-zero-sum tradeoffs between them. Each map of variable pairs indicates a ‘zone of mutual benefit’ where the joint profits of both partners can increase. There is often a contradiction between profit maximization and other strategic, behavioral, tax and regulatory considerations which themselves point in non-congruent directions for structuring the alliance. No wonder alliances are such fragile things! Nevertheless, alliances are an indispensable part of the management landscape, and negotiators must know how to structure them. The approach outlined in this paper, the simulation method presented, the caveats indicated for non-financial variables, and the behavioral responses to each, will however help companies to craft better and longer-lasting alliances.  相似文献   

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